
CBM Username: TheSoulEater
Member Since: 10/31/2007
CBM Posts: 244

Contact TheSoulEater You owe me your soul
Please don't get it twisted, I really liked Tom Holland as Parker and can't wait to see him again in another movie, I loved Michael Keaton as Vulture, its not a Spiderman movie, and that's a problem.
Sep 03, 2017 04:09 AM
With the DCU evidently getting it's 2nd wind, with a FLASHPOINT movie, a GOTHAM SIRENS movie, a BATMAN solo film etc; the question now is "Who shall we get to play who?" I intend to answer that.
Jul 27, 2017 08:07 PM
Fantastic 4 MCU: FANCAST by the SoulEater.    A take at what a young version of the fantastic Four could be.
After the travesty that was Fan4stic, I'd like to champion a take/pitch on how to take the ultimate run of Fantastic 4 and do it RIGHT
Jul 18, 2017 02:07 PM
RUMOR: Usagi Yojimbo may be reemerging to make a debut alongside the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles again this year.
Jul 15, 2016 12:07 AM
With the Rise of the Tomb Raider game around the corner this year, Hollywood is wanting to cash in on the franchise with a movie centered around the first game. Time for me to do what i love and make a theoretical ensemble for it.
Jun 19, 2015 07:06 AM
MARVEL's Spiderman FANCAST by the (Soul Eater)
With it being up in the air whether Spiderman will remain with SONY or return to MARVEL and his makers, I have comprised a fancast of what might just put our wall crawler back in business
Jan 10, 2015 04:01 AM
This is a fancast I've made of the manga/show Shingeki-no-Kyojin(Attack on Titan)
Jul 15, 2014 12:07 AM
A continuation of my Marvel/DC/Disney/Videogame Crossover series

involving Red Hood, Rorschach, Deadpool, Hitgirl, X23, Ghost Rider, and Stitch.
Jul 10, 2014 09:07 PM
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