Street Fighter IV Fan Cast

Street Fighter IV Fan Cast

Please enjoy my fan cast/character history of the very popular
Street Fighter IV video game

By peterparker420 - Apr 02, 2010 10:04 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

This is not you're everyday fan cast, sure this is a fan cast but I also took the liberty of including,
not just who I would want to play each character, but also that characters history in the long running,
and very popular Street Fighter franchise. So I really hope you take the time to read all of this,
so you can not only understand the character's history but also get a feel
as to why I chose each actor for there roles.

I hope you enjoy this cause It took me a LONG time to put together!

First Street Fighter is not just a video game, It is a comic series, manga series, also
Street Fighter lent it's name to many animated movies, tv cartoons, and even two live action movies.

here is a timeline of the video games to help you out:

Street Fighter (1987)

Street Fighter II series (1991–1996) Which included
-Street Fighter II: The World Warrior
-Street Fighter II: Champion Edition
-Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting
-Super Street Fighter II

Street Fighter Alpha series (1995-1998)
-Street Fighter Alpha
-Street Fighter Alpha 2
-Street Fighter Alpha 3

Street Fighter III series (1997-1999)
-Street Fighter III: The New Generation
-Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact
-3rd Strike: Fight for the Future

Street Fighter EX series (1996-2001)
-Street Fighter EX
-Street Fighter EX 2
-Street Fighter EX 3

but that is not all Capcom also released a number of Street Fighter collections,
also classic downloadable games for X-Box LIVE and the PS3 Network.
Street Fighter is one of the most popular "fighter" game in the world.

now lets get to the cast!

James Marsden as Able

Abel - Is a mysterious man who was found in what he presumes
to be a destroyed Shadaloo base. He was found by a band of mercenaries, and their leader (possibly Charlie) was kind enough to take Abel
on his travels. The man was supposedly going to help Abel regain his memories, but he died before he could
provide much help. Abel was then forced to search for the truth on his own, and decided to begin by
investigating the S.I.N. organization, something the mercenary leader had told him to avoid at all costs.
Obviously, he does everything he can to get to S.I.N.

On his journey, he encounters Guile, and sees him doing a Sonic Boom. The mercenary leader who aided Abel
was able to do the same move, and Abel inquires as to where Guile learned it. Guile, filled with emotion,
fires questions at Abel in a hostile manner. The two then do battle.
Because of Guile's response and Abel's story about the mercenary leader, it is highly likely the man was Charlie,
Guile's old war buddy. There is some speculation on his relation to Remy from 3rd Strike.
The two have much in common and possible links. Both Abel and Remy are from France.
Remy's father is said to be a Street Fighter who had disappeared, and Abel has amnesia
which could possibly make him Remy's father. Remy also has a Guile mirrored moveset;
Abel has many connections with both Charlie and Guile that could possibly link him with Remy.

Jason Statham as Adon

Adon - Became Sagat's student three years after Sagat rose to the rank of God of Muay Thai.
Frequently likened to a "lesser version of Sagat", even though he strived to differentiate himself with
more acrobatic techniques, Adon entered the first World Warrior tournament to prove he was more than that.
The cocky Adon let his guard down when he faced Ryu, who took him out with a single Shoryuken.
Afterwards, Ryu went on to defeat Sagat, which would lead to Adon's eventual breakdown.

Adon was not mad at Ryu for defeating him, he was mad at Sagat for being unable to uphold Muay Thai's honor -
though conveniently forgetting how Ryu had bested him during the World Warrior tournament.
He challenged Sagat for the title of God of Muay Thai and won, but the enraged Sagat had done so much damage
to him in the fight that Adon had to be hospitalized for months.

Adon's injuries would eventually heal and a new fighter would captivate his attention.
Rumor had reached his ears of a fighter who had mastered the power that had enabled Ryu to win the first World
Warrior Tournament. Adon swore to find this mysterious fighter and claim the power as his own.

In Street Fighter IV it is revealed that Sagat fights and retakes his
title from Adon using the Tiger Destruction to do so.

Hiroyuki Sanada as Akuma

Akuma - Akuma and his brother Gouken were students of Goutetsu. Goutetsu taught a life-threatening martial
art called Ansatsuken (Assassin Fist), which incorporates elements of karate, judo, and kempo.
He also taught Shun Goku Satsu (literally Instant Hell Murder or The Raging Demon), a death technique which,
although incredibly powerful, puts the user in considerable danger.

As the brothers progressed under Goutetsu's tutelage, a dispute arose on the true nature of Ansatsuken
and the path to master it. Gouken, unable to accept the violent nature of Ansatsuken,
left Goutetsu to begin his own dojo. Akuma continued Goutetsu's teachings and vowed to use Ansatsuken
as it was intended.

In order to learn Shun Goku Satsu, Akuma embraced the principle of Satsui no Hadō or
(The Surge of the Intent to Murder/Murderous Intent). Through Satsui no Hadō, Akuma was forced to give
up any compassion he held towards other human beings. In addition, Akuma realized his limits as a
martial artist could be expanded, and left Goutetsu's guidance to train alone.

His return marked the end for Goutetsu - Akuma demonstrated his strength by killing his former master
with Shun Goku Satsu. Goutetsu fell with an inner joy, realizing his pupil was attempting to master Ansatsuken.
Akuma removed the beaded necklace from Goutetsu's neck and placed it around his own. Sometime later,
Akuma challenged and fought his brother. With Gouken gaining the upper hand, Akuma was eventually struck down.
Akuma requested death in defeat, however his brother had no intention of killing him. Akuma,
vowing to return, left Gouken. Years later, he returned; they fought again, and this time
Gouken was apparently killed (he reappeared years later).
Ken saw the battle as he was returning from the U.S. Martial Arts tournament.
Rushing to the dojo to find it in shambles and his master dead, an enraged Ken ran into
the surrounding woods searching for the killer. Akuma easily defeated Ken and disappeared.
Gouken's other student Ryu soon learned of his master's death and began to search for Akuma.

Several other renditions of the Street Fighter story talk of Ryu finding Gouken's body
(after falling to Akuma), who then travels the world to find Akuma. These renditions also talk of
Ryu's potential to harness "Satsui no Hadō", or "Dark Hadou", giving him the ability to transform
into Evil Ryu (first found in Street Fighter Alpha 2).

