All the specs for the Iron Man armors together in one place?! Yes sir!

All the specs for the Iron Man armors together in one place?! Yes sir!

Ever wondered what were the specs for the Iron Man armors?! Well i did!
After an extensive search here they are for our viewing pleasure and comparison!
Part 1 of 3

Feature Opinion
By wolverinept - Mar 11, 2010 06:03 AM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Comics
Source: Marvel

To complement my article about all the Iron Mam armors across the ages, i decided to do a series regarding the specs of the armors.
This is part 1 concerning the first 3 decades of armors

Armors of the 1960s \ 70s \ 80s
Original (Grey)
Golden Avenger
Red & Gold
Space Armor, Mark I
Stealth Armor, Mark I
Silver Centurion
Hydro-Armor/Undersea Armor
Stealth Armor, Mark II
Modern Classic Armor

Lets start with the Original (Grey):

Original Armor: Gives Tony Stark the following power stunts:
-Body Armor: Rm protection vs. Physical, Ty protection vs. Heat, Cold, Energy and Corrosive
-Energy Absorbtion: Mn
-Magnetic Control: Rm
-Life Support: The chestplate includes a pacemaker. The chestplate can be worn independently

Golden Avenger

Retro-Classic Armor: This armor is an electric-power, iron-alloy, molecular-scale chain mail maintained by an enclosed magnetic field. It gives Iron Man the following power stunts:
-Body Armor: Am protection vs. Physical and Energy, Un resistance to Radiation and Electricity, Rm resistance to Heat, Cold and Corrosives
-Boot Jets: Am airspeed (9 areas/round, up to a maximum of 30 areas) As an offensive weapon, the boot jets cause In damage to targets in the same area.
-Air Supply: 2 hours, may function underwater or in a vacuum
-Fire Extinguisher: Foam sprayer contained within the armor reduces fire by Rm degree, eliminating fires less than In intensity, 1 area. May be sprayed on armor to reduce heat damage by +1cs
-Energy Absorption: Absorb up to Un Energy each round. Up to 300 points of energy may be stored. Further storage causes the storage pods to overload for Mn damage to all in the same area. The stored energy may be redirected through Repulsors or Uni-Beam, inflicting Mn damage each round until the stored energy is depleted.
-Energy Pods: These two disk-like pods are attached at the waist. Detached from the armor, the pods can be thrown up to 5 areas, exploding for Am damage in a single area. If removed, the wearer’s Strength, Endurance, and maximum damage is reduced by –1cs. If both are removed, it is reduced by –2cs. Energy may not be stored if both are detached. Detached from the belt, but linked by cables, these pods may generate a broad-spectrum induction field, which includes:
--Force Field: Rm
--Overload: Overload electronic circuitry with Ex intensity. Those electronic devices without an Endurance rank are overloaded on a Green FEAT.
-Nightvision Lens: Wearer can see in the darkness up to 3 areas away
-Sensors: Radar/Sonar/Heat up to 10 areas
-Multi-Band Radio: May tie in with satellite and computer networks. AM/FM, short wave, civilian, and navigation bands may be monitored. Receives own wavelengths from defensive organizations, like S.H.I.E.L.D., range of 200 miles
-Sonic Distorter: Am ability to disguise voice
-ECM: Gd protection vs. Electronic Detection, Mn protection from outside interference
-Reverse Magnetism: In
-Roller Skates: In land speed (7 areas/round)
-Image Projection: The armor may project up to a dozen visual images of Iron Man which match the actions of the original. Any attack on the wearer of the suit has an equal chance of hitting a duplicate. Radar, scent or detection of life energy can reveal the wearer.
-Digging Ability: The gauntlets may be fitted with rotated studs capable of boring through Gd material at Gd speed
Weapons System: This armor is equipped with the following weapons:
-Repulsors: Up to Am Force, 10 areas, with a Red FEAT (Yellow for Tony Stark or Jim Rhodes), Iron Man can fire at separate targets for up to Am damage, no target may receive more.
-Uni-Beam: This chest-mounted high-intensity lamp is capable of the following:
--Light: Rm illumination for an area up to 3 areas away, turned on suddenly may blind an opponent facing the wearer for 1-10 rounds (Endurance FEAT to avoid)
--Laser: In Energy, 3 areas
-Sonic Attack: Am Sonic to all within 3 areas. In additional with affected area must make an Endurance FEAT vs. intensity of attack, or be Stunned for 1-10 rounds
-Tractor Beam: Lifts objects with Gd Strength, range of 1 area
Briefcase: Rm material, the suit of armor may be stored in what appears to be a normal briefcase, which has been specifically constructed to contain the armor. Am complexity locks, failure to foil the locks sets of an Am explosion which destroys the armor.

