Black Panther Solo Movie: My Pitch & Ideas For The Film

Black Panther Solo Movie: My Pitch & Ideas For The Film

Black Panther is coming to the MCU. He will soon debut in next years Captain America: Civil War. But, his 2018 solo film may be more substantial for the character. Here are my ideas on characters, story beats and plot for the Black Panther solo film.

Editorial Opinion
By GhostDog - Aug 01, 2015 11:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Black Panther
Thanks for the read!!! Always open to critique!



“It’s been done before in different ways, but it’s never been done exactly like this. Wesley Snipes also had his own franchise — you have to acknowledge that. You have to acknowledge what [Anthony] Mackie’s doing [with the Falcon]. But this is a little different in the way that Marvel is presenting it, so it’s amazing.”
--Chadwick Boseman
A king is coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. T’Challa, better known as Black Panther, will be getting his solo film in the ever growing MCU in 2018. It took some time, but Marvel is giving fans and audiences the first major minority hero within their prosperous universe. When the Panther arrives, history will be made cinematically. If you’re a Marvel fan, or a T’Challa aficionado, you know how important it is that we are getting the king of Wakanda on the big screen.
However, Black Panther will be making his MCU debut in the upcoming Captain America: Civil War. After governmental registrations and civil liberties are tested, Black Panther will return to his native land of Wakanda in 2018 for his first solo feature. Another origin story?? Possibly. Panther’s inclusion in Civil War will definitely have some allusions to T’Challa’s beginnings, there’s not enough time to really delve into the complex world of the African hero. But sometimes an origin is a great thing, especially when said origin is exciting, wondrous and different. Black Panther is a hero who’s extremely different from his other fellow spandex companions. For the Black Panther film to be a success, those differences must be embraced and showcased. Panther’s world is mystical, dark, majestic, political and more. These amazing elements need to be expressed in T’Challa’s solo debut.  Here’s what I think needs to be included in Black Panther.
*I’ll be focusing primarily on characters, story beats and mythology

African culture is storied, magnificent and beautiful. Its tribal ethos is as illustrious as any other culture on Earth. Black Panther’s homeland of Wakanda cannot be allowed to be tamed when it comes to showcasing African arts, philosophy and nature. This film HAS TO take place in Wakanda. Black Panther isn’t concerned with some mission overseas. He’s about the homeland. And after he most likely journeys away from his home in Civil War, he’ll be yearning to return to the technologically advanced nation. Besides T’Challa’s love of country, the country’s atmosphere can’t be some African gimmick or cliché. It has to epitomize the regality and ancestral ambiance Africa contains.  Africa is more than just starving children and war-torn nations; it has a history of kings, queens and powerful kingdoms. Wakanda is like a vessel that displays the ancient times. It’s reminiscent of those olden rich empires. When watching this film, audiences should see what makes this nation tick. I want to see beautiful tribal dances. Let’s witness the grand history of Wakanda through oral storytelling. How about African art as well? The garbs and wardrobe should be colorful, grand and striking. T’Challa doesn’t wear a bomber jacket and jeans in his down time like Cap for instance. He wears majestic robes and tops. Kufis, Dashikis, Gownis; these are traditional African attires that need to be showcased. This is all indicative of Wakandan and African culture. Marvel, please don’t try and skim over the magnificent culture of Black Panther’s world. Asgard has been displayed, but never really explored in the two times it’s been seen of film. The obligatory scenes of warriors sparring and jousting aren’t enough. Wakandan culture can’t be regulated to being exposed through a few establishing shots of tribal dancing and stories by the fire. T’Challa is a man of the people. Show him interact with his people and engage in in the culture. He’s not a king to just sit on a throne and look down upon his subjects.

The indestructible alien metal known as Vibranium, is what makes Wakanda such a hot topic in international talks. We’ve seen Vibranium on the small scale, in relation to its role in Wakanda. Cap’s shield and Ultron’s final form are just mere teases to the significance of the alien ore. The Wakandan people were blessed with Vibranium thousands of years ago when meteorite made, of the mineral, crash landed in the heart of the nation. The people used it to build a fortified and advanced country. It resides in massive mines beneath the nation’s surface. The film needs to show off those large pits of indestructible metal. The process in which the natives harvest and mold this interesting metal is an aspect that needs to be explored. Age of Ultron concept art for a cancelled appearance of Wakanda in the film, displayed drawings of the mines. Vibranium is used for weaponry, construction, energy and much more. Black anther’s suit is comprised of Vibranium armor for example. There can’t be a Black Panther film without Vibranium.


