My Best JLA Script, Budget and Fancast

My Best JLA Script, Budget and Fancast

When one hero alone cannot stand against the approaching dooms day, a league of justice must be formed to stop evils march upon the Earth. A team called the Justice League of America.

By airrun2000 - Dec 09, 2011 04:12 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

JLA script
Director: Joss Whedon
Writer: Jonathan Nolan (screenplay), Christopher Nolan
PG-13 rating for:
Scenes of extreme violence
Actors & Reason for choosing them

Superman: Henry Canvil (Great looking actor and will bring women (12 and up to the movie)

Batman: David Boreanaz (He has worked with director Joss Whedon)

Flash: Ryan Kwanten (Great looking actor and will bring women 10 and up to the movie)

Wonder Woman: Julia Voth (Great looking actress and will bring men 12 and up to the movie, See Bitch Slap)

Green Lantern: Nathan Fillion (He has worked with director Joss Whedon.)

Hawkgirl: Christina Hendricks (She has with director Joss Whedon.)

Aqua-man: Alexander Skarsagard (Great actor and will bring arrogance to the character.)

Steel: Will Smith (Great actor and will bring comic timing and diversity to movie)

Zatanna: Serinda Swan (She has played the super heroine on Smallville TV show)

Let me know what you think. Oh and pictures are coming. I am still working that part out.

Supergirl: Laura Vandervoot (She has played superhero on Smallville TV show)

Dr. Midnight: Patrick Wilson (He has played masked superhero as Daniel Dreiberg / Nite Owl II: A retired superhero with technological expertise)

The Question: Jackie Earle Haley (He has played masked superhero as Walter Kovacs / Rorschach: A masked vigilante who continues his vigilante activities after they are outlawed)

Mr. Terrific: Chiwetel Ejiofor (He has played worked with director Joss Whedon)

Lois Lane: Amy Ackerman (Great actress and will bring realism to the movie)

Lex Luther: Damian Lewis (Great actor and will bring a depth to the villain, see show “Life”.)

Darkseid (in CGI): Michael Ironside (He has previously voiced Darkseid on Justice League.)

Doomsday: Frank Welker (He is a famous voice actor, see Megatron from Transformers)

Snapper Carr: Alan Tudyk (He has played worked with director Joss Whedon.)

Orion: Ron Perlman (He has previously voiced Darkseid on Justice League.)

Amanda Waller: C. C. H. Pounder (she has voiced her on Justice League TV show.)

Lashina: Gina Torres (She has with director Joss Whedon.)

Parademon / Para-drone: Frank Welker (He is a famous voice actor, from Super Friends cartoon )

Kalibak: Michael Dorn (He has voiced her on Justice League TV show, Warf from Star Trek)

Mercy Graves: Maggie Q (Great actress and great looking actress and will bring men 15 and up to the movie, See Nikita TV series)

Metron: Paul Bettany (He is a famous voice actor and is a good actor)

