FAN CAST: New Fantastic Four by 789

FAN CAST: New Fantastic Four by 789

My first casting of Fantastic Four had no luck, so I decided to recreate it.

By 789 - Jul 08, 2013 12:07 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Reed Richards was a scientist and the inventor of the first spaceship capable of reaching planets beyond our moon. After much planning, expense and hard work; the ship was built and was nearing its launch date. However, as the launch neared, the federal government was about to cut funding for the flight. Reed decided there was no choice but to launch the ship before the whole effort was scrapped and wasted.Reed invited his girlfriend Susan Storm along for the trip and her brother Johnny Storm insisted on coming along in order to keep her safe. Wanting a pilot with both the ability and the guts to make the flight, Reed turned to his former college roommate and very close friend Ben Grimm, a highy accomplished former test pilot for the United States Air Force. The crew now set, everyone was ready for launch when Reed received a warning from the authorities concerning the effects of the cosmic rays on human bodies so far out in space. Reed's request for launch was denied and the mission aborted.More desperate than ever to make the flight, Reed's crew waited until the changing of the guards that night and then sneaked onto the ship and launched before any planes could be scrambled to intercept them and/or shoot them down using missiles. Successful in leaving the Earth's atmosphere, they were halfway along on their mission when they entered a sub-space storm and were bombarded by intense cosmic rays both before they expected and stronger than they expected. This unexpectedly intense cosmic ray storm had strange and disorienting effects on the crew, making them unable to continue the trip. They turned back, returned to Earth and crash-landed in a small opening in a forested area. Luckily, they survived the crash but were radically changed. Ben felt his body become heavy and found he'd turned into a monster. Reed tried to calm him down and restrain him when he realized that he'd reflexively stretched and wrapped his body around Ben; he now had elastic stretching abilities. Johnny burst into flames while Sue panicked and turned invisible. Gathering their wits, they soon managed to calm themselves and agreed to use their new-found powers for the good of humanity and stay together as a team. Johnny called himself the " Human Torch," Sue took the name "Invisible Girl" (and later changed it to the Invisible Woman). Ben chose the name " Thing" and Reed decided to call himself " Mr. Fantastic." Thus, the Fantastic Four were born.

So here are:

Sean Maher as Reed Richards/Mr Fantastic

Reed Richards, also known as Mr. Fantastic, is the leader of the Fantastic Four. He can stretch his body to great distances due to his exposure to cosmic rays while in space. He is also unquestionably the smartest man alive.

Sean Maher is absolutely perfect choice for Reed, because of his role in “Serenit” and “Firefly”, I have decided that he is the only one whom I could choose for mr.Fantastic, think you will like it.

Kate Bosworth as Sue Storm/Invisible Woman

Susan Storm is a founding member of the Fantastic Four and later the Future Foundation. She is able to create invisible force fields of any shape she conceives and able to turn herself and anything she's in contact with invisible.

Her role in “Superman Returns” was not awesome, but this role fit her and she will look nice with Sean Maher as he is a little older from her as it must be.

Hunter Parrish as Johnny Storm/Human Torch

Johnny Storm is the Human Torch; member of the Fantastic Four and brother of Sue Richards. Due to an accident caused by Cosmic Radiation in space, he can manipulate fire, turn his entire body into fire and fly.

This must be awesome choice. Hunter parrish has acting skills which we need for fancy and attractive Human torch, he will own role easily.

Geoff Stults as Ben Grimm/The Thing

Ben Grimm, The Thing, is the original, quintessential "tough-guy" of the Marvel Universe but because of his transformation, he's also the unfortunate member of the Fantastic Four. Ben's exterior is hard as stone and his gruff disposition might fool some, but inside he has a heart of gold.

Geoff Stults can also obtain this role, because of his voice, look and height he will need just CGI technics for Thing.

Emma Bell as Alicia Masters

The daughter of Jacob and Marcia Reiss, Alicia was blinded in the same explosion that killed her father, which was caused by Phillip Masters. Soon after, Masters married Marcia and raised Alicia as his own. He continued to care for her following the death of her mother, and encouraged her artistic talents. When he attempted to attack the Fantastic Four, Alicia aided him out of a sense of loyalty to him for having raised her and cared for her. Ultimately she turned against her stepfather and aided the Fantastic Four, eventually befriending them.

For first look Emma bell may seem a little young, but her appearance doesn’t differ from original of Alicia, so thst’s why I choose her for this role.

