Fan Cast: Fantastic Four: Rise of Atlantis

Fan Cast: Fantastic Four: Rise of Atlantis

My cast and outline for the reboot of the Fantastic Four. This story would be much more real and better connected to the comic.

By Batmanknight - Jul 08, 2010 01:07 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Plot: So the movie would of course be a prequel starting with Reed Richards preparing a new machine for space travel for the government. But competing against him is Victor Von Doom who prepares a new form of engine for the space shuttle. Doom believes his machine and himself to be much more superior to Reed and his machine. When the day comes to show their machines Reed points out an error in Doom’s machine but Doom disregards this and the machine ends up exploding heavily scaring him and killing two test pilots

Reed ends up having his machine picked by the government and they tell him to assemble a team to take to space. Meanwhile Doom travels back to his native country of Latveria and prepares his plan of revenge on Reed who he believes manipulated his machine, and on the US government that is pursuing him for arrest.

While all this is going on, an oil drilling ship deep in the middle of the ocean drills into the water and cuts through the underwater city of Atlantis destroying part of the city and killing many people. The king of Atlantis, Namor, instructs his men to destroy the drilling ship and all of the men on it.

The government is surprised to hear about the discovery of Atlantis and sends more men to investigate. Namor easily has the investigators killed and warns that if his city is attacked again his men will bring the United States underwater.

For Reed’s team he decides to hire his best and oldest friend Ben Grimm, his girlfriend Susan Storm, and her brother Johnny Storm. And of course while they are in space the accident happens giving them all super powers.

The government prepares a plan to smooth over the tension between the new neighbors of the sea and the US. Many in the government believe that the Atlantians do not deserve any help.

The Fantastic Four get back to Earth and soon discover their new powers. Johnny goes out of his way to make himself known while Reed tries to figure a way to reverse their mutation. Ben Grimm is extremely depressed by his transformation and even more when he discovers his fiancée doesn’t want anything to do with him anymore.

The military quickly devises a plan to destroy the city and begin firing torpedoes down to the city. While Johnny Storm is flying about the city he discovers a bank robbery taking place and tries to stop it. As he does more burglars arrive and begin shooting him. Ben Grimm walks down the street and spots this and runs in to help. As the broadcast of the attack is being shown on TV Reed and Sue quickly come to assist and they soon take out all the robbers. After this the four begin using their powers to stop crime and the newspapers give them their respective super names.

In Latveria in a dark cellar like space a man creates a medal suit much in the same manner as Tony Stark did. The man watches a news report of the Fantastic Four and the man grows angry and puts on his suit to become Doctor Doom.

The people begin feeling great love for the heroes and the hype quickly goes to Johnny’s head as he tries to exploit their lives and turn them into celebrities, much to the disgust of the rest of the group. In an interview they are asked what they think about the Atlantian conflict and Johnny says that they will never attack the Atlantians unless the Government tells them to.

Doom’s hatred for the group increases and he takes a trip down to Atlantis to try and make an alliance to attack the surface and take out the heroes and the rest of the country. Namor tells him he has no wish to fight or interact with the surface dwellers and sends Doom away. Doom grows angry and leaves.

Soon after Namor finds his wife dead and one of his top soldiers known as Tiger Shark tells him that the Fantastic Four attacked her and killed her. Namor grows increasingly angry and blasts off towards the surface with a gang of Atlantians. They attack New York taking out many important monuments and creating destruction. Jonny tries to take our Namor but is easily displelled. Then the Sue and Reed try but also fail. The Thing and Namor engage in a heated battle until Attuma and Tiger Shark help Namor to defeat him. The four lay defeated as Namor relays the message that the Four killed his wife and that Namor the people will feel the consequences of their heroes.

The government becomes extremely angry at the heroes and they become fugitives.

Doom secretly thanks Tiger Shark and Attuma for following his plan, and tells them that they will soon become the leaders of Atlantis.

The four hide out in the Baxter Building and Ben and Johnny fight about Jonny’s comments about Atlantis to the media. Johnny becomes angry at Ben and they begin fighting breaking through many rooms and floor of the building. As they fight the government enters stating that they can’t control themselves and are under arrest for interfering in matters of the government and war crimes. The Four refuse to be taken in and begin fighting against the military until they escape the building and run away.