The Avengers have saved the world twice. They did it in grandiose fashion. They’ve successfully combated warrior aliens, super twins, a mad god and a megalomaniac android with creator issues. The stakes are always high when they get together.  The world is always in danger. But it never feels personal. Hats not to say that the Avengers don’t care about this big blue ball we call home. Nevertheless, saving the world is a regular walk in the park for this team. At times, it doesn’t feel fresh, special or pivotal. Ant-Man told a very personal story that was about saving families. The world didn’t need saving, but our character’s personal worlds did. Lang’s daughter’s world needed saving. His family’s world. HIS WORLD. How much more personal can you get when you’re loved ones are put in danger? When everything you’ve built or fought for is put in harms way? Scott Lang’s top priority is protecting his daughter. The Avengers’ priority is the entire world. It’s expected. Black Panther’s main concern is his people and his nation. The solo film must put his nation in danger; his world that he’s built and watches over. The stakes are high but personal. An entire country in danger but this country is ruled over and loved by its king. He’s responsible for millions of lives. Him and him alone. He’s their sole protector. If he fails, all is lost. When you couple T’Challa’s immense love of his country and people, with the very nation being threatened, you have a personal and grand threat that’s different from the elementary save the world plot.

Black Panther kicks ass. It’s that simple. He’s fought Captain America to a standstill. He’s taken down each Avenger after successfully breaking into their fortified HQ. Captain America: The Winter Solider and Netflix’s Daredevil are the best Marvel features in terms of displaying amazing hand to hand combat. Both Cap and Matt Murdock are visceral and agile fighters. They flip, dip and dodge like no other. Black Panther should fight the same. Panther is an agile fighter. He’s been trained in multiple martial arts disciplines. When he fights Cap, for example, it should be heavily similar. Panther should be as fast and strong as Cap but he’s going to be a little more nimble. Cap is a master martial artist but his movements are very exact and stringent. There’s more power than fluidity. Also, Panther is more animalistic. Cap is agile but not as much as T’Challa. That’s a welcome difference. Daredevil’s a ninja. Cap fights like a special ops soldier. Black Panther battles like an uncaged animal. Black Panther fight sequences should be as hard hitting as Captain America: The Winter Soldier’s (Daredevil‘s a little too bloody for the pg-13 audience). Panther should be as formidable a fighter as the MCU’S other two best combatants (Iron fist, I know you’re coming).
Panther also kicks ass mentally as he is just as smart, if not smarter than Tony Stark. T’Challa and Reed Richards have had debates over String Theory and magic vs. science. Panther should be able to defat his enemies with the mind and body.

Black Panther’s country of Wakanda practices magic and science. They embrace the old ways while also adapting to the new. They utilize Vibranium to protect themselves and stay ahead in a technological world. They still use magic Wakanda has a large number of scientists and a technologically advanced army. But, they also have warrior priests and witches. Wakanda has its own God, the Panther, whose worship is seething with mysticism. There’s this trinity that’s intertwined with magic, faith and science. What an interesting dynamic to exhibit in the film.
*Each major character represents something in Black Panther’s lore and life; whether that is an obstacle, inspiration or principle. Origins may be tweaked in my pitch.


Having T’Challa’s father involved in the film is a no brainer. So I won’t go into detail here. He’s an integral part of Panther’s mythology. He was once king, before his death. His influence on T’Challa is strong as he was a mighty king. Panther hopes to be as great a king as his father. T’Challa’s part in this film opens the doors up for legacy and heritage to be explored. There have been man kings before T’Challa and T’Chaka. Panther’s father is keen on hi son learning of those who came before him.  The title of ‘Black Panther’ is a position that’s passed from a father to his oldest son. Panther is not only dealing with living up to his father’s legacy but his forefathers as well. T’Chaka’s inclusion brings a presence of history and birthright. 
The Outsider/Intruder

Another character that doesn’t need much introduction, Klaw, now Klaue, is maybe Panther’s greatest adversary. He is a representation of the evils of western colonization and Manifest Destiny. He is a man who feels he’s entitled to Vibranium. He is an opportunist, a thief and a FOREIGNER. What Klaue represents is foreign threats. There’s a whole slavery allegory here, but more on that later. An isolationist country like Wakanda is against foreign interaction. Seeing as how Klaue, has already stolen from the nation and breached its borders, his return would make for a forbidding danger.
The Turncoat

