The ULTIMATE list of characters that Marvel has at their disposal for CIVIL WAR

The ULTIMATE list of characters that Marvel has at their disposal for CIVIL WAR

I have put some comments under each character but you can read only the ones that they interest you. Careful for every Marvel Studios movie spoilers and Agents of Shield

Editorial Opinion
By BaronZemo - Jan 17, 2015 02:01 AM EST

Excuse me if i have grammar or spelling mistakes, i don’t live in an english speaking country.
Whoever thinks that Captain America: Civil War will adapt a 100% the famous marvel comic-book story line is gonna get dissapointed. They will do their own version and i’m sure that they will change lots of things. What you are about to see is the ultimate list of characters that marvel could use for civil war without being ridiculous (examples: Yondu, Fandral, Thanos, Ultron... No, i’m not using those kind of characters). What i’m trying to say is, i know that these are too many characters because it’s still a captain america movie, but they called it Civil War for a reason. And i know that Civil War is about throwing everyone to the mix. I’m not saying that all of these characters would be on the screen all the time but maybe at the final battle, which is when we need them for the epic clash, they could appear. Let’s begin:
Steve Rogers/Captain America

Obviously going to appear.
Tony Stark/Iron Man

Obviously going to appear.
Clint Barton/Hawkeye

I’m not sure on what team he would be, because it would be cool to see him with Stark but at the same time, (possible spoilers for avengers 2) it’s rumoured that age of ultron will end with cap leading a new roster of avengers like in the comics: Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and Hawkeye. Google this group.
Natasha Romanov/Black Widow

I think she would be on Steve’s team.
The Vision

Even tho in the comics he was on cap’s team, i think that if he appears he will be on Iron man’s team due to the fact that i think that most of the heroes should go with Steve, but i can see Vision going with Iron Man

I’m not sure if he will appear, i’m not sure if i want him to appear, but if he did, i guess it would be on Ragnarok’s format, his robot clone Iron Man’s team created in this famous comic story arc. Oh, and obviously, if it’s Ragnarok, Iron Man’s team.
Bruce Banner/Hulk

I actually think he will appear because Kevin Feige said that even tho he isn’t getting another stand-alone movie for Phase 3, he is going to appear in other movies. I think Civil War will be one of these. POSSIBLE SPOILERS: There are rumours about General Ross appearing in this film so that screams Hulk. Ross is supposed to be on Stark’s team (more details belower) so i guess that Hulk will be on Steve’s.
T’Challa/Black Panther

It’s confirmed that he’s going to appear and i guess he will be on Steve’s team. But in the event where Chadwick Boseman was announced to portray him, he said “Black Panther is kind of his own guy” but i guess that was just a joke. With him, we’ll get Wakanda and so even more characters can be introduced.
James Barnes/Winter Soldier

It’s been confirmed that he’ll play a big part but i actually think that he will not participate and that he’ll be just investigating about his past like in the comics.
Rhodey Rhodes/War Machine

Totally on Iron Man’s side but if you think about it: Why would they introduce the Iron Patriot armour on Iron Man 3 if they aren’t going to make Rhodey go with cap in civil war with this armour? He could be like the spiderman element from the comics, changing from side to side. But i guess they introduced it to set up the fact that now the government doesn’t trust people with American flags that much.
Sam Wilson/The Falcon

He’s going to appear and he’s totally going to be on cap’s side, no need to discuss it.

This one’s kind of tricky because in the comics the were pro-registration, but in the MCU, as seen in Agents of Shield, they’re kind of independent now and they have zero links with the government, they take justice by their own hand. But i suspect that (and this is total speculation, i’m not basing my guess on any A:AOU or CA:CW spoilers) that Tony Stark will take control of shield either in this movie or at the end of Age of Ultron and Shield will be on his side. As for the organisation, yes, but as for all of the agents, no. I think Nick Fury won’t participate and he will be hidden but he may appear in the final battle. As for Maria Hill, i guess she will be pro-registration. Not sure about Coulson but i’m not even sure if he’ll appear. Sharon Carter totally appearing and totally anti-registration due to the fact that she is the lover of Cap, also the niece of Peggy. Maybe the Koenig brothers appear just because they are played by the nerdy Patton Oswalt.
Nick Fury