Plot line
Scene 1 (2 minutes)
Location {Looks like a scene from a city hit by a tornado. Camera crews are all around on the out skirts of the city. }
Snapper Carr says, “This Snapper Carr reporting live from Key Stone City as we are seeing several superheroes have fallen after coming to Metropolis after witnessing the massive carnage created by the creature that can only be described as Doomsday.”
Background – Caught on camera {debris and heroes Plastic man and Hawkgirl are thrown past him in the background} (both defeated and passed out)
{Steel is seen on one knee as half on his amour has been half torn off, with his hammer the only thing keeping him from falling over and collapsing.}
Snapper Carr reports, “The numbers have just come in, it appears that the creature has created a death toll in the thousands with scores of others hurt or injured. Wait! While all other heroes fallen I think I can see Batman and Wonder Woman battling the creature right now.”
[Pan to the fight scene.] (10 min)
Wonder woman throws a punch and land it on the creatures jaw, {it injures her hands in the process.} But, she continues to fight until he catches her next kick, slams her to the ground and then throws by her leg out of sight. The Flash runs to the next state to catch her, before she hits the ground. Batman continues to fight. He throws cold-pellets baterangs, explosive baterangs, glue baterangs, and gas baterangs, all the while dodging his attacks by predicting his movements. However, nothing slows him down. Just as Doomsday is about the land the killing strike against him, Superman swoops in and catches Doomsdays fist. He smiles at Batman, and says, “Sorry I am late.”
After a few punches by both titans, back and forth, Superman sees that this is not working, and that they are destroying the city. Also, he notices that the creature is getting stronger and not weaker. He picks Doomsday up and flies him into the air to take him away from the city. They exchange blow after blow, each sending shockwaves throughout the surrounding cities, until they both pass out in the upper stratosphere. They plunge back to the earth which creates a whole as deeps as the Grand Canyon somewhere over the Mojave Desert. Rise out of the ground you see a green hue, Green Lantern is lifting Superman up in the air in a huge catchers’ mitt. As Superman wakes up he sees Doomsday being put into a harness designed by Batman, while Green Lantern also retrains him in a green bubble. While other superheroes begin asking Superman if is he is alright, Aqua-man asks Batman, “Where did you get that harness?” Batman says,” I always have a plan.”
(Pan to the skyline 4 black on black helicopters drop from the sky)
Amanda Waller steps out and tells her men, “Pack him up and give him more tranquilizers to keep him sedated!” Batman steps forward and says, “What do you think you’re doing?” She says to him in a stern but quiet voice, “Don’t push me on this “rich boy”, you’ll get your chance, but this is not it.” Batman is caught off guard. They take Doomsday away.
Flash says, “This was a close one, I am sure glad most of you were in the area to come and help out. We may need to start a Super Friends or Justice League group to stop something like this from happening again. Wonder Woman says that sounds like a great idea. Superman nods, and then looks at Batman. Batman says, “I will take care of the details.” Superman smiles, then all of a sudden he collapse.
Fade to black.
Scene 2 (5 minutes)
We see Lex Luther looking out of a large glass window at a city in ruins screaming into a earpiece.
{The camera pans into the room with him}
He says, “This is not what we agreed too!” We don’t here the other person on the other end of conversation. We can only see Lex Luther get more and more upset. “You were supposed to destroy Superman, not my city!!!” He slams the earpiece onto the floor. He yells, “Mercy!!! She runs in and says, “Yes, Sir Mr. President.” He asks, “Is my new shuttle ready?” She says, “Yes, Sir Mr. President.”
He whispers, “This deal is getting worse and worse by the minute.”
Scene 3 (10 minutes)
Supergirl hears a loud banging sound, which is vibrating throughout the space station. She follows the sound with her super hearing because it is very annoying to her ears. She walks into a huge lab only to find a tall muscular black man pounding and shaping a large piece of black metal into what looks like a suit of amour with a large mallet.
{The mallet looks like it’s too large for the man to wield even though he is quite muscular)
The man catches a glimpse of the young girl and stops working. “Welcome aboard. Sorry if I was making too much noise Supergirl.”
{She stares in awe.}
Supergirl says, “How did you know my name?”
Steel says in a sarcastic tone, “Well you’re flying {she flying barely off the ground}, you’re wearing a red cape, and you kinda look like him.” {He looks at her chest}
{She looks down to see the “S” on her chest}
She says, “Oh”.
{They both smile and laugh.}
She asks, “So how did you get here?”
He says jokingly, “Do you mean how did I get on board or how did I join the Justice League?”
{She gives a puzzled look}
He says, “I just messing with you, you look like you needed a laugh.”
Scene 4 (5 minutes)
He begins to tell his back story. {We see it via flashbacks}
We see Superman save his life after he falls from a skyscraper. He realizes that life is precious and that he was wasting his by building weapons for LexCorp. He should saving lives and not destroying them. We see him stopping gang violence and other crimes in Metropolis while Superman is gone.
{He is in Black Suit of Amour with and “S” on it.}
We then see Batman and Wonder Woman personally asking him to join the league as the Master Technician of the space station and reserve Justice League Member. He says to her, “How could I turn that down?”
She still looks sad, “He say don’t worry, Supes will be OK, and he always comes through. That’s why they call him Superman. Not because he is the strongest, but because he always come through.
Scene 5 (10 minutes)
We see Dr. Mid-nite & Mr. Terrific examining Superman vital signs (via tablets and virtual monitors). Wonder Woman walks into the room, and she asks, “So doctors, how is he doing?” Dr. Mid-nite states, “Although his physiology is very different from ours and his thermal signature…” Mr. Terrific interrupts him and says, “He will be fine, he just need to rest” Dr. Mid-nite says, “I was about to say that.” Mr. Terrific, “Sure you were.”
{Superman wakes up, and smiles}
