5 Things I Realized While Reading CBM.com This Week

5 Things I Realized While Reading CBM.com This Week

Before anybody gets the hate-ball rolling, this is a little experiment and nothing more. It's just stuff that really had me thinking and thus made me realize certain things; in addition to the news that was posted this past week. So go ahead and dig into the dark realms of my comic book mind.

Editorial Opinion
By LuckyKyd - Feb 14, 2010 09:02 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

1. Galactus, after all has omnipotent power and control over Comicbookmovie.com

Even though I for a while doubted we would ever get rid of the Wolfman-curse, Galactus proved once again why he is the most powerful sentient being in the universe and saved us from “You we’re bitten by the beast!”, “You bear his mark now!”, oh and lets not forget “I’m gonna kill all of you!”. I’m truely thankful for our saviour, who pulled out a great effort to keep us members happy and still posting at the world’s best news forum for comic book movies! Now we can go back to bitching about “X-men Origins: Wolverine” or LEEE777’s constant campaigning for Sam Worthington as Captain America.
UPDATE: Well as the week reached about midpoint a new realization occured to me: Master Chief and the Halo-gang are beyond Galactus’ godly power apparently.

2. Anthony Hopkins is the only actor in any CBM, who will most likely never get a hate bandwagon from fanboys!

It just seems like this guy is simply unhateable(don’t know if that is a word) beyond all reason on this site. I mean first Hannibal the cannibal tells us he has not read anything besides the script, and it is still to be decided if he has even read the whole script or just the pages he has a say on. Then he says he is not a fan in any sort of way – well I guess that is okay, I’m not really a hugh fan of Thor either. But he did not just say he was not a fan, he said he was not in to it at all. Still people are just getting mildly piss only to turn around 180 decrees and declare that the actor is gonna bring the thunder no matter what kind of BS he lets out the front gates of Valhalla. Anyway, as long as my fellow members are confident, I’m too. And why shouldn’t I. Hopkins is an amazing actor. Branagh is an amazing director. What can go wrong?

3. They don’t need to reboot Superman now that they have Nolan onboard the franchise - Just kill off the goddamn kid!

This was really some kind of revelation for me. I always thought it would be too gravely in tone if they killed off the child of big old Red and Blue. But that is simply what needs to happen. And with Nolan possibly onboard as a “consultant” or something like that, this seems like a great way to go. It will both please fans and get the average moviegoer excited about the way they are gonna take Superman. Because lets face it, who would not see a movie with Christopher Nolans name on the poster. It could be sort of like what they did with ‘District 9’, where Peter Jackson's name was featured in big letters above the title. After the success of "The Dark Knight" almost everybody knows who Nolan is by name. So what I say is DO NOT REBOOT, but make the tone more serious(yes I know Returns was a notch up from the last Superman movies, but they need to give a notch more). Keep Routh and Spacey, hell keep all the cast, except Lois Lane. Bosworth sucked in that role just like Katie Holmes did in Batman Begins, so Nolan knows that it is required to recast the female lead, when the first actor bucks it up. And last but not least introduce Brainiac for the sake of mankind. Why he has not been featured in any Superman movie so far is beyond my grasp of understandment.

4. Thor, Green Lantern and Captain America are starting to look really sweet. And I mean really goddamn sweet!

News about these three much awaited CBMs has been almost overflooding us these last couple of weeks. And with Joe Johnston’s announcement that we soon are about to learn who will wield the shield and that the Invaders will be featured heavily in the second half of the movie, the good news just won’t take an end! It is pretty hard to remain critical when three major CBMs are just spitting out great news everyday, but why should you? Kenneth Branagh, Martin Campbell and Joe Johnston are all great directors, something which has been lacking in some of the latest years of CBM history. Take for example “X-men Origins: Wolverine”, which was directed by Gavin Hood – Gavin Who? – And “Punisher: War Zone” directed by Lexi Alexander(Yeah yeah, she did good with "Green Street", and even though I liked her Punisher attempt, it was not a very good CBM). Oh, and off course I cannot forget “The Spirit” directed by non other than Frank Miller. How could that go wrong? Well, it’s pretty simple the man belongs with his own franchises aka. “300” and “Sin City”. Though not as a director! So with this said, I have to admit I am more than excited about the three upcoming CBMs and off course Avengers in 2012. The year of earth’s doom and apocalypse is gonna be saved by that CBM, trust me on this!

