EDITORIAL: Is Batman Really a Super Hero?

EDITORIAL: Is Batman Really a Super Hero?

He's Batman! Of course he's a hero, right? I'm not so sure! Here, I take a look at the strengths of the Batman and ask you to decide whether or not one of the greatest comic book heroes ever created is actually a super hero.

Editorial Opinion
By ecksmanfan - Mar 02, 2012 02:03 PM EST
Filed Under: Batman

With the huge influx of comic book movies hitting theaters, there are a lot of folks who have questions about the characters regarding many aspects of the characters and being that I'm the only geek that most of my friends and family know, they come to me with a lot of their questions. Most of the time, I am able to answer their questions with out a problem and if needed, I can always come here to the wealth of resources and knowledge that are the comic book movie users. But the other day, my brother came to me with a question that I never really considered: Is Batman a super hero?

Before I go on, let me clarify what is meant by the question, at least what my brother was asking. The fact Batman is on the streets taking down the bad guys and bringing justice to those streets is not what is in question. Rather, does Batman's lack of any "super power" keep him from being called a super hero? But what is a super hero? In my mind, a "Super Hero" is someone/something that has powers and abilities that take that being to a level that a normal person could not achieve: alien beings, genetically altered beings, etc. This is what caused me to question my answer that I initially gave. What I'd like to do is look at a couple different vantage points here and create some discussion as to what the answer is here.

Right off the bat, my answer was "Yes! Of course Batman is a super hero!" But I quickly back peddled and changed my answer to "Yes he is, but by association only." We all know that Batman is extremely well-trained in numerous styles of hand-to-hand combat and can hold his own against a number of people who actually do have powers and/or heightened abilities or strengths. He can do this mainly because of those skills, in conjunction with all of the high-tech toys and gadgets that he creates. He is also one of the greatest detective minds in the comic book world, but I don't think that allows the use of the title Super hero. Is Bruce Wayne/Batman of higher intellect and skill than the average human? You bet he is, but I'm not sure he falls into the Super Hero category.Having said that, the company that Batman keeps in the Justice League for instance, allows for people to associate him to earn a title of Super Hero...by proxy.

On the other hand, despite his lack of super powers, Batman is one of the most effective and hardest working heroes out there and is not afraid to take on rogues that would easily best any other normal Joe. Not only that, but will usually succeed in taking them down. Some of these folks have even beaten heroes with more power and abilities than the Batman, so he does not need to prove himself in order to be taken seriously as a hero.

To take things to a different level, one could argue that a character like James Bond should also be considered a super hero if Batman is, creating an interesting argument. Think about it: he has great fighting skills, some killer (literally and figuratively) gadgets, and a kick-ass car. He has taken on villains that pose both a physical and intellectual skill and both of them have had feline companions (so to speak) in Catwoman and Pussy Galore. Admittedly, I would say that Batman is probably the superior fighter, but all of the other comparisons are pretty substantial. So for those that consider Batman to be a "Super Hero", one would really have to think about placing James Bond in that same category.

So, to be honest, I really haven't come to much of a conclusion, and I think I will stick to my second reply of "super hero by association." That doesn't make Batman any less of an amazing character though, as he has a great, long history in the comic book world and I'd put him up against numerous other characters and my money would be on Bats a majority of the time (with the proper prep time of course *wink, wink*). What say you, the CBM masses? Is Batman a super hero or just a rich guy with way too much time on his hands? What are your feelings on the James Bond comparisons that I mentioned earlier? Are they legit or just random babblings of a bore CBM contributor? Sound off below!
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StockersBlahBlah - 3/2/2012, 2:43 PM
I know this is going to spark an argument but a "Super Hero" needs a "super power", right?
Batman is a hero, sure. But not a "Super" hero...
MarkJulian - 3/2/2012, 2:45 PM
Batman is the entity that keeps Super Heroes in check!
superbatspiderman - 3/2/2012, 2:46 PM
Having super powers doesn't make you a superhero going against the odds and putting yourself in mortal danger makes you a superhero. Batman might not have any super powers but he makes up for it in brains. Heck he is able to take down most members of the Justice League because he can out smart them.
LMFA0 - 3/2/2012, 2:47 PM
I dont think he is a "SUPERHERO" but he is a hero and in terms of how well trained he is and how smart and dedicated to the cause as he is, in many ways he is a better hero than most of the actual superheros. But by pure definition, no because he has no super powers he us not a superhero. Iron man is the same way, just not as great of a hero
Priest - 3/2/2012, 2:48 PM
He is a delusional paranoid schizophrenic with anger issues.
95 - 3/2/2012, 2:49 PM
He's a Super-Vigilante.
ralfinader - 3/2/2012, 2:51 PM
I think he can be considered a 'Super-Hero' because he uses fictional technology to achieve some of his goals. In the Kick-Ass movie, it is explained he cannot be imitated in the real world because the stuff he uses doesn't really exist.
RunDTC - 3/2/2012, 2:52 PM
he's the hero Gotham deserves.....just not the one it needs right now
headlopper - 3/2/2012, 2:54 PM
Wow! Great question! Good editorial! Hurrrmmm?