Akuma began to search the globe looking for worthy fighters to challenge. Secluding himself in the shadows,
he watched small tournaments and street fights, desperately seeking someone who might be able to match his
strength. He was eventually challenged by a man named Gen. Gen fought a vicious battle. He had even survived
the Shun Goku Satsu by emptying his soul in time. Akuma began to wonder if this man was the worthy opponent
he was searching for. However, he began to sense not all was as it seemed and when Gen's mouth
began to bleed Akuma's suspicions were confirmed, his opponent was sick, and the fight was not fair.
After being knocked to the ground, Gen told Akuma to kill him. Not wanting to carry the fight on any longer,
Akuma left, infuriating Gen. After the fight, Akuma became obsessed with Ryu and awakened the "Dark Intent".

Ryu eventually found Akuma's island (known as Onigami Isle or the Gokuentou) and challenged him.
The intense battle that followed ended in a draw; Akuma was impressed as this was the closest he
had come to a defeat yet. Telling Ryu to find him again when he had embraced the Satsui no Hadō,
Akuma struck his island with a powerful blow and disappeared. The island fell apart around Ryu,
who was left in the ocean to contemplate Akuma's words. Leaving his destroyed abode, Akuma thought about
all the fighters he had encountered and wondered with excitement if one day he would fight someone strong
enough to kill him in battle. This thought drove him on, finding a desolate cavern (also known as Kiga Cave)
he began to train and await the day he would fight Ryu again.

Two years later, Akuma began to search once more for worthy fighters whilst awaiting Ryu to embrace
the Satsui no Hadō. He could have possibly fought Adon at this time and killed him
(as Adon had been searching for Akuma, yet was never heard from again). He encountered Gen once more and fought
a final battle (the results of which are still unclear). However, unknown to Akuma,
Ryu had rejected the Satsui no Hadō, declaring that a true warrior does not rely on violent intents.

Akuma did not officially enter the second World Warrior tournament. He jumped into M. Bison's arena and
performed a Shun Goku Satsu on Bison, killing him, and sending his soul to hell.

As with the second World Warrior tournament, Akuma did not enter the third World Warrior tournament,
but once more lurked in the shadows. He even successfully pulled off a Shun Goku Satsu on the tournament
sponsor Gill, although he left without realizing that Gill had resurrected himself.
Over this timespan, Akuma had trained relentlessly until finally harnessing his power
and learning several new techniques, some that were meant to create tidal waves,
some described as strong enough to split Ayers Rock in half, and one that could kill
an opponent with a single strike. Akuma's self-taught technique is called the
Kongō Kokuretsu Zan, in which Akuma channels all his power into one hand and smashes
it into the ground, creating a vortex of energy upward around him.
It is supposedly this technique that was used to destroy his original training ground,
although this is mainly conjecture as he is not shown using this move
until the 3rd World Warrior tournament.

Akuma continued to develop his now-incredible fighting skill, and even fought with Oro in a simple,
inconclusive battle, each other sensing the others massive chi and testing their powers.
Akuma has now demonstrated the ability to remain underwater under massive pressure for extended periods
of time, and has even managed to destroy a naval submarine with a technique
that he has dubbed Tenshō Kaireki Jin.

Rampage Jackson as Balrog

Balrog - was once a great boxing champion and prize fighter. He was banned from boxing for permanently injuring his
opponents and killing one (as well as his illegal maneuvers, particularly his headbutt), so he joined
the Shadaloo criminal organization, and worked his way up from the bottom, eventually becoming Bison's enforcer.
While running errands for M. Bison (Vega in Japan), he killed Dhalsim's elephant with a single Gigaton Punch.

In one mission, Balrog was sent to terminate Birdie. Although he did not know why, Balrog went anyway.
Birdie told him about the Psycho Drive, and Balrog agreed to help him find it, thinking he could
make money from it. When the Psycho Drive exploded, Balrog realized that he had not been paid recently.
When M. Bison was killed at the hands of Akuma, ownership of Shadaloo was transferred to the former prize fighter. Unfortunately, he ended up running the entire organization into the ground in no time. After the fall of Shadaloo, Balrog became nothing more than a bum on the streets.

Benicio Del Toro as Blanka

Blanka - Blanka's first appearance in the Street Fighter series was in Street Fighter II. In his Street Fighter II ending,
he reunites with his mother Samantha, who recognizes him from the anklet he wears.
She reveals that Blanka was once known as Jimmy, before he was in a plane crash as a little boy.
This crash caused him to be raised in the wild, although he has connections to a local village.
Ever since the crash, Blanka/Jimmy had been separated from his mother.

According to some sources, Blanka acquired his electrical trait from the same plane crash due to an intense
electrical storm at the time (the cause of the crash). According to the instruction manual for the SNES version
of Street Fighter II it states he learned the ability from electric eels.
(Which only make sense coming from a game made in japan).

In Street Fighter Alpha 3, his character design was changed to make him less ferocious-looking. His in-game story,
just like the in-game stories of the other characters in the series, serves as a precursor to the events of
Street Fighter II. The game tells a tale of how Blanka ate a melon on a poacher's truck and traveled to
civilization for the first time. Playing the game as Blanka, the player eventually faces Dan Hibiki as one of
Blanka's mid-bosses. It is then revealed through in-game dialogue that the two know each other and that Blanka
had once saved Dan's life. Blanka faces Zangief as his second mid-boss and unwittingly prevents Zangief from
helping to destroy the Shadaloo criminal organization. He then faces Shadaloo member Balrog before facing
M. Bison. After Bison is defeated, Blanka, Dan, and Sakura work together and destroy Bison's psycho drive weapon.

Blanka made appearances in several spin-off titles. Blanka is available as a playable character in the later
games of the Street Fighter EX series, Street Fighter EX2 and Street Fighter EX3. He also made appearances as
a playable character in Capcom vs. SNK and Capcom vs. SNK 2.
According to his ending in Capcom vs. SNK 2, he thought he was flown home, but when he got off the plane,
he ends up in a zoo instead.

Blanka currently appears in Street Fighter IV, where he now lives with his mother in the city. Feeling out of
place among the locals, Blanka feels as though he's an embarrassment to his mother and decides to travel
the world, getting involved with the events of the game while doing so.

Yvonne Strahovski as Cammy

Cammy - In Street Fighter Alpha 2 after the final fight with Bison, he explains how Cammy was never meant to be so
powerful and proceeds to activate a ‘ Psycho Limiter’ that was placed inside of Cammy.
The following is an excerpt from the ending after Bison activates this device in Cammy.

“Everything is wrapped in a white light. This meeting…Her recovered memories. Cammy gets a new memory
implant recovered from the Shadaloo base, finally knowing her true power as an assassin.
This experiment has truly succeeded expectations! Begin M project release preparations. Muhahaha!!
She could destroy an entire country alone!”