Killmonger is a product of Klaue. In the comics, Ulysses Klaw led an attack on Wakanda Klaw even managed to kill the king, T'Chaka, before being defeated by T'Challa. Klaw was fended off and exiled from Wakanda, but not before he took back a number of Wakandans as his slaves. One of these was boy named N'jadaka (soon to become Killmonger). His parents were killed by Klaw. Killmonger blamed T’Chaka and the royal family for his parents’ deaths.
Also, in the comics, Killmonger time as Klaue’s slave isn’t really explored. He later travels to the USA and studies at its top universities. He also trains extensively in combat. He changed his name to Erik Killmonger. He was determined to avenge his parent’s deaths. He grows to hate the royal family of Wakanda and seeks to take it over. His ambitions represent the native who turns on his people. Seeing as how his time with Klaue could’ve possibly led to his hatred, alongside his parents’ deaths. This is something to be explored for another time. Killmonger returning to challenge T’Challa signifies a very deep threat as T’Challa must face one of his own. He must battle a man whose life was destroyed due to possibly, his family’s failure.
The Muscle/The Fanatic

Man-Ape is a fanatic warrior of the White Gorilla Clan who drank white gorilla blood and ate its flesh and gained its strength. T’Challa had outlawed the rival White Gorilla cult in favor of the more dominant Panther cult. This ousting from the nation, leaves M’Baku hungry for revenge. Man-Ape is primitivistic. He believes in the way of the warrior. He is against the technological advances of Wakanda. It’s the old ways or none. His fanatic beliefs are a direct challenge to Panther’s upbringing and the atmosphere of the country. He was brought up to balance being a warrior and an intellectual. Man-Ape’s brute force of will is endearing as his love of the ways of the warrior is indicative of Wakanda’s past. He’s the ugly side of Wakanda. His power is rooted in dark and foul magic. Man-Ape adds somewhat of a horror element to the film as well as he’s grotesque in his acquiring of power. He represents a zealot of sorts within the nation. No county is perfect.
DORA MILAJE ("Adored Ones")
The Backup/Female Warrior

Beautiful women kicking ass has never been boring in my eyes. The Dora Milaje serve as the Panther’s personal guard. They say royalty always has an intriguing posse. Black Panther’s is such and deadly too. They have Panther’s back at all times. They are his eyes and ears. They are his most trusted allies. A king who can take on an Avenger is a scary thing. Imagine how scary that king’s bodyguards are? The Dora Milaje has been around for years. They even fought the Nazis in World War II. The women who join this elite squad are chosen from each tribe. They must be the best of the best. This reeks of female servitude but the Dora Milaje represent female strength, bravery and power. They are entrusted with the king’s protection. They are a secret service that can cut you down with a spear. With an upsurge in strong female characters popping up in film (Furiosa should be the model for the Dora Milaje’s badassery), the Milaje are a welcome feature in a Panther solo film.
Georges Batroc

For the little bit of screen time he had in Cap 2, Batroc made an impression a badass one at that. He took part in a cool and visceral fight with Steve Rogers that’s still one of the best fights in a CBM ever. After that, I wanted more. Batroc could serve as another foreign foil for Panther. He could be a part of some militaristic invading force for example (more on this later). But mainly, I want to see how Panther kicks Batroc’s ass. It would vary different from Cap’s beating hopefully.

An industrial saboteur and mercenary who possess a suit that grants him invisibility and intangibility. Perfect for intruding on a hidden nation.



*This a QUICK AND CONSISE plot summary. There’s no real depth as I’m not intricately writing the film. The opening is a little more detailed as I like it a lot. Overall, it’s a small summary of major events I’d like to see in the film.  I'M NO SCREENWRITER. I'm just having some 'out there' fun with the material. 

The film deals heavily with intrusion and isolationism as Wakanda is an isolated country. Panther’s worst fear is the invasion of his homeland.

The film opens with a breach of the Wakandan borders. Someone has broken into the Vibranium mines. Many mine workers are blindsided and attacked by this invisible figure. As the obscure figure begins to takes some Vibranium ore, a spear lodges itself into his back. He yells in agony. He suddenly becomes visible as its revealed he’s wearing some kind of mechanized suit. We then see three women standing high on a mine platform. One of them radios to someone on their ear piece. “We’ve encountered the intruder, my king. He will be dealt with.” The three warrior women then descend down towards the intruder with a bevy of flips and acrobatics. The burglar then draws a firearm. But by the time he points it up, one of the women has grabbed him. She breaks his hand. Another behind him kicks his legs out from beneath him. The last woman draws a knife and holds it to his throat. “What are you waiting for?” says the thief. “You got cold feet hun”. The woman retorts, “It is not my decision to make, outsider.”
Suddenly, a hovering craft appears in the mine. We see a set of feet walk towards the three lethal ladies and the intruder. A booming voice speaks. “You’re a bold individual. You come into my country and attempt to steal from me. You must know what we are capable of. You must’ve known even before Aneka had her blade at your throat.” The thief looks up as it is revealed that T’Challa, King of Wakanda, the Black Panther, stands before him. Behind the king are numerous well-dressed individuals. Politicians. They watch in horror and awe.

