Superman Reboot,

Superman Reboot,

My ideas the the Superman Reboot, Divided Into Four Movies - Superman Begins, The Man of Steel, Superman Unleashed, Superman Eternal

By anonymous - May 04, 2010 12:05 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

It is at this time that I have decided to share my ideas for four Superman movies as part of the Superman reboot. What I would really like to see in the reboot is the origin story and Krypton. I know many of you may boo me on this and don't want the origin, but it can be done from a fresh perspective that is appealing to the audience. Also CGI will show the people a cooler looking Krypton than the 1978 version, while still very good, and make Krypton more modern and updated, while giving this generation its viewing of the origin story. Anyway, here it is...

Start of the first movie showing Krypton in its final days. It has been a time of chaos and panic. Recent earthquakes have caused devastating amounts of damage across the planet and many Kryptonians are in need of help. During this time, the Kryptonian high council brought martial law upon the Kryptonian people and the leader of restoring order to the planet is General Zod. However, Zod becomes corrupted and he and a group of radical soldiers under his control try to take over the planet by overthrowing the Kryptonian high council. Chaos ensues and battles are fought, but Zod is defeated and brought to trial. He is sentenced to be imprisoned for a set amount of time and is sent in a rocket capsule, where he is frozen briefly, into a structured ring orbiting around the planet to serve out his sentence, with a computer chip engrained in his forehead to rehabilitate him during the jail sentence. This is the set way that Kryptonians get rehabilitated and serve out jail time; it’s in the comics-before the phantom zone was built.

Jor-el is one of the leading scientists on Krypton and is a member of the Krypton high council. He decides to look into the earthquakes, while the rest of the council focuses on restoring order and peace to the planet. He does research into the core and landmass plates of the planet in the wastelands of Krypton and discovers that the core is unstable and will set off a chain reaction in a short amount of time and will destroy the planet. He comes back to the capital city on Krypton in his speeder and tries to warn the high council about Krypton’s fate, but they will not listen to reason, since they do not want to cause anymore panic in the community after having experienced Gen. Zod’s rebellion and the earthquakes that took place, which they believe in simply the planet shifting its plates according to their computer system, Brainiac. Jor-el is forbade to interfere in these matters anymore or will suffer great consequences.

However, he has secretly built an experimental space ship to be able to leave the planet, but has only been able to build one in the time and resources he had. He plans to send his son, Kal-el or Superman, away if his research proves true. Jor-el then travels to the central unit computer on Krypton in the capital city, which houses Brainiac in order to see why Brainiac disagrees with his findings. Jor-el discovers that Brainiac lied about the plate shiftings, so that he could gather all of Krypton’s information and escape the planet before it was destroyed. Brainiac is an artificial intelligence central computer that was built to store all information of Krypton and would control everything that ran on computer on Krypton. However, Brainiac planned to one day take over the planet for himself, using Krypton’s technology against the people and create android armies to rule over the people. Brainiac reasoned that his secret plans would not come to fruition and that the Kryptonians would leave him to be destroyed if they knew that the planet was going to explode and would try to save the people instead, so Brainiac sacrificed the planet’s citizens to save himself.

Brainiac then tries to call Krypton’s planetary police force to kill Jor-el, who escapes to his home and sends Kal-el in the spaceship to Earth before Krypton explodes. Brainiac downloads his memory into an android and gets into a spaceship he created to escape the explosion. Also, when Krypton explodes the prison ring orbiting around the planet’s equator explodes but General Zod’s capsule and a few other Krytonian prison capsules are knocked out of the prison ring and escape the blast when Krypton explodes.

Kal-el then reaches Earth, crash-landing into a field around Smallville, Kansas and is discovered by the Kent’s who are driving home. The Kents show compassion toward the boy and decide to take him in as one of their own, calling him Clark Kent. The next sequence shows Clark as a teenager going to high school trying to fit in, while discovering his secret powers, and saving people in danger along the way. He also briefly falls in love with Lana Lang, a friend of his in high school and whom he develops a relationship with. Clark later inquires about his powers and his parents relay to him that he is an alien, showing him his spaceship and various crystals, two crystals for building the Fortress of Solitude, two Kryptonian healing crystals, and two crystals of knowledge that came with the spaceship in the process. There is only two of each and six crystals altogether, since Jor-el could not acquire more in the time he had due to Krypton’s destruction. Clark then decides to try and reason things out and discover who he truly is.

He embarks on a voyage, leaving his family and Lana behind and ends up in the Arctic around the North Pole. He spends time there and dealing with the pressure of being an alien throws his main crystal in anger towards the horizon. In a matter of moments, a giant fortress is constructed out of Krypton’s unique technology and metals that was used for the buildings of Krypton. Clark enters the fortress and finds all sorts of computer information and unique features in the fortress, which is later dubbed the Fortress of Solitude, and Clark activates a computer image of Jor-el, which tells him about his history and who he is.

Later, Clark travels to Metropolis and lands a job at the Daily Planet as a reporter and meets Lois Lane, who is just a friend to him at the moment. At night, he becomes a hero in red and blue tights with a big s, his family crest, on his chest saving people and fighting crime, since he decides to use his powers for good. The people of Metropolis give him the name, Superman, and praise him for his good works. It is at this time that Zod and Brainiac crash land on Earth. Brainiac gets Zod out of his capsule and both decide to come in league with one another to take over Earth. Both come into Metropolis and other parts of the globe and cause all sorts of damage. Superman eventually tries to stop them but is easily defeated. He then goes back to the Fortress of Solitude and asks Jor-el for advice in stopping them. However, Brainiac and Zod come to the Fortress and find out everything about Superman and who he is. They nearly kill him and destroy the fortress. Superman in his weakest moment is saved by Jor-el, who uses one of the Kryptonian healing crystals and a hyperbaric chamber in the Fortress to heal Superman’s wounds.