In the introduction for Cammy in Street Fighter Alpha 3 it is said that Cammy is now a full fledged
brainwashed assassin for Shadaloo that has been enhanced by biotechnology.
However it is implied that Shadaloo has not perfected their control over her mind.
In a brief sequence Cammy has an encounter with Dhalsim where they exchange some words.
While Cammy is standing by to measure Dhalsim’s fighting data he looks into her mind and
questions her motives, suggesting that her suppressed mind is trying to come out.
With this Cammy demands Dhalsim to leave her alone and she continues on her fighting path,
her mind slowly breaking free of Bison’s mind control.

Latter, Cammy is caught off guard when she meets Vega and he explains that he has been sent by M. Bison
to eliminate her. After Vega’s defeat Cammy is still confused as to why her master would want her eliminated.
When she arrives to fight Bison he asks why she did not finish off Vega and then explains to her
it is because she is becoming conscious of herself, his mind control is slipping and this is
why she is useless.Before Cammy is able to fight Bison he sends Juli and Juni to take care of her.
Bison refers to them as his ' dolls' because they are part of the same mind control project that Bison
used to control Cammy. Once Cammy beats Juli and Juni, Bison explains that he is tired of seeing a mere
copy of himself and that Cammy was made using his DNA.
After Cammy destroys Bison he makes it clear that one day he will be back and once again in her mind,
Cammy proceeds into the Shadaloo compound to destroy the ‘Psycho Drive’ and free anyone in its control.
On the way she meets Chun-Li who is trying to gather evidence on Shadaloo and destroy Bison herself.
Cammy in a confused state has nothing on her mind but destroying the Psycho Drive.
With a massive explosion the Shadaloo compound is no more and Chun-Li is left with
no evidence on Shadaloo and left wondering if that confused little girl she saw survived.
This is the large ‘accident’ that caused Cammy to forget her past as talked about in Street Fighter II.

However the ending to Street Fighter 2 differs from game to game. In the English localized version
of ‘ Super Sttreet Fighter II: The New Challengers’ it is said that Bison and Cammy were lovers
in the past instead of the big secret being that Cammy was made from Bison’s DNA and was a
brainwashed assassin for Shadaloo, as proposed in Street Fighter Alpha 3.
However the Street Fighter series is no stranger to its story and character being altered in the
localization process from Japanese to English.It should be noted that this ending was corrected
in Super Street Fighter II HD Remix, with Cammy learning she was made from Bison’s DNA and was once a
malicious assassin for Shadaloo known to Bison as Killer Bee.
After finding this out Cammy’s MI6 team known as Delta Red consoles her and lets her know that no
matter what has happened in the past, she is always part of the team.

Jessica Biel as Crimson Viper

Crimson Viper - an American double agent posing as a S.I.N. worker but actually a CIA agent undercover.
She wears a S.I.N form fitting suit which enables her to perform electrical, seismic,
and pyrotechnic moves. It is said she is motivated by her daughter Lauren as well as money.
not much is really know about her..yet

Sean William Scott as Dan Hibiki

Dan Hibiki - Basically a "joke character" created by Capcom in an effort to lampoon SNK's Art of Fighting franchise,
which they supposedly felt was a rip-off of Street Fighter. The concept of Dan actually came from a piece
of art which depicted Sagat holding a crushed opponent by one hand who had the head of Robert Garcia
and the body of Ryo Sakazaki (the two main characters of Art of Fighting). Dan's stance and gi are both direct
parodies of Ryo's style in Art of Fighting. Dan also has a reputation of wearing the brightest and ugliest
colors, such as pink and bright green. Dan Outraged by the death of his father,
(Go Hibiki) at the hands of Sagat, Dan Hibiki was raised along Ken and Ryu under the sensei of Gouken.
Ironically enough, Dan was expelled from the dojo when his true intentions were learned that he
was considered "too dangerous." Dan went on to create his own style of fighting called Saikyo,
or "The Strongest Style," which is basically a comedic and blatantly weak rip-off of Ken and Ryu's style.
Dan later tried to teach Sakura his ways, but it was revealed she was only traveling
with him in order to meet his mentor, Ryu. Dan is also very good friends with Blanka and
Joe Higashi from SNK's Fatal Fury franchise.

Sendhil Ramamurthy as Damlsim

Dhalsim - A pacifist who fights to raise money for his village, but realizes this contradicts his pacifist beliefs.
He has killed three people, who's skulls he wears round his neck to remind him of his wrongdoing.
His behavior can be considered by some as "supernatural", as seen in the Street Fighter II animated movie.
The story of Dhalsim has him retire at the end of the second World Warrior tournament to roam the world,
helping anyone in need, but returns to fight in Street Fighter IV.

Pomaikai Brown AS E. Honda

Edmund Honda - Better known as E. Honda. In initial designs for Street Fighter II, was dubbed simply as "Sumo", and
stated that he would be a character recognizable by Americans and popular in Japan.
In his backstory, E. Honda is mentioned to have began his training as a child, singularly focused on
becoming the greatest sumo wrestler of all time. He would eventually achieve the highly-revered titled
of "Ōzeki" (in the U.S, he was incorrectly stated as having achieved the title, Yokozuna).
E. Honda became upset that the rest of the world did not view sumo wrestling with the reverence of
the Japanese. He entered into the second World Warrior tournament, intent on showing everyone that
sumo wrestlers rank among the greatest fighters in the world.
Beyond this, he strides also to improve and prove his own strength, as well as earn the title of Yokuzuna.

His involvement with the second tournament is also part of him investigating the Shadaloo organization,
in response to sumo wrestlers taking drugs, and learning of their involvement after
capturing some of the dealers. His face painting and dual nationality name assisted him to an
extent with remaining covert during this. This aspect of his character was conceived well
before Street Fighter Alpha 3 and his storyline there.

After the tournament and the fall of Shadaloo, Honda returned to Japan, where he continued engaging in
sumo wreslting and continuing to run his bath house and training his disciples.

Honda appears in Street Fighter Alpha 2 as more of a cameo, but a significant one to Sodom's storyline,
and a bit to his own in the next game. Sodom, obsessed with both japanese culture
and trying to revive Mad Gear, attempts to recruit sumo wrestlers, citing them as strong warriors.
To achieve this, he enters a sumo wrestling competition and faces Fujinyoma,
who is revealed to be Edmond Honda. Agreeing to join Mad Gear if Sodom wins,
Honda gives the match a go and defeats Sodom, though is impressed by his effort nevertheless
according to their dialogue in Alpha 3.