Maria Hill

Agent Phil Coulson

Sharon Carter/Agent 13

Bobbi Morse/Mockingbird

This is a shield agent that i wanted to mention more individually. I want to see her on the big screen amongst other things because i want a love story between her and hawkeye. There are rumours of hawkeye appearing in AOS so they could be already crossovering there but if not, and if they meet for the first time in Civil War, they should be on the same team so they can be a couple although maybe after one of them decides to change sides to create more conflicts in the film.
Daisy Johnson/Quake

This is another shield agent that i wanted to mention more individually aswell but i’m not sure what side she would chose. Probably Coulson’s side? And i’m afraid that’s cap’s side. Not sure if she’ll appear tho. Also, maybe if the man with no eyes that appeared in the mid season finale turns up being really cool, they should include him here aswell.
Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch

I guess they’ll appear. (Possible Avengers 2 spoilers) As said with Hawkeye, i guess that they will be part of cap’s new super-friends at the end of age of ultron so my guess is they would be with Rogers.
Matt Murdock/Daredevil

Marvel Studios hasn’t used any character with a secret identity yet so i think they should include this new character in this film. We still haven’t seen his upcoming TV show but he appears he’ll go with cap.
Jessica Jones

It’s been confirmed that her show will be on 2015 so she’ll be introduced in time to then appear in Civil War. It’s been said that Luke Cage will appear in this show aswell but maybe he only appears at the end? Either way i think that they will have enough time to finish the show before Civil War comes out so they can introduce Luke Cage aswell. And we only need to worry about that if he appears at the end, ‘cause maybe he’s actually introduced in the first friggin’ episode.
Luke Cage

I think he’ll be introduced before the movie comes out in Jessica Jones, but what if there’s actually time for his show to come out? Say Jessica Jones may air in November 2015, and then what if Luke Cage airs in April 2016? It’s been confirmed that in the Netflix’ shows the character whose show will come after, will make a cameo in the one that’s on, so if there’s time for Luke Cage before CW then may Iron Fist be introduced aswell before the epic movie? Who knows?

The following characters that have a dot before their names may contain Ant-Man spoilers.
 · Hank Pym/Ant-man

It’s been said that in the Ant-man movie, Hank Pym will express hate for super-heroes and here comes the juicy part: Apparently in the end-credit scene General Ross will recruit him to help him catch other super-heroes in Civil War. I hope he puts on the Yellowjacket suit. That would be awesome! So yeah, Iron Man’s side all the way.
If the end credit scene rumour is true then i guess we should all asume that he’ll appear (Ross). I really want him to turn into Red Hulk, it’s their only chance to do it because we aren’t getting ant hulk movies.
Scott Lang/Ant-Man

If Hank’s appearing he’s appearing aswell, and if Hank’s pro-registration i guess he is aswell.
Hope Van Dyne

If the Ant-Man family is appearing i guess she should aswell, and i’m really hoping (get it? Meh, never mind) that she’ll become the MCU’s version of the Wasp.
Janet Van Dyne? 

They’re making Hank Pym an old man and the father of a person whose surname is “Van Dyne” so i asume that he’s been at some point married to Janet. Maybe she’s dead in this version, maybe she’s not. If she’s not, let’s make room for her aswell.
Black Goliath?

There are several afroamerican characters that will appear in Ant-man. I have hope that one of them will become Black Goliath, one of the people who sufered the colateral damage of this war in the comics.

I’m not sure a 100% if he’s going to appear in AOS (that explains the question mark) but it’s been rumoured a lot. I think it’s been confirmed. I don’t know if he will be the cause of the acceptance of the Registration-Act or if it will just be approved because of the events of Age of Ultron, in either case, another character for the movie.
Deathlok (Mike Peterson)

I really really want this character to appear because he has lots of potential to look badass in the big screen. I’m not including him in the group of villains tho 8that i will touch on later)
Pepper Potts

I really like Paltrow’s Pepper Potts and i think she should appear again but this time with the Rescue armour going toe to toe in battle with Tony.
Leonard Samson/Doc Samson

If you are nerdy enough, you’ll remember that he was introduced in 2008’s The Incredible Hulk and i think that Hulk universe should be revisited. I’m happy that’s gonna happen with (SPOILER FROM BEFORE)              General Ross                  (SPOILER FROM BEFORE) but Ty Burrell has shown lots of interest in reprising his role aswell and i wouldn’t mind to see him again. But does he have the looks for it?
Probably villains:
Andy Serkis’ character

