Fred Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church Headed to Comic-Con

Fred Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church Headed to Comic-Con

Comic-Con goers, beware: The man who believes that god hates...well...everyone but his family (really) is headed to San Diego on July 22.

By Illusions - Jul 17, 2010 07:07 AM EST
Filed Under: Comic-Con

From Fred Phelps' official Westboro Baptist Church site, his church's case for making the trek to SDCC:

Are you kidding?! If these people would spend even some of the energy that they spend on these comic books, reading the Bible, well no high hopes here. They have turned comic book characters into idols, and worship them they do! Isaiah 2:8 Their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made: 9 And the mean man boweth down, and the great man humbleth himself: therefore forgive them not. It is time to put away the silly vanities and turn to God like you mean it. The destruction of this nation is imminent - so start calling on Batman and Superman now, see if they can pull you from the mess that you have created with all your silly idolatry.

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airbeyonder18 - 7/17/2010, 9:01 AM
I don't get it. I'm confused.
Illusions - 7/17/2010, 9:29 AM
From their website, from 1 pm -2 pm, they will be outside the San Diego Convention Center with their signs reading "God Hates F*gs" and other vile stuff, accusing those attending of ignoring religious doctrine and shouting all sorts of vile attacks at those attending.
NERO - 7/17/2010, 11:52 AM
This guy and his little cult are beyond insane.

Described as a "Hyper-Calvinist" meaning he believes all our fates spiritually and temporally are predetermined by God before birth, thus negating the concept of free will in faith and salvation as seen by the Christian faith... in other words only some preselected few are destined for heaven most are simply screwed regardless. Funny considering this idiot's major peeve is homosexuality; if we are predestined in his view doesn't that mean god meant for these people to be gay? I don’t know, but it makes sense to him.

He hates according to a brief look-see at Wiki and a few other sites:
Gays, Jews, Catholics, Swedes, the Irish, Flags(which he sees as idols), Hate speech laws, etc.

Now before someone posts "Oh, crazy right wing nut job...yadda yadda" He is actually a crazy Democrat having run under that ticket in several political races, one of which he almost won. He is a former civil rights lawyer that seems to have gone screaming off the deep end in the late 70's and when he went he went over the rails on fire riding a rocket sled with a live grenade up his ass...

The indecent [frick]er protests funerals of servicemen holding up banners and yell to the families that their fallen children are in hell now because they fought for a country that has some form of gay rights. He and his cult made up almost exclusively of his "church" which in turn is made up exclusively of his blood relatives. Two of his sane children who fled from him have made claims that he is an abusive sadomasochist and that the church is a cult in which he believes he decides who goes to heaven and hell, based on their agreement with his ideals alone. Top that all off with the fact that nearly all the kids are lawyers and it really just ends up being a whole group of nasty [frick]ers that I sincerely hope burn in Hell.
StuckInPanels - 7/17/2010, 12:59 PM
like anyone will notice him, they might think he's cosplaying as a nutjob religious idiot.
ISleepNow - 7/17/2010, 1:21 PM
He's more interesting & entertaining than probably 90% of the scheduled presentations are going to be

contrast - 7/17/2010, 2:55 PM
Wait... So, if these idiots believe that everything is predestined, then why do they protest anything? By their "logic" (and I use that term extremely lightly), their protests are pointless, because nothing they do can change what is "supposed" to happen.


Now, I'm a religious man, myself. I believe that everyone should be able to choose what they believe in, but I draw the line when you have cults like this who try to make up rules for how people who don't follow them should behave. Keep your cult-mindedness to yourself and we'll be A-okay.

@NERO-- wonderful job explaining the insanity that these crazies believe, however, I would like to add one bit of information that I think anyone going to SDCC should know, in case they run into these *ahem* individuals. I'll make it obnoxiously large so everyone can see it...

As you say, most, if not all of the church's members are lawyers. what they love most is to irritate people into doing something stupid (i.e. taking physical action against them), then, the "church" sues the ass out of that person. They're predators, plain and simple.

elcaballerooscuro92 - 7/17/2010, 3:44 PM
this guy gives bad fame to religion, im a religious man and a big batman fan, and if this guy knows anything about the bible he should know that god gave us free will for a reason, so he should back off!
J0RELLC00LJ - 7/17/2010, 11:16 PM
Hm, funny, when it comes to real life I see Superman about as much as I see Jesus....

KiddSoul - 7/18/2010, 10:57 AM
Hey whats up guys sorry for the long post. I'm not preaching religion down anyone's neck but this is one thing everyone must be careful of. I'm religious myself,I do consider myself to believe in Jesus Christ. This man Fred Phelps and what he is saying and leading people to believe is wrong to the point that I must share this. He misinterpret's and misrepresent's the fundamental's of what it means to be a christian. He along with others like him is the reason many who are not christians do not want to go to church,read a bible,pray or even consider that God does exist. Fred Phelps message is all about God's condemnation and judgement but is he too human to do that against you or me? Remember he and his followers are the ones condemning out of their mouths not God.