John Cleese as Willie Lampkin

In his first comic book appearance, Lumpkin is represented as having befriended the Fantastic Four, to whom he makes regular fan mail deliveries at their Baxter Building headquarters in New York City. He half-jokingly requests to join the team on the grounds that he has the "power" to wiggle his ears. He serves as their mailman for many years, and on occasion has fallen into the zone of danger that typically surrounds the adventuring heroes.

Maybe he is a little character in comics, but it would be interesting to see him in Fantastic Four films and played by John Cleese. John cleese has similar age and can play role of Willie with fun.

Jonathan Rhys Meyers as Victor Von Doom/Dr Doom

The very mention of his name makes lesser men tremble! The once brilliant scientist with the iron mask and the twisted brain! Master of science and sorcery, Victor Von Doom is the monarch of Latveria, the eternal nemesis of the Fantastic Four!
As I mentioned many times Jonathan rhys Meyers is, was and will always be my choice for Dr.Doom, because of his acting charismatic King Henry VIII and solid look.

Benedict Cumberbatch as Norrin Radd/Silver Surfer

Norrin Radd is the Silver Surfer, an alien from the planet Zenn-La with the power to manipulate cosmic energy granted to him by his former master Galactus. He travels the stars on his trusty surfboard with superhuman speed.

I know that many of you want to see him as Dr.Doom, but I think that playing role of Khan in Star Trek: Into Darkness he can be excellent for Silver Surfer too, by CGI help he will be awesome.

Tahmoh Penikett as Namor McKenzie/Namor

Namor the Sub-Mariner is the ruler of undersea Atlantis. The offspring of a sea captain and an Atlantean princess, he has been both a hero and a villain to the surface world. Namor is one of Marvel's oldest published characters with his origins in The Golden Age of Comics.

Tahmoh Penikett is still my only candidate for Namor. His action skills is than what we need for portrait strong, tall and perfect Namor.

Sean Bean as Nathaniel Richards

Nathaniel Richards is the loving husband of Evelyn Richards and father of Reed Richards who would later become the famous superhero, Mr. Fantastic. He lived happily with his family, noting his son's intellect at a young age and trying his best to encourage it along with his wife. Unfortunately, around the time Reed was 7 years old, his mother had passed away.

Sean Beann fit for role like none and you see it even by picture. Maybe he is not too old for Sean maher, but still his age is perfect to portrait this character.

John Slattery as Franklin Storm

Franklin Storm was married to Mary Storm and was the father of Susan (The future Invisible Woman)and Johnny Storm (The future Human Torch), who in the future would become world famous explorers and heroes.

First my choice was John Laroquette, but John Slattery seems me more perfect than he, so this one will go with him.

John Malkovich as Phillip Masters /Puppet Master

Stepfather of the lovely, blind Alicia, this sinister figure possesses a power which seems to surpass even that of the Fantastic Four! Using a unique form of radio-active modeling clay, he can fashion puppets which somehow control the living persons they are modeled after!

Well I thinbk you all agree that John Malkovich is the best in portraiting unstable , crazy and villainous characters, so I think that after not having Vulture role he could have this one.

Michael Emmerson as Harvey Elder/Mole Man

The Mole Man! Nearly blind inhabitant of the nether regions of Earth! Using his strange "radar sense" instead of eyesight, aided by an awesome group of underearth monsters, this bitter, brooding man years ago left Earth's surface because of his hatred for mankind, and set up an underground empire!

My first choice was Paul Giamatti, but now he is working on portraiting Rhino in TASM 2, so my next choice is Michael Emmerson. He will portrait ambitious and crazy Mole Man.

Alan Rickman as Ivan Kragoff/Red Ghost

Ivan Kragoff was a Russian scientist who worked for the former Soviet Union. He became fascinated by the Fantastic Four and began to study their history. Kragoff believed he could recreate the accident that gave the Fantastic Four their super-powers, and he convinced his government to build a spaceship that was specifically designed to expose its crew to cosmic rays.

This character needs actor with similar age and creepy villainous skills. Alan Rickman has shown many times that he can play intelligent villains perfect, so I think that this is for him.

Brian Thompson as Galactus(voice)

Galactus is the famed "Devourer of Worlds" in the Marvel Universe. His powers are nearly omnipotent. He has appointed a number of entities as his Heralds, imbuing them with the Power Cosmic. He uses energy from the core of planets and universal sources to sustain himself.

As I have shown you many times, I will show and now, Brian Thompson’s voice is brilliant to portrait Galactus, other problems will be solved by CGI.

