What could we see from the DCCU this Comic Con

What could we see from the DCCU this Comic Con

Batman V Superman: Dawn of justice doesn't hit theaters until 2016, but does that also mean we won't hear any news about it this weekend?

Editorial Opinion
By ManWithNoName - Jul 22, 2014 11:07 PM EST
Filed Under: Comic-Con

Here are the top speculated ideas that DC might reveal at San Diego Comic Con

Batman V Superman trailer/ images

If the Batflek managed to boost this films confidence with a single picture, imagine what a 30 second teaser could do. A clip of some dialogue between Batman and Superman or better yet a tease of a fight scene could give the chills to even the most pessimistic fans. Even showing a logo with a Batman voice over would be suffecient. And if they aren't prepared for a trailer a picture of Gal Gadot in Wonder Woman attire/ a Trinity pic are just as welcome.
Could it happen?
BVS has been shooting for weeks now, enough footage for a trailer wouldn't be a big problem. However we need to keep in mind that this movie isn't coming out until 2016, no need to play all you're cards now. Clay Enos the BVS photographer has said On twitter that even though he recently took a historic picture, we shouldn't expect much this much this early on.  
Final Score 90% 
BVS for better or worse will probaby go down in history as one of the most anticipated movies of all time. I'm pretty sure Warner Bro's DC will give us something, but I wouldn't bet on any trailer longer than 45 seconds.

Justice League related news
Fox has the X-Men, Sony has the Sinister Six, but the only real superhero team that has any hope to combat the behemoth known as the Avengers in the box office is the Justice League. Though very far away it is still in the realm of possibility we could get some Justice League related news. Ray Fisher Cyborg, and Jason Momoa Aquaman confirmation can definently be done this year.
Could it happen?
The only two things we know about Justice League is that it's happening, and that it's coming out before 2019. The biggest rumor is that Justice League and BVS are shooting back to back, giving Justice league a 2017 release date. If we are to believe the Nikki Finke scoop, DC has already casted every hero involved, which has lead some to speculate that a full cast reveal might happen.
Score 35%
Keep in mind this film even at it's earliest possible release date will not be arriving for 3 more years. Why say X is playing Y right now when you could keep everyone guessing for another year or two.The only reason why i give a 35% is that the confirmation of a 2017 release date seems plausible.

The Rock's DC Movie
The Rock has already made it be known that he will playing a DC character. Names like Lobo, Darksied, Green Lantern, and Martain Man Hunter were tossed around when he first made this announcement. Now it's pretty much safe to say he'e going to be in the Shazam movie, unless of course this was all a giant misdirect on the Rock's part. If the Rock is in the Shazam movie, then the question of who he's playing, and whether this will be in the DCCU will have to be answerd as well.
Could it happen?
The rumored date of Shazam is 2016, and the Rock stated that writers were being found as we speak. If DC announces a well liked directer is attached, somone like a Guillermo Del Toro, or Edgar Wright it could raise confidence in the DCCU.
Score 87%
Because this movie is going into production sometime in 2014, we're going to figure out what he'll be in a few months regardless of an anouncement. Why not have the Rock come out on stage to announce a 2016 Shazam infront of the whole world? Or even have the Rock introduce the Justice League cast members....

DC TV Crossover
Marvel may be king with Movies, but DC seems to have the midas touch when it comes to television. Arrow, the Flash pilot, and the Constantine pilot have been all well recieved. Ever since Arrow first came on people have wondered if it will crossover with the DCCU, this theory had only gained momentum when the Flash got his own spinoff show. Fans of Arrow and Grant Gustin's Flash would go ballistic if this happened. Ben Affleck Batman could also get some character development from Gotham.
Could it happen ?
Producers on both sides have said that this is very unlikely and Geoff Johns just made a statement a few days ago that it is definently not going to happen. Also this could tie both sides down from having to stick to continuity, as it would limit charcter appearences in movies because they already appeared in TV. There is also the wildcard theory that DC could create an Agents of Shield type show that would have a clean slate, David Goyer did say that there where  "general conversations" about expanding the DC universe beyond movies.
Score 5%
Apart from some cryptic twitter messeges from Amell, the idea of an interconnected universe based on TV shows that are already out now is dead. No announcement at this Comic Con will put the final nail in the coffin, unless this was a huge misdirect by everyone, and Amell really does win Comic Con as promised. Down the road I think a TV show based on the DCCU is inevitable, but I would put sometime in 2018 at the earliest.

