DOCTOR STRANGE: Is Director Scott Derrickson Teasing Namor For The Upcoming Sequel?

DOCTOR STRANGE: Is Director Scott Derrickson Teasing Namor For The Upcoming Sequel? DOCTOR STRANGE: Is Director Scott Derrickson Teasing Namor For The Upcoming Sequel?

A since-deleted Tweet from Doctor Strange director Scott Derrickson has fulled speculation that Marvel's planned sequel to the Sorcerer Supreme's solo movie could introduce Namor: The Submariner...

By MarkCassidy - Mar 13, 2019 07:03 AM EST
Filed Under: Doctor Strange
Last we heard, there was still some legal red tape preventing Marvel Studios from introducing Namor to The MCU, but is there a chance that situation has now changed?

Doctor Strange director Scott Derrickson has set tongues wagging by Tweeting out an image from the cover of 2011's Fear Itself: The Deep #1, featuring the good Doctor and and The Submariner. The post was accompanied by the caption "Are You Experienced?," which seems to be a reference to the Jimi Hendrix tune.

Derrickson tends to Tweet a lot of Strange-related content so there's nothing particularly unusual about this - however, the fact that he has since deleted it may mean that there is something to all of the speculation.

What do you guys think? Is there a possibility that Namor will make his MCU debut in Doctor Strange 2, or is the director simply having some fun here? Check out the Tweets below and be sure to share your thoughts in the usual place.

Doctor Strange 2 is now officially in development. Benedict Cumberbatch will reprise the role of The Sorcerer Supreme, and he'll be joined by Benedict Wong as fellow wizard, Wong. Rachael McAdams is also "likely" to return as Strange's love interest, who really didn't get a whole lot to do in the first film.
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Unites - 3/13/2019, 7:55 AM
No. He should be introduced in Black Panther 2. This is an amazing fan plot on how to do that:
mastakilla39 - 3/14/2019, 5:53 AM
@Unites - Universal owns Namor. I think they have a bad relationship after Ruffalo and Feige bashed them in public during Thor Ragnarok for not allowing Marvel to make another solo Hulk film.

I think what Scott Derrickson is alluding to is Dr. Strange's origin because they kinda skipped it in their 1st film, where Dr Strange's sister drown's to death.
popgoezthawzul - 3/14/2019, 6:34 AM
@Unites - Marvel Developing An Illuminati Movie, Will Feature Fantastic Four And X-Men
MexCowboyNation - 3/13/2019, 7:57 AM
I want to see Namor but I hope not. He should start out as a FF villain.
RegularPoochie - 3/13/2019, 8:20 AM
@CowboyNation214 - What if they'll introduce FF in a Namor movie?
lawndart - 3/13/2019, 10:29 AM
@CowboyNation214 - What about introducing him in an Invaders flashback involving Cap and Bucky?
RolandD - 3/13/2019, 10:59 AM
@lawndart - I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if they did that. How’ bout the first Human Torch they show in the MCU is Jim Hammond?
thunderpun573 - 3/13/2019, 11:37 AM
@RolandD - There is an exhibit at the World expo in the beginning of TFA featuring the original human torch.
thunderpun573 - 3/13/2019, 11:41 AM
@lawndart - that would be pretty dope but I feel like it's kinda too late in the game for that. I feel like that's some pretty major stuff happening during WWII that wasn't shown in TFA. thats borderline retconning at that point
JonC - 3/13/2019, 12:51 PM
@RolandD - the torch they showed in the stark expo during captain america the first avenger?
RolandD - 3/13/2019, 2:24 PM
@thunderpun573 - Right! I saw that. I had forgotten about it, though.
RolandD - 3/13/2019, 2:26 PM
@thunderpun573 -
I do mean a bit more than the exhibit though. That was fan service, but not an actual appearance but I get what you mean.
Alex35 - 3/13/2019, 7:58 AM
OT regarding Captain Marvel (SPOILERS):

So, I finally saw the movie last night, it was.. ok. Good acting, great visuals, even better performance from Ben Mendelson. Carol was so powerful it became boring at one point.

My question is in relation to the "twist"... So in the comic books, is it the same thing happening (turns out Kree's are bad, Skrulls are good)? Or it's just something directors and writers did for the movie? Thanks.
MrDandy - 3/13/2019, 8:01 AM
@Alex35 - Skrulls are usually villains but there are some that have been good. Kree are usually more slit with some good and some bad.

Basically their war with each other is so petty and destructive though that they both come off as assholes anyways.
Origame - 3/13/2019, 8:04 AM
@Alex35 - its a change they made. Possibly because they thought it was a cool twist or maybe they thought it worked as a metaphor for refugees.
Chewtoy - 3/13/2019, 8:27 AM
@Alex35 - In the comics, both races are generally bad news. Mar-vell turns against the Kree in the original comics because they’re generally bastards, but the Kree-Skrull war comes later and the Skrulls have their own powerful Empire at the time with the Earth simply caught in the middle of it.
Origame - 3/13/2019, 10:09 AM
@Puketitmilker - probably yeah. But then again, we cant say anything bad about this movie. Because it stars a woman and deals with real issues. And any movie starring a woman or deals with real issues is instantly good. And anyone who disagrees is a troll. Are you a troll?
Krona13 - 3/13/2019, 7:59 AM
Luke Evans for Namor 🧜‍♂️
MonroeArtStudio - 3/13/2019, 8:00 AM
@Krona13 - Lol, just posted the same thing!
HeavyMetal4Life - 3/13/2019, 8:04 AM
@MonroeArtStudio @Krona13

ShimmyShimmyYA - 3/13/2019, 10:48 AM
@Krona13 - or Brian tee either would be dope
Equivocal - 3/13/2019, 11:07 AM
@Krona13 -

not only he's a good actor,

he looks very good in a speedo !

parkerray - 3/13/2019, 1:04 PM
@Equivocal - There's only one clear choice for Namor!

MonroeArtStudio - 3/13/2019, 7:59 AM
Marvel, Luke Evans as Namor please.
Feralwookiee - 3/13/2019, 8:01 AM
AbidNaga - 3/13/2019, 8:06 AM
@Feralwookiee - Ha! Was just about to say that we're finally getting the Defenders in the movies.
HeavyMetal4Life - 3/13/2019, 8:01 AM
Ehh, as much as I would love for Namor to finally get his due and appear in the MCU, I don't think that Dr Strange 2 is the right place for this to happen.


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