Luis Moncada as El Fuerte

El Fuerte - A fiery fighter who divides his professional life between Lucha Libre wrestling and gourmet cooking.
His hot-blooded spirit is enough to give even the mighty Red Cyclone
(Zangief) a run for his money! Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for his lackluster cooking skills.

Ken Leung as Fei Long

Fei Long- Made his first appearance in Super Street Fighter II (1993) as one of the four new characters introduced in the
game. Fei Long is depicted as an action film star from Hong Kong who enters the World Warrior tournament to
test his skill as a martial artist. In his ending in the game, he gives up his film career and forms his own
Kung-Fu style known as the Sky-Flying style.

Fei Long was designed after real-life martial artist and movie star Bruce Lee. The English localization of the
original arcade game pays tribute to Bruce Lee by having Fei Long state:
"there could never be another legend like the great one and his son",
a reference to Bruce Lee and his son Brandon, who died shortly before the release of the game,
(while filming "The Crow")
although these references were removed in the revised localization of the Game Boy Advance version of the game.

Fei Long reappears in the console versions of Street Fighter Alpha 3 (1998). The game takes place before Fei Long
achieved fame as a movie star, as he makes his first hit movie in his ending in the game.

He returns as a playable character in the console versions of Street Fighter IV. His alternate costume in
Street Fighter IV resembles Bruce Lee's outfit in Enter the Dragon. His ultra (combo) in Street Fighter IV is
a series of flurry punches into an uppercut followed by a flying kick which resembles to a signature
technique of Bruce Lee. Also, Fei Long has been given a new ultra in Super Street Fighter IV Also (I have CAST below)
and it furthers the homage to Bruce Lee by performing a flurry of punches ending with the One Inch Punch.

As a non-playable character, Fei Long appears as a spectator in Dan's stage in Street Fighter Alpha 2 and in
Felicia's ending in Super Gem Fighter: Mini-Mix (Ken hooks her up with Fei Long to jumpstart her movie career),
in which he also has a cameo in one of the stages, in a ramen restaurant.

Chia Hui Liu as Gen

Gen - Is one of the strongest characters to exist in the Street Fighter franchise. He made his first in-game debut
in the original Street Fighter, and was not seen again until Alpha 2. An assassin by trade, Gen trains in the
Ansatsuken styles of kung-fu, which basically is a fancy way of saying he trains to kill people.
He incorporates many styles into his technique, including Bear, Mantis, Crane, and others.
Gen is also one of the oldest characters in the franchise, apparently being born before 1918. Ergo,
he has multiple connections to other characters. He was a friend of Chun-Li's father and actually trained
her as a child, and also raised both Yun and Yang (although he is not their father, contrary to popular belief).
These links are confirmed throughout the franchise, as dialogue in Alpha 2 shows he gave
Chun-Li the tip on Shadowloo, and both Yun and Yang use very similar fighting styles based on Gen's two
stances used in the Alpha games. Although an assassin, Gen is not an inherently evil character.
His only motivation for joining the first World Warrior tournament was to find worthy opponents,
and his entry in the Alpha series was similar, the only difference being that this time he was
actually dying from disease, and wanted to die in combat. Gen also possesses one of the strongest
super moves in the Street Fighter franchise. (the Zan'ei)

Chow Yun Fat as Gouken

Gouken - Gouken and his younger brother Akuma were taught a powerful martial arts style by their master Goutetsu
20 years before the second Street Fighter tournament. After Goutetsu was killed by Akuma, Gouken continued
to train and developed his martial arts style without embracing the principle of the
Satsui no Hadō (The Surge of the Intent to Murder/Murderous Intent) like his brother.
Over time, he had evolved his martial art into a top-class fighting style which he eventually
taught to his students Ryu and Ken. Dan Hibiki also trained with Gouken, but was expelled when he learned
that Dan was motivated by revenge. In Street Fighter Alpha 2, Akuma suggests to Ryu that he had killed
Gouken after a duel at Suzaku Castle. It was thought to be Gouken's resting place. Gouken is Ryu's father-figure.

John Cena as Guile

Guile - When Guile was a Lieutenant in the United States Air Force, he
befriended his superior officer, Charlie and asked
Charlie to teach him in his unique form of fighting, which Charlie agreed to do so.
Guile learned the style, but his hot temper caused him to be not as proficient in the moves as Charlie was
shown in how Charlie can shoot sonic booms with just one hand while Guile needs both, also Charlie's
flash kick hits twice vs Guile's once.

In Street Fighter continuity, Guile was not introduced to the series until the events of Street Fighter Alpha 3,
when he was sent by the United States Air Force to look for his senior teammate and best friend Charlie,
who had gone missing during a secret investigation. Guile's search eventually led him to the Interpol
investigator Chun-Li, who warned him not to follow Charlie due to the danger involved.
Guile demonstrated his fighting ability, and assured Chun-Li that he would not let their friend come to harm.
He eventually found the Shadaloo base in Japan along with the missing Charlie.
The sinister and powerful M. Bison appeared and attacked the two soldiers,
daring them to follow him inside his Shadaloo base.
As Chun-Li investigated another area, Charlie and Guile began to set explosives around their
mission objective: Bison's source of power, the Psycho Drive. However, Bison surprised them,
and a fight ensued. Charlie convinced Guile to escape while he held Bison off, so Guile took Chun-Li and escaped,
right before the base exploded, with Charlie and Bison caught in the blast.
Standing on the top of a mountain, Guile says he will always believe in Charlie's memory.

Holding Bison responsible for the death of his best friend, he seemingly dedicated his whole life to exacting
revenge on Bison, who had by then somehow survived the explosion. A court case against the Shadaloo dictator
failed when Bison bribed all the judges to let him go free. Bison, by this time wanted revenge on Guile,
Chun-Li, and many other people who had hindered his syndicate's efforts. To this end, he set up the
second World Warrior tournament to trap them.

Although the circumstances on how Guile approached Bison is sketchy, he managed to corner Bison and
asked him if he remembered him or his friend Charlie. While Guile threatens the defeated Bison with
the intent to kill him, he is stopped. Guile has a wife, Julia, and daughter, Amy, who appear and
urge him not to kill the psychotic dictator, claiming that such behavior could destroy him.
They tell him that the past is in the past and that he does not have to pursue his life of revenge.
Realizing they are correct, he abandons his pursuit of Bison and retires happily to be with his family.
Also, Julia and Eliza are actually sisters, making Ken and Guile brothers-in-law. However,
this is not often discussed because Guile does not think very highly of Ken,
believing him to be a spoiled rich kid.