5. No matter who they cast as Cap, people are gonna be pissed as in, they will tear their own hair off and plug the remote control up their own ass!

As I explained just above in my 4. realization. Cap is up for announcement and the speculation and debates have been, put in a mild way, uneasy. People have been campaigning, casting and arguing for their pick. Then word came out that they had it down to three guys or an unknown: Jensen Ackles, Ryan McPartlin, Chad Michael Murray. And so the fancastings started to shape around this. Our beloved forum have nearly split into three demographics: those who want Ryan McPartlin, those who want Jensen Ackles and those who want an unknown(strange though, no one have pointed there fancast towards Chad “One Tree Hill” Murray, but I guess it is pretty clear why). Off course there are those who don’t think that any of these actors or an unknown will be able to attract the required audience to propel the movie into stardom. And inevitably a feud between those who want a completely unknown and those who want Matt Damon or any other bigtime Hollywood actor, has taken form. Then there are the battle between the McPartlins and the Ackles, which is also pretty heated! But there will be no winner, because in the end we have no definite power over who will eventually wield the shield. Personally I wouldn’t mind an unknown, but if I would have to pick one of the three contestants, it would have to be Ackles. I’m a big Supernatural fan, and one of the reasons are because of this guys acting. And acting is what has got most fans worried. BUT it just seems that a lot of people will be dissapointed if the actor doesn't capture the character, the courage and the patriotism and becomes the living embodiment of USA. And I don't think that the actors they have in mind can live up to the ridiculously high expectation. In the end we will all have to wait and see. Who knows maybe I will be proven wrong. But one think is for sure, the expectations for Captain America is definitely a little higher than standard CBM expectation.

6. When I started this article I only had one realization I wanted to share, but I ended up with 5 or actually 6, but this is more sort of an epilogue

I really had a fun time writing this, which turned out as another realization for me. This was actually a weird way to do an article, but I hope I inspired someone to try an make articles a little differently. CBMs own MultiPurposePoni presented two “10 fan nods I want to see in (insert CBM here)” articles during this week. Those we're nice and ended inspiring another member, to post an article with his own 10 nods. I think it is nice that we inspire each other and surely that is one of the essences here, at least IMO. There really isn't another place like CBM.com, where people can just create and account and start making their own personal articles right away. I think this is a really nice treat and something that we should honour by being creative and trying new thinks when we can get away with it.

Well that was it, hope you enjoyed it. So till next time: KEEP ON TRUCKING!
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LuckyKyd - 2/14/2010, 12:19 PM
Thanks Tea :)

Ironically, I think this is the best article i've done but it is also the first that haven't made it onto the main page. Though I guess people are taking a nap today. It haven't been the best news day so far.
TheUnknown - 2/14/2010, 12:23 PM
killing the kid in superman does sound interesting.....
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 2/14/2010, 1:55 PM
nice article! I have said kill the superboy for ages now. Just imagine the display of raw power and emotion that sets up for Supes!

I too think there will be a huge backlash when Cap is annoucned, however, the remote is already plugged up my ass! It's just the way I role.
LuckyKyd - 2/14/2010, 2:14 PM
@Ron: I see, I bet you just fart when you want to change channels then, eh?

But you are exactly right, killing the small bastard would eventually bring a lot of emotion and outbursts of power that will result in a great fight and big action scene. Which is what everybody wants to see in a Superman movie.
MarkCassidy - 2/14/2010, 3:19 PM
CBM Sucks!;)

Great article dude, nice to see a kind of a run down of the weeks happenings and stuff on here. I would main page this but we tend to leave any editorials or opinion pieces to Big G...shoot him a mail though.
GreenLantern2010 - 2/14/2010, 6:52 PM
Awesome article ;)

First in a while of this nature I've read all the way through, but i guess that says more about me than CBM.

I cant wait for Green Lantern the most :D

Give me a rope and some kryptonite and i'll kill the (frick)ing kid....

and finally ACKLES FOR CAP!!!! :)
CRITIC17 - 2/14/2010, 10:29 PM
Great article man!!!!!
LuckyKyd - 2/15/2010, 4:27 AM
@ Ror, Davis and Critic: Thanks dudes. And I just might mail The Devourer of Planets, but then again, I fell like this article belongs as an editorial more than on the main page. So I will just take credit that you guys at least enjoyed this.

