What my Superman: Man of Steel movie would be

What my Superman: Man of Steel movie would be

In my movie Superman:The Man of Steel has one mission, to destroy Darkseid the source of evil in the universe. Lex is along for the ride not only as Superman's nemesis though. Secrets will be revealed and DC comic heroes and villains will battle it out in an action packed adventure that ends in a dramatic and heroic conclusion to the Man of Steel.

By DCwanabe - Mar 04, 2011 11:03 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: ComicBookMovie.com

Superman is in my opinion, the greatest hero figure in mainstream comic books. He is not more powerful than any other hero, but his character is meant to be a savior to humanity. Superman is who I think of when I think of a hero. While I have enjoyed the movies (some of them) and the animations (especially all-star superman), I feel that there is a superman story out there waiting to be told that will redefine the meaning of super to us. So here is my fan fiction of what my ideal Superman:Man of Steel movie would be like


The year is 2030, and earth is ravaged and desolate, the constant warring between the JLA and LexCorp has leveled cities, destroyed any pretense of a governed society and greatly reduced the human population of the earth. Humanity hangs by a thread divided under two flags. The remnants of the Justice league and the humans that chose to resist Lex, march under the house of el’s standard, The rest serve Lex and his ranks of Super-villains out of fear or respect of his twisted vision of a new world order.

Lex and Kal-El were once friends (I prefer Smallville’s background story for Lex), now as enemies they both desire to save and advance humanity. Luthor seeks to purify humanity and through destruction cleanse it of genetic mistakes and the unworthy, but his methods and destructive tendencies only have harmed humanity as a whole, this combined with his hatred for Superman have twisted him to believing that the only way to reach his vision is to destroy the JLA and its followers.

Lex fights from a kryptonite warsuit and is currently the only villain to have Kryptonite weapons. All known kryptonite deposits on earth were destroyed years ago by the JLA, so Lex had to steal the formula for the mineral and reproduce it himself. Lex’s artificial krytonite is hard to make and is much weaker than the original mineral. Artificial Kryptonite only is effective in very close proximity and only weakens supermans blows enough to even the fight, Lex can increase power to the kryptonite in his suit increasing the radiative abilities of the material briefly enough to land a finishing blow. Lex’s suit can blast artificial kryptonite rays, and spray kryptonite Gas to disorient and impair superman’s senses. The suits armor is lined with artificial K that helps block punches and a kryptonite-ray shield is used to block heat vision and ice breath. Luthor’s weapon has the capability of possibly taking superman out long enough to get him to an isolated containment facility where Lex could finish him off.

Over the years Kal-El has sought to fulfill the mission his father gave him, to save humanity, but for all the research he has helped conduct and all the equipment and materials he has gathered for scientists, victory over disease, death, and humanities vices eludes him. For every disease he helps cure a new one develops to steal the life from millions, and as for saving Humanity from themselves, Lex and his followers are proof of Kal-El’s failure in that area. Kal-El has currently used the technology of his fortress to create a similar city up in the arctic as a refuge for all those that were not willing to bow to Luthor. The city is named kandor, since it is a replica of the old kryptonian city.


The story begins with a well laid plot by Lex to attain the ultimate weapon. Sending his army and most of his supervillain followers to attack Kandor as a diversion, Lex and the Joker break into the Fortress of solitude while Superman and the rest of the JLA are occupied with the defense of Kandor. Lex armed with his kryptonite war-suit is able to fight off the fortress defenders. They reach the central computer and use its information to synthesize a copy of the formula used to create doomsday. Lex plans to add his own touch to the formula to create a controllable Doomsday weapon. As Joker retrieves the synthesized formula from the computer he tells Lex how amusing Lex’s hopes to use such chaos to bring about order are. He mocks Lex’s belief that his efforts will ever bring order and after telling him that the only thing to believe in is chaos, Joker betrays Lex by ingesting the serum himself before Lex can modify it.

As Joker downs the last of the serum, Lex acts quickly trying to kill him before the serum can take effect. Joker’s maniacal laughter fills the fortress as he begins to grow stronger. Lex’s punches seem weaker as Jokers body grows and slowly mutates erupting with the familiar jagged stones of Doomsdays hide. Realizing he will soon be outmatched, Lex concentrates a heavy amount of Krypotonite radiation from his suit in to a single blow to stun Doomsday momentarily. As doomsday recovers from the blow Lex makes his escape blasting out the side of the fortress with Doomsday in pursuit.

