Fourth and final of my Batman reboot series.

Fourth and final of my Batman reboot series.

This is it, the big finale of my Batman series. I'm pretty happy with my ending and my"hidden" scene. Let me know what you guys think. Here it is, Batman: Silent Knight...

By trytan - Mar 30, 2011 10:03 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Batman: Silent Knight

This film would start around six months to a year after the last one. Thomas Elliot has opened a new office in Gotham. The bat-signal has been unveiled to the public as a way to summon Batman when he is needed by the police. Dr. Quinzel has now been revealed to the public to be the one that helped Joker escape Arkham, has altered her appearance to match Jokers, and has began calling herself Harley Quinn.
The first scene would show Bruce Wayne and Mr. Fox in a private meeting with a woman who is there to represent another company at night. Bruce is explaining to her that his company doesn’t make guns or other heavy arms, that they only make advanced body armor, vehicles, and communications devices for the government. The lady explains that the company she represents manufactures heavy weapons and advanced robotics and that because of that the two companies should join forces on one contract. She explains the merger would bring more jobs to Gotham and both companies would profit well from the contract. Bruce sees the bat-signal through the window and cuts the meeting short by telling the woman to set a meeting with her boss to meet with Bruce and Fox and to not make the meeting so late next time. The woman leaves and Bruce talks to Fox about The Joker still being on the loose and needing some different battarangs. Fox says he will work on it but for Bruce to “go to work.” Bruce exits and changes in the alley behind Wayne Enterprises before using an iPod like device that summons the batmobile.
Gordon is standing on the roof of police H.Q. shining the signal when bats comes up beside him asking what he needs. Gordon explains that a man is trying to re build the mob in Gotham and he plans on doing so by multiple public executions. The man’s name is Tony Zucco and he is already wanted for multiple counts of assault, racketeering, and murder. Batman asks about Joker and Harley Quinn when Gordon tells him they are still “clowning around Gotham” and that the circus is coming to town, and they may try something there. Bats leaves as Gordon wishes him luck.
The next day Alfred is helping Bruce get ready to attend the circus. Alfred comments that he has never heard of a circus this close to Christmas and Bruce says it normally isn’t but that Wayne Enterprises is funding it especially for the Gotham Children’s hospital as a Christmas present for the sick children. At the circus Tony Zucco is dressed as a crew member and is talking to a man in the shadows who can’t be fully seen. They talk about making sure the public execution goes off perfectly and that to make the most impact it had to be the acrobat family because they were the main attraction. In the stands Bruce is making his way to his seat when Thomas Elliot grabs his shoulder with a smile. The two shake hands and pose for some pictures before taking their seats. Elliot tells Bruce how happy he and the children of the hospital are for this gift from Bruce and his company and thanks Bruce on behalf of the children. The circus begins and the clowns come out in a clown car as the flying Graysons prepare themselves above. Bruce and Elliot laugh as the clowns pile out when a large Ice Cream truck plows into the car. The truck has a large “S” spray painted on it and the “CE” marked out making the side of the truck read “i Scream.” Joker comes out of the passenger side yelling that there is only one clown in Gotham, and it’s him. Harley comes out the driver’s side holding a machinegun. As the crowd gasps a close up of Elliot is shown as he mumbles to himself “You stupid son of a bitch.” Harley shoots at the security attempting to detain her and Joker. As security backs away Zucco comes up behind them with a pistol and hits Harley in the back of the head with it. He turns his gun to Joker and says into the mic that he is the only one who will steal the show today. Joker runs out laughing as Harley follows attempting to regain herself. Zucco pints his gun at the Graysons and opens fire. He fires two shots and is tackled by security before firing a third. The two shots hit the husband and wife with the third missing it’s intended target of the son. Bruce and Elliot run out the exit towards Bruce’s Limo where Alfred is waiting holding a large case. He says when he heard gunfire he thought this would be needed and Bruce opens the case containing the batsuit. Elliot says he is going to his car to get his