Red & Gold

Proto-Classic Armor: This armor is an electric-power, iron-alloy, molecular-scale chain mail maintained by an enclosed magnetic field. It gives Iron Man the following power stunts:
-Body Armor: Am protection vs. Physical and Energy, Un resistance to Radiation and Electricity, Rm resistance to Heat, Cold and Corrosives
-Boot Jets: Mn airspeed (9 areas/round, up to a maximum of 30 areas) As an offensive weapon, the boot jets cause In damage to targets in the same area.
-Air Supply: 2 hours, may function underwater or in a vacuum
-Fire Extinguisher: Foam sprayer contained within the armor reduces fire by Rm degree, eliminating fires less than In intensity, 1 area. May be sprayed on armor to reduce heat damage by +1cs
-Energy Absorption: Absorb up to Un Energy each round. Up to 300 points of energy may be stored. Further storage causes the storage pods to overload for Mn damage to all in the same area. The stored energy may be redirected through Repulsors or Uni-Beam, inflicting Mn damage each round until the stored energy is depleted.
-Energy Pods: These two disk-like pods are attached at the waist. Detached from the armor, the pods can be thrown up to 5 areas, exploding for Am damage in a single area. If removed, the wearer’s Strength, Endurance, and maximum damage is reduced by –1cs. If both are removed, it is reduced by –2cs. Energy may not be stored if both are detached. Detached from the belt, but linked by cables, these pods may generate a broad-spectrum induction field, which includes:
--Force Field: Rm
--Overload: Overload electronic circuitry with Ex intensity. Those electronic devices without an Endurance rank are overloaded on a Green FEAT.
-Override: The armor is equipped with internal safety mechanisms to prevent overloading of designed systems. These interfaces may be consciously bypassed to increase abilities by the following:
--Strength or Repulsor damage may be raised to Un
--Any other single ability may be raised by +1cs
--Each round of override, the wearer must make a Yellow FEAT on the Sh-0 column. Failure indicates the armor is immobilized and must be repaired.
-Nightvision Lens: Wearer can see in the darkness up to 3 areas away
-Sensors: Radar/Sonar/Heat up to 10 areas
-Multi-Band Radio: May tie in with satellite and computer networks. AM/FM, short wave, civilian, and navigation bands may be monitored. Receives own wavelengths from defensive organizations, like S.H.I.E.L.D., range of 200 miles
-Sonic Distorter: Am ability to disguise voice
-ECM: Gd protection vs. Electronic Detection, Mn protection from outside interference
-Reverse Magnetism: In
-Roller Skates: In land speed (7 areas/round)
-Image Projection: The armor may project up to a dozen visual images of Iron Man which match the actions of the original. Any attack on the wearer of the suit has an equal chance of hitting a duplicate. Radar, scent or detection of life energy can reveal the wearer.
-Digging Ability: The gauntlets may be fitted with rotated studs capable of boring through Gd material at Gd speed
Weapons System: This armor is equipped with the following weapons:
-Repulsors: Up to Am Force, 10 areas, with a Red FEAT (Yellow for Tony Stark or Jim Rhodes), Iron Man can fire at separate targets for up to Am damage, no target may receive more.
-Uni-Beam: This chest-mounted high-intensity lamp is capable of the following:
--Light: Rm illumination for an area up to 3 areas away, turned on suddenly may blind an opponent facing the wearer for 1-10 rounds (Endurance FEAT to avoid)
--Laser: In Energy, 3 areas
-Sonic Attack: Am Sonic to all within 3 areas. In additional with affected area must make an Endurance FEAT vs. intensity of attack, or be Stunned for 1-10 rounds
-Tractor Beam: Lifts objects with Gd Strength, range of 1 area
-Freon Tablets: Mn Cold, supercools metal and inflicts the same damage on machinery. May be used against targets in close combat
Briefcase: Rm material, the suit of armor may be stored in what appears to be a normal briefcase, which has been specifically constructed to contain the armor. Am complexity locks, failure to foil the locks sets of an Am explosion which destroys the armor.