Lex leads doomsday straight into Kandor forcing the JLA to split their defenses to fight the new threat. Lex sees superman rushing to the fight and quickly intercepts Superman to keep him from using the Phantom Zone crystal on Doomsday. Doomsday is stopped just outside the city by Wonder-woman and the two battle while the JLA continues to hold off the rest of lex’s villains. Doomsday ends up knocking Diana out in a blow to the head. Superman knocks Lex out of the way and rushes Doomsday beating him back from Diana’s body. Superman tosses the crystal to batman who opens the portal long enough for Superman to battle doomsday through it. Superman barely escapes the phantom zone as Batman closes the portal sealing doomsday in the phantom zone forever (well probably not, but for a while).

Once Doomsday has failed Lex and his forces quickly draw back. As the Justice League recovers Superman goes to his fortress to find it damaged and wrecked from Lex and The Jokers intrusion. Superman goes to his father asking why he has not been able to fulfill his destiny. Jor-El reminds his son that he is to be earths greatest protector. Frustrated Superman tells Jor-El that he has never reveled how Superman is supposed to fulfill his destiny. At this question the computer is not able to respond to Kal-Els query and shuts down the fortress. Superman is puzzled that such simple question would shut down the program his father made for him. He returns to Kandor troubled by this mystery.

Superman returns to check on Diana. She is in a critical condition and it is revealed that Superman cares for her, it is also revealed that Lois died years ago from one of the many battles waged between various Super-villains and the JLA. Eventually Superman returns to his fortress and deduces that a small crystal slot in the fortress is empty, since all the crystals came from his ship, Clark goes to Jonathan Kent his only remaining parent and asks him about the missing crystal. Jonathan admits to his son that he did find it already in clarks ship. It was a message that played back for the Kent’s when they found Clark. Jonathan explains that the message was for Kal-El explaining why he was sent to earth, Jonathan gets rather sad telling Clark that his destiny is a heavy burden and Both of the Kents hid it from their son refusing to believe that their sons destiny was so dark. Jonathan admits that keeping Clark from his true destiny was a mistake and that had He and martha been less selfish perhaps Clarks life would not have been such a struggle.

Jonathan gives Clark the crystal he had been hiding for so many years. As Clark leaves Jonathan tells his son how proud he is of him. He tells Clark that what he must do will be the more than any mere man could withstand but that he has faith in Clark.

Kal-El returns to his fortress and places the crystal in the computer. A message is activated from his father Jor-El, it goes something like this.

“Son when you are ready I trust you will see this, our planet is dying and I do not have much time. My research has led me to see that our universe more connected than I could possibly imagine. I have discovered a consciousness in this universe, it is each of us and yet it is still its own, but our universe has a will and a desire, my son. With the help of the book or rau I have seen what we the Kryptonians were meant to fulfill this will to discover the way to reverse the decay of existence. The universe was meant to evolve son to grow in beauty, instead the chaos that exists in the universe has grown stronger it has gathered and culminated into a physical being forcing the laws of the universe in to decay, you know this as the theory of entropy, a simple truth that all becomes disordered. But the cause I have discovered is a darkness so great that if it not destroyed this universe will be lost to chaos, its name is Darkseid. We of krypton were meant to fix this, I was meant to fix this, but I have failed. The darkness that has infected life in the universe long ago has grown stronger and has consumed one of us, Zod, and he has been our undoing. I send you now to the universes last hope humanity, when you reach them they will be already clutched in the grip of chaos. Their hearts will be clouded with selfishness that separates them and keeps them from their true destiny. Forgive me for placing this burden on you, my son. You must save them from Darkseid you can not beat the darkness into submission for it only exists to consume. Instead you must consume the evil to destroy it.
The yellow sun is a gift to you, a sign of destiny’s hand, it is a young star a symbol of life. It is a nexus of creation and a link to the universes heart. With the power you receive from it you will have the strength to do what must be done. But the darkness will not easily let you find it. For this task I have built one last gift for you, a suit that your fortress will synthesize when this message is complete. This suit will allow you to open a portal to the dimension Darkseid resides in. The armor of this suit will allow you to break the connection between the darkness the universe. The suit will be the conduit but you must be the destination, you must become the darkness to destroy it, my son. You are the last surviving member of krypton and the only one who can save humanity. Humanity is destined for something greater than either of us, you must protect them. Farewell my son.”