Alan Tudyk as Annihilus

Annihilus, a native of the planet Arthos, is the ruler of The Negative Zone and a longtime foe of The Fantastic Four. He is a nihilist who is obsessed with constantly finding different ways to extend his lifespan and destroying all that which he sees as a threat to his existence.

Alan Tudyk has voiced similar character and that’s why I give him this role.

James Marsters as Kl'rt/Super Skrull

Kl’rt was given the combined abilities of the Fantastic Four, yet his powers exceeded the originals, he burned hotter and flew faster than Johnny Storm, he could stretch further than the Reed Richards, he exercised greater control over his invisibility and force fields than Susan Richards, and was stronger than Ben Grimm. Kl’rt retained his Skrullian shape-shifting abilities and his naturally strong hypnotic skills. He was dubbed the Super-Skrull by the Emperor himself, and was to be the point man in a second invasion of Earth. All he had to do was defeat the Fantastic Four.

James marsters was brilliant in “Angel” and “Smallville”, he has talents to play alien role. By CGI help he will look as excellent villainous alien skrull.

Wentworth Miller as Beyonder

The omnipotent entity that initiated the original Secret Wars. Considered by many to be the most powerful being in the history of comic books.In one of his first attempts to help others, he became curious about an incident in which a child killed himself by setting himself aflame, trying to be like the Human Torch. The Torch, tremendously afflicted by the event, became unsure of his role as a hero. The Beyonder took Storm on a tour of the boy's sad past, showing him that his heroic exploits had in fact provided the only bright spots in his short life.

Wentworth Miller is professional actor in playing solid actors. I think that he can portrait charismatic and powerful Beyonder.

James Purefoy as Kang The Conqueror

Nathaniel Richards was born in the year 3000 A.D. of an alternate reality dubbed Earth-6311, or counter-earth, that never went through the dark ages. Named after his alleged ancestor who had brought peace and prosperity to the planet, Nathaniel attended robotics school as a child. An exceptionally bright student, he was bullied constantly. When he was sixteen, a bully slashed his throat, causing him to miss a year of school while recuperating.It was during this time that Kang become obsessed with adventure, watching historical videos from his family archives. Nathan was particularly fascinated with the Fantastic Four, a team lead by a distant relative of his, Reed Richards. Nathaniel longed for adventure.

I determind Kang as another character which has no relationship with Nathaniel Richards and the role will be played the best by James Purefoy.He can portrait villainous tiran as good as he played Mark Anthony character, so let it go with him.

Mickie James as Sharon Ventura/She-Thing

Sharon Ventura was a former pro-Wrestler who fell in love with the Thing and subsequently joined the Fantastic Four as Ms. Marvel. During one adventure, she was exposed to Cosmic rays which mutated her body into a rock-like form similar to the Thing's.

Mickie James is excellent choice according to fact that she is wrestler woman this will bring her to character closer than other actresses and amker her career better.

Jim Parsons as Impossible Man

Endowed with a slight mental variation that permitted him a degree of individual thought, the Impossible Man acted upon the boredom that his entire race experienced. He did so by transforming himself into a space vessel and leaving Poppup. Eventually he arrived on Earth, and found the planet to provide a great source of amusement potential, especially since he had shape-changing powers and ordinary human beings did not. It was during this first visit to Earth that he first met the Fantastic Four and that he was dubbed "the Impossible Man" after the Thing, commented on how the absurd ways that the alien used his shape-shifting powers made him "impossible." The Impossible Man made a major nuisance of himself until the Fantastic Four pretended to be bored with him, and persuaded other people to act the same way. Convinced that Earth was dull, the Impossible Man departed.

Jim Parsons is great actor in playing funny roles, after seeing his acting in “Muppets”, I’m sure that he will be excellent for this role.

Henry Cavill as Blackagar Boltagon/Black Bolt

King of the Inhumans, Black Bolt is blessed and cursed with a power so great as to tear whole planets asunder using only his voice. He must be careful to never utter a sound, for even the slightest whisper will cause untold destruction.

Henry cavil has shown great acting in “Man of Steel”. He has proved that he can portrait charismatic Superman like none. Maybe he will never play role for marvel comicbook character, but even if he do it I would want him to portrait black Bolt the character simiarl to Superman’s personality.

Amanda Righetti as Medusalith Amaquelin/Medusa

Medusa is the Queen of the Inhumans and was their sole ruler following her husband Black Bolt's death (and prior to his resurrection). Medusa is best known for her long, thick head of red hair, which she can psychokinetically wield like countless extra appendages.

