CBM Username: RunDTC
Member Since: 1/10/2011
CBM Posts: 55

Contact RunDTC
No chance of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. A marathon of John McClane kicking ass & taking names will soon be upon us!
Jan 16, 2013 08:01 AM
Boondock Saint & Walking Dead star Norman Reedus confirms that a third Boondock Saints film is in the works!
Sep 14, 2012 06:09 PM
What constitutes fan-fic? What can and cannot be posted in that section? There has been some confusion over this in the past, so as the new fan-fic moderator I thought I would lay out the basics for anyone planning on posting..
Aug 29, 2012 10:08 AM
New Picture of Jeremy Renner and Rachel Weisz Revealed In The Bourne Legacy (Low Res)
Another look at Jeremy Renner, along with Rachel Weisz, from the upcoming spy flick, courtesy Entertainment Weekly................
May 28, 2012 07:05 AM
Jan 30, 2012 09:01 PM
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