medical equipment to help. Bats runs inside to see Zucco has escaped security and asks where he went. Security guards all point to the left side of the tent and bats runs after him. Outside Batman sees Elliot’s car and a man inside it. He goes towards the car to ask Elliot where Zucco went when the car explodes knocking bats down. As Batman gets up he hears Joker’s laughter and sees Joker and Harley running away laughing. Be throws a batarang at Joker knocking him down. Bats dives on top of him and begins to beat Joker bloody. Harley runs towards them to stop bats when a noose tightens around her ankle and hoists her to the top of a truck where a man with his head wrapped in bandages and wearing a long brown leather coat is standing. He grabs Harley by the throat and drags her out of sight. Batman continues to beat Joker until the police arrive and Gordon talks sense back into him. Batman gets up and runs away going after Zucco.
Rupert Thorne is back in his old office saying that with Batman distracted by clowns and Tony Zucco, he can rebuild the mob silently and when the time is right they will crush bats and take the city back by force. “Or option number two” a voice says from the doorway. Thorne turns around to see Two Face enter holding a gun. He says the second option would be that he build his own mob and wipe out Batman, the corrupt cops, and the old mob one by one. Thorne steps back as Two Face flips his coin. Before it lands a distant gunshot is heard and Thorne falls to the floor dead. Two Face looks out the window and sees a man with a long coat standing in a window of the building across the street holding a pistol. Two Face looks down to Thorne and back up to see the man is gone.
Bruce is filling out a final set of papers to become Dick Grayson, the young acrobat boy’s, legal guardian. The boy and Bruce get into his limo as Alfred drives them towards Wayne Manor. Dick doesn’t speak even when asked questions by Bruce and Alfred.
In a dark basement like room Harley is chained to a large heating pipe trying to break the chain. She stops and slides herself back as the man with the long coat and bandages around his head walks towards her. He says he had everything planned perfectly but her and the Joker ruined those plans. He said that the Joker is like a moth in that if there’s a fire, he goes to it so framing the explosion on him was all too easy. Harley asks who he is and what he is going to do to her when Hush places his finger to his lips “SSHHHH” and he very creepily sings “hush little baby” to her.
That night Batman has found Zucco and a few thugs working out of an abandoned factory. The men are discussing their next course of action and Zucco keeps telling them “he wants us to” before saying the course of action. Batman crashes in through a window and a fight ensues between he and Zucco’s thugs. Zucco slips out the door during the fight. Batman manages to knock the thugs out and pursues Zucco. After a brief exchange Batman tackles Zucco and asks him who he is working for. Zucco says if he tells he will die. Batman tosses him around and asks again. This time he sees the fear in Zucco’s eyes as he slowly utters the word “Hush” before a gunshot is hear and Zucco falls to the ground dead. Batman looks up to the rooftops and sees the man in a long coat placing a pistol back in his holster and walking away. Back in the cave Batman begins to think to himself who could have made the shot that killed Zucco. Alfred says a similar shot was taken coasting Rupert Thorne his life. Alfred and Batman say the only man they know trained enough to take that kind of shot was Deadshot, but he is locked up in Blackgate. Batman goes to Blackgate and sees Deadshot in his cell and has a conversation with him attempting to intimidate him into telling who else could be as skilled as him with a gun. Deadshot tells bats that the whole plan is coming together and his time is near. Deadshot wishes Batman a merry Christmas as bats leaves.
Alfred and Bruce explain to Dick that Bruce has paid for him to attend a private school just outside of Gotham. Dick says he appreciates it and is glad Zucco is dead. Bruce tells Alfred to watch Dick as he is going after Hush.
Gordon is again standing by the bat signal when Batman approaches him. Gordon says Harley Quinn has was left at police headquarters around six o’clock in the morning and was terrified by whatever she endured. The two exchange information about Hush and realize there is very little they do know but that he seems to have been working behind the scenes for a while and wants to kill bats. Gordon says that to make matters worse, Harvey Dent is loose and the people will know he isn’t really dead. Batman says he will worry about Harvey later and leaves to find Hush.