In Street Fighter IV however, the story for Guile changes slightly. He requests permission to go on a rescue
mission for his lost comrade Charlie, on the grounds that his body was never recovered, but is ultimately
denied by his commanding officers. Throughout the course of the fourth Street Fighter tournament,
Guile faces an amnesia suffering Abel, who claims to have witnessed a person performing the same moves as Guile.
Guile, convinced that he knows of the whereabouts of Charlie, faces Abel in his rival battle.

Mike Vogel as Ken (This is my favorite charcter!)

Ken - As with almost every Street Fighter character, Ken's backstory has been published via Udon's comic book series based
on the Street Fighter franchise.

Ken did NOT participate in the first Street Fighter tournament instead, he fought in (and won) the premiere U.S.
Martial Arts tournament that had been previously won by Charlie, as well as meeting a very attractive girl named
Eliza, who became his girlfriend.

After winning the U.S. martial arts tournament, Ken returned to his training ground to tell his master Gouken the
good news. There he witnessed his master's death at the hands of Akuma. Enraged and grief stricken, he
attacked Akuma, only to be defeated by Akuma.

Ken began wandering the world in search of Akuma, and his friend and fellow student Ryu. He wanted to tell Ryu
what happened to their master and also hoped to win a match against him. He eventually finds Ryu in seclusion.
Ryu is depressed upon seeing his long-time friend, but Ken makes him go spar anyway. Over the next few days,
Ken realizes how stressed out his best friend is since his fight with Sagat. Ryu explains to Ken that deep within
him there is a burning rage- a power trying to overcome him. Giving Ryu his red headband, Ken tells him to stay
focused, which greatly cheers Ryu up. Ken returns home and begins training harder. Knowing even with his recent
feelings, that Ryu is always stronger than he looks.

Ken begins to wonder about his own life. Ryu seemed to be on the right track again, but what of him? Along the way
to prove himself again, he encounters Karin who tells him she has followed his career and is trying to best her
rival Sakura to prove she is superior. Ken advises her it's good to have a rival, but not for supremacy, but to
keep on training harder and focusing on technique. Ken finds himself again and is focused once more. Going off
to meet up with Sakura, they too have a friendly match and Ken finally realizes that Ryu has the right idea all along.
Both Sakura and Ken begin to travel to find Ryu, but find out that he's being brainwashed by the dictator M. Bison.
Ken and Sakura both take Bison on together to distract him as Sagat (who had come along to also find Ryu struggling against Bison).
Ryu came under Sagat's control. Ryu eventually came to and slammed Bison away with the help of Ken, then talked to
each of his friends — he told Ken to wait for his rematch, noting he still had much to learn. Ken himself promised
to train harder.

Ken received an invitation to the second Street Fighter tournament, but since his last U.S. Martial Arts tournament,
he had let himself spend too much time with his girlfriend, Eliza, rather than training. Only Ryu's personal
challenge rekindled Ken's fighting spirit and persuaded him to enter the second World Warrior tournament.
After the events of Street Fighter II, Ken is married to Eliza, something he vowed only to do after winning a
decisive victory against Ryu. However it is unknown if the two fought during the tournament, or if Ken actually won.
No details have been stated.

Ken then entered the third Street Fighter tournament. By this time, a Brazilian teenager named Sean had been pestering
him to become his student, and Ken reluctantly accepted, beginning to train him. He fought Sean and won against him
in the tournament, however during the course of it, he drops out when realizing Ryu was defeated by Oro. Ken begins
to train his son Mel in rudimentary fighting techniques. He also told Sean to go find Ryu and challenge him,
giving him some free time with Eliza.

Though now bored, Ken hears about a mysterious organization (S.I.N) and goes to investigate, and may have confronted Urien.
He does win his third straight U.S. Martial Arts tournament victory, which is a new record, and offers the trophy
to Sean, although his student says he wishes to earn it for himself. He also learned that Ryu had sought him
out and traveled all the way to New York from Oakland for their long-awaited rematch. Tossing some friendly jabs at
each other, both have a good fight that Ryu wins. Since then, Ken has continued to train Sean and Mel, handle his
family and business, and keep up with his old friend Ryu.

Eli Roth as M. Bison

M. Bison - His first appearance, chronologically speaking, was in Street Fighter Alpha, as the head of an elusive
criminal and military organization known as Shadaloo. Along with his aspirations for world conquest, M. Bison
had been working on perfecting a lethal and deadly energy that would exponentially increase his
fighting ability, an inherently evil energy he refers to as "Psycho Power".

During the events of Street Fighter Alpha, Shadaloo came to the attention of Interpol, which sent Chun-Li
(an operative with a personal vendetta against the crime lord, who had killed her father) to thwart Bison's
plans. Chun-Li and M. Bison eventually confronted each other and battled. M. Bison defeated Chun-Li and then
escaped on his helicopter while mocking her and promising to kill her in the same manner he killed her father
if she confronts him again. During the events of Alpha or Alpha 2, M. Bison also came into conflict with Rose,
a mysterious woman who wielded Soul Power, the opposite of Bison's Psycho Power. This fact and the fact that
her quest was to stop any and all of M. Bison's evil plans indicate the intricate connection between the two,
and would later be revealed in Street Fighter Alpha 3.

By the time of Street Fighter Alpha 3, the Psycho Power began exceeding the limits of his body. Having predicted
this event, M. Bison had his scientists engineer a body that he could transfer his essence to, but that body
Cammy escaped from Shadaloo's conditioning. M. Bison then turned his sights to Ryu, one of the most powerful
fighters in the world, and the personal nemesis of Bison's right-hand man Sagat. Bison defeated and captured
Ryu and subjected him to intense psychological conditioning, when Sagat objected, M. Bison turned Ryu on him,
telling him he could finally have his rematch. While Sagat battled Ryu, Ryu's friends Ken and Sakura fought
M. Bison. With Sagat's urging, Ryu came to his senses and forced M. Bison to retreat to the Psycho Drive,
which restored his power.

In Street Fighter Alpha 3, USAF officers Charlie and Guile are on a mission to stop the dictator from using
his new creation, a satellite (featured in Street Fighter Alpha 3), which can enhance his Psycho Power
abilities. Guile and Charlie are joined by Chun-Li, and the three of them battle M. Bison.
In order to take down Shadaloo's leader,
Charlie keeps fighting him while the base is set to explode, and eventually sacrifices his own life.
M. Bison's soul, however, ended up surviving the explosion and took control of Rose. It is revealed that,
while trying to master Psycho Power, Bison had to expel all the humanity and good in his soul to accommodate
and feed the intense energy the power gives him, and that Rose is actually the formation
of all of M. Bison's good energy. He stayed inside of Rose's body until his Shadaloo scientists could forge a
new body for him, the body seen in Street Fighter II. This body, however, was much weaker, since, having
inhabited his "good side"'s soul for a period of time, he retained both his good and evil energies as he
transferred to his new body, thus making his Psycho Power considerably less effective.

