COMICS: Grant Morrison Spills Some Details On His New Interpretation Of Superman!

COMICS: Grant Morrison Spills Some Details On His New Interpretation Of Superman!

The writer of the soon to be relaunched Action Comics reveals a few new details about his take on a younger Man of Steel, saying he'll be "more socially active and a champion of the oppressed" and dressed in a shirt and jeans...

By JoshWilding - Jul 13, 2011 03:07 AM EST
Filed Under: DC Comics
Source: Metro

Talking to British newspaper, Metro, writer Grant Morrison has talked a little more about his plans for a fresh take on Superman in September's Action Comics #1. While we'd already heard rumblings that the title would focus on the early years of the Man of Stell, Morrison confirms below that he'll be offering a very unique take on the character which takes him back to his roots AND out of the iconic costume.

What have you got lined up in your writing for Superman?

I want to solve some of the problems that have grown up around the character. People now ask: ‘Why the hell would he dress up like that?’ I want to make Superman a more contemporary character. We’ll be changing how he looks, dresses and behaves. He’ll be more like the Superman who appeared in 1938 – more socially active and a champion of the oppressed.

He’s taken his underpants off in the current comics...

With what we’re doing he’s wearing jeans and a T-shirt – a Bruce Springsteen version of Superman, that’s the angle we’re taking. The cape’s still indestructible but the rest is picked up in a shop.

What are you proudest of getting into a comic book?

I’m proud of having Bruce Wayne stumbling through the streets of Gotham high on heroin. When the baddies get hold of Batman and really mess him up, that’s always fun. When I grew up, the comics I loved were by hippies in the late 1960s, which had a big effect on me when I was 12. I’ve always written for an imaginary smart 15-year-old. I’m introducing younger kids to big ideas and to authors and notions. Spanish writer Jorge Luis Borges was in the last Batman story I wrote so I’ve hopefully introduced his work to some new people.

Do some fans take things a bit too far?

There was one guy in the US who was ready to kill everyone in the office when I was working for Marvel. The FBI got involved and locked him up. It was about something in an X-Men comic. I didn’t write it but it drew on stuff I’d created and we’d done something to ruin the purity of his favourite childhood character. I wouldn’t want to tar all fans with that – you get all sorts, from people who write clever analysis to some real nutters.

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LP4 - 7/13/2011, 3:49 AM
This doesn't sound too bad.

Aside from the part about the jeans, shirt and bruce springsteen. ;P
BevM - 7/13/2011, 4:06 AM
Yeah, the Springsteen/jeans/t-shirt deal's got me worried too. I'm all for a re-design but isn't street clothes as such more of a Marvel thing?

That and the "proud of Batman doing heroin" thing. O.o That's kinda... odd.

Guess we'll see in a few weeks. :-)
gangbuster - 7/13/2011, 4:07 AM
I will admit that I'm intrigued and have been won over for at least the first issue.
Ichaos - 7/13/2011, 4:18 AM
Ummm Bruce Wayne running around the streets high on Heroine??? for the love of gawd I HAVE to assume some mobster/drug dealer doped him up.

His inspirations come from hippies???

He does know pretty much all superheroes wear outlandish clothes right? Why do any of them dress like that? With that line of thinking they would all be in plain clothes. The only logical reason for them to wear tights would be so they can wear them under their street clothes. I dont think anyone is asking why comic book characters dress like thry have for 90 years. Sure people in real life would question someone wearing clothes like that but pretty sure after 90 years we are fine with it

Also does it bug anyone the man in control of Superman's future looks a bit too much like Lex Luthor? Maybe he is Lex escaped from the comic book world and is destroying the DC heroes with lame rewrites of there pasts

Everything I seen so far does not sound like the 1938 Superman
Jimdlux - 7/13/2011, 4:33 AM
thunderforce - 7/13/2011, 4:33 AM
What is this Smallville 2.0
marvel72 - 7/13/2011, 4:33 AM
did he just say the cape is "indestructible" but i'm sure i've seen comics with it damaged or torn.

