Third movie in my Batman Reboot series

Third movie in my Batman Reboot series

This is the third of four in my Batman reboot series. I wrote it like my others just kind of describing the scenes without too much detail. Let me know what you think, here it is Batman: Turning Point.

By trytan - Feb 27, 2011 04:02 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Batman: Turning Point
This film would start about a week after Crusader. Since Black Mask’s death the public have hope that the mob is finally out of Gotham for the first time. Harvey Dent’s scarring and actions was never made public and the people were told he was simply murdered by Black Mask and that Batman killed Black Mask and not Dent. Since his very public appearance at the fundraiser Batman has been made public and the people of Gotham know him as their hero that will do whatever it takes to keep them safe. Meanwhile The Joker has taken over The Society and has been killing off mostly police officers. He is feared the criminal underworld because he is clearly mentally unstable. He has been known to laugh at everything and form a sick, demented joke just before killing a person.
The opening scene would have Harvey Dent’s memorial service on a rainy day in Gotham Central Park. Mayor Hamilton Hill tells the people that Harvey will always be remembered as a hero just as the Batman. As the service concludes Bruce and Alfred turn to walk back to the car when they see Thomas Elliot standing behind them. Elliot says how he wishes their reunion could be under better circumstances but that it is good to see Bruce again. Bruce invites Elliot to Wayne Manner for lunch and to catch up on old times and the two get in the car as Alfred shuts the door and enters the driver’s seat.
The Joker sets at Black Mask’s desk with Dagger behind him. Joker explains that there are some in the Society that want to take control from him and explains that it is the attitude he loves. He says he wants not control, but chaos without order in Gotham so he can dance on the ashes of a once great city. Dagger tells Joker that he knows who is wanting to take control of the city, a man named Oswald Cobbelpot who recently announced is running for mayor at the next election. Joker laughs and says it’s perfect. Man secretly leading the mob, but publicly wanting to lead. He says that at the next press conference he plans on killing Cobbelpot and making his presence fully known to Gotham, and The Batman.
At Wayne Manner Bruce and Elliot are discussing how during college Bruce made very good grades without trying while Elliot makes a joke about how hard he worked just to get the minimum requirements to stay in the school. Bruce says that Elliot has done very well for himself and has become one of the most respected surgeons in the country. Elliot looks to the TV and says “Ah election time. A time for people in nice suits to lie.” On the TV is footage of Oswald Cobbelpot in his campaign for Mayor. Cobbelpot is a short, overweight man who walks with a slight limp and uses an umbrella as his cane. He wears, not a suit but a full tuxedo with a top hat. Elliot comments “Is he running for mayor or going to a cocktail party?” Bruce smirks and says “With the way he limps it looks like a waddle, and with his body type and the tux he looks like a penguin.” Jack Ryder, head anchorman of Gotham Nightly News, introduces himself and says that he is live from Oswald Cobbelpot’s press conference. Cobbelpot gives a speech about living without fear and how his childhood accident left him with a bum leg taught him to overcome any road block thrown in his way. In the middle of his speech a man in a purple suit, and green hair approaches Cobbelpot. His face is pale white as though his skin had no pigment and he had a bright red smiled tattooed on his face. He raises a large gun and fires as a security guard leaps in front of Cobbelpot and takes the shot to the chest. Joker begins to laugh and says the way the man died was funny to him and mocked how the guard’s muscles twitched as he lay dead. Bruce and Elliot both stand up and Elliot says he is going there because “they may need a doctor.” Bruce agrees and waits for Elliot to leave before entering the Bat cave and gearing up.
Back at the conference Joker has now been joined by Dagger and three other men wearing clown masks and holding guns. Joker stands at the podium and speaks into the microphones saying his mother always told him he would be on the news someday, only that she thought it would be as a convict on death row and he began to laugh. He tells the people they are about to witness a good old fashion public execution. He refers to Cobbelpot as “hop-a-long” constantly and says he will die as an example that leadership isn’t the way to go but anarchy and chaos because “a world without rules is so much more fun.” Batman appears and a fight ensues and the Joker is captured. Cobbelpot shakes Batman’s hand in front of the people as Joker is led away by the police.
Cobbelpot enters his office to find members of the mob awaiting him. He says he will use his power to return the mob to their former glory by turning the public against Batman. He says that in order to do that he needs to gain the public, as well as Batman’s trust.
In Arkham, Gordon is introducing the new lead psychologist, Dr. Harleen Quinzel, to the staff and security. He tells her that her first assignment would be to interview their newest inmate and rehabilitate him to be deemed mentally fit to stand trial. As the two walk around the Asylum she notices a dark hallway and asks what it is and Gordon quickly says that it’s under construction and dubbed “the condemned wing” until construction is complete. They enter the cafeteria of the secure wing and Dr. Quinzel notices a large inmate bullying Joker and taking his meal tray from him. Joker remains at the table and says nothing. Gordon tells her he is the man she will be in charge of rehabilitating and that if she can get any information from him, even a real name that she will have made more progress than any of the other psychologists or police. She sets at the table across from him and introduces herself. Joker says nothing and she looks around to see armed guards keeping a close eye on Joker. She asks if there is anything Joker wants to talk about and gets no answer. She informs Joker that they will meet once a day until she finalizes a mental diagnosis. Quinzel asks that before she leaves if there is anything Joker wants to say to her that he say it. Joker just looks to the inmate that stole his tray and back to her. Quinzel stands up and hears “A word of advice.” She looks back to the Joker who is leaning closer to her and says “Don’t eat the food in here, it’ll kill ya.” Quinzel no sooner then turns to leave than the large inmate with Joker’s tray begins to cough violently. Blood drips from his mouth as he coughs and Joker’s laughter is heard. Quinzel sees Joker pointing and laughing as the inmate spits a large shard of glass out of his mouth. Joker, while laughing, looks to her and says “Get it? It’ll kill ya!” and continues to laugh. Quinzel covers her mouth as the guards rush to the choking inmate.