I'm thinking that I might do a monthly version of this article and gather everything from this month, when it reaches the end.
Diamond1995 - 2/15/2010, 8:33 AM
One thing I learned from CBM.com is that some fans will believe EVERYTHING they hear even if it is as stupid as Will Smith playing Captain America. Basicly any person who says they got 'inside sources' about a casting, most fans will be going on a tirade on how the casting is horrible. Isn't the phrase "Don't believe everything you hear on the internet?"
SabretoothTiger - 2/15/2010, 11:02 AM
Out of everybody that has been rumored for Cap I wanna see Chris Pine he could do Steve Rogers justice. Although that Armie Hammer guy that LEEE777 is hot for right now lol jp :) has the look down. I don't know about his acting.....anyone know what hes been in?
SabretoothTiger - 2/15/2010, 11:03 AM
Oh and great article LuckyKid90
Spock - 2/15/2010, 12:12 PM
Nice thoughts, I would've of gone with Malcom McDowell for Odin thou. I like hopkins but I prefer Mcdowell!
Shaman - 2/15/2010, 1:21 PM
Jensen Ackles is totally Captain America. I can feel it... or is that just the remote?
LuckyKyd - 2/15/2010, 2:35 PM
@Diamond: I know what you mean. The rumour about Will Smith actually appeared on IMDB first, one should think people know that IMDB is keen on posting everything they can get their hands on, even complete nonsense and bullocks!

@Sabretooth: Thanks, and thanks once again for reminding me that I forgot Chris Pine, it has been forcing the remote and inch or two more up my ass, because I could forget about the news and following rage from the McPartlins and Ackles and the rest who just thought he is too skinny... :)

@Shaman and Stubby: Thank you guys, nice to know people are actually reading the article. That is why I did not want to mail Galactus to get this article to main page. People just don't take time to read the article before they post. Especially when it is as long as this.
OdinsBeard - 2/15/2010, 5:34 PM
i disagree wtih your #5 captain america post.

to me it's like a game - shaman wants ackles (as do many others) LEEE wants arm & hammer ;) people want mark valley. i personally wanted brad pitt, but once marvel came out and said they we're going with younger i droped that idea and now i don't have a horse in the race.

so i'll go post my disagreements of course but i always try to show respect and obviously i want this movie to do well. so i don't look at it as much as this is who it should be i just try to guess who i think marvel will pick. if its jensen ackles - good for him, honestly. i'll be happy for whoever gets the role and will wait for a trailer before judging one way or the other.

bottom line: IM GONNA SEE THIS MOVIE regardless of who is cap. so everyone saying "oh they're going to ruin the movie!" "THIS IS NOT CAP!!!" calm down - you're going to see it no matter what, otherwise you wouldn't be member here.

once the announcement comes out we should be happy no matter who it is because it only means we're that much closer to getting a captain america movie!
GreenLantern2010 - 2/15/2010, 7:14 PM
what Shaman said ;)

again crackinn article mate
TheMyth - 2/15/2010, 8:44 PM
Lucky, lol nice article. I must have missed the news regarding a Supes reboot with Nolan in the shadows, that might be worth seeing (for those that don't know, I'll remind you: Superman is [frick]ing lame... anyway). I also agree about the fanboy backlash regarding the Cap cast. It's inevitable, even if Jesus were cast lmao. lol, I saw that YouTube vid too btw, where the kid's mom cancels his WoW subscription. [frick]ing hilarious. Almost fell out of my chair when he grabs the clicker lol.
georgia49th - 2/15/2010, 10:07 PM
I've come to a realization that I have no realization after all. oh wait I do ,,,, naw just a captain america overdose
Shaman - 2/16/2010, 9:35 AM
LuckyKid90- Oh you definitely wrote a killer of an article, bud! Kudos ;)
LuckyKyd - 2/16/2010, 1:47 PM
@Odin: It was kind of my point, though in a little ironic way, that people should calm down because they won't be satisfied if they hype this up the way they do. But then again I think you are intitled to bitch about who is cast as cap. He is the holy grail of Comic books.

@TheMyth: You just found Waldo, the remote control joke was a reference to the mother WoW cancel. That vid cracks me up everytime. And the point where he is sticking the remote up with full force and just yells out: "Is this what you want?". I almost sheds a tear of pure epicness :D

@Shaman: Oh stop it, it's too much. No who am I kidding keep it coming and I'll be sitting here rupping my nipples and laughing in a very sinister manner.

No seriously thanks all of you who took a pit stop and read my article. I think I made my mind about making a monthly edition of this. I just think I will postpon it to next month though.
peterparker420 - 2/16/2010, 11:31 PM
TEA- *shaking finger* YOU NAUGHTY BOY!

great article!

