Kevin McLovin Reviews: The Dark Knight Rises - Mild Spoilers (Mediocre Movie)

Kevin McLovin Reviews: The Dark Knight Rises - Mild Spoilers (Mediocre Movie)

First, let me say that I believe you should absolutely see this movie; it is not something a real fan should skip. It brings closure, which is the least they could do for us. Closure is about it though.

Review Opinion
By MitchConner - Jul 20, 2012 07:07 PM EST
Filed Under: Batman

First, let me say that I believe you should absolutely see this movie; it is not something a real fan should skip. It brings closure, which is the least they could do for us. Closure is about it though.

With that said, I’m going to sum up my review and then explain this statement; The Dark Knight Rises suffers from its predecessor’s success, and by trying to top that success, it ventures into the ridiculous both in props and gadgets, and in plot and structure.

After the second Batman movie in the 90’s, they also had this problem. The gadgets were unbelievable, and the story stopped making sense the minute the show started. That’s TDKR. Even with the two hours and forty five minutes allotted to this spectacular let down, you never get the sense of what or who you should be pulling for.

And that is not in a good way. Some films have the ability to offer perspective for multiple characters and plot lines; where we see the villain or a supporting actor’s strife and pull for them momentarily. In this film, you get the sense that they want to do this, but cannot. Bane makes some very political remarks in the Wall Street scene; remarks that I personally believe are accurate. It makes you say to yourself “right on.” The problem is that there is nothing there substance wise that justifies this feeling. For example, you may feel the plight of LOTR’s Gollum because of his history. Bane makes these remarks in a very uncomfortable way; where you can only relate for a split second, and then he does something absolutely terrible. It makes you feel uncomfortable, and again, not in a way that makes you think or question morality or something deep; in an uncomfortable, badly written script way. There are many moments like that.

The love between Tate and Bruce is forced. The relationship between Blake and Gordon is rushed and highly unlikely in the real world (I’m in Law Enforcement). I understand this is a movie; but even though BB and TDK were just as unbelievable from a Law Enforcement standpoint, they followed a flow that worked. This is something that TDKR cannot do. Think musical, choppy, too much noise, too many stories, plots quickly moving and not put together well. Musical is the best way I can describe this film; with Inception on the brain as far as visuals go (especially in the last scene with Alfred – and the set up to that scene).

Through the entire movie all I could think of was how this chapter in the trilogy was beginning to look like every other badly written CBM. I went into the theatre hoping to God that Batman didn’t really die so that they would not have to reboot the franchise (because I loved the characters). But after seeing where they (the writers) could go, what they had left to work with, I was hoping he died at the end so they had to reboot it. After you get past the Batmobile updates, the Batpod, Infrared Vision, there is only so much they can add without getting ridiculous, and unfortunately, Nolan allowed himself to get ridiculous.

Bane could have been so much better. Not Tom’s fault. I thought that his ending scenes were incredible, very emotional. He had a good scene in the first fight with Batman, and again, he had some good zingers for our boys at Wall Street (again, awkward for viewers a split second afterwards). The problem is that he can’t be the Joker and we just got too much with the last film.

But I’ve heard people say that this film was better than BB and not as good as TDK. I disagree, BB is better in my mind. If you take into account the continuity of the story arc alone in the first two films you have a bad film in the third.

In summary, I say it is a film I will watch again, on my flat screen. I watched TDK several times (as I did the Avengers) on the big screen, but this one won’t bring me back. I don’t want this trilogy to continue, I want them to reboot it, that way we can check back in with reality and start over with some believable stories. And again, this is not necessarily Nolan’s fault. There just only so much you can do without leaving the realm of actual possibility.

I give it 3 ½ out of five. Sorry guys.