Attuma and Tiger Shark ask Namor what the next step in their domination of the United States will be and Namor tells them that there will be no next step because they have struck back and the government has no reason to try another attack. Tiger Shark and Attuma fight that they need to attack again if they want the people to get the message but Namor refuses. Attuma attacks Namor and they get in a big fight until more Atlantians enter stating that Namor is no longer their king and that Doctor Doom will now lead them. Doom grabs Namor and throws him about the palace. He admits to Namor that he killed Namor’s wife and that she pleaded and begged for mercy until she died. They harshly beat him and place him on land to fend for himself.

As the four hide out in an abandoned house they discuss what they did wrong and how they will fix what they did. Sue thinks they should turn themselves in and that the truth will eventually be revealed. Ben argues that at this point the government doesn’t care who did it and they’ll be placed in jail forever. Reed thinks that if they find who did it they can clear their names. Johnny says all their ideas are ridiculous and that they need lay low until it all blows over. Reed argues that Johnny needs to stop leading them and that they need to take care of their problems if they ever hope to be normal again. Ben tells him to look at them cause they’ll never be normal again.

Namor dresses in citizen clothes and goes to the white house and breaks into the president’s office and they have a secret meeting. As they talk Namor explains that he attacked only because he was attacked first and he had reason. The president shows animosity towards Namor and tells him that fish have no sense of reason. Namor grows angry and grabs the president by his neck. The president presses a button and many secret service officers storm in and Namor submits to them.

The news broadcasts the report of Namor being taken into custody and a video feed interrupts. Doctor Doom states that he will lead an army of Atlantians to take out the United States of America for their acts against their kingdom. The four are shocked and Reed recognizes the man’s voice and states that they need to break Namor out if they have any hope to stop the Atlantians.

Namor is locked in a tank in a military base. Sirens wale as Reed follows The Thing as he charges through the walls and breaks through the tank to save Namor. Human Torch stays outside fighting off soldiers as Sue blocks them from bullets and artillery. They escape and head back to their abandoned house.

Namor explains to them that Doom killed his wife and framed them. He tells them about Doom’s offer to kill the four and they gather a plan to stop Doom.

The next day Reed and Namor go back to the Baxter Building to try to find someone who will listen to them. A group of military officers run into them and Reed stretches himself across the hall separating Namor from the military. Namor explains to the soldiers what he explained to the Four. An dhe tells them he has a way to stop them. He says they can only hold s short amount of time on land so if they let the Atlantians on our land and place sum marines and military ships around the area that they won’t be able to fight back. The General hesitantly agrees.

The next day a large battle ensues and Namor fights Attuma while The Thing fights Tiger Shark breaking his back. The rest of the four fight Doctor Doom and beat him until he can’t fight anymore. Namor uses his scepter taken by Attuma and stabs him in the stomach. The war ends and Namor leads his men back to Atlantis.

The government pardons the four and they begin rebuilding the Baxter Building and the rest of New York. As Reed sits in his new office Namor enters dressed like a human. They joke about his new look and Namor states that it’ll be the last time he comes on the surface so he really wanted to try the human look. Namor asks Reed how he feels about his new powers and Reed explains that it’ll take time to get used to but soon, The Fantastic Four will be a national symbol. Namor agrees and tells him about how he became the king of Atlantis. They exchange good byes and Namor tells Reed he should hold onto Sue because in their line of work, no one is safe. Reed agrees and Namor leaves.

The four gather in the office and talk about their first big mission and they all agree to stay together as the Fantastic Four.

This story would have much more heart and emotion than the original. I didn’t detail the relationships much but Sue would be Reed’s girlfriend and Johnny and Ben would constantly be fighting and undermining each other.

James Marsters as Reed Richards/Mister Fantastic

A scientific genius, can stretch, twist and re-shape his body to inhuman proportions. Mr. Fantastic serves as the father figure of the group, and is "appropriately pragmatic, authoritative, and dull". Richards blames himself for the failed space mission, particularly because of how the event transformed pilot Ben Grimm.

Marsters is a great actor and has proven himself in sci-fi and fantasy roles. In the earlier part of season 5 of Smallville as Brainiac he acted as a very intellectual and serious guiding figure to Clark and that is the same way Reed acts with the group.. He would be the leader of the group that tries to maintain everyone cool as he tries to find the right way to deal with the different problems.

Diane Kruger as Susan Storm/Invisible Woman

Reed Richards' girlfriend (and eventual wife) has the ability to bend and manipulate light to render herself and others invisible. She later develops the ability to generate force fields, which she uses for a variety of defensive and offensive effects.

Kruger was great in Inglourious Basterds and she would be great for a more bad ass version of Sue Storm. In this movie should we would be a much stronger with a greater impact on the team and wouldn’t just get naked for stupid reasons. If she gets naked in this movie there would be a clear legit reason.