He’s going to appear in Age of Ultron but no one knows for sure who he’s playing. But most likely: Ulysses Klaw.
Daniel Buhrl’s character

No one knows who he’s playing. Maybe a heroe? Maybe a villain? Most likely a villain but no one knows the exact character.
And now we start with the actual villains, villains who have appeared in the MCU and have not been killed:
Justin hammer

Before i start to mention all the interesting villains they can use, i want to talk about hammer: We last saw him in the seagate prison in Marvel’s One-Shot: “All Hail the King”. In the comics he is often considered as a “patron” of supervillains, he invests in them and makes them work for him. So before the final battle, when Stark recruits his villains, i think we should have a scene where Tony asks his old enemy what villains he should chose. So we begin to see a sequence of the following villains getting out of jail as Justin comments on their abilities:
Brock Rumlow/Crossbones

He’s confirmed to appear in the film as the “main villain”. I don’t know how a “main villain” will work on Civil War because it’s about the heroes fighting each other.
Emil Blonksky/Abomination

Not killed, like Corssbones. More Hulk stuff please! And that brings me to the next character:
Carl Creel/Absorbing man

He was introduced in Agents of Shield and if you had wished to see him in the big screen this is his chance. Let him battle the Hulk! Wait, did you just say Hulk?
Samuel Sterns/The Leader

If you are nerdy enough, he appeared in TIH aswell as Leo Samson and his last scene was his head mutating. There was a comic tie-in that explains that he was caught by Black Widow and that he was put in jail. Maybe too many Hulk characters and this one is specially difficult to jugle but if Kevin Feige decides not to do anymore Hulk movies this is the only chance the Leader will get to return.
Georges Batroc/Batroc the Leaper

He was great in captain america and it would be cool to see him back.
Chen Lu/Radioactive Man

Again, if you are nerdy enough, you’ll remember his brief cameo in Iron Man 3. He’s not a villain in the MCU, he’s a surgeon as shown in the last sequence of the film, but they could make something up that happened to him and turned him into radioactive Man.
Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker

Not that much of a physical villain like the villains from the civil war comics are, but still, if they don’t kill him in Age of Ultron i’d happy if he returned because i love hydra. Hail Hydra!
Franklin Hall/Graviton
He was last seen on the third episode of Agents of Shield (although the big gravitonium ball has appeared on other ocasions). When he returns in AOS, if they don’t kill him, they can use him in Civil War.
Calvin Zabo/Mr. Hyde

The father of Daisy Johnson, another character that hasn't been killed yet.

Darren Cross (apparently yellowjacket)

If they don’t kill him off... Still, i don’t find him interesting enough, plus, i want his armour to pass to Hank so he can wear it in Civil War.
Marc Scarliotti/Whiplash
Nop, not Rourke’s whiplash, but another version that appeared in Agents of Shield.