Amanda Righetti is out as Sharon carter and I like it, becauserole was too simple for her. Instead I can see her as Medusa wife of black Bolt. Amanda righetti and Henry Cavill will be excellent couples and I would want see them making lovers in Fantastic Four movie as Black Bolt and Medusa.

Eric Jacobus as Karnak

Karnak is a part of the Royal Family of the Inhumans, cousin to Black Bolt. His brother Triton was exposed to the Terrigen Mists as an infant, but his result was him having green scales. Because of this, Karnak's parents begged him not to go on with the procedure. He didn't go ahead with it, instead learning martial arts.

Eric jacobus is less known actor, but after seeing his acting in “Death Grip” I thought that he could make excellent karnak because both have martial art skills and this could bring him enough fame than he has now.

Rachel Hurd Wood as Crystalia Amaquelin/Crystal

Crystallia Amaquelin (more commonly known as Crystal) is the second child born to the Inhuman couple Quelin and Ambur, and the younger sister of Medusa. Their father Quelin was the brother of Rynda, who was the queen of Inhumans, and therefore Crystal is considered to be a member of the royal family. Like other Inhumans, Crystal was exposed to the Terrigen Mists at a young age, which in her case gave her limited power over the four classical elements of fire, earth, air, and water.

This actress is brilliant for Crystal role. Once I wanted choose Sophie turner for role, but she is too young to considered as young sister for medusa in this case Amanda Righetti, so Rachel Hurd Wood will stay again as Inhumans member.

Jason Momoa as Gorgon

Gorgon is a member of the Royal Family of the Inhumans. As the only son of architect Korath and archivist Milena, his parents were leading citizens of the Inhumans' city-state Attilan. Korath was also brother to Agon, who was the former king of the Inhumans. Gorgon is also a cousin to King Black Bolt and due to this relationship is considered a member of the Royal Family.

Jason Momoa is actor which can easily portrait savage characters like Gorgon, so this one special for him.

Colin Egglesfield as Triton

Triton is the eldest of two sons born to the Inhuman priest and philosopher Mander and his wife, Azur. Triton was exposed to the mutagenic Terrigen Mists when he was a year old and emerged with a number of aquatic mutations. No longer able to breathe air, the young Triton was raised in a specially designed alcove on the shore of the island of Attilan. Triton's mother, a biologist, undertook the study of ocean life so she could better understand and care for her son. Eventually, a cumbersome breathing apparatus was designed to enable Triton to survive out of water for extended periods. This apparatus was refined and miniaturized by Maximus some years later.

My first choice was Benedict Cumberbatch, but now he is silver Surfer and I decidedto replace him with Colin Egglesfield. There is much work for CGI than for actor, but there is need for some skills too by which actor could portrait character. I have chosen ths picture to show how much Colin Egglesfield suits for role.

Daniel Radcliffe as Maximus Boltagon/Maximus The Mad

Maximus was born to two geneticists Agon and Rynda. Exposed to Terrigen Mist when he was an infant he didn't show any change in his powers. However, when he grew, his powers developed, but he also developed an anti-social behavior.

I think that Daniel Radcliffe can easily portrait this character. First because he will suit as brother for Henry cavil and secons he is going to play role of creepy Igor in Frankenshtein film, so that’s why I think that he can portrait crazy, tiran.

Teddy Sears as Mar-Vell/Captain Marvel

A Kree Sentry was defeated on Earth by The Fantastic Four and subsequently so was Ronan the Accuser. Astonished by these events, the Kree sent a starship to monitor Earth and gather information on its advancements in missile and space technology. On the way to Earth, Mar-Vell was ordered to take a small crew and make contact with the missing Grand General Devros on a Brood infested planet. Captain Mar-Vell and Una barely escaped a now Brood infected Devros and the Brood Queen. They were rescued by the Shiar guard led by Deathbird, and re-united with their ship bound for Earth.

Teddy Sears has solid look, height and similar characteristics for character. My first choice was Ewan Mcgregor, but then I changed him after seeing Teddy Sears.

Mark Paul Gosselaar as Richard Rider/Nova

Richard Rider was an average teenager. Not to the class clown, not the wallflower, not the cool kid. He went to high-school, had girl troubles and tried to help out his parents and younger brother when he was at home. All seemed to go their normal way for the young Richard until he came into contact with the Nova Corps. The Nova Corps was a peace-keeping force that was based on the planet Xandar. The planet was destroyed by the space pirate known as Zorr. When Rhomann Dey, the Nova Prime, was dying he fled through the universe and went to earth. There he chose Richard Rider to receive his powers and granted him the Nova Force. He was asked by Rhomann Dey to use his powers for the good of earth and the universe and serve as it's protector. This was a lot for the teenaged Rider but he nonetheless started a superhero career with his new found powers as Nova, the Human Rocket!