As T’Challa awaits an answer, he points towards the suit on the thief. The suit’s tech flickers on and off as the man appears invisible and then visible every few seconds. One of the Dora Milaje, takes the suit of the man. “This technology intrigues me. I thank you for your contribution, foreigner.” The thief looks broken and beat down. He then speaks. “I came here. I crossed your mighty border. Your immaculate defenses. Why? Because I could. After that Avengers fiasco, the world demanding you leave your cushy throne to come out and play, there’s no more hiding. I’m not the first or the last your majesty. I must say I enjoyed my stay. It’s more beautiful than the satellite imagery.”

A ticking noise is then heard. It’s rampant. It gets louder. “Get back!” Panther yells at the politicians to take cover. They all run behind a large boulder. Panther then runs as well. His Dora Milaje all run after him and shield him. The thief, Ghost, then explodes. The explosion rocks the mine. As Panther rises from the ground, he sees that one of the Dora Milaje was killed protecting him. As the smoke clears, Panther is simmering with anger as he has a growing issue on his hands.

A team is being assembled. Ulysses Klaue’s severed nub is being massaged as we see him in a dark room surrounded by mercenaries. Each mercenary is black. Each merc is Wakandan. Or a former Wakandan. Klaue, when he raided Wakanda, scared (or impressed), some Wakandans of the White Gorilla Clan with his inventory of White Gorilla flesh. He tells them its courtesy of his trusted friend and hunter, Sergei Kravinoff. He then recruits the exiled clan members to join his mercenary team after he too is exiled from Wakanda. Now in the present, they are meeting an associate of Kraven’s. It’s a burly and massive black man. Erik Kilomonger. Kraven recently saved him from a Russian gulag. Killmonger informs the crew that he Wakandan and he’s on a mission of vengeance. (Aforementioned origin above). Kraven has trained him in the ways of the hunter. Klaue means to steal Vibranium and design a major weapon. Killmonger and the remaining Wakandans seek vengeance for what was done to them. He and the Gorilla clan mean to defeat Panther in honorary traditional combat and take his throne. Kraven, he’s just in it for the hunt.

Back in the palace of the Panther, the politicians who are visiting Wakanda on international affairs, voice their concern of more intruders coming to Wakanda and possibly stealing Vibranium. “Let the U.N. forces come down here and help you. Your advanced tech clearly isn’t keeping the outsiders out.” We’ve got SHIELD resources that can really help.” T’Challa laughs at the politicians offer. “Why don’t you just allow your forces to barge into WAKANDA and TAKE my advanced tech.” That’s the real plan, is it not?” Panther begins to escort the dignitaries out of his palace. A large Avengers type jet, descends behind the palace grounds. As the representatives leave, one of them says, “You call us when your precious land is done burning.” T’Challa watches as the jet takes off and he heeds the government officials’ words.
A ceremony is taking place in the downtown streets of Wakanda. A nocturnal parade if you will. People are dancing and singing. Spells are being cast into the air; a show of mystical lights. A throne sits empty at the head of the street. We then see a large blank monitor. Unexpectedly, Steve Rogers enters the frame. “The breaches are growing. This is the 4th one if 6 months. The first three were minor annoyances but this invisible man…he made it far.”
“So this is the part where I offer my help, the Avengers help and you shoot me down? You are an Avenger, T’Challa.  T’Challa smiles. “I trust you Captain, YOU. The others are another story. You’ve got enough on your plate with those intergalactic wanderers appearing.What’s the intel on that by the way?”
“One of them is a gun toting raccoon so, you know, typical.” T’Challa puts on his mask. “I thank you for your concern my friend.” Steve puts on his mask as well. “I’m here if you need me T’Challa. Got to go. There’s a vampire in Brooklyn that needs my help.”
Klaue and his merry band of mercenaries are on board a cargo plane. Killmonger sits and prepares for battle. A massive man, even bigger than Killmonger sits beside him. “Drink?” Killmonger looks at the imposing man. “I don’t believe in that voodoo.” The drinking man chuckles. “But you believe in that voodoo, do you?” We then see a militarized suit that’s pumping YELLOW PYM PARTICLES (YELLOWJACKET). “We believe in what we have to, to survive”, says Kilomonger.  Killmonger suits up and M’BAKU, continues to drink white gorilla blood. His eyes go white for a brief moment as he drinks.
“Killmonger your entry is most important,” says Klaue. “You will SHRINK down to a wee itty bit size of an ant and you’re gonna take down those defense systems.” The shirking suit lights up and activates. “Remember, those particles are unstable as those bastard HYDRA scientists couldn’t stabilize em’. You’ve got repulsor rays so use them sensibly. The cargo plane door opens. “No blood will be shed, unless it’s truly necessary. We capture and detain the people first”, says Erik. “These are still my people. Our people Killmonger hops out and dives straight for the ground. He comes across thinly layered laser beams. He dives right between them. “I’ve made contact with the security hub”, Killmonger radios back to Klaue in the plane. “Perfect. Is the Frenchman ready? “He’s not French, says one of the mercenaries. “I don’t care if he’s Sokovian, he’d BETTER be ready.”