But could care LESS about the SUPERMAN
MOVIE that is NOT going to happen! Untill it does
happen and it is a REALLY good movie and not just
a RIP-OFF of a DONNER movie, then I will EAT my words
KeithM - 2/17/2010, 3:41 AM
If you want CBMs to be remotely faithful to the source, why would you want a continuation of Superman Returns?

That movie completely sullied the very concept of Superman and if we continued with it, we'd be stuck with these 'facts':

1. kryptonite isn't actually deadly and debilitating as we all previously thought and it can now be overcome with a sufficient act of will (which implies that every other time that Superman didn't overcome it, and every time that he doesn't in future is because he's just not motivated enough). This means, if he can now lift a mountain of the stuff if he gets worked up enough, that effectively kryptonite can never be used again (possibly a positive thing due to its overuse, but still completely anti-source).

2. Superman is a date rapist. You can kill the kid, but, if they continue the abomination that was Returns, you can't undo the fact that he existed. The circumstances of the kid's existence are that Superman slept with Lois, got her pregnant, wiped her memory, then left. Lois, having NO MEMORY of the conception of the kid, can ONLY assume that Superman spiked her, raped her, then left so he didn't have to take responsibility. Even if they discuss the situation and Superman tries to explain - he's going to struggle - wiping her memory if she WASN'T pregnant would be difficult enough to justify, but to have done it when she WAS and then to add insult to injury by leaving for years WITHOUT A WORD means THIS Superman is a complete and total dickwad. NOTHING he can EVER do will undo the fact that he did what he did. You can argue this any way you want, but the fact that he impregnated Lois rather than just having a naughty, but relatively consequence-free romantic weekend, is a game changer.

OUR Superman would simply never have allowed that to happen. NEVER. OUR Superman would have been ultra-conscientious about contraception for one thing, but even considering the possibility that it might not work, OUR Superman would have had the decency to stick around at least long enough to ensure that there were no unforeseen consequences of that night (he also would have had the decency to tell Lois that he was going off for a bit, and the armed forces and emergency services, etc. - yet more evidence that THAT Superman is nothing like OURS). Not to mention the fact that at the end of Superman II, Supes says to the President "Good afternoon, Mr. President! Sorry I've been away so long. I won't let you down again." ORLY? So THAT Superman is also a liar too. THAT Superman is not Superman, period.

3. Lois didn't know for sure the kid was Superman's until the Piano throwing incident, and up until then had always assumed that the kid was Richard's. This means that Lois slept with Richard within a week or two at most of Superman leaving. I thought she loved Superman? Not much, apparently, if she's jumping in the sack with Dick as soon Superman isn't around for a day or two... talk about moving on quickly (especially as, at that point, she couldn't even have realised that Superman was "gone" yet).

4. As Superman left without telling Lois, then this means that when she wrote her smear piece about how Earth can do just fine without Superman, the bastard, she cannot have known (a) where he was and (b) if he was alive or dead. All she knows is that Superman just disappeared one day and hasn't been seen since. No eulogy, no appeal for him to return, no appeal for information about his whereabouts, no investigative crusade looking for him/his captors/his murderers, just a nasty, petty, reputation ruining piece of tabloid vitriol borne out of pure selfishness. I really don't like this Lois - she's [frick]ing horrible.

5. Luthor is an idiot. An imbecilic, retarded, obsessive estate agent guy who also happens to be a sociopathic mass murderer (OUR Luthor would never be as obvious as THAT one, for starters). He lacks the basic intelligence to think even the simplest plans through (who did he think was going to buy any of this BARREN, LIFELESS, UNINHABITABLE chunk of rock? Who did he think would move there? How did he think the world would react when he destroyed half a continent and millions of people? And I'm not just talking about governments, the military, police, International Court (for crimes against humanity just for starters), etc. - but, even if he can somehow hold off the entire world's armed forces and somehow sell some of his crap land to people without them worrying about living in a 'nation' that would be at war with everyone else until their 'king' is brought to justice, insurance companies, families, corporations will all be, at the very least, suing his ass off until he has to mortgage that chunk of junk just to pay his legal fees. Yeah, great plan Lex... Bottom line - THIS Luthor is a fool, a moron, a joke - and once again, no matter what happens to him in the future, THIS Luthor will always have that 'history' of being a complete imbecile.