M. Bison held the second Street Fighter tournament to get revenge against the people who had destroyed the
Psycho Drive. His new body was much weaker than the previous, but he was still very powerful. In the end,
he was destroyed by Akuma, who killed him with the Shun Goku Satsu and sent his soul to hell to be destroyed.
Bison was not heard of in Street Fighter III, and Chun-Li's mid-boss dialogue with Urien in Street Fighter III:
3rd Strike suggests that Shadaloo was destroyed.

Jordana Brewster as Rose

Rose - A fortune teller from Genoa, who sensed that Doomsday was approaching, and knew a person of great evil was
causing it. She found the source of the evil in Bison and defeats him, thinking she has rid the world of him for
good. Unfortunately, by reading her tarot cards she discovered Bison was still alive.

In Street Fighter Alpha 3, she faces Bison once again and finds out that she and Bison share the same soul.
Bison outmatches her as he takes total control of her body. There she lay unconscious
where Guy (who she meets earlier on when he goes after Shadaloo) finds her. When Bison is killed by Charlie
(who sacrificed his own life in the process), Bison's soul went to his new host, Rose.

Akuma killed Bison during the second World Warrior tournament, sending his soul to hell with the Shun Goku Satsu.
What became of Rose after this is still in question.

In the Street Fighter comic produced by UDON in close collaboration with Capcom, it is told that Rose was a member
of a tribe of Roma (a.k.a. Gypsies) that followed a white haired woman known only as Master.
The woman had a glowing yellow lightning bolt on her forehead and a very similar hairstyle to Rose.
When Rose was a child (roughly ten years of age), M. Bison, a former student of the Master,
returned to the tribe and declared that he was going to kill Master, as her knowledge of Soul Power was a
threat to him. Though Master fought bravely, Bison's Psycho Power (corrupted Soul Power) ultimately
killed her and almost every other person present in the village.
Only a man who was away chopping wood away from the village survived. He returned after the explosion and
discovered an unconscious Rose who now bore Master's Lightning bolt on her forehead
(events in Street Fighter #1).

In Street Fighter #2, Cammy was tracking Ken and Ryu in San Francisco where she was intercepted by Rose.
Later, Rose completely cleansed Cammy of the Psycho Power's influence and erased her brainwashing. She later
deposited Cammy on the doorstep of the British Embassy in Italy where her instinctual response to a
terrorist attack directly led to her being recruited to Delta Red, the organization she works
for in SUPER Street Fighter II. Rose is distressed when Cammy, under the employ of MI5, not only returns
to a life of violence but also engages in missions that will inevitably lead her back to Bison.

Rose appeared to die in Street Fighter II #6 after a battle between herself, Bison, and Cammy.
In the selfsame issue, Rose explained to Cammy what she had done to free her from Bison,
and also explained to Cammy that she was a clone created to serve as Bison's next body should the
need ever arise. Rose's last appearance saw the character appearing to become dust blowing away
in the wind. Whether or not she will appear in future issues of the series remains unknown.

Rose makes a cameo appearance in an episode of the first season of the American Street Fighter
animated series titled "The Medium is the Message" as a competitor in a Street Fighter tournament
in India among other Street Fighter Alpha characters. She has a more prominent role in the second season
episode "The Flame and the Rose", where she teams up with Ken and Blanka to fight against Bison.

Rose also plays a major role in the 1995 manga adaptation of Street Fighter Alpha by Masahiko Nakahira,
where she is a soothsayer who guides Ryu in his quest to control the Dark Hadou. She plays a similar role in
the 1999 Street Fighter Alpha: The Movie OVA.

Tyler Labine as Rufus

Rufus - Declared himself to be America's greatest fighter and has a deep, though decidedly one-sided rivalry with
Ken Masters. He fights to prove that he is indeed better than Masters,
though he frequently mistakes other fighters for his supposed rival.

Matthew Bomer as Ryu

Ryu - One day Ryu and Ken Masters were racing up the stairs of the dojo, when Ryu tripped and fell down the stairs.
When ken helps Ryu up he noticed his head was bleeding, so Ken gave Ryu his red headband to stop the bleeding and
that is he how got his headband.

In his later years, Ryu would go on to enter the first Street Fighter tournament where he faced the reigning Muay
Thai champion, Sagat, in the finals. Ryu would defeat Sagat and be declared the champion of the first Street Fighter
tournament, viciously scarring Sagat in the process. Looking down upon his defeated foe,
Ryu was filled with hatred and despair over his actions, realizing that a pure warrior needed to fight for reasons
beyond these emotions. Thus his never ending pursuit for the understanding to become the ultimate
martial artist began.

Ryu first appears in the original Street Fighter title,
in which he is one of two playable characters alongside his friend and eternal rival,Ken Masters .
Though his appearance was much different than what we know today
(originally, Ryu sported red hair, a white bandanna and for the only time ever, red slippers),
his famous arsenal of techniques were already in place. Though difficult to perform in this early game,
Ryu could in fact perform his fireball ( Hadouken), uppercut ( Shoryuken) and hurricane kick (Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku),
just like his modern incarnations.

It wasn't until the release of Street Fighter II that Ryu solidified his role of both the protagonist of the
Street Fighter franchise and the face of the fighting genre. With the improved gameplay and popularity of
Street Fighter, Ryu's techniques were no longer difficult to perform, but were widely accepted as the norm.

From here, if a non-charging character in a fighting game were to throw a projectile,
it was expected to be done the same as Ryu's Hadouken: by rotating the joystick a quarter-circle forward.
The same goes for his other attacks, respectively. Additionally, many characters inspired by Ryu began popping
up in many fighting games, including Art of Fighting, King of Fighters and of course, Fighter's History, which
eventually led to a lawsuit by Capcom.

Following the subsequent releases of the Street Fighter II series, Ryu reverted back to his original image with
the release of Street Fighter Alpha in 1995, which itself spawned a series that explored the lives of the
franchise characters before the events of Street Fighter II. It was also around this time that
Street Fighter: The Movie was released to theaters, in which Ryu was played by actor Byron Mann in both the film
and game based upon it.