A Wakandan child sits on a bench and gleefully stares down at the ground. As he looks down a small man I running in between countless legs and rampant feet. T’Challa converses with his people as he maneuvers through the crowd and greets. He suddenly notices members of his Dora Milaje being tossed through the air. He looks expecting to see a perpetrator, but he sees no one. He then activates a thermal heat vision in his mask and sees a distinct heat signature on the ground. Panther rushes toward the signature and prepares to stomp when it then increases in size. It’s Kilomonger. “The remaining Milaje lunge at him, but he shrinks once more. He then grows again and knocks a Milaje out. Panther signals a Milaje that’s posted on top of a building. She then whips out some sort of beacon device. Out of nowhere, she’s shot. She falls off the building as T’Challa watches in horror. Multiple mercenaries are descending upon the city in parachutes. T’Challa turns and a repulsor ray beam is coming for him. A Milaje jumps in the way and protects him. Panther then yells “He’s mine! Take care of the incoming assailants.” The Dora Milaje disperses.

Killmonger then grows back to regular size. His armored helmet retracts itself. “Erik”, says T’Challa. “I’m flattered that you remember me. It’s been a long time my prince. I’m sorry, forgive me--MY KING!, says Killmonger is a sarcastic manner. It looks as if you’re repeating your father’s legacy.” He and T’Challa stand before on another as mass panic ensues.  We then see brief flashback glimpses of T’Chaka being beaten by Klaue and then Kilommonger’s parents being killed by Klaue’s forces. “My father did his best to protect our people.” “And yet his best was not enough. My parents are still dirt within the Earth”, says Erik. “Look at all this. History repeats itself. Invaders overrun our land; pervert its splendor with chaos. And a King stands, bewildered. “Why have you not killed me yet? Fancy suit looks dangerous, says T’Challa. “I will kill you, after the people of Wakanda see their ruler fail, Erik retorts. “People have forgotten the last invasion; forgotten the pain and loss. I will remind them of your falsehood.” T’Challa then runs.  Erik watches on. Erik radios someone. “He’s heading your way.” Killmonger walks in the middle of all the disorder as Wakandans are detained and thrown into trucks. “As many people as possible are being moved to the circle of combat. Make him bleed if you can before the ceremonies begin.”

Panther messages his palace through a comm link. “Activate the Wakandan Air Guard.” “Your majesty, we’re under attack. White men have breached the base”, says a dispatcher. “Activate the Vibranium tripwires.”, says Panther. “Sir you know that will decimate this entire place.” Do it.” The soldiers release small magnetic spheres from their belts. They then throw them towards the ceiling. They stick to the ceiling and then the ground where the Wakandan soldiers are placed, open ups. They all drop down. It then closes. A ticking noise begins. A bomb goes off. The mercenaries are killed. The soldiers arrive underground in cave and then enter into various jets. They then head off in the jets and leave the cave through a waterfall exit. The planes shoot off into the sky and head back towards the Wakandan central city to battle.