Space Armor, Mark I

Space Armor Mark I: It is similar to the Golden Avenger armor, except it is designed for extreme additional protection for space travel. It gives him the following abilities:
-Body Armor: Am protection vs. Physical and Energy, Un resistance vs. Radiation and Electricity, Mn resistance vs. Heat and Cold, Rm resistance vs. Corrosives -Boot Thrusters: Atmospheric movement at 8 areas/round
-Nuclear Thrusters: In space, nuclear thrusters allow movement at 50 areas/round. They may inflict Un Energy and Radiation damage when in the atmosphere
-Vario-Beam Spotlight: This is a variation of the Uni-Beam Spotlight, providing illumination up to 15 areas away. May command a deflector beam capable of pushing against an object with Mn Strength
-Self-Sustenance: The armor provides 4-5 weeks of recyclable food, water, and air
-Exo-Unit Gauntlets: Extendable gauntlets may be jettisoned as grappled up to 7 areas away and manipulated as if part of the armor. Due to the weak mooring line, these gauntlets may only be used in zero-gravity conditions.
-ECM: absorbs or reflects radar and sonar waves, providing Mn invisibility to such detections; however, this does not work while using the nuclear thrusters.
-Detection Equipment: Includes a camera capable of withstanding vacuum.
-Communication Equipment: 2,000 mile radius
Weapons Systems: The Space Armor is equipped with the following offensive capabilities:
-Repulsors: Mn Force at a range of 15 areas

Stealth Armor, Mark I

Stealth Armor Mark I: The Stealth Armor provides Iron Man with the following abilities:
-Body Armor: Rm protection vs. Physical, Energy or Corrosives, Am protection vs. Radiation and Electrical
-Jet Boots: Ex airspeed, Rm Heat damage if used as a weapon
-Hyper-Digging: Gd progress through Gd material
-Sensors: The armor provides Infravision, Radar (which identifies outlines of an object up to 10 areas away if a simple Hearing roll is successful), Sonar (Sonar: Make outlines of any object within 5 areas, if he makes an Intuition FEAT vs. Ty intensity or up to 15 areas if he makes a Rm Intuition FEAT. Works only underwater), and Heat detection, each of which has In rank and a range of 10 areas
-ECM: The Stealth Armor absorbs or reflects radar and sonar waves, providing Mn invisibility to such detections
-Camouflage Effect: Provides the wearer with Ex Invisibility to Visual or Camera detection, but only against one color
Weapons Systems: The Stealth Armor is armed with the following weapons:
-Repulsors: Am Force, up to 10 areas. They have a limited supply of power. Between recharges, Iron Man can only fire 150 points of damage through his repulsors (three shots at maximum output, more if he conserves power by firing at lesser levels).

Silver Centurion

Silver Centurion Armor: Rm material, bolstered by a magnetic field to Am material when in operation. It gives him the following abilities:
-Body Armor: Am protection vs. Physical, Heat and Cold, Mn protection vs. Energy, Un protection vs. Radiation and Electrical attacks.
-Force Field: Am protection vs. Physical, In protection vs. corrosives, Am protection vs. Heat and Cold, Mn protection vs. Energy, Un protection vs. Radiation and Electrical
--He can cancel all power to weapons to feed this power for Mn protection. Repulsor and other weapon or detection systems may not be used when force field is in operation.
-Flight: Am airspeed
-Energy Absorbtion: He can absorb up to 300 points of energy for weapons systems, raising them to Mn for 1 round. He can absorb incoming attacks on a yellow feat or better (Un column)
-Air Supply: Fully functional life-support systems may function for an undetermined period underwater and in a vacuum.
-Sensors: In radar/sonar/electrical systems to detect objects, radio waves, etc.
-Energy Detection: allows the wearer to “see” hidden electrical cables and equipment up to 1 area away, noting their power flow through up to Rm material.
-ECM: Rm protection vs. Electronic detection, including radar.
-Holographic Projectors: Rm protection vs. Visual Sighting, Gd protection vs. complex backgrounds
Weapon Systems: The Silver Centurion Armor is equipped with the following weapons systems:
-Repulsors: Am Force, 10 areas
-Pulse-Bolts: Mn Energy, 10 areas, may disintegrate materials of Rm or less material. May not be fired at separate targets.
-Uni-Beams: Chest beam has a 3 area range for all effects.
--Heat Beam: In
--Laser: Am
--Light Beam: Rm
-Thermal Beam: In Energy, up to 3 areas away, Will melt metals of less than In material strength.
Disruptor Field: Generated from gauntlets, may be directed up to 2 areas away.
-Overloads electronic equipment and guidance systems: Rm, Electrical equipment without an Endurance rank is overloaded on a green FEAT roll.