Hey, why not, it’s about throwing out everyone into the mix.
The real Mandarin
Ok, maybe it’s too much, but if you remembver well, in the Marvel One-Shot: “All Hail the King” it was revealed that there’s still a Mandarin out there. I personally think that they should never go back to the Mandarin routes but if they did, i think they should reveal in Iron Man 4 that Trevor Slattery and the mandarin of tapes that appeared in the tapes of Iron Man 3 are two different poeple and that this guy from the tapes is “the real mandarin”.
More new characters that we still haven’t seen that could be introduced in:
 - Avengers: Age of Ultron (Possible spoilers: avengers academy is appearing)
 - Agents of Shield (aside from speedball)
 - Ant-Man (as there could still be surprises (fingers crossed for black goliath) )
 - Daredevil? (not sure because bullseye is not in it, but what about season 2?)
 - Jessica Jones (the villains could be used in CW aswell)
 - Peggy Carter? (unlikely ‘cause it’s set in the 40’s but hey, look at whitehall)
 - Future One-Shots (In Avengers 2 and Ant-Man blue-rays)
 - In the actual film (I’m thinking Cloak and Dagger but there could be many more)
If you count them they are around 48-49 but i guess that if they wanted to make it big they would introduce more new characters in the actual film. I haven’s counted anything Cosmic or Asgardian neither Ultron, Jarvis or Happy Hogan. And well, if Spiderman turns up appearing (which i doubt) we have his universe to use aswell.
VERY IMPORTANT: If you are going to talk about Age of ultron spoilers, please indicate it before you do like i have.
Have you liked what you’ve seen here? Are you more pumped for Civil War? What DO YOU think of all of this? Please hit the thumbs up for all the hard work. I think i’m turning crazy with all this Marvel Stuff. Thanks for reading, i have been BaronZemo.
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Buscemi - 1/17/2015, 6:39 AM
Awesome list man, but if I could throw in some constructive criticism, it would maybe make all the pictures the same size, or don't have pictures at all. Because the text is minimal and the images are large the whole layout feels disorienting to read. But I certainly appreciate the effort you've put into this, I agree with you on most of your points.
kinghulk - 1/17/2015, 7:25 AM
i personally think they should focus on a core group of character on each side then have heroes in the back ground as easter eggs. so for example our focus in on cap, hawkeye, widow, falcon, tony,warmachine and then we have characters who pretty much take place just in the fights but can also be set up for future roles like cloak and dagger (they could be set up for a netflix series maybe).
tokens - 1/17/2015, 8:40 AM
ty burrell was Samson???
tokens - 1/17/2015, 8:41 AM
not until reading this editorial,
did I realize just how big the MCU is..

like... woah man I see the scope now..
tokens - 1/17/2015, 8:44 AM
I think itd be so amazing if that accident with speedball and his team happened on AOS,
and it was shown in CA:CW
like allover the news u know??
thatd be great.
also like the big connective tissue between the tv people and the movie people.
tokens - 1/17/2015, 8:46 AM I kinda wish civil war was the "avengers pt1 and pt2"
like theres so much in it..
infinity war... ehh... GOTG kinda killed my enthusiasm for it.
tokens - 1/17/2015, 8:49 AM
like how can u have all this shit goin down on earth,
and then all of a sudden be like "now the entire universe!!"
like, what?!?!
it kinda takes a lot of it away u know?
like "what? civil war? oh that was nothing compared to this."
when, in reality its a lot less.
yeah its all existence, but its just everybody fighting thanos.
that's all it is, folks.
everybody comin together to fight thanos.
while civil war isn't just fighting its like, all these stories and characters intermingled and the effect they all feel
tokens - 1/17/2015, 8:52 AM
MCU kinda f*cked themselves with infinity war too.
like, after all that happens...
then what?
there are no possible higher stakes than one evil being ruling the universe.
that's it.
that's the highest it goes.
what are they gonna do after that?
"ooohh wait! but kaang!"
"but--but-- but the celestials!!!"
no. and u don't have galactus so it wont be all of it.
tokens - 1/17/2015, 8:55 AM

this seed grows..

this seed?

the DCCU homies.

oh yeah.
they will BARELY be at like, justice league right?
Baaaarely getting their universe goin.
and if the rumors about it focusing on multiple dimensions and realities is true?

ohhhhhh maaaahhh gawwwwwwww it will be. in. Sane.
IN. FRACKIN. SANE u gai's...
tokens - 1/17/2015, 8:59 AM
damn.. but what really attracts me to the DCCU, is its tone.
its more serious, its more like, "dude this is really happening. aint nobody crackin jokes. aint nobody got time fo dat."
like, MOS, it was good.
not amazing,
but good.
theyre learning. theyre Improving. terrio in, goyer out.
new cinematography, less grey-ness, less shaky-ness. more color, more growth of characters. superman will now be superman and not the "just learning kal-el." batman will be f*cking dope.
and everyone else we don't know yet but soon will.
tokens - 1/17/2015, 9:03 AM
another thing...
this is WB.
one of big film studios.
they will Always be in bi'ness.
MS? idk... what if CBM's faze out?
then what?
yeah bro. think about that.
so, in a way, if WB makes some mistakes, theyre like, "Well, lets put this down for a while and do something else."
they have room to change things and rearrange.
MCU? nope.
if CA f*cked up, if IM3 or Avengers f*cked up, what would they have done?
and I mean Really f*cked up. like critically bashed and huuge flop at BO.
who knows what would've happened then?
tokens - 1/17/2015, 9:04 AM
idk homies, but im tired of typing and im hungry.
sikwon - 1/17/2015, 9:45 AM
A few things...1. when exactly did Creel die because I remember him getting locked up (I'm gonna double check) 2. Speedball is almost guaranteed to be on AoS and I absolutely 100% think it will be a similar event to the comic. They had to wait for the WS in season 1, now AoS is a driving MCU force and not a reactive element of the universe. 3. I think it will be a focused group with lots of backround characters. And the MCU really is huge. This doesn't even count the cosmic side, Asgard or all the characters still to come. Just wow.
sKeemAn - 1/17/2015, 10:46 AM
It would be interesting to see more Inhumans in CW. At least some background characters that could be used for the Inhumans movie.
MileHighRonin - 1/17/2015, 11:05 AM
Assuming Pym hates superheroes is a mistake in my opinion, after all he is looking to pass his superhero mantle over to Lang.