Panther arrives at the Vibranium mine. Once there, he sees Klaue. “Klaue!!!” Klaue turns and greets Panther with a wave of his chopped off hand. “The wee prince-- or king now. Sorry for the grotesque greeting. I had a run with a pouty robot; Long story.”
“If you and these men don’t leave Wakanda now, you’ll get more than a branding this time, I promise you.” Klaue smiles at T’Challa. He then picks up a gun and points it at him. “I’d really love to kill you, but according to these banished bastards, it’s got be done through some BS ceremony. I don’t know, not my style. But that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy these fellas turning ya black and blue before the festivities. Klaue sits the gun down. A kick comes flying T’Challa’s way. He catches the leg and tosses the attacker. “Mr. Batroc, can leap can’t he. He’s a spry one”, says Klaue. Batroc, a known mercenary, prepares to battle Wakanda’s king. Klaue and his cohorts activate a machine. Klaue puts a mechanical device on his arm of his missing hand.  

“I mean to beat you worse than the Captain. This isn’t some ship you’re breaching”, says Panther angrily.  “And my beatings aren’t as polite.” Batroc beats his chest and runs towards Panther. Panther’s claws unsheathe. The two ensue in a rapid hand to hand battle. Panther keeps beating Batroc down. Batroc then releases a blade. Panther collects two separate blades from his belt. He then connects them and they glow a bright purple. It’s a Vibranium energized blade. The Dora Milaje arrives and begins to battle the White Gorilla Clan in the cave as they protect Klaue. Panther defeats Batroc with ease after a semi epic battle. “Seems you’ve been beaten by two Avengers.”
The gorilla clan takes on the Dora Milaje. The Milaje skillfully take them all down. Out of the darkness, M’Baku arrives. He snaps the neck of one of the Milaje. He tosses the rest. He’s garbed in White Gorilla flesh. His eyes are stark white. Panther throws his spear at M’Baku. It goes through his shoulder. M’Baku rips it out. Panther dives at him but is caught mid-air. M’Baku holds Panther by the throat. “The Panther squirms”, he says.  Klaue then turns around and debuts his new sonic Vibranium Arm Cannon. “What do ya think? You’re a Vibranium expert. Better than me. How about a test run?’’ Klaue then shoots his cannon at the mine as rocks crumble and fall. The entire mine shakes. “Night night”, says Klaue as Man Ape knocks out T’Challa.

T’Challa hallucinates he’s with his father. His father sits on the throne, appearing larger than he actually was. Panther is a boy as he sits in front of him. T’Challa views his father almost like a god. His voice booms. “A man is at his most powerful when he’s at his lowest, T’Challa. When everything he holds dear is threatened, when his world is crumbling, he fights at his best. You are to be a king.” They now walk down the hall of kings. “A king will always be challenged. Always be threatened. Each man here was faced with a moment of crisis. My father, your grandfather, Chanda was chieftain during World War II. He defeated a battalion of Nazis who’d then intruded on our land. Danger will come in many facets. But remember what you are fighting for. You rise for the Red Rock, N'Jadaka Village, Great Mound. You fight for the people. T’Chaka fades away.
Panther awakens upside down. He’s hanging from the Panther statue in the circle of combat. He sees his people locked in chains surrounding him. Killmonger approaches. He then cuts T’Challa down. “Shall we begin?” T’Challa stands. “You work with animal ho killed your parents? I understand that loss sometimes makes us do foolish things, but this Erik…” “Desperate times my king,” says Kilomonger. “It is you who has sold yourself to our white-skinned enemies. Klaue is just a deranged warmonger. But you, you’re worse. You kings. Klaue is honest about the pain he causes. You lie. You, you turn. You preach seclusion, but you invite outsider politicians and American heroes into our nation. You say you can protect us, but you fail. I’ve seen the world like you have.” Killmonger turns and raises his voice so all the witnessing Wakandans can hear.  “The world has changed. There are no boundaries anymore. Your king has seen to that. We were safe once. Then T’Chaka sent his son to learn. He was perverted by the outside. He reveals us to the world. White men came before and we lost much. But now, nations will come. Avengers will come. Armies will come. As they have today. T’Challa means to coddle you. I mean to RULE YOU. I am merely the bringer of this hard truth. This is what can happen if HE continues to rule. I chain you up to teach you. You must experience the conceivable consequences.
Wakanda has unimaginable power. Power should not be hidden. It should be put on display. The ground begins to shake. A large missile rises from the far ground. “The Black Panther wants to reveal us to the world, so be it. We will adapt, as we always have. This Vibranium warhead will be launched at U.N. headquarters. This is just a TASTE of our nation’s power. Two other warheads reside below.” Killmonger walks towards Panther. “I will take the throne from you through ceremonial combat. I challenge you No one’s parents will ever be killed again because of your weakness and the weakness of those before you.” Panther lunges at Kilomonger. He shrinks. “You cower behind technology”, says Panther. “As do you. I know that suit is comprised of some Vibranium, as are your weapons.” Panther stops moving. “The let us see whose tech is better.” Panther hits a hidden plate on the Panther statue behind him. A small ball ejects out. Panther drops it. A small wave of Vibranium energy hits the ground. Killmonger reverts back to his normal size and takes off the suit as it starts malfunctioning. “Vibranium energized can disrupt technology.” Panther attacks Killmonger with an unbridled ferocity.
The fight ensues in the streets of Wakandans between the Wakandan military and the mercenaries. Suddenly, the battle is changed Klaue arrives and begins unleashing his cannons power. Several Dora Milaje arrive and attack Klaue. He continues to blast them, but they dodge his every attack. He attacks in a deranged fashion. Finally, a Milaje gets the jump on him and chops off the cannon. He yells in agony. The cannon is then used by the Wakandan military to defeat the remaining mercs. The military then releases thee detained Wakandans. Kraven escapes the chaos.