The Nikki Finke Scoop
A while back Nikki Finke gave us a supposed list of what DC will reveal this Comic Con. The list includes
-Batman V Superman 2016
-Shazam 2016
-Sandman 2016
-Justice League 2017
-Wonder Woman 2017
- Green Lantern/Flash 2017
-Man of Steel 2018
-Batman somewhere in 2019 or earlier (according to Latino Review)
Could it Happen?
The list is ambitous, DC goes from taking a 3 year break to 3 movies a year is very strange indeed. The addition of a Green Lantern/Flash is especially wierd. Keep in mind David Goyer claimed in an interview that DC had no long term plan for its properties to the groans of all DC fans.This is countered by Kevin Smith's own claim that the list is real.
Score 82%
BVS, Shazam, Sandman, and Justice League all seem to be in some stage of production right now. That is half of Finke's list right there, so the other 4 being true is not out of the question. I think we are going to get a portion of the list at Comic Con, but the 2017 and beyond stuff will be saved for later.

A Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Date Change
As we all know May 16 is the battleground date that both BVS and Captain America are expected to fight on. I'm not getting into any hypotheticals on what will happen on the box office that day because of one fact. Somone is moving, there is simply to much money to be lost if both sides do nothing. Both Captain America and BVS are poised to loss millions by doing nothing.
Could it happen?
As I said earlier a date change is going to happen. So far Marvel either has commited to losing millions or is keeping a really good poker face about all of this. Meanwhile DC has garnered allot of anger by "bullying" Marvel. A date change of a few weeks before May 16 could give the two superhero flicks some breathing room. Or the other rumored option is to move back to sometime in 2015, this solution could help DC save some face by not delaying the movie any further.
Score 25%

Somwhere in the Warner Bro's offices there is a group of men and women proccessing the pro's and con's of moving BVS to any date imaginable. If the date is to be changed only a few weeks backwards or even delayed a little it most likely won't be worth mentioning at Comic Con. The only reason a date change would be mentioned is if BVS is coming back to 2015, and if that isn't announced by this Comic Con it ain't happening.

Thanks for reading the ManWithNoName's first article, and comment what you think DC will reveal this Comic Con. I mean they're gonna do something right? right?....

By the way thankyou to TheIncredibleHulksta for inspiring me to write this, based of his Marvel movie predictions

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Vortigar - 7/23/2014, 5:10 AM
A shot of Wonder Woman is all I need. The number one thing I'm really curious about is what they're going to tell about the Sandman project.

"BVS for better or worse will probaby go down in history as one of the most anticipated movies of all time. I'm pretty sure Warner Bro's DC will give us something, but I wouldn't bet on any trailer longer than 45 seconds."