On his patrol Batman gets a call from Alfred letting him know that Dick is not in his room and seems to have run away into Gotham. Batman finds Dick who says he is going to stop crime just like him and that he doesn’t feel comfortable in the Wayne home because it is unfamiliar to him. He says he is used to excitement and action living in a traveling circus night after night and that he wants to live with Batman and become his partner. Before bats can respond a deep eerie voice is heard singing “Silent Night” slowly. Batman turns to see Hush walking towards him holding two pistols. Batman takes a step towards Hush when a net rises from the ground. Batman is lifted up and turned upside down unable to move his arms. He asks who Hush is and what he wants when Hush leans in and laughs sadistically. He asks “What is a friend, but one soul living in two bodies?” pauses for a moment and finishes his question with “Bruce.” Dick runs towards Hush who holds him up by his throat. Hush says that Bruce was always an orphan and now Dick was too. Dick looks to bats and realizes that Bruce is Batman. Batman convinces Hush to let Dick go and keep it between them. Hush throws Dick and begins to explain how he manipulated Roman Sionis to become Black Mask. How he introduces Sionis to Deadshot whom taught Hush to shoot a gun from a long range and seldom miss. The only exception he said was Joker who only wanted to destroy and had no true motive. Batman says Hush must be another disguise for Edward Nashton as he slips a small knife from his belt and begins to cut the net. Hush laughs and says Nashton was nothing more than a pawn as bats cuts the net and falls to the ground landing on his feet. As Batman starts to charge Hush he is stopped when Hush removes the bandages from his head and reveales he is Thomas Elliot. Batman is shocked and asks why to which Elliot replies that it was because Bruce always got what Elliot wanted in life. Money, cars, women, the grades, and freedom from his parents at an early age. Batman says he will not hurt his friend and Elliot says “Just as I had hoped” and opens fire on bats with both guns. Batman is hit with a bullet in the shoulder and falls to the ground when Elliot explains that he always wanted Black Mask and the other “pawns” to distract Batman while he himself sought to destroy Bruce Wayne never knowing Batman and Bruce were the same until Bruce needed his help. He tells bats that as long as he lives he will always have to fight crime and always be Batman, so he will end the cycle here and now. Elliot holds one of his guns to Batman’s mouth and says he will make sure the world knows Bruces secret after he dies. As Elliot starts to squeeze the trigger a gunshot is heard and Elliot falls to the ground beside Batman with blood coming from his mouth. Batman looks over to see Two Face holding a smoking gun and turns it to bats. Elliot coughs and gives a final speech while encouraging Two Face to kill bats. Elliot dies and Two Face holds up his coin saying “it’s not for me to decide.” He flips his coin and catches it in his hand. He stares at it a few seconds and slowly lowers his gun. He tells Batman to leave, and live his life forever as The Batman. Batman grabs Dick, still unconscious, and leaves as police cars pull up behind Two Face who looks in his hand to reveal that it actually landed on the scarred side.
The next morning Bruce and Dick are talking and Bruce says that there will come a point where he can’t do what he does alone anymore, and that on that point Dick will be able to fight by his side. He says to ensure Dick is ready when the time comes that he will now start his training.
Post credit hidden scene: Fox and Bruce are walking in Wayne Enterprises with Fox telling Bruce that the project of the join merger would combine Wayne Enterprises armor with the other companies robotics to make an unmanned search and rescue vehicle for the military. It would be used in combat zones to retrieve wounded soldiers and transport them to safety. Bruce says that at least the owner of the company can set a meeting at a decent time unlike the previous representative. The two enter the board room where a man is seen looking out the window. His face is not seen and his neck and head are blocked by the sun light. The man speaks in a deep voice and says “I must apologize for my assistant, Mercy. She’s not good with meetings anytime before 3 pm.” The man turns around and holds out his hand with a smile. “Hello Mr. Wayne, my name is Lex Luthor. Happy to finally meet you.”

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MercMatt - 3/31/2011, 7:53 PM
Kudos on your series man. Very good read. Especially loved reading the Joker parts. Spot on.
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