Panther and Killmonger battle. Erik is still formidable without his yellowjacket tech. Panther is too much. The epic battle is ended by Panther grappling Erik and breaking his arm. He picks him up and body slams him in front of his people. “I will not allow you to take Wakanda away from me, Killmonger!” As he lay defeated, Killmonger smiles as the missile activates. Panther radios the air guard.  “That missile must be stopped, but I and I alone will do it. Hang back brothers and sisters. You’ve all risked your lives and I thank you. But the risk is always worth it. Better to die as men --- Than to live as slaves! “Panther heads for his palace but is then met by Man-Ape and the Clan. “Killmonger too weak. M’Baku makes men bleed. M’Baku makes men fear.” The clan attacks Panther and he takes them all out with beautiful and ferocious ease. M’Baku comes. Panther launches Vibranium darts at him. As M’Baku keeps coming, Panther leaps over him and continues to run. He then activates a booby trap that retrains Man Ape. Panther heads through the Hall of Kings. His father’s statute stands before him. He presses a plate and he then drops down into a massive cave. The Panther jet awaits him. He gets in and takes off. But, Man Ape catches up and dives in along with Panther 

The jet shoots off in auto pilot into the sky as the two battle. Panther orders the ships AI to stop the missile. The two men battle as the jet throws them all around inside. The jet reaches the missile and effuses it. Panther manages to defeat Man Ape and seemingly kills him. The jet has lost power as it used it all to defuse the heavily dangerous missile. The jet crashes down below with the missile. Panther is knocked unconscious as a man approaches his him. It’s TASKMASTER---with CONSTRICTOR, CRIMSON DYNAMO, CROSSBONES AND ENCHANTRESS . “The missile and jet are down. The tech is still salvageable. What about the Wakandan, Baron? “ BARON HELMUT ZEMO appears out of the shadows. “Take him,” he says. “Klaue and his fools played their part. Now it’s time we play ours. Together, we can utterly defeat whoever rises to oppose us! The Avengers are in disorder. For all their power, they will be destroyed.”

This bodyguard, who works for Klaue in Age of Ultron, would be a Wakandan expatriate in my idea.
He’s a member of the White Gorilla Clan.

The Masters of Evil’s appearance is a set-up of Phase Four.

Kraven The Hunter is a major Easter egg and his inclusion acts a semi-origin.
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BLACK PANTHER Director Ryan Coogler's Vampire Movie Gets Official Title & Teaser Ahead Of Full Trailer

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DrKinsolving - 8/1/2015, 7:40 PM
I'll definitely read this more later on, awesome job man. Thumbed!!

I really hope Marvel can get shared rights for Storm too

GhostDog - 8/1/2015, 7:48 PM
@DrKinsolving shes such an integral part of Black Panther's world. I hope so as well. And thanks man!
kong - 8/1/2015, 11:24 PM
The use of Kraven and the Pym Particles is unecessary would come across as Marvel overcompensating for a predominantly black cast and black characters.

Killmonger deserves his own film. He shouldn't just be muscle for Klaue. The Yellowjacket suit doesn't make much sense (How the hell would they have gotten it after the events of Ant-Man) and who wants to see the same villain twice. No way.

