Fancasting for NEW-GEN live action film!

Fancasting for NEW-GEN live action film!

With the NEW-GEN live action film being announced, its time for some fan casting.

By deadalus214 - Dec 03, 2010 03:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: NEW-GEN Universe

With the announcement of a NEW-GEN live action film, staring Mark Hamill in an undisclosed role (I'll get to that), I took the time to create a fan casting of the characters from the comics, and from information from the NEW-GEN website. Also, having met the team at NY Comic Con, I was thinking about this before the announcement of the film was even made.


Lit­tle is known by the cit­i­zens of NEW-GEN about the man called Gabriel before he arrived on their world, but he has changed it much in the time he has lived there. What is known is that, he pos­sess a Kane which seems to give him great power and his knowl­edge of sci­ence and nan­otech­nol­ogy have helped him bal­ance and lead NEW-GEN to a new era of pros­per­ity and peace due to his actions. Many see him as father to the cur­rent world of NEW-GEN. Gabriel him­self would prob­a­bly agree.

Jeff Bridges can really look the part, and based on the description, he can be seen as a father figure fairly easily. Plus, he is a great actor with the ability to have a lot of depth in this role.

Luke Goss is a great actor, but is not as well known as Bridges. Based on the comics he and the next actor have more of the Gabriel look.

Paul Bettany can look pretty much like any character, ie his albino monk in Divinci Code. Plus he is no stranger to comic book roles, ie Priest.


Born on NEW-GEN after Gabriel had already arrived and begun his work, Deadalus grew up to even­tu­ally become one of Gabriel’s great­est pro­teges. Together the two made many advance­ments, par­tic­u­larly in the realm of nan­otech­nol­ogy. But after suf­fer­ing great losses in his per­sonal life, he began exper­i­ments to make the inhab­i­tants of NEW-GEN per­fect and invul­ner­a­ble cit­i­zens. Enraged when Gabriel sought to stop him, the two fought and Deadalus found him­self ban­ished from NEW-GEN to the Under­world, from where he now plots his revenge.

Antonio Bandaras is a good actor, and can do action movies no problem. Lets be honest, all the actors for Deadalus are great actor, so no need for explanations for anyone for Deadalaus. Plus they all look the part.

Benicio Del Toro

Javier Bardem


Also born on NEW-GEN, Thea was a care­taker for the nat­ural world of NEW-GEN before Gabriel arrived. The two soon fell in love and with each of their indi­vid­ual tal­ents found a way to per­fectly bal­ance the nat­ural world of NEW-GEN with the tech­no­log­i­cal advances Gabriel made to improve the world. Even­tu­ally the two even had twin chil­dren, Sean and Chris, who trag­i­cally had to be sent to Earth after Deadalus releases his nanobots amongst the pop­u­lace, to save them from infec­tion. This has led to deep rift in their rela­tion­ship, with Thea even leav­ing Gabriel to return to her for­mer home. But recently she has returned to take over the tute­lage of the chil­dren of NEW-GEN at A.P.N.G. Headquarters.

Angelina Jolie is a great actress and looks great.....enough said.

Jennifer Connelly gives the mother and protector vibe, plus she has shown a lot of depth in her previous characters.

Rhona Mitra has some depth, but mostly just looks great for the part.

Sean and Chris

Sean and Chris are twin broth­ers, the chil­dren of Gabriel and Thea. The two of them were sent to Earth as babies, under the care of robot par­ents to keep them safe from Deadalus when he unleashed his nanites upon NEW-GEN. The two boys know noth­ing of their ori­gins, their true par­ents or their true place of birth. Whether the two of them grow to have any NanoPow­ers like the rest of the A.P.N.G. remains to be seen.

The Sprouse Twins from Disney would work here because the movie sounds like it centers around teenage versions of the twins, and these guys are around that age now.

Taylor Lautner could pull a Lindsey Lohan/parent trap move and play both twins, he is good in action roles, plus he already has knowledge of the sci-fi/fantasy genre.


The youngest of the A.P.N.G. team Car­men works extra hard to prove her­self in their eyes due to the dark legacy she feels she must make up for being the daugh­ter of Deadalus, the sci­en­tist respon­si­ble for so many on NEW-GEN’s new phys­i­cal forms and abil­i­ties. Since her father was ban­ished, she was taken in by Gabriel and Thea like many other chil­dren and always strives to do her best in order to remind every­one, she is far more than her father’s daughter.

Demi Lavato could dye her hair and play this role. At times she seems to have a darker more bad-ass side which from the description is something she is going to need.

Taylor Swift already looks the part, and I think she just needs a meaty part to take off in her acting career.

Victoria Justice is an up-and-coming young actress that needs a deep role to show people she isn't just another Miley Cyrus.


Mino­taur was only a lit­tle older than the other chil­dren when he was infected by Deadalus’s nanobots and mutated into the shape of a bull-headed human. As such, he has a devel­oped a per­son­al­ity much like the ani­mal he is shaped like. Called “Mini” by those who know him, he has a nasty tem­per to match his mas­sive strength and dura­bil­ity, but remains a stal­wart and loyal com­pan­ion to his friends. Act­ing as the role of drill sergeant for the A.P.N.G, he leads the team in bat­tle and is often the first respon­der in many com­bat and dan­ger­ous situations.

