Dark Knight Rises Prologue: My continued theories on what lies ahead for us in watching this film

Dark Knight Rises Prologue: My continued theories on what lies ahead for us in watching this film

A new Batman? Bane & Al Ghoul's relationship? Batman's back broken?

Editorial Opinion
By thedudebabcock - Jan 04, 2012 12:01 AM EST
Filed Under: Batman

So the prologue has shown us the first 6 minutes of Dark Knight Rises. And with it comes more theories and riff raff from the likes of people like me, haha. Some of you may have read my first theory written in July shortly after the first trailer was released. If not, you can read it at http://www.comicbookmovie.com/batman_movies/batman_the_dark_knight_rises/news/?a=42257.
For those of you who read it, you may remember I am pretty insistent on Christopher Nolan loosely following the Knightfall story arc. I have thought this and written a number of articles about it for the past few years, even before all the hype began for the new film. And surprise, surprise, the main bad guy in the story arc happens to also be the main bad guy in “Dark Knight Rises”, none other than Bane.
If you do not know much about the Knightfall story arc, it revolves around Bane breaking Batman’s back which ultimately leads to him finding a replacement who he provides guidance to. I strongly believe this will be exactly what happens in the “Dark Knight Rises”. It is my belief that this story will indeed focus on Batman going into hiding after the death of Harvey Dent. Essentially, Bruce Wayne stops working as Batman for 8 whole years (as Christopher Nolan has really made a point to stress it has been eight years since “Dark Knight”). Taking the blame for the death of Harvey Dent, explaining the whole busting the Bat signal scene seen in teaser trailer. Harvey Dent is used as a symbol to inspire the people of Gotham to keep the peace, but it won’t last as Anne Hathaway mentions in official trailer 2. Meaning all the great work the Dark Knight has done, has slowly evaporated from Gotham’s mind. During this time Commissioner Gordon takes control of the city and does a decent job of controlling crime, but slowly the crime leaks back in. This explains why in the hospital room scene of teaser trailer, Gordon says “We were in this together, and then you were gone”, because Wayne stopped being Batman eight years ago.
So cue Bane. Bane in the comic books is a maniacal but intelligent criminal who has lived in a prison on a fictional island named Santa Prisca since the age of 8 as punishment for his father’s crimes. I still have my doubts as mentioned before in the other article that the Nolans will use much film time to focus on Bane’s childhood but there will be some emphasis on it. Because Bane’s traumatic childhood and his relationship (or lack thereof) with his father is exactly what makes him tick in his crazy maniacal way. Also, if you check IMDB for characters listed, there is a Priest and a Blind Prisoner. Both of these characters play a key role in Bane’s story. The Priest holds key information of who Bane’s mysterious father is. Who in the comics is revealed to be an international criminal.
Another father figure of sorts for Bane in the comics is Ra’s Al Ghoul . I am not sure if the Nolans will opt to make Bane Al Ghoul’s son and just merge Bane’s father and Al Ghoul into one character, but nonetheless, Al Ghoul will play a key role in Bane’s development as an international criminal. And also may very well be the one who introduces Bane to the Lazyrus Pit holding the “venom” drug that runs through Bane’s veins and essentially is his life support system. The Venom is the reason why Al Ghoul could live for hundreds of years and explains the connection and introduction of Venom to Bane.
Al Ghoul definitely plays a key role in the development of this story, because if you check IMDB Josh Pence is set to play a young Al Ghoul. Possibly explaining at that time either A) him playing a role as Bane’s father or B) teaching Bane his ways as a mentor in the League of Shadows. Regardless of how they are related, it will be a close and a vital relationship to the entire story. Because Bane will seek vengeance for Al Ghoul's death and seek to finish the job that Al Ghoul started in bringing the great city of Gotham down.
So he comes onto the scene in a very big way. Ways like street warfare, breaking into and releasing prisoners, and blowing an entire football field up as seen in trailer 2. From years of “peace time” as Mathew Modine’s character mentions in trailer 2 to total and utter chaos. This causes Batman to make a comeback. But the comeback will be short-lived. Bane’s army of revolutionaries will overpower the law of Gotham and Batman. Resulting in 1) Gordon being beaten and in the hospital and 2) Batman’s back being broken by Bane (Bane holding Batman’s broken mask in prologue trailer is quite a clue that this will indeed happen). And now comes the really important part. Something the Nolan’s made sure was the first thing we hear in any trailers, Ra’s Al Ghoul’s voice over saying “If you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, then you become something else entirely…a LEGEND Mr. Wayne.” This quote is SO important because it is the entire premise of this film. When Batman fights Bane and loses and Bane breaks his back, it is not Batman’s back that is truly broken, only Bruce Wayne’s. What I am getting at is the LEGEND of Batman outlives the one man. Meaning someone else steps in. This someone else, I STRONGLY believe will be Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Just as in Knightfall, someone steps in for Batman. And this is where the story becomes really interesting.
Levitt’s character is John Blake, who is described merely as a cop who goes on secret missions for Gordon. Kind of sounds a little like the relationship Batty and Gordon had. And Blake will be mentored by Wayne, recommended by Gordon. Blake will continue the LEGEND. Blake will be Batman. Batman will defeat Bayne in a time in which Gotham is at its knees for help. And with it, the Legend of Batman continues, and Batman becomes the hero again. In the end…The Dark Knight…RISES!