6. THIS Superman is a wimp. He actually cried out, whimpered and scuttled away when Luthor was beating him up. I don't care if he was stabbed with kryptonite and was in pain (boo hoo), OUR Superman would NEVER, EVER whimper or cower like that! THIS Superman also spent a good chunk of time lying down, moping, snooping on people or on the verge of crying like a little [frick]ing girl. This is not someone I would aspire to be like or someone I could ever look up to. EVER. It's like someone who beats his wife - I don't care if he's a fireman and saves umpteen lives in his day job - he's still a twat.

THAT Superman is a loser, with dodgy morals and with a history that can't be undone just by ignoring things and taking the attitude that "oh well, as long as he punches something everything will be fine", because it won't. He will still be everything Superman isn't.

Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves for ever supporting the abomination that was Superman Returns and it makes me wonder if you've ever actually read a Superman comic. Ditto with the Routh supporters.

Superman Returns is exhibit #1 in how to take a great comicbook hero and [frick] it up in every way it's possible to [frick] it up. Singer (and Routh by association) [frick]ed us all in the ass and some of you are saying "thank you". Shame on you.

I often see the SR champions ask for "good reasons" why us SR haters, well, hate SR, instead of just saying "it sucked" or "it didn't have enough action" - the above are just some of the reasons why we do - and why you should too.
LuckyKyd - 2/17/2010, 8:33 AM
@KeithM: Wow dude, one hell of a comment but you really have some great arguments. First off thanks for such a great respond.

Personally I thought returns was a decent movie and nothing more. It was not the way I would have left of from the previous two. Today I can see why they ignored 3 and 4, but I still can't see why they did not reboot, but they didn't.
SO I wanted a reboot, but I did not get it. Now I'm left with a damn kid, and I just thought that it would be a nice way of carying on and opening up for some Nolan material.

Though I have to agree with you in how they transformed Lois and Lex, WTF is the only words that come to mind. But if they downplay Lex a little and have him take part in Brainiacs plans it could work. And Lois needs to be recast and then only play a minor role as she is with Richard. Then they could introduce Lana probably.

So there you have it, it is not as well argumented I just have some ideas and I really want them to keep Routh and a reboot would ruin that. Still I'm not against a reboot, I just don't think it is the solution to every movie frick-up. These days it is like a safety button that producer press whenever they hit a minor speedbump or when they don't wanna bet on a original screenplay and just want to remake a film they know people are gonna see just because of the name and the success it was when it came out.

@Access: Too bad I was just hoping that we could end out battling our oppinions in a lightsaber duel ;)
georgia49th - 2/17/2010, 6:33 PM
Why is hard to believe Superman would have a kid with Lois he did sleep with her and no he didn't know she was with his child when he left for Krypton, in the comics he did have children
with Lois they did get married read Generations.
Superman returns was a good movie can't make everyone happy.
ignore superman returns, The next Superman film will either be fantastic or a piece of crap first we need to hear if their going to do one soon or their going to loose the rights anyway
Boekelaar - 2/18/2010, 9:10 AM
Sweet dude, great work.

Ackles for CAP!

SGA - 2/18/2010, 12:42 PM
about the hopkins thing. I remember when that movie he did w/ Chris Rock...Bad Comapany...came out, he was on a talk show, and he said that while a lot of people consider him a great actor, he admits he has talent, but doesn't continue to act for the fun or love of it. He said he does is solely for the money. He stated he could have retired a long time ago, but he likes his money lol
LightningArmour - 2/25/2010, 6:32 PM
Something I learned from posting on CBM, most of you are idiots with terrible opinions.
Especially when it comes to casting.
Any time I see anyone posting who they want casted as someone it's always someone who's big in the eyes of the public currently.
"I want Bradley cooper as Guy because he's been in a few comedy movies recently"
"That black dude is in thor, so now he's relevant, I want him as John Stewart"
"Sam worthington is popular right now, so he should be captain america"
"Zachary Quinto played a guy with pointy ears before, so he should be Namor"

I mean christ, people. Would it kill you to actually try broadening your thought process a bit?
Just because some actor is popular currently, in no way means they are suited for the roll, or that there's no one better for it.
UberGeek - 2/28/2010, 3:00 AM
The one thing i've learned from my time here is that if ever a movie was to be made by most CBM users it would be a total and complete disaster of overblow standards.

Mainly becuse most want to see way too much crap in a single film for it to ever work in reality!

That and the fact rarely do two CBM users think alike.
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