Superman says, “Is everyone Ok?”
{Everyone in the room smiles}
{On her way back to the hospital wing of the space station to check on Superman, Supergirl accidently peaks into the mission ready room}
She sees Batman, The Question, Hawk-woman, Aqua-man and Zatanna in the mission ready room talking with intense looks on their faces. Batman notices her first.
{The Question then walks over to the door and slams it shut in her face}
Pan to the room with the members sitting and Batman standing, while looking menacing. He barks out orders, after giving a short speech about how much we know at this point about Doomsday, and about how we can’t let this happen again.
He says,
“Question, find out everything you can about where this monster is from, who is Amanda Waller and Checkmate and their purposes.
Hawk-woman, I need to know a way to defeat this creature quickly and without casualties.
Zatanna, determine if it’s vulnerable to magic or enchantments by using the bone fragments I obtained from the crash site.
People we know that it adapts quickly, we need to be better. Let’s get is done. Superman has been down for two weeks thanks to this “Doomsday” weapon, and I want to know why!”
Scene 6 (10 minutes)
Supergirl walks into the room and sees Superman is awake. She screams, “Kal!” {She is elated and jumps on him.} He coughs, and says, “Kara I am alright and don’t worry.” But she cries happy tears anyway.
Just then, Lois walks into room. Wonder woman and Supergirl leave the room with quaint smile on their faces. Lois says, {holding back tears, but in a stern tone} I have been waiting two weeks for this exclusive interview and… Superman say, “Lois, its ok.”
Lois says, “Do you think that President Luther is behind this creatures’ action? Where is it from? Is it dead?
Superman simply says, “I don’t know, Lois. But I am going to find out.”
Just then an alarm sounds, Mr. Terrific speaks over the intercom, “This is an Omega level alert. All personnel report to their post!” Steel walks in and says, “We are under attack on the earth and it looks like the station will be attacked soon as well.”
Superman says, “It time to go to work.” Steel hands him a new earpiece. He says to Lois, as they both fly away. I will be back soon.
They fly into the hanger bay. Batman is barking out orders to everyone.
Batman sees Superman, and he says, “Good, let’s take the fight to them!”
Scene 6 (10 mins)
The battle starts on ground and then to the air. The superheroes are winning the battle and thanks to superman’s strength and Batman’s battle plans, all looks well.
Batman battles their supposed leader Kalibak. He punches his with electrified brass knuckles while avoiding his punches which could level buildings. Batman avoids all his punches. Kalibak screams, “You cannot hope to defeat me!” Batman says, “I don’t plan on defeating you, just delaying you.” Kalibak say, “Delaying me, for what?” {He then receives a bone crushing punch to the jaw from Superman.}
Supergirl and Wonder Woman battle Lashina and the Furies.
Steel destroys one mechanical drone after another with his hammer.
The flash grabs several cables and wraps the drones in them and drags them into an active volcano in Hawaii. Then he runs back to action areas to flirt with both Hawkgirl and Supergirl.
Aquaman heads the Atlantean army in a war over the sea, his ships battle on the sea and in the air. (He commands them with gestures, not really saying much.
Batman continues to fight other mechanical drones or minions.
All of sudden time stops and Batman wonders what is going on. He sees a man in a chair as though he is pondering all of life’s mysteries. Batman asks him, “Who are you, and what’s going on?” The man states, “I am Metron, and one must fall, where as all will cry, so that none may die.” The fighting begins again.
Then all of a sudden a huge boom tube opens and then enters Darkseid.
Scene 7 (10 mins)
Darkseid says, “I Darkseid claim this world as my own, and now let the pain begin.”
Superman flies up to Darkseid and says, “This world belongs to the free…”
(Darkseid slaps him so hard that he flies backwards and destroys a building in the process.)
Superman gets up and then faces him in one on one battle while everyone watches in awe as the two titans face off.
Much to Darkseid’s surprise, Superman is holding his own against him. His eyebeams have little effect on him, but he mistakenly strikes a plane in the air where Lois Lane is reporting the news live. Superman leaves the battle to save her, Darkseid immediately sees that he cares for her. (Which intrigues him?)
Suddenly another boom tube opens up, this time with another group of aliens. One with a strange helmet on says, “Per the Apokolips- New Genesis Treaty, Earth is under the protection of New Genesis. An attack on Earth is an attack on New Genesis herself, therefore we will intercede.” Orions’ mother box continues to ping, trying to regulate his desire for battle.
Realizing that the Battle is loss, Darkseid opens up a boom tube and retreats. He then states, “With every victory there will always be losses. He then shoots his eye beams; Superman flies to avoid them but then realizes that they are not meant for him. The beams are meant for Lois Lane. However, he is not close enough to her to stop them.
{A flashback displays of how Superman saved Steels’ life.} {Then puff, all you see is part of his cape falls to the ground}
Instinctively, Steel jumps in front of Lois to prevent her from being disintegrated.
Darkseid smiles, and exits through the wormhole. Superman flies toward him getting to wormhole to late. He is screaming in rage. Everyone else bows their head in awe.
Scene 8 (5 mins)
A funeral is held for Steel, everyone morns his loss, except Batman. {He is in the Batcave, Looking at footage from the fight.} At the wake, held at the Hall of Justice, all the heroes spend time talking about how Steel always knew what to say to lighten the mood. Batman runs into the room and says, “He’s alive!”
Credits roll.
Extended scene
{Superman hovering outside of the White House steps}
Luther steps out upon the balcony, smiling with a false grin.
Superman says, “Luther, I will find out if you were behind this monster coming to Earth, and all the Kryptonite on Earth isn’t going to stop me from getting to you.” Luther says, “Is that a threat?” Superman says, “No, Lex. Superman doesn’t make threats, he makes promises.” {Superman flies off.}
We see a shadowy figure pounding armor in a fire pit seemingly building something. (We assume its steel making the Aegis amour.)