In 1997, Capcom saw fit to create a sequel to the original Street Fighter series with the release of
Street Fighter III: New Generation. Originally, none of the original cast members, Ryu included, were to be
included in the game, instead opting for an entirely new cast headed by new protagonist, Alex.
The backlash against this decision was so intense in early testing, that Capcom added both Ryu and Ken into the game.

Ryu stars once again in Street Fighter IV, where he re-assumes his role as the wandering warrior.
He is not limited to just Street Fighter, however, as Ryu has made many cameo appearances in such games as
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, Namco x Capcom, and Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law.

Derek Mears as Sagat

Sagat - Originally appeared in the original Street Fighter game. After the player defeats the eight initial opponents,
they are taken to Thailand to face the final two opponents, Adon (Sagat's apprentice) and Sagat himself.
After being defeated, he tells the player that they're the "Strongest Street Fighter in the world".

In his next appearance in Street Fighter II: The World Warrior, he appears as one of the four Grand Masters,
being the second last CPU-controlled bosses in single player mode (before M. Bison).
Due to the loss he suffered from Ryu in the first game, he appears with a massive scar across his chest.
Sagat also appears in the prequel series Street Fighter Alpha. A rivalry with his former apprentice Adon is
introduced, and his rivalry with Ryu is fleshed out as well. Realizing that hatred and anger are not the way
to become a better fighter, he allows an enraged Dan Hibiki to beat him,
forfeiting the fight (though Dan believes he was the better fighter). He studied under Dhalsim for a while,
learning more about the spiritual aspects of fighting.

Yunjin Kim as Sakura

Sakura - Made her first appearance in Street Fighter: Alpha 2, where she participated in Street Fighting after being
influenced by Ryu, who won the first World Warrior Tournament. According to the backstory, Sakura and her
best friend Kei Chitose were harassed by a group of boys. Sakura fought the boys, but got beaten up.
Wanting to become stronger, she began to idolize Ryu and started to train herself to fight like him.

One day, she decided to find Ryu, so he can train her to be strong like him. In search of Ryu,
she met a number of interesting people along the way. She eventually met Ryu, who told her that he could
not train her due to him having much to learn himself. However, he did spar with her for a bit,
and she was able to take a picture of him to remember him by.

By Street Fighter Alpha 3, she was still training, and once again decided to travel the world in search of Ryu.
Sakura started off in Japan, where she met and fought the sumo wrestler E. Honda, who mentioned Ryu was
going off to places such as India and Thailand. She also fought a rematch between Karin Kanzuki, a rival of hers.
Karin won the fight, although strangely admitted that Sakura was the better of the two and she learned
then that winning was not everything. Sakura also met Blanka, and was promised a match with him.
Continuing her search, she eventually found Ryu's rival and close friend Ken. Ken and Sakura found Ryu
in Thailand, where he was being brainwashed by M. Bison. Ryu took on Sagat, and both Ken and Sakura took on Bison.
Sakura being injured by Bison, and Ryu forced Bison into retreat.
He then told Sakura that he was not ready to fight her or train her just yet.

She appeared once again in the console version of Street Fighter IV.

Michael Rosenbaum as Seth

Seth -Also known as "The Pupper Master." He is the head of Shadowloo's weapons division, S.I.N..
He has augmented his body with bionic parts to maximize his fighting potential.

According to David Crislip, the Assistant Producer of Street Fighter IV, on a Podcast:
Seth's name comes from the story of Kane and Abel; Seth being the name of the obscure third brother of
Kane and Abel. This has to do with a connection between the last boss and the other SF IV character Abel
They were going to name the last boss Kane, but this name had already been used for a last boss in the game
'Mark Of The Wolves".

David Crislip also notes that they had the added bonus of telling people that they named the boss
after Seth Killian, who works at Capcom USA and is known for his Street Fighter prowess.

Jason Lewis as Vega

Vega - Born to a privileged Catalonian family in Spain, unknown reasons caused them the loss of their wealth and his
mother to remarry to secure their financial status. As part of a cultural tradition,
Vega studied bullfighting, which he later combined with Ninjutsu
(a fighting style he learned in japan- believing it to be well suited for him, given his natural grace and agility).
Using this combination to form his own arranged form of Ninjutsu, Vega participated in an underground
cage fighting circuit, quickly becoming one of the best. Later on, his mother was killed by his stepfather,
him believing she was being disrespectful to him, he was killed by Vega in return.
Driven into insanity by this incident, he developed a dual personality: honorable nobleman by day,
sadistic murderer by night.

Impressed by his fighting abilities and remorseless nature, criminal leader M.Bison instated Vega as one of
his three personal bodyguards in the Shadaloo organization. Vega oversaw different assassination related
operations for Shadaloo and was also associated with Shadaloo's assassins - The Dolls.
Despite his brutal fighting ability, Vega failed in protecting Bison's secret Psycho Drive project.

Vega's fate, since the fall of Shadaloo, is currently unknown. However, he does appear in Street Fighter IV.

Andrew Bryniarski as Zangief

Zangeif - The greatest professional wrestler in the Soviet Union, Zangief was contacted by a man referred
to as Erai Hito (Great Man) to represent his country in the second World Warrior tournament;
this individual clearly resembles former Soviet leader and President, Mikhail Gorbachev.

Zangief agreed and began training in the extreme climates of Siberia. He built his strength by
wrestling polar bears, gaining many fearsome scars in the process.
His trademark Spinning Piledriver was created after being picked up by a cyclone while performing a
piledriver on a bear. With the assistance of his government, Zangief emerged from his training as
"The Red Cyclone", determined to demonstrate Russia's magnificent power to all of the world.

A russian patriot through and through, Zangief opposed the activities of Shadaloo.
During the course of his battles, Zangief would come to meet one of his biggest fans,
the Japanese pro wrestler R. Mika, co-operate with the Sumo wrestler E. Honda to destroy M. Bison's Psycho Drive,
co-operate with X-Men Colossus against Omega Red, and dance with his Gorbachev -
like benefactor after winning the World Warrior tournament;
in later editions in the Street Fighter II series, Zangief calls him "Mr. Ex-President",
yet Zangief is listed as being from the USSR, making it unclear as to whether these events take place before
or after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Most of the above events are considered non-canon, as they contradict the versions of events pertaining to
central characters, such as Ryu and Charlie Nash.