I choose him with the same reason like teddy Sears as Captain mavel. Mark Paul Gosselaar will portrait excellent Nova.

Matt Bomer as Tony Stark/Iron Man

It was revealed that Stark, in the days following the Kree- Skrull war had formed a secret society or group called the Illuminati, which is a governing body of super heroes. The other members of this still functioning group consist of Mr. Fantastic, Professor X, Doctor Strange, Black Bolt, and Namor.

I’m still in mind that after Robert Downey Jr Matt bomer will be excellent choice to portrait Iron Man.

Matthew Gray Gubler as Bruce Banner/Hulk

Bruce Banner's psyche is fragmented and fractured due to years of repression, made worse by the altered genetics he was born with as well as the irradiation from the gamma bomb accident.

I would want see him as Bruce banner, though that role belongs to mark Ruffalo. Maybe even he will have chance to play Hulk Guilermo Del Toro’s “Incredible Hulk” TV series, it would be cool.

Nate Parker as T'Challa/Black Panther

To test his powers, fighting skill and genius, King T'Challa invites the American superhero team the Fantastic Four to Wakanda. He attacks, neutralizes and defeats them individually, Reed Richards comments often asking how T'challa has made a Forrest seem so real even though he realizes it is actually man-made . T'Challa apologizes for attacking them and explains he wanted to test the team to see if they would be an effective ally against Klaw and his mercenaries.

I think that nate praker is an actor which we are looking for Black Panther. I’m sure he can portrait excellent T’Challa and Black panther after having trainings.

Daniel Day Lewis as Bentley Wittman/Wizard

The Wizard was originally the enemy of the Human Torch during his solo days, but he eventually started terrorizing the Fantastic Four and lives to prove to the world that he is superior to Mr. Fantastic. At some point due to his ego, he legally changed his name from Bentley Wittman to The Wizard.

Daniel Day Lewis is brilliant actor, he is professional actor especially in playing intelligent characters, and this character can be easily played by him.

John Glover as Esteban Corazon de Ablo/Diablo

The Fantastic Four had a holiday in Trannsylvania. A man named Baron Hugo told them about Diablo and the ancient cockpit which buried him. Diablo communicated with the Thing and offered him a deal. The deal was if the Thing would liberate Diablo from his imprisonment, he would give him the cure of his ugly form and to make the Thing human again. The Thing agreed and went to the stone crypt and freed Diablo. Diablo proposed a new deal with the Thing saying that he would give him the potion in exchange for the Thing's service. The Thing accepted the deal.

John Glover is perfect choice for this role after seeing his acting
“Smallville” TV series, I decided to choose him for role. I’m sure that he can portrait creepy old scientist like none.

Mark Strong as Peter Petruski/Tracker

Peter Petruski first appeared in Strange Tales #104 with the nickname Paste-Pot Pete and was an enemy of the Human Torch. He robbed a bank and captured the Human Torch, stole a missile and tried to send a weakened Human Torch off by tying him to it. Johnny Storm fights through it and forces Pete to attempt a hasty getaway, consisting of attaching a wire of his paste to the bottom of an airplane. Pete's escape fails and he is forced to bail while being flown over the ocean.

I think that this character need actor which can portrait intelligent and villainous persons. This is Mark Strong.

Liam Mcintyre as William Baker/Sandman

After Sandman freed himself from custody with the assistance of another costumed criminal known as Paste Pot Pete, both would share strong similarities on their goals and enemies to where they decided to form an alliance. It would be of luck that they would discover another villain, the Wizard who was incapacitated in the sky after his recent fight with the Human Torch.

Liam Mcintyre played excellent Spartacus and seeing his image in film I thought that he can be brilliant Sandman.

Chris Carmack as Morris Bench/Hydro-Man

Hydro-Man is a typical low rent super criminal, joining supervillain teams such as the Sinister Syndicate, including that of the Frightful Four. While working with the Sinister Syndicate, Hydro-Man demonstrates a willingness to put up with just about anything in the name of financial gain. He ignores the constant politicking of the other members and looks past the Beetle's betrayal of the group to the Kingpin in the belief that the group was economically beneficial to him.