brilliant writer but i'm not sure if i'll like his take on superman.
ScRipt69 - 7/13/2011, 4:40 AM
I do not want Superman in jeans and T-shirt, absolutely not, WTF. No one seems to bang on about the predator killer Wolverine stalking his prey in a BRIGHT YELLOW jumpsuit, yeh that's an advantage, especially in a city. The Superman costume only needs a tweak, not down with the urban kids feel. Surely Superman is more of a symbol of justice and dresses accordingly. Batman operates at night so Black is the smartest choice. All other DC characters do need a tweak. Maybe this reboot will be a good thing in 5yrs time.
Jefferys - 7/13/2011, 4:42 AM
If your gonna put him in street clothes, then make one story of him wearing a suit.
batmanrises - 7/13/2011, 4:47 AM
So Intruder, did the FBI treat you well?
thalidomide - 7/13/2011, 4:48 AM
why don't they just make him a hobo
GLKilowog - 7/13/2011, 4:49 AM
Okay, the way he phrased it really does make this all sound really awkward, but if there's one person I would go to for a reboot of Supes, it's Grant Morrison. The guy's old hat now, and who do you go to when you really need some juice put back into a floundering character? Grant Morrison. Even if you don't like everything he does, it's always very fresh, and very technically clean. I might pick up my first Superman single in 5 years.
batmanrises - 7/13/2011, 4:52 AM
I trust Grant Morrison. He hasn't let me down yet, even on his X-Men run.
GeekMobRoanoke - 7/13/2011, 4:54 AM
I Was Born On Krypton..Born on Kryptonnnnnn
BackwardGalaxy - 7/13/2011, 5:09 AM
Hated Final Crisis (who didn't?). Loved his run on Batman & Robin. I've rarely had such a varied opinion on any artist or writer. Jeans and a t-shirt kinda scares me, but if he links it to the character in the story in a way that makes sense, I'll buy in. Change for change sake is what ticks me off (DCnU), but that doesn't sound like what he's doing here.
EastcoastAvenger - 7/13/2011, 5:59 AM
Jeans & T-shirt? So basically when Clark sees a job for Superman he will dramatically run into a telephone booth to take his glasses off. Up, up, and away!
Shaman - 7/13/2011, 6:05 AM
"The cape’s still indestructible but the rest is picked up in a shop"

What the [frick] does that even mean??? The cape's his baby blanket he was sent to earth with which means it's kryptonian so by human standards its indestructible and then the rest of his suit is built in a shop? Man, if that guy thinks it's a good idea, then he's a few pubes short of a nuttsac. Oh and yeah, Final Crisis was some of the worst shit ever written.

As for the jeans and t-shirts, Clark's a farmboy to start with and he doesn't sleep with his JC Penny work atire so i don't get what the whole beef's about. He's not gonna be sporting khakis and piercings for [frick]s sakes.
DukeAcureds - 7/13/2011, 6:19 AM
When did Grant Morrison get Batman on smack and how the hell did he get DC to let him do it??! Marvel wouldn't even let Greg Rucka have Elektra on the dark! Elektra for [frick]s sake!
I stopped reading Batman just after Infinite Crisis, so I missed Morrison's entire run. Can anyone point out the story with the Holy Bat-junkie?
RyanLantern77 - 7/13/2011, 6:30 AM
Is he talking about making Beast gay in X-Men?
JohnnyKrypton - 7/13/2011, 6:38 AM
er...Beast isn't gay...
comicb00kguy - 7/13/2011, 6:40 AM
This sounds like a bunch of rubbish to me. "Socially active" is a codeword for "hippie pussy". If I want someone preaching at me, I'll go to church or do something to piss off Mom. I don't want any political crap from either 'side' showing up in my comics stories. Leave that for the editorial page. If I want politics, I'll read the news. I read comics to get away from all that nonsense.

As for Superman's clothing choices? I don't mind if he wears a T-shirt and jeans off the clock, but when he's working as the Man of Steel, such an outfit would really cheapen him a lot. I don't know about anyone else here, but it was seeing these larger-than-life people in colorful costumes and with amazing abilities that got me interested in superheroes in the first place when I was a kid. How do you get excited about a guy flying around in a T-shirt and jeans? How does that catch your eye if you're a non-reader and get you thinking "I'd like to see what this is all about"?