So the real christians speaks of God's mercy,grace,love,faith and hope you know why? Because they were once in a place in their lives when they cried out to God in their addictions,family problems,habits,their sickness in health,their misery's,sin and depression. And they were delivered and were given joy,peace,love and understanding.
The gospel has always been about that all of mankind have a free choice to accept Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. And if anyone does not, will that give the right for a man(Fred Phelps)to preach condemnation? Someone who is not perfect like you or me? If he is truly a believer in Jesus Christ you will know it. Fred Phelps message is NOT agreeable to what had just been revealed to me...

KiddSoul - 7/18/2010, 11:17 AM
...I promise you this. If you or anyone you know were to watch this documentary or film you will have an understanding of why the world don't like christians or those that claim to be. You can youtube the trailer.

"lord save us from your followers"

Because of the fanatacism,hypocriticism,condemnation and coldness without love people will never be "saved from their own selves or sin" or have a good oppurtunity for their own enjoyment or choice.
KiddSoul - 7/18/2010, 11:23 AM

By the way i'm a Marvel fan,I read comic books,I watch comic book movies,I want to go to comic con and I like websites like this. Does that mean my soul is doomed? Hmmm...
TheZoan - 7/18/2010, 2:59 PM
Yeah Kid, i agree with u. It's these nuts that make all christian believers look like nuts & haters. I wonder what happened to luv they neighbours & all that. We don't have to agree on others beliefs but we are required to show luv mercy & charity.
God hates blasphemy, lets hope they meet soon!
MatchesMalone - 7/19/2010, 8:45 AM
Wow. I'm not religious by any means, but the Christians I've known personally in my life would NEVER preach hate like this @$$hole. My grandmother went to church every Sunday of her life, and no matter what mohawk or piercing or tattered t-shirt I showed up in, she would never judge me by my appearance or my personal beliefs. THAT is a true Christian. This guy probably hates gays because he secretly wants to suck a c*ck anyways.
2cool4school - 7/19/2010, 8:59 AM
[frick] those crazy people. I think we all know the difference between fantasy and reality. Those people believe in a invisible man who hears everyone talk at the same time and think it's real. It's called myths and even the Greeks and Romans realized their beliefs were made up.
Flurb - 7/19/2010, 2:09 PM
:\ I'm a Christian, I'll admit it here, but I hope you guys understand, he's not following any Christ that I've fallen in love with.

I wish I could just sit down and talk to him, maybe help him realize his misconceptions.
jjmeylar - 7/19/2010, 2:15 PM
@Flurb: I'm the same way, man. This guy is the kind of person that made Ghandi say "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." This guy is undermining the meaning of the word "Christian". The word means Christ-like. Christ would NOT protest people coming together to talk about things that they like, such as comics.
bjvb997 - 7/20/2010, 6:39 AM
When this idiot goes I'm flying out to his funeral to protest him. See how his family likes a taste of their own medicine. Ok well I won't be protesting, just cheering a lot :-)
AlternateNo4 - 7/20/2010, 6:53 AM
hey all... just to echo what contrast said up above, because sometimes people skip the comments in the middle... BUT it is ESSENTIAL to remember that this group chooses it's protest locations CAREFULLY and it TARGETS events that it thinks give it the best chance of being harassed, attacked or otherwise prevented from expressing its revolting message.

the "church" is pretty much EXCLUSIVELY FUNDED BY LAWSUIT MONEY! they are EXTREMELY crafty and always set up their position at the EXACT LOCATION where they are legally permitted to be, so if they are asked to move or in any way touched they can file a complaint.

they came to a local high school recently where i was working, and the police came in advance and explained that they go to schools because teenage boys offer a perfect combination of impulsivity, hot-headedness and the desire to impress observers. that's anther part of the reason they target places like the funerals of fallen soldiers, etc... they figure uniforms=testosterone and if they annoy military personnel enough to get roughed up, they can sue the government.

they're probably coming to CC because they're hoping a few guys will get in the "superhero" spirit and get physical. DONT DO IT!
LordHumongous - 7/20/2010, 7:53 AM
If you're at all familiar with this guy he likes to go to the funerals of the fighting men and women of America and tell people that they deserve to burn in hell and such. He's the lowest of the low. I'm pretty sure he's still in a legal battle with the father of a Marine from my unit that died in Iraq. I hope someone punches him in the face.
LordHumongous - 7/20/2010, 7:55 AM
AlternateNo4, you're smarter than I am. I couldn't hold back if I saw this guy.
hellna - 7/20/2010, 1:52 PM
@ Flurb & JJ Meylar– Amen brothers.
@ Superdawggiedawg- don't perpetuate the madness man.
superdawggiedawg - 7/20/2010, 3:34 PM
I am a true christian, and this guy DOES NOT show the kind of love Christ has. I, for one, do not idolize superheroes, but i love the genre and its my hobby. Jesus would never condemn us for what we love.

@hellna i was mad... i had a bad choice of words. Apologies man :)
BrownTornado - 7/20/2010, 3:39 PM
I get angry when false Christians attack people in the name of God...they push their own agendas and are in it for themselves...forcing someone to do your bidding NEVER works...why can't they get it through their thick skulls?
hellna - 7/20/2010, 6:33 PM
I bet this is a Skrull agenda.
Ryden - 8/21/2010, 8:11 PM
@bropous- Care to explain how they are liberals? Last time I checked it was conservatives who were all anti-gay and mad Christians....honestly I wouldn't lot them into either conservative or liberal, they're just freaks of nature who need to go away.
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