In film “Shark Night” Chris carmack played typical role but without superpowers. And this detail helped me choose him as hydro-man.

Brian Steele as Dragon Man

Dragon Man is a synthetic lifeform created at Empire State University by Professor Gregson Gilbert. Unable to grant it life by himself, the villain Diablo animated him with his alchemy. The Thing would encounter Dragon Man after he spots Diablo in the laboratory. Dragon Man wraps his tail around the Thing and throws him through a window. Diablo orders the Dragon Man to seek out the rest of the Fantastic Four and destroy them. The Human Torch engages Dragon Man in the air and builds a fire fence around him. Dragon Man is unfazed and spews flame from its mouth, forcing the Torch to absorb a tremendous amount of heat. The Torch is super heated and blazes toward the upper atmosphere to safely disperse the heat he had absorbed. Reed and Sue Richards engage the beast so Invisible Woman wraps a force field around Dragon Man's wings, causing him to crash to the ground.

Brian Steele is actor which portraits only monsters by CGI help, so this character will go with him.

Leonardo Dicaprio as Simon Utrecht/Vector

Vector has the power to telekinetically block and repel energy and matter, directing it away from himself. He uses this power in a variety of ways: repelling inanimate objects away send them flying through the air as deadly missiles or projectiles; releasing a concussive blast of energy to strike his foes; and even using the power on the ground to propel himself to fly.

Malin Ackerman as Ann Darnell/Vapor

Ann Darnell was a life support specialist and love interest for a millionaire named Simon Utrecht. The American industrialist had plans to expose himself to cosmic rays in order to gain super powers like the Fantastic Four. Ann agreed to accompanied her love Simon Utrecht, along with her younger brother, Jimmy Darnell who was the fuel propulsion engineer and pilot Mike Steel.

Malin Ackerman will be excellent for Vapor and will be perfect couple for Leonardo Dicaprio.

Jamie Bell as James Darnell/X-Ray

Jimmy Darnell was a systems propulsion engineer before he gained his superhuman powers. He was aboard the spaceship with Simon Utrecht, Michael Steel and his sister Ann Darnell when they got bombarded with heavy doses of cosmic rays. All four members got their powers and became the U-Foes.

Jamie Bell perfect acto, he always portrait younh creepy characters and one of them must be X-Ray.

Holt Mccallany as Michael Steel/Ironclad

Mike Steel was a scientist and pilot that worked for a millionaire named Simon Utrecht. Steel helped design and build a rocket ship without shielding for Utrecht. The American industrialist had plans to expose himself to cosmic rays in order to gain super powers like the Fantastic Four.

And now when Geoff Stults is thing, my second choice is Holt Mccallany.He has fighting skills and characteristics of character.

That’s all I hope you like it.

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Rhysno1 - 7/8/2013, 12:22 PM
Don't feel any of them
Curmudgeon - 7/8/2013, 1:23 PM
Waaaaaaay too many castings for one editorial, and a few too many over-used fancast actors (Mamoa, Ackerman, Bomer), and of course you posted this in the wrong area...

But I will give you this: Michael Emerson as the Mole-Man is fricking GENIUS.
TheSoulEater - 7/8/2013, 2:57 PM
In all honesty, I'd switch off your Silver Surfer choice with your DOOM choice
CyclopsWasRight - 7/8/2013, 8:03 PM
No to Ben and Susan. I mean, Bosworth?... Seriously?
LEEE777 - 7/9/2013, 5:15 AM
WOW love em an all original!

Great stuff 789!

^5'sss and thumbs up!

My fav's Invisible Woman.
marvel278 - 7/9/2013, 10:29 AM
Is this for one movie?
JorEllinator - 7/10/2013, 8:41 AM
@ SuperHyphenMan
Bosworth is a genuinely good actress, in Supermopey Returns she wasn't given a good script and Kevin Spacey drafted her into the movie.
Shadow11 - 7/22/2013, 9:34 AM

For Reed Richards/Mr Fantastic I would go with Patrick Wilson instead

And for Sue Storm I actually like Kate Bosworth as Sue Storm, so you have no argument from me on that one

Hunter Parrish is actually perfect as Johnny Storm/Human Torch so again you have no argument from me there

And for the role of The Thing/Ben Grimm I would go with Ron Perlman

For Dr. Doom I would go with Mark Strong

And for Silver Surfer I would go with Benedict Cumberbatch also, so you have no argument from me

But if anything Jonathan Rhys Meyers would be better suited for the role of Namor
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