Seann William Scott as Johnny Storm/The Human Torch

Sue Storm's younger brother, possesses the ability to control fire, allowing him to project fire from his body, as well as the power to fly. This character was loosely based on a Human Torch character published by Marvel's predecessor Timely Comics in the 1940s, an android that could ignite itself. Unlike the teen sidekicks that preceded him, the Human Torch in the early stories was "a typical adolescent – brash, rebellious, and affectionately obnoxious".

Scott would provide a good amount of comedy and professionalism to the role. He would be good at making jokes about The Thing and rebelling against the things Reed tells him to do. But he would still be able to be strong when the group needed him to be.

Kevin Durand as Ben Grimm/The Thing

Reed Richards' college roommate and best friend, has been transformed into a monstrous, craggy humanoid with orange, rock-like skin and super-strength. The Thing is often filled with anger, self-loathing and self-pity over his new existence. He serves as "an uncle figure, a long-term friend of the family with a gruff Brooklyn manner, short temper, and caustic sense of humor”. In the original synopsis Lee gave to Kirby, The Thing was intended as "the heavy", but over the years the character has become "the most lovable group member: honest, direct and free of pretension".

Durand is a really good actor and I think he chose the wrong CBM to take part in. His voice would sound great coming from the Thing and he would be cool arguing against Seann William Scott. He’s a strong actor with a good resume behind him to back him up.

Mark Strong as Victor Von Doom/Doctor Doom

Victor von Doom's parents died when he was very young. His mother, Cynthia, was killed due to a bargain with Mephisto gone wrong. After a noblewoman died despite his attempts to care for her, Werner von Doom and a young Victor fled on a cold winter night. Although Victor survived, his father did not. Doom sought to increase his knowledge of both science and magic in order to avenge his parents. State University in Hegeman, New York offered Victor a scholarship where he would meet Reed Richards and Ben Grimm. Doom became obsessed with developing a machine that could project into other dimensions, to free his mother from Mephisto's. Reed pointed out a flaw in Doom's calculations, but Doom arrogantly ignored his warning. The machine exploded, scarring Doom's face and he would then be expelled for unethical experimentation. Eventually he came upon a small Tibetan village of monks who assisted him in creating a suit of armor. He returned to his homeland of Latveria to overthrow the leader and declare himself king. He then began to use his country's resources in order to further his plans of world domination. These schemes led Doom into conflict with the Fantastic Four on many occasions, as well as many other superheroes

Strong has the perfect look and history of being great villains to be the perfect choice for this. Many believe he has been in too many CBM’s but I think this is the perfect one for him. In this movie he would be from Latveria and would create a machine to better space travel, but after neglecting Reed’s warning of a mistake in his machine the machine explodes killing two test pilots and scarring him. He would then run from the police to avoid getting arrested and flee back to Latveria where he would plan his revenge while the four were in space. He would become disgruntled by the heroic deeds of the Fantastic Four and go to Namor to try and create an alliance but when Namor refuses Doom kills his wife and pins it on the Fantastic Four making them fugitives.

Eric Bana as Namor Mckenzie/King Namor

In 1915, Ernest Shackleton, sent by Winston Churchill, sought out vibranium in the Antarctic. His ship, the Endurance, was lost. Later, Leonard McKenzie, with the telepath Paul Destine as a passenger, attempted to recover the vibranium. Princess Fen was sent to investigate explosions near the surface by her father, King Thakorr. McKenzie met and impregnated Princess Fen with the child who became Namor. Soldiers commanded by General Krang attacked McKenzie's crew. McKenzie himself did not die, though he did not recognize Namor later when he first learned of his son's rampages in New York. Namor spent his boyhood taunting his cousin Dorma, as well playing with his other cousins Namora and Byrrah as well as his friend Merrano. An oil spill in 1936 attracted the attention of Namor, who began a relationship with a young woman named Sandy. Namor grew up distrusting surface dwellers.

Bana is a powerful actor and would be great for an anti-surface dweller king. In this movie he would be the king of Atlantis during a harsh period after Atlantis was discovered while men were digging for oil and destroyed part of the city killing many Atlantians causing Namor to order his men to strike down and tensions would rise between the two sides. Eventually Doom would take control of Namor’s man and they would heavily beat and remove him from power. Namor would then join the Four to stop the war and prove everyone’s innocence

Ron Perlman as Attuma

Attuma was born as a member of a tribe of barbaric Atlantians, who were banished from Atlantis ages ago. For unknown reasons Attuma was born with strength, endurance, and speed far superior to those of any normal Atlantian. Attuma quickly became leader of his tribe and declared that he would conquer the city of Atlantis as an ancient prophecy predicted. Attuma had a daughter, Andromeda by his wife Gelva, but was disappointed that his only child was female. He wanted a male child to be his heir and ignored Andromeda, who would join the army of Atlantis. Attuma gathered his troops and attacked Atlantis, only to be defeated by Namor the Sub-Mariner, the Prince of Atlantis and his allies the Fantastic Four.