Superman then returns to the world after a period of training and preparing with Jor-el to defeat Zod and Brainiac after his last encounter with them at the Fortress of Solitude. Superman destroys Brainiac, while Zod and Superman have a tremendous battle on the streets of Metropolis. Zod is defeated and retreats to Smallville, where he kills Lana Lang, and tries to kill the Kents as well at their homestead. Superman, in a fit of rage comes close to turning to evil and almost kills Zod, but Jonathan Kent, Clark’s earth father, and Martha Kent, Clark’s earth mother, stop him from doing so and reason with him. Clark then takes another device that Jor-el built, a second dimensional generator, and places the weakened Zod into the second dimension, a prison dimension, known as the Phantom Zone, where Zod spends the remainder of his days. Clark then finds a second Kryptonian healing crystal hidden in his spaceship and goes back to the Arctic, to repair the fortress of solitude. Superman is hailed as a hero and is accepted into society and Clark starts to find love with Lois Lane after a period of time.

However in the second movie, a blood sample is found of Superman on the streets of Metropolis from the fight with Zod and is brought to Lex Luthor who uses it to create a clone with stem cell research of Superman, known as Bizarro, which is in league with Luthor to try and control the world. Bizarro is used to frame Superman for various acts of evil done unto the people and Superman is on the run for a while. Luthor then tries to sympathize with the people and play off their fears and emotions, so he can gain power and rule over them as a dictator. Luthor also discovers Kryptonite and tries to kill Superman by those means as well, while also using Bizarro to try to fight and kill Superman. Superman and Lois Lane also fall in love and develop their relationship further. Later, Bizarro is defeated after many battles and sent to another planet by Superman to live on in peace and Lex Luthor is sent to prison.

Then in the third movie, Superman fights Doomsday. Doomsday is the son of General Zod and wants revenge for Superman defeating him and putting him in the Phantom Zone. Superman is mortally wounded and near death, but Lois who was brought to the Fortress of Solitude in the second movie by Superman, when he told the truth about himself, decides, under Jor-el’s instruction to use the second and final Kryptonian healing crystal and the hyperbaric chamber to heal Superman, but this is the last time, since there are only two crystals in the spaceship that was sent to earth with Superman. Superman is then instructed by Jor-el to construct a Kryptonite bomb that will strip Doomsday’s powers away from him so he can be defeated. When doing this and actually using the bomb, Superman wears a Krytonite resistant suit constructed by Star Labs. Doomsday is relieved of his power and is sent to the Phantom Zone to join his father.

Then in a fourth and final movie, some Kryptonians could come to Earth to bring back Superman to their home world of New Krypton. These could be some of the prisoners in the planetary prison ring that could have had their capsules survive Krypton’s explosion and have landed in different parts of different galaxies. These Kryptonians would band together and make a new home world their own, just like Krypton, and then search remaining galaxies for other survivors then finding Superman. He would leave and go to New Krypton, only to be confronted by Darkseid trying to take over New Krypton. Darkseid would take over and then Superman would band together with the other Kryptonians to free the planet. He would defeat Darkseid and later return to Earth, calling it his true home planet. Superman would then return to the Daily Planet as Clark Kent and be Earth’s hero forever as Superman, flying above the Earth towards the sun in the final movie.

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Tc - 5/4/2010, 2:23 AM
I like it However Doomsday has to kill superman, He is known in the comic book history as the only one who could do it, You cant take that out of the movies. Good Good job man :D
LEEE777 - 5/4/2010, 6:55 AM
Exactly @ TC!!!

DEATH OF SUPERMAN = $$$$$$$$$$$

Great job though @ Anon
Tc - 5/4/2010, 7:40 AM
Exactly, Imagine if they killed him off in one movie then return him in the next one. Pure money making gold! I would pay to see that :D @ LEE
1chris2 - 5/4/2010, 1:24 PM
i say use darkseid,and parasite.then in the sequel use braniac,and doomsday.
Batmanknight - 5/4/2010, 2:25 PM
Doomsday should not be the first movie. Superman needs to be established before they kill him off.

I agree that Doomsday would be better over two movies, but not the way they did Pirates of the Carribean where the 2nd one sucked and the third one was alright. Both parts need to be great.
anonymous - 5/4/2010, 4:59 PM
@ Tc, @ LEE777-yeah that would be cool, but if he did actually die, how would he come back? I looked at the Death of Superman recently and found that what I wrote down is pretty much the Death of Superman storyline, except lex is in it with a superman clone that Superman has to fight, but he never actually dies, he is just hurt real bad and believed to be dead but actually heals in the Fortress of Solitude, maybe he could be believed to be dead and healed later by the Kryptonian healing crystal-thanks for the comments, much appreciated

@1chris2-excellent ideas, i just felt like starting with characters from Krypton to be battled first before going into new territory like darkseid and doomsday in the sequels, thanks for the comment, much appreciated

@batmanknight-i agree that Superman needs to be established before Doomsday comes, maybe they could do him over two movies, but still perhaps if he's the only villain, it can be done in one, who knows, thanks for the comment, much appreciated
anonymous - 5/8/2010, 9:04 PM
Thanks for the comment, anil ricky, and I will have to check out those books.
anonymous - 5/11/2010, 1:33 PM
Thanks for all the comments, be sure to check out my idea for Batman 3.
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