That scene with Cap is...very bad. Sorry, but those references are out of nowhere. When did Cap encounter the Guardians? This movie comes out a year before Infinity War. And when did Blade join the MCU and why would cAp be helping him. So out of place. The way to put Cap in the film is to flashback to Azzarri the Wise's time as BP during WWII. Captain America intrudes on Wakanda while looking for Nazis, not knowing that the Black Panther had killed them all weeks before. There's a fight between Azarri and Cap where Cap gets his ass kicked. Boom. Done. Cap cameo.

The only problems are too much connection with the MCU and too much going on. I personally think that Klaue should just enlist the help of surrounding countries who've wanted the Vibranium for centuries. A bunch of D list Marvel villains doesn't fit.

Your article is a solid A, until we reach your story. I loved your first article, and parts of this, but the story is a serious mis step. If Marvel made that movie, it would not turn out so great.
kong - 8/1/2015, 11:44 PM
I'll just have to write my own BP article again, since I've gained some new ideas and opinions since my last one. Oh and by the way, I would love to see stuff like this in Wakanda:

kinghulk - 8/2/2015, 3:14 AM
i like it but i feel like you tried to squeeze to much into this one story (and you might have killed ghost i dont like that). by targeting the U.N this story kind of became a little less personal imo.

and by the way have you wrote this so that it takes part inbetween infinity wars because the mention of rocket makes it seem that way, i think they will have the film take place before the events of that movie.
kinghulk - 8/2/2015, 3:19 AM
kong- "That scene with Cap is...very bad. Sorry, but those references are out of nowhere. When did Cap encounter the Guardians? This movie comes out a year before Infinity War."

did you forget that spiderman being added to the mcu resulted in BP being pushed back to july 6 2018, 2 months after infinity war part 1.
GhostDog - 8/2/2015, 6:49 AM
@kinghulk inifinty war comes out in May 2018 while BP comes out July 2018. I know my ideas wild and out there. It's just what I found to be cool. This was just a fun pitch. I hope Blade exists in the MCU by then. I hope the Guardians come to earth in part one to warn the avengers. Just wild ideas. I KNOWost of this won't happen. It's the crazy fan in me
GhostDog - 8/2/2015, 6:53 AM
@Kong I appreciate the hard criticism. This was just me being a crazy fan. I was just having some fun with the lore and stoey. I know it's waaaaay out there. I tried to make it feel like a comic. I'm the comics, many heores face outlandish obstacles, villians who team up among other things. I'm no screenwriter lol. I was just having some fun with the material
kinghulk - 8/2/2015, 7:29 AM
ComicsBornAndBred- yeah i know but i think it will be weird if BP takes place during infinity war so im hoping the film takes place before. i really like your ideas though i think it would make a great comic but would be to bloated for a single film.

when it comes to the GOTG i have been wondering will they come to earth or will the avengers go to space. will thor warn them of what is happening (based on his vision in AOU i think this will happen) or will the fight come to earth first and the guardians could try to warn the planet before hand.
GhostDog - 8/2/2015, 7:44 AM
@kinghulk i totally agree. Its hard to configure plot lines and story beats. As Marvel gets more 'comicbooky' I just thought I'd play around with tropes and outlandish ideas. You thoughts on the guardians. totally agree with. Its going to be interesting how they handle that and whether James Gunn has some input in the Russos directing of his team.
kinghulk - 8/2/2015, 8:07 AM
ComicsBornAndBred- i imagine he will advise the russos on the characters like peyton reed did with ant man, so say stuff like they wouldent do that or rocket would say something like that here to help the russos understand the character.
kong - 8/2/2015, 2:28 PM

I was thinking that Infinity War Part 1 came out 2019.

But that still doesn't excuse the shoe-hornedness of the Guardians reference.
kinghulk - 8/2/2015, 2:42 PM
kong- agreed, and i think marvel should have pushed back infinity wars aswell the schedule looked alot better when inhumans and captain marvel where in between part 1 and part 2
GhostDog - 8/2/2015, 3:53 PM
@Kong I wouldn't take my references in this too literally as its the work of a fan, not a screenwriter or producer etc. I was having fun with some easter eggs. I know it's obviously shoe horned. It's a fan written plot lol
kong - 8/2/2015, 4:46 PM
I mean why not take them literally? Are they sarcastic easter eggs??? I think you mean a different word, but I know it's the work of fan, but I've seen fan plots better than the actual movies.
GhostDog - 8/2/2015, 8:09 PM
@Kong I don't think mine is one of them. This was something i did to juse to play around with some crazy ideas, nothing serious. Sarcastic is the wrong word....
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