Perlman is a fan favorite for the role and he acts great as a creature. Perlman would bring the anger and evil Attuma needs for the role. Attuma would start as Namor’s greatest ally but then turn into his worst enemy.

Luke Goss as Tiger Shark

The character's first appearance in the title Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner establishes the character is a selfish Olympic swimmer who, seeking public acclaim, attempts to rescue a drowning man and damages his spinal cord when waves push him into a ship. Desperate to regain his swimming ability, Arliss willingly participates in an experiment by the scientist Doctor Dorcas, who "cures" his injured back by blending his DNA with that of hero Namor the Sub-Mariner and a tiger shark. Although successful, the process changed Arliss both physically and mentally, endowing him with razor-sharp teeth and gills and making him savage and predatory.

Luke Goss did great in Hell Boy 2, and under some make-up and more muscle he would be great for the role. Tiger Shark would also be an ally of Namor but would then fall under Attuma’s rule.

Lena Heady as Dorma

Namor eventually returned to Atlantis to marry his cousin, Lady Dorma, with whom he had fallen in love. However, Llyra, an evil princess of Lemuria, another submarine culture, kidnapped and replaced Dorma at the wedding hoping to usurp Namor's kingdom in that way. Legally, though, Dorma was the one Namor had married, but he still had to find his wife. Unfortunately, Llyra had taken Dorma to the surface world in a tank as bait, and when Namor arrived, she smashed the tank to distract him. Namor was unable to save Dorma, and nearly went insane from grief. Not long after, Namor would reunite with his father, long thought dead; however, the reunion was brief and bittersweet, as Leonard McKenzie gave his life in battle against the villain Tiger Shark.

Heady is a strong actress that would look bad ass but would also show a lot of love for Namor before her death.
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Jayisawesome - 7/8/2010, 2:39 PM
I like your casting of doctor doom
airbeyonder18 - 7/8/2010, 3:02 PM
Good Namor cast. I'm more in favor of the Ultimate FF idea. I'd personally have me be Reed Richards since I look a lot like him. Jsut a wishful thought.
safecrash - 7/8/2010, 3:16 PM
Fantastic Cast. (Pun intended)

Now on to the comments...

Mr. Fantastic: Masters would be good as Reed, but Matthew Fox would be perfect. His character in Lost reminded me a lot of Reed. Nathan Fillion would be great too.

Invisible Woman: Kruger is my third choice for Sue. I prefer Rachel McAdams or Elizabeth Banks.

Human Torch: Scott is too old to play Johnny. I say Mike Vogel or Travis Van Winkle.

Thing: IMO, Durand would be wasted int hat role, he should be cast as tall characters. He's my pick for Sabretoooth. Anyway, Adam Baldwin or Jeffrey Dean Morgan for Ben Grimm.

Dr. Doom: Strong would make an amazing Doom, but he's already my pick for Doc Strange. Rufus Sewell and Clive Owen would be great.

Namor: Great casting, Bana is also my pick for Namor.

Attuma: Pearlman would make an awesome job as Attuma, but I think Roland Kicking er would be better.

Tiger Shark: Goss would make a great Tiger Shark. Though I prefer him as Triton (Inhumans). Mark-Paul Gosselar would make a great Tiger Shark.

Lady Dorma: Lena Heady is my scond choice for Lady Dorma, I prefer Olga Kurylenko. In fact both would rock as Mystique.
MikeZ - 7/8/2010, 3:21 PM
Here's the opinion from moi.

I'd go with a younger actor for Mr. Fantastic, and someone who's at least 6'1". To me, it's Alexis Denisoff, another veteran of the Buffyverse.

I'm torn on Diane Kruger. Good actress, but I don't think her American is tip-top. Elizabeth Banks or January Jones are the favorites on this board.

Your choice for Johnny Storm's a tad too old. Diane Kruger is 32 and Seann William Scott is 34 I hear. How about someone like Travis Van Winkle. He's good at playing a douche and getting laughs in the process.

I prefer a genuine Mook who's not a giant to play the Thing. Dominic Lombardozzi is my choice.

