Spider-Man: Revenge of the Goblin, Part 3 of 3

Spider-Man: Revenge of the Goblin, Part 3 of 3

The final part (and act) of Spider-Man: Revenge of the Goblin. Hope you guys like it was much as Part 2. Read and enjoy one more time!!!

By CRITIC17 - Sep 04, 2009 08:09 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: Myself

Well… the final part of my story… Hope this turns out to be better than Part 2. Once again, read and enjoy…….  Because this is only one act, I will use lots of detail… Hope you don’t mind.

Here’s the URL for Part 1: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/criticworld/news/?a=9765
And the URL for Part 2: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/criticworld/news/?a=9776

Act 5 (Final Act):
Green Goblin looked at the horizon. A strong rain just started, but his fire wouldn’t be put out. This city burns tonight!!! Goblin yelled out. Suddenly, the torch that Lady Liberty holds blew up and strong flames emerge. Goblin’s torch has struck!!! Goblin yelled. Spider-Man reached the edge of Manhattan. He could see the torch burning in the rain, amazed that it wasn’t being put out by all the water. He looked down at his costume. Rips and shreds on it. Its time for battle. Looking at two nearby trees, Spider-Man stuck two webs to them and pulled back to the nearest building and let go. He was flung to Liberty Island…
Goblin looked as Spider-Man flew towards him. He laughed hysterically. You’re one messed up bastard aren’t you? Mary Jane asked. Goblin kicked her in the stomach. Spider-Man landed on the Statue and climbed quickly to the top. Once there he yelled: GOBLIN!!!!!! He rushed at Goblin, pinchers out, but Green Goblin jumped on his glider and flew over Spidey, MJ had a titanium cable attached to her foot. Goblin kicked her off the statue and she flew, but the cable saved her from death. Spider-Man pulled her up and asked if she was ok. MJ responded with: Ask me after you kick his @$$!!! Spidey jumped up and grabbed onto Goblin’s glider. They fought in midair, flying across the sky. Iron Man was coming towards them when Goblin clicked a button. Lady Liberty’s face blew open and pieces of copper flew out and knocked Iron Man to the ground. Spidey continued to pummel with Goblin, eventually he slammed his pinchers into Goblin’s glider, shorting it out and causing it to crash. They went through the hole where Lady Liberty’s face once was. Goblin swung punches into Spidey’s gut while Spidey kicked Goblin in the face. They both fell back. Goblin pulled out a pumpkin bomb and threw it at Spidey. It struck him in the chest throwing into the stairwell. It set his costume aflame as Spidey fell down the stair shaft all the way to the bottom. But Captain America (Sam Worthington!), who had just arrived, caught Spidey. Goblin grabbed MJ and blew up Lady Liberty’s head. He then threw her into the fiery abyss of the head. Spider-Man got up and webswung all the way to the top and slammed into Goblin. They both fell into the fire. They both were then set on fire. Spider-Man kicked Goblin into the fire and grabbed MJ and swung out. He gave MJ to Cap and went back to finish “the battle.” Goblin came out “on fire” laughing. He said: You’ve finally reached it PARKER!!! What Goblin??? Peter yelled!!! You’re end, he replied. He started laughing again as he click one last button. The bottom of the statue blew up and the statue went downward. Spider-Man slammed Goblin down and stabbed him with his pinchers and then the statue fell over. Goblin laughed the whole time. Cap got MJ, Iron Man, and himself out of harm’s way just in time. The statue fell over, with most of it going into the water. A burning wreckage of copper. A beat-up arm stuck up through the wreckage. Spidey crawled out, beaten and on the edge of death. He collapsed on the wreckage.

Spider-Man survived. Goblin apparently didn’t, but now body was found so you never know. Iron Man came out with a few broken bones. MJ only has some burns and bruises. Spider-Man has broken all his ribs, cracked his skull, broke an arm, leg and hand. But within a few weeks he was webswinging again. Peter took MJ up to the top of Stark Tower (right outside Sentry’s little home) and kissed her. What will happen next Peter? MJ asked. I don’t know, Peter replied…

Meanwhile, Stamford was just blown up by Nitro…


Hope you liked my story!!! 

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CRITIC17 - 9/4/2009, 8:31 AM
Sequel anyone???
CRITIC17 - 9/4/2009, 8:49 AM
What a minute, where'd his comment go??
CRITIC17 - 9/4/2009, 9:16 AM
Wow... both his comments are gone now... I didn't delete them...

@ComicBookMovie: Did you delete that nice guys's comments?? ;)
LEEE777 - 9/4/2009, 9:28 AM
CRITIC @ Your talking to yourself lol! ; D

Heh heh heh.

Hey ive got abit of work to do but be bk in an hour or two to read this, k bro! ; )
CRITIC17 - 9/4/2009, 9:36 AM
@LEEE: Necrosage's comments were here, but somehow they got deleted, so I won't look mental, I will delete mine as well... see you later man!!! Have fun working ;)
Ryden - 9/4/2009, 11:05 AM
Hey Critic great story man, I really enjoyed this and I certainly wouldn't mind a sequel ;)
CRITIC17 - 9/4/2009, 11:39 AM
What??? I deleted my comments so I doesn't look like I'm psycho...

@Ryden: Thanks man!!! Glad you liked it
LEEE777 - 9/4/2009, 12:08 PM
Lol @ CRITIC we know your not Psycho man! ; )

Loved the last part dude, really did!! Hey you ever gonna do another one? Even DC or something too? Let us know!

Thumbs up fella!
LEEE777 - 9/4/2009, 12:08 PM
Good stuff!

CRITIC17 - 9/4/2009, 12:27 PM
@LEEE: Thanks man!!! Next shall be my sequel to Watchmen (a direct sequel to the graphic novel though, not the movie)...
LEEE777 - 9/4/2009, 4:44 PM
Your a brave man! ; )
DDD - 9/4/2009, 11:39 PM
Good powerful finale @Critic! I liked the story! Very intertwining and creative! You're a VERY brave man to try a sequel to the best Graphic Novel of all time! Yikes! :D
AshleyWilliams - 9/5/2009, 9:22 PM
Great story!

I liked the way you tied into the events of MUA2!
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