Kevin Grevioux is no stranger to playing monstrous characters from his time in the Underworld franchise, plus he always plays a very convincing bad-ass.

The Rock is one of the it action stars now, plus the picture shows that he can fill out the huge Mini role.

Terry Crews showed he is an action bad-ass in the Expendables, plus having him in the Mini costume cracking jokes would make for great behind the scenes content.


With a body com­posed of a carbon-based diamond-like mate­r­ial, Diamond’s body appears to be one of the strongest mate­ri­als dis­cov­ered on NEW-GEN and is nearly invul­ner­a­ble. He is devoted to mar­tial arts train­ing and seeks noth­ing short of per­fec­tion for him­self, phys­i­cally and well as mentally.

John Cho showed his stuff in Star Trek, so now he can keep going with Diamond.

Lee Min Ho is a big Korean actor, and this could be a great transfer platform for him to get into the US market.

Tony Jaa would bring some great action to this role, and could give some "oh my god" moments.


Fly­er’s NanoPow­ers have given him the abil­ity to fly with large brown bat like wings. He’s dri­ven by a com­pet­i­tive spirit to prove he’s just as good if not bet­ter than all the oth­ers who have slightly stronger muta­tions. Due to that he con­stantly com­petes with Gazelle and strives to make sure that if he can’t be the fastest thing on two feet, he will be the fastest in the air.

50 Cent may be a little old for the role, but I think he could continue becoming a real actor with roles like this.

Corbin Bleu fits the age better, and I'm sure he's looking to get some more grown up movies past High School Musical.


Gazelle is the super speed­ster mem­ber of the A.P.N.G. and far faster than the ani­mal her form mutated into as a result of the nano infec­tion many had. While many of the A.P.N.G.’s mem­bers may be bet­ter hand to hand com­bat­ants than her, her speed eas­ily makes up for any dis­ad­van­tage suf­fered from lack of skill.

Lea Michelle could be good for this role because I could see her kicking some butt with a serious role. Plus the GQ spread sold me.

Rihanna......look and the picture for explanation.

Molly Fahey was dressed like Gazelle at NY Comic Con, and I thought she was nice and really took to her role. Plus she gave me a free comic and poster, so she gets my vote.


Robo­duck is a robot much like that of Nate Guard, except due to a strange inter­ac­tion with the nanobots of NEW-GEN lacks the abil­ity to store and take in infor­ma­tion like a machine and instead must learn like that of a human being. This in turn, makes Robo­duck the most unique and human of all sen­tient robots on NEW-GEN as he is able to feel emo­tion, dis­obey orders, and gen­er­ally act the bit of a class clown with the rest of the A.P.N.G. While not the best fighter in com­bat, Robo­duck does pos­sess the abil­ity to fly, much like his name­sake, and his atomic pow­ered flam­ing burps come in quiet handy as a long range weapon.

Danny Devito could be good for this if its a voice over role. CGI gold duck would look really interesting.

Justin Timberlake would be good for either a voice over or a live action Roboduck.

Nate Guard

A sen­tient robot con­structed by Gabriel under the watch­ful eye of Thea, Nature Guardian or Nate Guard, was built to mon­i­tor NEW-GEN’s electro-magnetosphere and the pre­cise bal­ance of the nanobots and tech­nol­ogy that cur­rently works in con­cert with NEW-GEN. If their are prob­lems with either, he fixes it or alerts the A.P.N.G. if he finds them to be beyond every­day occur­rences. He is nat­u­rally curi­ous do to hav­ing to keep track of the tech­nol­ogy and nat­ural makeup of the world, which leads him to ask con­stant ques­tions on the nature of every­thing, much to the annoy­ance of other mem­bers of the A.P.N.G.

Mark Hamill has already been announced in the movie in an undisclosed role, so when casting I think this part might fit him, but we shall see.

All character descriptions came from the NEW-GEN website.
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airbeyonder18 - 12/3/2010, 4:50 PM
Really cool.

Do they have any abilities?
LEEE777 - 12/3/2010, 5:10 PM
deadalus @ I like it, I like it a lot, thumbs r up! ; )
StanLy - 12/3/2010, 5:14 PM
I am really excited to see this as a movie!

These are some cool suggestions...what about Ed Harris for Gabriel?

Timothy Olyphant for Deadalus!
Ibz - 12/3/2010, 5:40 PM
@airbeyonder yes they have abilities
great choices deadalus i would pick bettany as gabriel
lc - 12/3/2010, 6:03 PM
this is well good well done :)
lc - 12/3/2010, 6:03 PM
this is well good well done :)
LEEE777 - 12/4/2010, 1:45 PM

Glad he's on board, a quality very underrated actor!
DDD - 12/4/2010, 4:42 PM
This is wonderful DEADALUS@!

Great actors that fit the roles VERY well,
with several good choices for each part,
for a lot of them!

Great ideas here and great work!
I'm with IBZ, I'd pick Paul Bettany
for Gabriel

I'd choose the ROCK for MINI cuz he's good
at playing dangerous yet friendly and loyal
to his pals!

Nice to see Hamil for Nate.

I actually wouldn't mind Timberlake doing
the DUCK...his performance might just be
"GOLDEN"! LOL (I know a real groaner!)
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