Well, the most anticipated movie ever was and may just forever remain Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Menace. For better or worse indeed...
Vortigar - 7/23/2014, 5:12 AM
A date change would probably be either movie moving to a release a couple weeks earlier. Get your big bang in before the other one does.
GreenLantern519 - 7/23/2014, 6:04 AM
I remember seeing an interview with Phil Lorde and Chris Miller saying they've been offered a few directing gigs for Superhero films. Imagine if they did Shazam? They'd be perfect!
GreenLantern519 - 7/23/2014, 6:06 AM
I think the list makes sense. They'll take the 2-3 years off and get all of their scripts written, make sure they gel well, and then BOOM. DCCU. May as well come out of the gate strong.
RextheKing - 7/23/2014, 6:14 AM
I will laugh my ass off if both Marvel and DC announce at SDCC that they are moving Cap 3/BvS two weeks ahead.
BawbScharf - 7/23/2014, 7:51 AM
Um yeah ...I do not know where all of this Cap is most definitely going to lose millions to B V S talk is coming from. It is rather optimistic from a company that does not have the momentum or the wider audience appeal. We, being around our 20's to 30's, tend to see things through how things WERE pre-20008 and through our own cynical and stubborn eyes and NOT what the children and teens have been raised on. The fact is that there is a whole new generation that does not care about the Trinity. These aren't the big screen heroes they were raised with as the Batman films and Superman films were meant to appeal to an older mature set. This alienates a BIG part of the potential audience: families. So, you have a generation of children who were not raised with a big three but a big four: Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and Hulk. That has been what has dominated the big screen for years as far as hero movies goes and they had the most exposure to them. Even if they did catch the Batman films and Man of Steel, there was more Marvel going around.

Okay, that is one sect of people that Marvel has. THEN you have the VERY general audience who is into what the current fad is ...right now the fad is the colorful Marvel films and there is no D.C movie between now and then to sway that. Marvel has the momentum with movies where you could mostly turn your head off and enjoy without thinking too hard. There is crossover with the next group here: people who did not like Man of Steel ...of which they are a majority despite what a vocal minority might say.

And then there are the more informed and slightly cynical group who can read the writing on the walls: WB is desperate. Whether it be the weird casting (of which I have no problem) or the need to just cram so many heroes into a movie that was supposed to be a Superman sequel or the reliance on just ONE director might or might not really 'GET' superman ...and women or just Goyer's ignorant comments from a few months back. There are enough iffy things to scare some of the more informed off to point where they would go with the studio that has earned trust from its fans. The DCCU just has not earned that yet so with some of these omens that takes out another group.

And then there are your hardcore Marvel fans, whether they be fans of the comics or just the movies in general. There are a whole lot more of them than there are casual D.C fans nowadays just due to how Marvel has marketed itself.

So, the argument everyone makes for WHY B V S will be the clear winner is that it is Batman and Superman in the same film. So? What does that mean in a market that has been controlled by Marvel for years now ...with Batman taking the spotlight from them once as MCU was at its very beginning. It features a Batman who no one is familiar with played by an actor who is either going to be great or Clooney levels but no one is for sure which. And then there is a Superman who many don't believe symbolizes what many believe Super Man should symbolize. Compare this to not only a character who has grown to be iconic played by a man who portrays him perfectly and the fact that this character stands for the old fashioned American values that Superman was SUPPOSED to stand for and the fact the last movie in the franchise was EXCELLENT with the same directors! Man of Steel might have been good to some but all in all it was polarizing to many and not what people wanted in a hero nor a Superman film. The last Cap was universally acclaimed. That iconic imagery of Supes means nothing when Marvel has been building up its icons for years now.

With that information, I just do not see how it is completely outmatched by an unproven property. Marvel has way too much pull and trust from its fans right now. And its general audience fans greatly outweigh the hardcore D.C fans (mostly because they have the children and family vote).

HOWEVER, if Batman and Superman is AMAZING great film and if they feel like doing this outing against another Marvel film with the JLA movie ...then JLA could beat it. The success of the sequel depends on how good the original was in quality.
StupidSexyFlanders - 7/23/2014, 9:23 AM
There's a 53% chance all these percentages are made up
LongShanks - 7/23/2014, 10:48 AM

You sound like your trying real hard to convince yourself man
SAMURAI36 - 7/23/2014, 11:20 AM
Anyone that that thinks Cap3 will be a problem for BvS is out of their minds.

Cap 3 is basically been-there, done-that.

BM and SM together for the first time on the big screen? And add WW as well for the first time ever?

I'm calling it now: BvS = BILLION DOLLAR MOVIE.
DCGuy - 7/23/2014, 1:35 PM

gamecreatorjj - 7/23/2014, 1:49 PM
what if DC announces BvS will be in 2015, on Ant-Man's date. That would be some Game of Thrones level drama.
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