Thank God someone's posting a tall guy to play Namor. Jason Behr is a shitty actor and a midge'.
secretasianboy - 7/8/2010, 3:46 PM
i like the cast but

bill crudup is my pick for mr. f
dunno about eric banna as namor
it's a good choice i just think their might be better
Batmanknight - 7/8/2010, 4:04 PM
@NinjaTurtleFan-Yeah man he's a really good actor. He's great at playing evil and Doom is the definition of evil.

@Jayisawesome-Thanks man!

@airbeyonder18-Thanks man. Some people don't like the ultimates idea, but if the normal way failed maybe ultimates is the way to go.Well if you have the look maybe you should find the casting guys and try out. It's worth a shot.

@ThalesNJ-Thanks for the indepth analysis man. You bring up great points. I also liked Banks for the role but a lot of people think she isn't serious enough. Actually my second choice for Torch was Mike Vogel, but I wanted to go with an older looking cast so i picked Scott. I like Adam Baldwin for Thing, but I wanted to pick someone different that could still do it.

@RoadDogXXIV-Denisoff is also a good choice for Reed, but I think Marsters looks much more intellectual and super. Although Krugers english might not be the best she can always get coached, and a lot of people like her on this board too. Banks is also one of my favorites too. Actually Kruger and Scott are the same age, and I wanted them to look a little older and more mature. And Van Winkle is a tad too douschey. His good at being a meat head but not the hero type. Lombardozzi is a good choice but I don't really like it. Yeah I don't like Behr for Namor either. Bana is the true choice.

@secretasianboy-thanks man. Crudup was also an idea that passed through my head, but I like Marsters more. I've always liked him as an actor.
AshleyWilliams - 7/8/2010, 4:18 PM
Awesome cast and story!
The only one i don't like is Marsters as Reed.
superbatspiderman - 7/8/2010, 5:01 PM
Great cast but even though Marsters would be a great Reed I thiink he is a little to old I mean he is probably around 46 or 47 years old. I like the rest of the cast I would definately go and see this.
Killik13 - 7/8/2010, 5:12 PM
This might be my favourite FF fancast ever. I can find no fault with it at all. Very nice work, I'd probably see this about 15 times if they actually made it.
antonio - 7/8/2010, 8:51 PM
@anil hell [frick]ing yeah!!!!!!!!!!!
antonio - 7/8/2010, 11:34 PM
off topic:toy story 3 making more money domestically than iron man 2.
DDD - 7/9/2010, 12:03 AM
I personally would like to see a tall Reed Richards.
I gave up on Billy Crudup cuz he's only 5'8".
Marsters has got the same problem, he's only 5'9".
Reed should be far taller than Johnny Storm. That's
why I like Patrick Wilson for the part. He's 6'1".

Diane Kruger is OK but I think January Jones or
Elisabeth Banks are a much better fit.

Scott is a tad too old now. He would have made a
good Johnny Storm ten years ago.

Kevin Durand I think is just all wrong for Ben

Mark Strong is my choice too for Dr. Doom. Doom
needs to be tall and Darth Vader-like. Mark Strong
is perfect.

Eric Bana is perfect for Namor, that's fer sure!

I like your story. It's a lot more realistic than
the hokey one in the first F4 movie.
Batmanknight - 7/9/2010, 5:38 AM
@NightAvenger-Thanks man. I knew Marsters was gonna be a controversial choice.

@SUPERBATSPIDERMAN-Thanks, Yeah Marsters is kind of old but I always thought he would be perfect for it.

@Killik13-Thanks that means a lot I really like that you like it.

@AnilRickley-Thanks, the script ttook me a long time cause I didn't know if it was too much for a 1st movie. Crudup was actually my second choice but ever since the first movie, I liked MArsters for the role.

@DDD-Well I don't think height really matters cause the guy stretches haha. And I always saw Johnny as being taller. I was gonna pick Banks but I thought people would see her as too comical and not serious enough. Well I originally had Mike Vogel, but then I wanted to go with an older cast so I picked Scott. I think Durand could it. He even kinda looks like The Thing already. Strong really is the best choice for Doom. Thanks man, the story took a while to come up with. i didn't know whether to go with just Doom, or bring in another character like this.
Ranger14 - 7/9/2010, 8:36 AM
I have to agree with DDD on Richards. 5'8" doesn't cut it. Mister Fantastic has always been illustrated as being taller and slender. He is listed as 6'1 and 170 lbs. It does matter because a short guy doesn't really look appropriate for a "rubberband man".

Nice job.
flames809 - 7/9/2010, 9:11 AM
great cast
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