Well , he is 'super' compared to average people, and he is a hero- definitely!
But can we honestly put the two together?...


That's my answer. ;)
bsgbumpersticker - 3/2/2012, 2:55 PM
Batman is a super hero because of the universe (comics) he exists in. Actually he defines a whole category or genre of super hero in his universe with both humans and "super powered" beings. James Bond is not a super hero because of his respective universe. There are no beings with super powers only mere humans in the James Bond universe. 'Nuff said.
brewtownpsych - 3/2/2012, 2:56 PM
hawkeye? green arrow? nick fury? punisher? the rest of the bat characters? basically all the watchmen characters. the list is huge. if you take it to its logical conclusion you'd have to include iron man. all are super heros of course, none with real super powers.
SageMode - 3/2/2012, 2:59 PM
Batman has become this god that his fans worship because of one main factor.....PIS. And his fanatical fanbase (those relevant) is annoying as flying [frick].
skidz - 3/2/2012, 3:00 PM
Batman's just a badass who kicks the snot out badguys.
SageMode - 3/2/2012, 3:00 PM

"he WAS just a crimefighter, but since he can single handedly take down Galactus, [frick] yeah he's a superhero!!!"

I really hope you're being sarcastic with that statement. Lol
headlopper - 3/2/2012, 3:01 PM
Sh**, now there's a "What if...?" James Bond vs. Batman.

I'm really tweaked with this one!
ecksmanfan - 3/2/2012, 3:04 PM
@headlopper- I'd never really made the comparisons before, but if you plant both the characters in the "real world," the similarities are quite surprising.
meatbag - 3/2/2012, 3:05 PM
He is a masked vigilante that must be stopped! Just kidding. Batman is a "hero." The fact that he does NOT have super powers is why I like him, in fact. He's the world's greatest detective, a millionaire genius, and a badass bat ninja, but he doesn't have laser vision, can't fly, and that is what makes him more "real" to me, and therefore more of a hero than perhaps someone who is "super." James Bond? Good comparison, but he takes orders from the Ministry of Defense. Batman does what Batman thinks is right.
NightBoyWonder - 3/2/2012, 3:06 PM
He's a vigilante. I really don't count him in the superhero category.
StrangerX - 3/2/2012, 3:08 PM
For a human Superhero Batman is the Best there was, the best there is, and the best there ever will be.
SpiderFan35 - 3/2/2012, 3:12 PM
surpassing others; outstanding, beyond a standard or norm; exceeding or exceedingly

Of course he's a superhero, he does stuff that the average person can't.

Not to mention he has:

superotherside - 3/2/2012, 3:13 PM
I'd agree with you in someways. But being a superhero isn't weather people have powers or something, several people have powers in different universes but they aren't a superhero. Why? Because the title Superhero is not saying that the person HAS powers. It's an idea. A symbol. A Superhero.
InFamouslyCool - 3/2/2012, 3:13 PM
he is, and he's the best one.
Vence - 3/2/2012, 3:14 PM
More hero than superhero
THORION76 - 3/2/2012, 3:16 PM
Batman is a omnipotent being and the eternal universe all wraped up into one.
headlopper - 3/2/2012, 3:18 PM
@ecksmanfan- I know, right?! It's got me scratching my head!
comicmoviesdcmarvel - 3/2/2012, 3:20 PM
this is basically saying that green arrow isnt a superhero either right?
THORION76 - 3/2/2012, 3:20 PM
Just the thought of the Batman makes me want to kneel down to the ground and give thanks to the holy bat that I can even breath the same air of the story's that are writen about him on paper.
ecksmanfan - 3/2/2012, 3:33 PM
I'll be sure to run my next article topics by you before I waste my time writing another pointless article. I apologize.

Oh wait, I don't give a flying [frick].
headlopper - 3/2/2012, 3:35 PM
...I think Bond would win because he wouldn't have a problem with the 'kill shot'.

In other words, he'd shoot to kill...and probably wouldn't miss.
Viltrumite - 3/2/2012, 3:35 PM
Does prep time count as a superhero?
Viltrumite - 3/2/2012, 3:35 PM
ecksmanfan - 3/2/2012, 3:36 PM
He's got a license to do that you know. There's a movie about it.
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