What if Raina ends up being Tigra?

You have some good ideas here, and some I am not too fond of; Pepper vs Stark.

It would be nice to see Batroc appear on Agents of SHIELD.

Didn't know about the Incredible Hulk comic tie-in comic. If Widow locked him up, does that mean Hydra released him and Blonsky during the events of Operation Insight?

Graviton needs to return to Agents of SHIELD.

Hammer also needs to return to the MCU, perhaps AIM could use him.

MileHighRonin - 1/17/2015, 11:08 AM
Also agree we need more Deathlok. I have always been a fan of Deathlok, all models.
tokens - 1/17/2015, 11:16 AM
i read all of it...

my response?
MileHighRonin - 1/17/2015, 11:16 AM
@Cinnamonn DCCU tone? They have one film so far, I would wait before saying the DCCU's tone is darker and more serious than Marvel's.

I too am very excited for the DCCU, mainly because of Zack Snyder. He is great when it comes to the genre. I am excited to see the Justice League but I hope their solo films all don't have the same tone. I think that is Marvel's issue right now, trying to keep a certain tone with their films. Each films rtf one should be different just like every character is different in tone. Yes make the actual Justice League films close to the same tone with blends of the characters tone.
tokens - 1/17/2015, 11:19 AM
MileHighRonin - 1/17/2015, 11:35 AM
@BaronZemo your english is awful, but your american is perfect. As much as we, Americans, think we speak proper English we don't. We speak American, just like mexicans speak Mexican not spanish.

Basically I am saying don't be too hard on yourself.
Tars - 1/17/2015, 12:04 PM
They aren't gonna use some crap characters from Shield in the feature side of things
tokens - 1/17/2015, 12:35 PM
....bigger is always better.
just ask the ladies.
tokens - 1/17/2015, 2:02 PM
once again dethpillow,
your words have snuck their little fingers up in my brain, grabbed it, and pulled hard, just hard enough for my eyeballs to pop, but not enough to make my limbs jerk around.
with thanos, or galactus,
I see them as 'natural disasters'
like an earthquake, tornado, hurricane, fat person falling u know those things that get like hundreds of people killed...
theyre horrible, yes, but we don't lose our minds over them.
they happen. we cant stop it. it passes. we get better.
now, Unnatural disasters.
terrorist attacks, brutal murder, rape, torture,
those things are smaller.
affect maybe, 1,2,3,5,10 people at a time.
and they affect us Much worse.
those events f*ck up our minds. forever.
theres no goin back.
I see now what u mean with galactus and thanos.
its too wide of a scope for us to be like "eeeek! kill it!"
its like "....hory shet.... what we ganna do now?"
u know its like "hory fack... we ganna die."
u just accept it as a natural occurrence that will kill u and hundreds, thousands, millions more.
like a solar eclipse that vaporizes 5000 people each year.
we aren't gonna curse at the solar eclipse,
were just gonna think something like "...well ... I don't understand it... but its not good.... and none of us can do anything about it..."
but then when u give it humanistic traits, ala "galactus"
it turns into something totally .. unreal.
its like a ..... natural ... thinking .... seeing ... disaster.
wtf is that?
god?? first testament???
wtf is that?!?!?
and once That exists.... it sort of Confirms that we, are like, literally bugs on a windshield.
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