Cobbelpot is back in his office filling out papers when Dagger enters. Cobbelpot grabs his umbrella pointing it at Dagger who holds his hands up to show he is not armed. He says he is there to offer his services and that Joker was a total psychopath. Cobbelpot says their association must be unknown to anyone else and Dagger agrees. He tells Dagger to break the bat mentally, and physically so his public perception will be all the easier to break.
It’s been three days since Quinzel and Joker started their meetings. Quinzel must stay outside of Joker’s cell for safety and takes notes. Joker talks about how his father always took him to his work and was so proud to call him son when Quinzel interrupts saying that just yesterday Joker told her that his father left when Joker was young and his mother beat him severely. “Oh yeah” Joker says as he scratches his chin. He tells her that he can’t fully remember what of his past was real, and what was fantasy and then asks if his past can be a multiple choice question. Quinzel tells him she wants the truth and Joker tells her the truth is that he is afraid. That because of his skin he was always treated like a freak so he decided to tattoo a permanent smile so that no matter what anyone does or says to him that they will never wipe the smile off of his face. He says the Cobbelpot thing was his way of rebelling and the Batman was nothing more than a bully in a cape and then stops by saying “not that someone as beautiful as you could understand being treated like a freak.” Quinzel tells him she isn’t here to judge, but to help and Joker gives her a sad story about his past and how Batman brutally beat him a year ago and that the resulting head trauma is what made him lose his grip on reality. He put his face in his hands and started sobbing and Quinzel wiped a tear from her eye before packing her notes up and saying she will be back tomorrow. She leaves and Joker moves his hands to reveal he was not sobbing, but laughing.
Dagger is seen robbing a bank as Batman enters to stop him. The two fight when Dagger grabs a small child and holds them at gunpoint. Dagger smirks and throws the kid towards bats who catches the child taking his eye off of Dagger for a second. Dagger slips a crowbar out from his jacket and hits bats in the head with it three times. Bats staggers but is unable to stand and sees everything in double. Dagger says that if bats survives this, then to take it as a warning. Bats falls to the floor with blood dripping from a tear in his mask and shoots his grapple through a skylight and retracts to the roof. Once on the roof bats repels to the batmobile and contacts Alfred. Alfred controls the batmobile via remote control device and guides it back to the cave. He takes Batman’s mask off and examines the head wounds and tells him that the wounds are too much for him to tend and says he needs a professional surgeon to release the pressure on his brain. Bruce says “Tommy” and Alfred says it will expose his secret to Dr. Elliot. Bruce mumbles under his breath “I trust him” and Alfred calls Thomas.
The Next day at Arkham Joker tells Quinzel that he can “leave here” anytime he wants. When she asks him how he would leave there Joker says “by walking out the front door of course.” A security guard laughs overhearing that and says he would love to see that. Joker says that he promises to sing the guard a lovely tune when he decides he’s ready to go out the front door. The session continues with Joker showering Quinzel with compliments and Quinzel blushing.
At Wayne Manner Bruce wakes up in his bed hooked up to an IV and a telemetry monitor. Elliot says he always thought Bruce was hard headed, but apparently his head wasn’t that hard. Luscious Fox and Alfred enter the room and Fox is holding a large case. He says he took the liberty of making a new Mask for Bruce that is padded inside, with a layer of Kevlar, and latex on the outside. Elliot says Bruce’s secret is safe with him, hands Bruce a beer and says “take two of these and call me in the morning” before shaking Alfred’s hand and leaving.
In Arkham the Joker receives a letter. It says “Puddin, don’t breathe.” And was sighed with a heart. The vents leak a clear gas as Joker holds his breath. The guards cough and drop to the floor as Joker’s cell door opens. Joker begins to hum the tune of “pop goes the weasel” and he opens a fire escape. The guard who laughed at Joker’s comments looks up to see Joker standing in the door way. Joker sings “Out goes the Joker” in place of pop goes the weasel, looks to the guard and says “See?” before the guard loses consciousness.
Batman watches Dagger closely as he enters Cobbelpot campaign HQ and says to himself, “What I thought” Batman crashes through Cobbelpot’s office window and Dagger charges him. Cobbelpot grows enraged that Dagger was followed and holds his umbrella up firing a bullet out the end killing Dagger. Batman steps forward but Cobbelpot tells him it holds one more shot and he will not let Batman ruin his campaign and says he WILL be mayor if it take killing Batman to do it. He explains everything to bats about working for the mob and his plans when Batman smirks and holds up a radio and asks “did you get that?” Gordon’s voice comes from the radio “We got it.” Cobbelpot screams and bats throws a batarang at is hand knocking the umbrella to the floor. Gordon and his men enter and place Cobbelpot under arrest.
Dr. Quinzel is in her apartment sewing something but we can’t see what just yet when her phone rings. She answers and Gordon tells her the Joker escaped Arkham and to come to his office right away. Quinzel says she will be right there and hangs up. She opens he closet to reveal a red and black body suit on a mannequin and puts a red and black jester’s cap she was sewing on the head. She kisses a picture of Joker’s mug shot that is hanging inside the door.