Estimated Budget cost $ 200,000,000.00

Actors Cost:
Director: Joss Whedon $ 2,000,000.00
Writer: Jonathan Nolan (screenplay),
+ 10% of profit
$ 500,000.00
Story/Writer: me (airrun2) $ 500,000.00
Producer: Christopher Nolan $ 2,000,000.00 + 10% of profit
Special Effects: Industrial Light and Magic
$ 40,000,000.00
Cinematography: Jack N. Green $ 100,000.00
Editing by: Lisa Lassek $ 50,000.00
Music by: Eric Serra $ 50,000.00
Superman: Henry Canvil $ 2,000,000.00
Batman: David Boreanaz $ 1,000,000.00
Flash: Ryan Kwanten $ 200,000.00
Wonder Woman: Julia Voth $ 200,000.00
Green Lantern: Nathan Fillion .
$ 200,000.00
Hawkgirl: Christina Hendricks $ 200,000.00
Aqua-man: Alexander Skarsagard $ 200,000.00
Steel: Will Smith $ 5,000,000.00 +2% of profit (he will also do the narration)
Zatanna: Serinda Swan $ 100,000.00
Supergirl: Laura Vandervoot $ 200,000.00
Dr. Mid-nite: Patrick Wilson$ 100,000.00
The Question: Jackie Earle Haley$ 150,000.00
Mr. Terrific: Chiwetel Ejiofor $ 200,000.00
Lois Lane: Amy Ackerman $ 100,000.00
Lex Luther: Damian Lewis $ 500,000.00
Darkseid (in CGI): Michael Ironside$ 150,000.00