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kisama - 7/20/2012, 8:17 PM
yeah i give it a 7 out of 10. it either camped for a while or had alot crammed in. bane is what really killed it for me though. half of the time you couldn't take him seriously with his voice and then he ended up just being a henchman again.
MitchConner - 7/20/2012, 8:45 PM
Whew...glad I'm not alone on that...its one of those things where you appreciate them doing it because we def wanted it...but it may be time to move on after all.
MitchConner - 7/20/2012, 8:52 PM
Also, good point, I didn't think about it but it def didn't help for the writers to cop out of explaining or giving us a good conclusion to Bane...they just punted the football to Tate...Jokers end was much better, more depth, more meaning.
mapleleafsfan93 - 7/20/2012, 9:24 PM
i give the movie 5out of 5 i loved it
CrimsonDynamo - 7/20/2012, 10:50 PM
I fully agree with your review - whew I beginning to think I was the only one thinking these things after pissing everyone off on the SHH forums!
My general feeling was that this was David Goyer's Blade 3 off the Batman trilogy - too many plot holes, too much laziness in the script (perhaps due to Superman, as I would like to credit the laziness in Blade 3 to Batman?), too much general nonsense, and the total disrespect this team has for the stories they created in their own previous 2 movies. The patronizing Robin line, Alfred disappearing and acting out of the character he established himself as being in the first 2, Bruce handing over the reigns to someone else, and then watching Bane devolve back into a henchman was all too much for me.
Macksimus - 7/20/2012, 11:52 PM
I feel the exact same way that you do, only I would give it a 2 out of 5. Other than that, I completely agree with everything that you said. The plot was convoluted; Bane's and Talia's plan made no sense to me; Blake seemed forced; YES Miranda and Bruce's relationship seemed very forced; Bruce being an A-hole to Alfred made no sense; you'd think he'd understand why Alfred did what he did, considering what he did to protect Dent's reputation; Bane wasn't fleshed out; Talia wasn't fleshed out; fire bat symbol on bridge made no sense to me; Gordon and GPD being able to locate those trucks seemed far-fetched; the Bat firing all those rockets point blank at the transport truck and not doing any damage was stupid; where was the world's greatest detective??? What happened to that element of batman??? Even Catwoman wasn't fleshed out IMO; her story seemed forced as well; Anne Hathaway did a great job with the character, but the character was not written well. Finally, WTF was up with the cliffhanger ending; didn't Nolan say this was the last movie? How did Blake know Bruce left him that bag? ...and why did his legal name have to be Robin? Why not Dick Grayson??? Hell, why not call him Dick Grayson from the get go??? ...and Blake's explanation of how he recognized Bruce as Batman seemed very far-fetched and forced. Bruce coming back from that spinal injury in the amount of time that he did seemed far-fetched as well.

TDK and Begins were much better movies than this one. TDK, Avengers, and Begins are still my top 3. Not sure this one even makes my top 10. Hopefully, it will get better once I see it again.
Macksimus - 7/20/2012, 11:58 PM
Also, the gadgets sucked in this movie. Hell, there were none. We got the EMP gun for a few seconds and some tranq darts. Hell, he didn't even use his grapling gun. WTF? Gadgets are an important part of Batman and I feel like they didn't come through with regard to that.
Macksimus - 7/21/2012, 12:07 AM cape action either.
Macksimus - 7/21/2012, 12:09 AM
And did we really need Nixon's character??? What was the point of the character??? Were we suppose to sympathize with him after his death? He came across as an incompetent coward IMO. I could care less that he died. Same goes for the special forces soldiers; they played no major role with regard to plot. If that part of the film were left out, the story would not be affected. ...completely unnecessary.
MitchConner - 7/21/2012, 9:04 AM
I couldn't agree more Macksimus
CrimsonDynamo - 7/21/2012, 9:11 AM
I was looking to forward to this movie as much as anyone, and all indications were that we would receive a satisfying end to the trilogy and it just wasn't there. I wanted to say I loved it when I walked out of the theater the first time, I couldn't, then I saw it again yesterday in the hope I would, and I didn't. Using the Robin name was a totally classless move, just catering for the mainstream audiences rather than those of us who supported this trilogy. The discontinuities were appalling - Bruce, now broke, making his was back from an Asian prison within hours of just climbing out of the structure (I am assuming its Asia as Ra's was within walking distance when Talia went to find him and his base was there previously), his back healing in a matter of days, his mental problems disappearing, Bane being killed by Catwoman who just appeared in the same doorway that Talia left seconds ago, and the list goes on.
It didn't know whether it wanted you to suspend believe and watch a comic book movie or remain grounded and watch a "war movie" - and in the end it did neither well at all. Avengers is a true balls out comic book movie and Nolan's previous 2 serve the latter, so I'm not sure where this fits in the scheme of things.
MitchConner - 7/21/2012, 12:35 PM
CrimsonDynamo - 7/21/2012, 1:03 PM
BTW I will say that this is a great review that captures the thoughts of those of us who were looking forward to this movie after being fans of the franchise for so long - After watching the movie twice now and hoping that I could love it the second time around, I think one of your lines perfectly sums up this movie "... there is only so much they can add without getting ridiculous, and unfortunately, Nolan allowed himself to get ridiculous". Fantastic trilogy overall though, and a great review of this movie.
MitchConner - 7/21/2012, 2:28 PM
Thanks a lot Crimson...I feel like that too, great trilogy, but had to be honest about this one component...even though it doesn't necessarily ruin the whole thing...
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