Though some have speculated about Zangief's sexual orientation, Capcom representatives have confirmed that
Zangief is a straight man. The speculation came to a head over his biography in the Alpha series listing his
dislikes as "beautiful women" and him having a custom intro with Eagle (A Freddie Mercury Tribute character)
in Street Figher Alpha MAX.

well this was my fan cast for Street Fighter IV..Hope you guys/girls
like it and please comment as usual.
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Vafrous - 4/2/2010, 11:18 AM
Firstly,I would like to say that you've done a great job...Matt Bomer is an awesome actor,but why cast him as Ryu..? Thanks for actually casting a decent actor for Vega,my fav character...Derek Mears is scary lookin...
LEEE777 - 4/2/2010, 11:45 AM
PP @ Cool read and cool cast m'man, you should be in HOLLYWOOD making a decent STREET FIGHTER!!

I really like them all, not one i don't dislike, first for me i think LOL!

Great info too dude, stuff i had no idea was and existed!

Kudos for that bud and total thumbs up on this article man, [frick]ing amazing!

Hey,, you even got good ol' CAP... i mean LEWIS up there, wicked!

Damn,,, we really need a decent STREET FIGHTER movie, i'm dreading TEKKEN lol!
Batmanknight - 4/2/2010, 11:50 AM
Very well done article.

I like'em all

I like all the info you supplied. If i didn't know about this, i would now feel incredibly informed. Well done.

@LEE-Totally agree with you on a new Street Fighter movie. The Tekken movie looks like shit, probably wont be as bad as Street Fighter
lc - 4/2/2010, 12:14 PM
[frick]ing hell lee liking them all damn LOL
but well done anyway :)
Superheromoviefan - 4/2/2010, 12:41 PM
I prefer someone bigger for Hiroyuki Sanada.
I don't think Chow Yun Fat is good choice for Gouken.
I love the rest.Really great cast.
theironspider125 - 4/2/2010, 12:59 PM
some are ok but jason lewis as vega, john cena as guile, matthew bomer as ryu, eli roth as bison, james marsden IMO this is just a bad casting, it has good info but just seems like alot of recycled site favorites like jason lewis and matthew bomer who do not fit the character, can you truthfully say you can see these actors in those roles?
OdinsBeard - 4/2/2010, 1:00 PM
damn peterparker420! nice! i can't argue with a single one of your casts! the only problem i would say is that it's way to many big name actors AND characters to fit into one movie - you should change the title to like "if street fighter were a trilogy" or something cuz i would love to see all your picks happen!
1chris2 - 4/2/2010, 2:58 PM
pretty good casting man.
peterparker420 - 4/2/2010, 2:59 PM
GambitAceOfSpades- Well I couldn't think of a good actor
from Japan to play that role, and I
didn't want a HUGE star playing that
role either..Boomer was awesome in
The Texas Chainsaw massacre:
beginings, and looks just like him.
I tried not to cast BIG stars as
these role. but needed some big NAMES
to carry this movie, also I didn't
want Ryu to be the star of this movie
so a lesser known actor was a good
choice IMO. and THANKS MAN!

LEEE- as always you're to kind! THANKS BUD! I agree we
need a GOOD SF movie..I grew up with the Van Dame
movie..which is so BAD that is actually GOOD!
LOL! I needed a pretty face to play VEGA and LEWIS
is TOO pretty! LOL..thanks again man..when is you
next cast? also when is LC next cast!

BatmanKnight- THANKS, as always it is great to hear
you're opinion..and I am very glad you
like it!

LC- THANKS ALOT! when is you're next cast? don't keep
me in suspence! thanks again!

superheromoviefan- I couldn't think of anyone else to
play Gouken! with some weight
training..he would be great for the
role. I must say I am not a huge fan
of CENA..but to me he fits that role
perfectly. THANKS!

OZY- always a pleasure man!! I will go a check out
you're cast shortly! THANKS BUD!

theironspider125- RECYCLED CASTING! are you kidding me?
ELI ROTH would make the PERFECT
BISON!..there is no one prettier or
a better actor to play VEGA. YES..
I can truely say this is pefectly CAST
and THESE are the actors I would love
to see play these characters!

OdinsBeard- LOL! the funny thing is, that I tried NOT
to use BIG actors! and yes these are way to
many characters to ONE single movie! LOL
I should of made this a TRILOGY! THANKS MAN!

Anil Rickly- Not bad choices! I think Hartly is to small
to play guile, Sorry man I could NOT see
Jaa as RYU..Strong is a great actor..but
ELI is MUCH more EVIL! LOL, Nathan jones
the wrestler?(I could see that) way
to MEARS..Del Toro was born to play Blanka!
I never heard of Zack Knighton? I don't
know travis fimmel, but I looked him up
and I will say he has the "vega" look..
but can he act??

1chris2- THANKS MAN!

JoshWilding - 4/2/2010, 5:02 PM
I'm not a huge fan of the game but this is an awesome cast bud! :) Thanks for all of the info as well! I'd definitely go and see this is it were a movie...hell, I might even check out the game, lol! Check out my DD cast when you get chance!
peterparker420 - 4/2/2010, 5:15 PM
JOSH- THANKS ALOT BUD! I will check it out ASAP!!

TEA- LOL I would of done that if I could find a good
actor from Tailand and Spain! THANKS MAN!
Vafrous - 4/2/2010, 10:45 PM
Maybe...Lewis for Guile and Ian Somerhalder as Vega?...
Vafrous - 4/2/2010, 10:46 PM
Or Jeremy Renner as Guile...
AshleyWilliams - 4/3/2010, 7:42 AM
I love it,Man!
You nailed the American characters! PERFECT!
SHHH - 4/3/2010, 7:08 PM
I like this..I'd rather have a bio on characters than the actor's..Great cast..
peterparker420 - 4/4/2010, 10:15 AM
NightAvenger/SHHH- THANKS GUYS! I am extremly glad
you guys like it!
Osiris - 4/4/2010, 11:54 PM
I really like the cast, but I have to disagree on Ryu since he is Japanese and who you picked is not, and your Sakura is too old (even though there is a resemblance) the rest are pretty damn good.

I don't think there will ever be another decent fighting game based movie, the first MK pulled it off and I don't think it will happen again, too many characters with too in depth backgrounds and not enough time to flush em out in 2 hours and since they wont even make em 2 hours long that makes it even worse.
peterparker420 - 4/5/2010, 9:10 AM
Osiris- Thank you! It is sad but true, MK was a great
movie (back in the day) and the live action
SF movie..was well..umm, lets just say it was
so bad, it was good! and watching it today..
thats another story..I totally agree with you
but if done right..It would make a great TRILOGY
flames809 - 4/7/2010, 5:37 PM
great cast
onio - 4/11/2010, 11:34 PM
dude, I like your casting, but Ryu is japanese
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