Pot credit hidden scene:
Gordon is at his desk and Quinzel enters. Gordon tells her that she did well with the Joker, and not to take it as a failure. She did everything they wanted which proves that she is the right woman for the job. She asks what he meant and Gordon tells her that the city needs it’s hero back. She is to restore his sanity by meeting with him just as she did the Joker, but warned her that he is very dangerous. He explains that he lied when he told her the “condemned wing” was closed off, there is something down there. An inmate that desperately is needed by the people. Quinzel asks if that’s where Batman stays and Gordon says no, a better man. As she goes to leave Gordon says that for him to talk to her, she will need something and pulls something out of his drawer. He tosses her a coin and she looks at both sides to see one normal and one scarred, Harvey Dent’s coin.

Fan Cast:
My fan cast would have Bruce/Batman, Alfred, Jim Gordon, Dagger, and Luscious Fox all the same. (see my fan cast for my first two if you dont know)

I would add the following

Philip Seymour Hoffman as Oswald Cobbelpot

Michael C. Hall as Dr. Thomas Elliot

Daniel Day Lewis as The Joker

Zooey Deschanel as Harleen Quinzel

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LEEE777 - 2/27/2011, 6:05 PM
Cool read and ZOOEY is PERFECT for HARLEY!

Got that one too! ; )
Joker200 - 2/28/2011, 3:06 AM
Keep it up.
trytan - 2/28/2011, 2:28 PM
thanks guys, finishing up part 4 right now, just like my others it will have a "post credit scene" at the end. I hope you guys like the way I'll round out my quadrilogy.
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