TREE24K - 7/13/2011, 6:49 AM
My least favorite author. Ever. He mucks with my beloved characters far too much. Almost like he only writes with controversy in mind. Not a fan.
ArtisticErotic - 7/13/2011, 6:53 AM
Morrison is the man. But I don't think I'll be still I don't think I'll be reading any of the new titles unless I hear some really good things about them.
Show4God1 - 7/13/2011, 7:09 AM
Yeah, the minute I read that he wanted to do the 'springsteen, jeans and t-shirt' thing got me spooked. Im a huge Superman fan, but this...this has got me worried. This 'reboot' better not suck, or im gonna be very upset!

TheLight - 7/13/2011, 7:40 AM

I'm for that!
AlReg - 7/13/2011, 7:50 AM

He's pumped full of drugs by a new villain when he is wondering the streets he slowly starts to act like Miller's Batman. It's in Batman RIP which is a good story but people made the mistake of reading it and not reading the previous books then got angry and confused it also is followed by other stories so people then believed the ending was changed when it wasn't.

Morrison usually provides this great modern fantasy take to superheroes I know it bothers many readers because they are use to them being played realistic but once you get past that and accept that the character can and should have different takes then it is easier to get into.
ellispart3 - 7/13/2011, 7:50 AM
so far it makes sense to me. from what i understand, superman is the first superhero. there is no one for him to pull inspiration from. why would he, being the first superhero, decide to wear a body suit with his underwear on the outside right off the bat. maybe later on, sure. but right off the bat, yea i'm game for supes being just in jeans and a tee...and a cape i guess.
thewolfx - 7/13/2011, 7:57 AM
this is a joke right?

no one could be serious about a superman with no suit right?

i mean the prospect of a weak superman is an oxymoron no one would make that in a movie right ???

AlReg - 7/13/2011, 8:01 AM

The book takes place at the beginning of the new DC timeline where Superman's status as the first hero is restored so it makes some sense that he wouldn't have a costume immediately.
ellispart3 - 7/13/2011, 8:07 AM
right on..and just because he has the golden age mentality, doesn't mean weaker. Golden age superman had powers that fit the story, sometimes he was strong enough to push buildings, pull trains, or even punch bolts on energy. on other occasions he was slowed down by hand grenades. i don't see him all star superman powerful, but still wouldn't be a force to be messed with.
then again if i'm wrong, whats the deal with a weaker superman if there is nothing to compare him to. he would still be the strongest man on the planet being the first superhero. this will be interesting to see how this pans out.
valeriesghost - 7/13/2011, 8:28 AM
I love Grant Morrison, but the thought of Supes rocking just a T and jeans is not gonna fly for more then a few issues. let clark figure out who the hell he is, then put in in the suit. The CLASSIC suit.
Knightstalker - 7/13/2011, 8:40 AM
Jeans, a T-shirt, and a cape? I smell failure of epic proportions here. Gee, will he have red logging boots? Why are all of these lame "re-imaginings" happening to try and make the character more relelvent? It's unnecessary. There is a reason people love their Superman and messing with the character and diluting him doesn't work.

As for making Superman more "socially active and a champion of the oppressed" sounds like socio-political tripe to me. All we need now is a Kryptonian alien overlord telling us all what to think and how to live. Seriously, who needs Darkseid anymore now that he and Superman stand for the same thing?
marvelguy - 7/13/2011, 8:45 AM
It sounds ridiculous. Can't these guys tell a meaningful story without having to change everything? Jeans and a t-shirt is ridiculous. Batman on heroin is stupid. Must we tear down our icons in the name of reinvention. All-Star Superman was great. Try to reinvent that story with an ongoing ending! Glad I don't buy DC regularly.
AlReg - 7/13/2011, 8:50 AM

It's not like it's some gimmick Morrison has shown to have more going on in his pages then that. And Superman is very political and in his early years was a champion of the oppressed it's not out of character for him.
McGribble - 7/13/2011, 8:50 AM
At first I when I saw the shirt and jeans I was really worried. But that is mainly since I am so used to seeing him in his traditional suit. One would assume the cape will be what he came to earth wrapped in and is the only thing left to remind him of home which would be why he would wear it. The rest of the stuff and the idea of a Bruce Springstein look actually makes sense if they are going for a blue collar working mans Superman or a champion of the oppressed.

My concern however is that by making him a champion of the oppressed he will be toned down by way of villains. I just do not see how they will tie that into him fighting super villains, unless they change the modus operandi of all the villains.

Only time will tell, but I will give it a shot...
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