Before I thought my theories would be off some, but I am starting to hold firmly to the idea that I will be more right than wrong. I guess we will see.

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RunDTC - 1/5/2012, 5:10 AM
first piece of advice: I skimmed through this because it is so hard to read. you need to edit it and space out proper paragraphs. the way it is now just makes it look like a mess. also, spelling helps too. and you had a lot of misspellings.
WyattLayne - 1/5/2012, 2:07 PM
BarnaclePete - 1/5/2012, 2:14 PM
Highly doubt anyone's back will be broken and only Bruce Wayne will be Batman. Like the other movies this one will probably be very loosely based on one or two comics. Just a couple small bits taken and then a new story is built out of it. I'm sure some minor parts of nightfall will be used, but overall this will be an original story. Dark knight and atman begins had hints of year one and long Halloween but neither was based on these two stories. We are looking at the exact same situation here. If the bat is broken, it will be mentally broken. Hw will get beat down, but his back will not break.
BlazinTexan - 1/5/2012, 3:35 PM
theres a opart in the new trailer where bane tells batman he can die when gotham is in ashes, wayne is laying there beaten to a pulp and looks like he cant move. i have friend that broke his back and a year later he was playing basketball with me again.Its breaking his back not breaking his spine and paralyzing him permanently jesus think out of the box
CapFanLex005 - 1/5/2012, 4:54 PM
I like your idea, i have had an idea that JGL would be some sort of back up for Bats. Wouldn't be crazy as Hell if he pulled Azalea out on us.
ATUnit - 1/5/2012, 5:06 PM
If there is one thing Christopher Nolan is a master at it's misdirection (as well as storyline). I just have a feeling there will be more to this then anyone realizes.

There's going to be a lot of sh*t going down.

I think Nolan is playing coy and is, indeed, trying to throw us off the trail. This way, when we see it in theaters, the EXPERIENCE of NOT KNOWING, will be the best gift he could ever give to us Fanboys.
steppinwarrior - 1/5/2012, 5:25 PM
batman will probably die. sad but true kiddos
CaptainDC - 1/5/2012, 6:50 PM
This is all very good and inquisitive. Definitely restructure this man, very hard to read. And this all sounds good, until the end where Joseph Gordon Levitt is Batman? Disagree 100%, that is not his role, he may have something like that, but there's no way in hell Bruce Wayne does not fight the final battle, that's impossible. I like that your thinking outside of the box, that's what Nolan does to you, but that's pushing it man. Otherwise, well thought out predictions, and I cannot wait to see this movie, going to be huge.
WruceBane - 1/7/2012, 2:37 PM
the end of DKR is going to be based on Miller's "the Dark Knight Returns," Bane standing in for the mutant eader, a cadre of trained Batmen to carry on the legend of the Dark Knight. and, i bet, the death of the Bruce Wayne persona...so that he fully inhabits the role of Batman, without any alternate identity.
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