Doomsday/ Parademon / Para-drone (in CGI): Frank Welker
$ 50,000.00
Snapper Carr: Alan Tudyk
$ 100,000.00
Amanda Waller: C. C. H. Pounder $ 100,000.00
Vixen / Mari McCabe: Gina Torres$ 50,000.00
Metron: Paul Bettany $ 100,000.00
Kalibak: Michael Dorn $ 100,000.00

Mercy Graves: Maggie Q. $ 100,000.00
Stunts Canada $ 300,000.00
Doug Chapman (Stuntmen - Superman)
James Bamford (Stuntmen - Batman)
Ken Kirzinger (Stuntmen - Darkseid)
Extras: various (cameos) $ 400,000.00
Production Cost:
Special Effects $ 50,000,000.00
Costumes and Makeup $ 5,000,000.00
Location & Building $ 20,000,000.00
Trailers and Housing $ 3,000,000.00
Zoning, Taxes and Permits $ 5,000,000.00
Advertising: $ 30,000,000.00
Comic con and free stuff: $ 2,000,000.00
TV advertising $ 20,000,000.00
Similar movie (advertising) $ 8,000,000.00
Total cost $ 200,000,000.00

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darkknightmare2012 - 12/9/2011, 6:37 AM
Will smith charges 50 mil a movie .. which is why indepenant day 2 is taking so long to get going .. plus will smith can not work as a comic book hero .. because everyone just sees (will smith) and not the character .. steel should be played by idris elba or maybe even quinton rampage jackson ... amy ackerman for lois??!?!??!?! pass ... and flash would be better of played by mark paul glossar and borenaz is not a good enough actor to pull of batman ... supergirl should be played by amanda heard but i could live with laura
ballstothewall - 12/9/2011, 8:19 AM
@darkknightmare2012 dude that's his opinion be nice..
RunDTC - 12/9/2011, 8:21 AM
GoldenMan - 12/9/2011, 8:47 AM
Great stuff but i think you shudda stuck with just the original seven for the first film :) otherwise absolutely amazing and great casting (although your lex luthor...not to hot on) :P
darkknightmare2012 - 12/9/2011, 8:57 AM
so in his opinon he thinks will smith will take a 90 percent pay cut to play a c level superhero ?? im pretty sure if i didnt say it someone else would of .. i was just first .. and nice doesnt start until 11 am .. and it ends at 9pm ... jk .. im just trolling cause im bored .. but yeah now amy ackerman for lois lane thats horrible IMO... I DID LOVE THE STORY HOWEVER.. so please dont be mad at me ballstothewall i guess your airrunns older brother or something .. MERRY CHRISTMAS
airrun2000 - 12/9/2011, 11:26 AM
@darkknightmare2012 I appreciate your views, as they are just that, your opinion. I am happy you loved my story.

@ballstothewall Thanks bro, LOL.

@TheDeadpoolKid96 I was trying to go someplaces different with Lex, look at the TV show "Life" and "Homeland" to check out Damian Lewis. He has real range as an actor.

airrun2000 - 12/9/2011, 11:29 AM
@darkknightmare2012 Oh, and about W. Smith, I know his salary is about 20 mil a picture, and I tried to offset his salary with the % of profits. But, I am happy you noticed that.
Eaglios - 12/9/2011, 12:40 PM
I literally stopped reading when I saw the monstrous words that form the name Will Smith.
FlixMentallo21 - 12/9/2011, 3:15 PM
A couple conundrums that could be fixed:
-Ron Perlman didn't voice Darkseid in Justice League Unlimited, he voiced Orion.
-The actress playing your Lois Lane is Amy Acker, not Ackerman. Unless you were referring to Malin Ackerman.

Also, where's Martian Manhunter?
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