Hydro-Armor/Undersea Armor

Hydro Armor Mark I: The Hydro Armor is designed for salvage missions at the bottom of the deepest oceans. It has the following abilities:
-Body Armor: In protection vs. Acid, Heat and Cold, Am protection vs. Physical and Energy, Un protection vs. Radiation, Electricity and Force, including the crushing pressure at the greatest ocean depths.
-Aquatic Propulsion: Am Hyper-Swimming
-Crampons: For better traction, the boots have extendable “claws” on the feet, giving Iron Man Gd clinging.
-Self-Sustenance: This armor’s recycling system allows him to stay underwater until he needs food
-Sonar: Make outlines of any object within 5 areas, if he makes an Intuition FEAT vs. Ty intensity or up to 15 areas if he makes a Rm Intuition FEAT.
-Radio: The armor includes conventional multi-band radio transceivers
-Ink Cloud: Create a 3-area wide cloud of Darkness which lasts for 3 turns.
-Holding Container: The armor contains a large holding by in the back, allowing him to store objects up to the size of a large stereo speaker
Weapons System: The Hydro Armor has special armaments for underwater combat:
-Uni-Beam: Chest beam acts as a flood light (Rm intensity with 6 area range) or as a laser (Am Energy, 3 areas)
-Repulsors: Am Force, 6 areas
-Electrical Generation: In Electrical to all creatures or objects within the area Iron Man occupies and all adjacent areas as well.
-Torpedoes: Iron Man has two Rm-damaging mini-torpedoes, which he can fire singly or simultaneously. They have a range of 4 areas
-Self-Destruct: Stark designed the outer shell of the Hydro Armor to automatically detonate two turns after the inner suit ejects, causing Sh-X damage to anything in the same area as the abandoned armor.
Emergency Suit: In cases where Iron Man would find himself trapped under debris, he designed a smaller suit that could support him for brief periods.
-It cannot raise Fighting, Agility or Strength above Rm, nor Endurance higher than Am.
-Body Armor: In protection vs. Physical, Energy, Radiation and Electricity, Gd protection vs. Acid, Am protection vs. Force and Pressure
-Aquatic Propulsion: Ex hyper-swimming
-Boot Rockets: Ex airspeed
-Uni-Beam: Chest beam acts as a flood light (Rm intensity with 6 area range) or as a laser (Am Energy, 3 areas)
-Torpedoes: Iron Man has two Rm-damaging mini-torpedoes, which he can fire singly or simultaneously. They have a range of 4 areas
-Self-Sustenance: This armor’s recycling system allows him to stay underwater until he needs food
-Sonar: Make outlines of any object within 5 areas, if he makes an Intuition FEAT vs. Ty intensity or up to 15 areas if he makes a Rm Intuition FEAT.
-Radio: The armor includes conventional multi-band radio transceivers
-Holding Container: The Holding Container is attached to the emergency suit.

Stealth Armor, Mark II

Iron Man Stealth Suit Mark II: This suit is composed entirely of advanced composite ceramics and experimental bio-neural gel-pack circuitry, fused with a kevlar-like polymer and backed by optical fiber networks. It gives the wearer the following abilities:
-Alter Ego: When out of the armor, Tony’s stats are on the right side of the column.
-Anti-Theft Device: Attempts to copy or dismantle the suit causes it to detonate in 2 rounds for In damage to all in 1 area.
-Body Armor: Rm Strength material reinforced by a Force Field for a total protection of Am vs. physical and energy, Immune to Antarctic Vibranium and Wakanda Vibranium (ex. Black Panther’s claws cannot hurt him.)
-Night Vision: Iron Man does not suffer any penalties in darkness
-ECM: The armor has Rm invisibility to radar and sonar.
-Hologram Projector: Rm
-Flight Computer: This onboard flight computer that grants Ex manuverability, and also a +2 CS to any agility FEAT that involves manuvers or turns.
-Targeting Computer: This computer grants +2 CS to agility to fire the suit's weapons systems
-Electro-Magnetic Pulse: The EMP shuts down all electrical devices (and all but Iron Man's life support/sensors) in 1 area for 6 minutes.
-Voice Distortion Unit: Gd Voice Disguise
-Flight: Ex speed, 50 areas/round
-Force Field: He can cancel all power to weapons to feed this power for Mn protection. Can also use this field to polarize the armor to either attract or repulse other items of magnetic polarity with In ability. Can’t use any other systems when engaged.
-Plasma Bolts: Un Force, 15 areas
-Protected Senses: Rm protection vs. Sound and Light. Blindness only lasts 1 round max.
-Sensors: In radar/sonar/electrical systems to detect objects, radio waves, x-rays, MRIs, etc.
Weapons System: The Stealth Armor is equipped with the following weapons system:
-Repulsor Rays: Am Force, 10 areas
-Uni-Beams: Chest beam has a 3 area range for all effects.
--Heat Beam: In
--Laser: Am
--Light Beam: Rm
--Tractor Beam: Rm
--Holographic Projector: Gd

Modern Classic Armor

Iron Man Armor:
-Alter-Ego: Stats are changed as above
-Anti-Theft Device: Attempts to copy or dismantle the suit causes it to detonate in 2 rounds for In damage to all in 1 area.
-Body Armor: Rm protection vs. Physical and Energy
-ECM: The armor has Rm invisibility to radar and sonar.
-Energy Absorbtion: He can absorb up to 300 points of energy for weapons systems, raising them to Mn for 1 round. He can absorb incoming attacks on a yellow feat or better (Un column)
-Flight: Ex speed, 50 areas/round
-Force Field: He can cancel all power to weapons to feed this power for Mn protection.
-Protected Senses: Rm protection vs. Sound and Light. Blindness only lasts 1 round max.
-Magnetism: Magnetically control metal items at In ability.
-Sensors: In radar/sonar/electrical systems to detect objects, radio waves, etc.
-Hologram Emitter: In, Iron Man is able to perform the following power stunts:
--Multiple Images: Generates 12 simultaneous images of the armor.
--Chameleon Field: Rm invisibility
Weapons Systems:
-Pulse Bolts: Un Force, 15 areas
-Electro-Magnetic Pulse: The EMP shuts down all electrical devices (and all but Iron Man's life support/sensors) in 1 area for 6 minutes.
-Repulsor Rays: Am Force, 10 areas.
-Heat Beam: In
--Heated Surface: Iron Man can also internalize the heat of the surface of the armor until it is too hot to touch, whoever touches it suffers Gd damage
-Uni-Beams: Chest beam has a 3 area range for all effects.
--Laser: In
--Light Beam: Ex
--Tractor Beam: Ex
--Holographic Projector: Gd
-Sonic Distorter: In sonics, 10 areas mile radius, They can cause Rm explosion on impact with a target.

That concludes Part 1!
Stay tuned for part 2 featuring the following armors from the 90’s:

The Space Armor Mark II
NTU-150 Teleprescence Unit
The Modular Armor
The Hulkbuster Armor Mark I
The Heroes Return Armor
The S.K.I.N. Armor

Peace out
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CorndogBurglar - 3/11/2010, 7:53 AM
silver centurian was the best out of those, in my opinion. cool article man! looking forward to seeing the Hulkbuster and Extremis armors!
1chris2 - 3/11/2010, 1:17 PM
i like the stealth armor 2. i would love to see ultron in the films and i know it does not have anything to do with it.
1chris2 - 3/11/2010, 1:18 PM
i would like to see the armor that comes out of starks body in the film as well.
Spock - 3/11/2010, 3:51 PM
@wolverinpt, This has taken u some time to research, Nice Work!
DogsOfWar - 3/11/2010, 7:19 PM
Hmmm...interesting concept but why did you just copy & paste from some role playing site. Do we need to know hit damage and game abilities? Not trying to knock you down, I just don't understand all the RPG notes and stuff unless that is what you are going for and not the comics.
prototype87 - 3/12/2010, 7:34 PM
nice article! they're all great...although my first choice would be the space armor. looks pretty cool.
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