I apologize for taking you out of the story for a moment but I have not figured out how the next part goes, but I know that somehow Superman Batman and the JLA have a final showdown with Luthow and Co it is epic then Superman opens the portal to Darkseid and Darkseids minions rush out and attack everybody Superman and Batman get through first then Luthor follows behind.

Superman is daunted by his task and is scared to stand between Darkseid and the universe he is overcome by the pain and the anguish dakseid whispers into his mind and for once the heart of the Man of Steel falters. Superman in kneeling with his head in his hands and Batman is knocked out on the floor when Luthor enters to see Darkseid. The source of evil is emanating with power and visible strands of darkness feed out of him in every direction seeming to go up into all of existence. Lex demands to know who the Darkseid is. Darkseid responds with “I am you, or all that is left of you”. Darkseid reveals that he is the evil within each person and that he has completely inhabited Lex. Lex is enraged and broken to realize he is nothing but a pawn. Darkseid adds insult to injury by revealing that Lex was his greatest achievement for it was Lex who was destined to unite humanity and lead it to its destiny. Lex snaps and rushes Darkseid trying to regain any part of himself he can from the monster. Darkseid laughs at his toying with Luthor, but is caught off guard as Lex knocks him back with the fury of his attack.

Superman hears this conversation and accepts what he must do, he feels pity for Lex and remembers his old friendship with the man he had grown to loath. As Darkseid is about to omega beam Lex’s face off, Superman steps in front of Lex facing his nemesis Superman forgives Lex before turning to face Darkseid. Superman activates the suit his father gave him and the streams of darkness converge as a raging torrent on the man of steel. He gasps with the overwhelming might of the evil but stands again to face Darkseid. Darkseid laughs telling Superman he is a fool and darkness will consume him as it will soon consume everything. Superman responds “I was born to be a light in the black” with that he rushes Darkseid. Superman begins to seethe with anger his eyes burning red as the darkness fills him the two slug it out in an epic throwdown of all time.

Luthor feels his humanity for the first time in a long time. He sees clearly beyond his broken childhood and his anger and his selfishness, he sees a hero, his old friend battling evil and he moves to help, but Batman stops him. The dark knight tells Lex that Superman must fight his last fight alone. Lex realizes as Batman does that Superman is sacrificing himself becoming the darkness so that Batman and Lex can kill him eliminating Darkseid as well. Batman reveals a kryptonite ring the last of the Kryptonite he saved in case it was ever needed.

As Superman and Darkseid continue to fight Darkseid begins to weaken as Superman is absorbing his power the Demon howls with rage as Superman Deals a final blow crushing his opponent and absorbing the last of his enemy. Superman staggers a little and clutches his heart as he drops to the ground. His eyes burn with a red fury as Batman and Lex move to his side. Superman rages at them for betraying him he tells Lex that Superman deserves the place as earths savior and not Luthor. Superman full of all the evil of humanity is now reduced to a paranoid, twisted, self pitying, maniac he tries to resist Batman and Luthor the strength of his hate flows from him as he battles the two. Even weakened from the Kryptonite ring and Lex’s suit, Superman battles on taking blow after blow, his skin is cut in many places from batterangs, and his body is scorched from omega beams and Luthor’s K-rays. Finnally together Batman and Lex deliver a killing blow Lex runs the Man of steel through with a blade. Superman slumps to the ground and in his last breath his eyes seem to clear he asks them not to tell the world he died a monster. Lex responds “No Clark you are and always will be remembered as a true hero” With that Superman dies and the camera fades to black.

The scene transitions to Luthor standing with Bruce Wayne to his side on a stage before the remainder of humanity and the surviving heroes in the ruins of metropolis. Lex gives a very inspiring speech about Superman and the freedom he has given humanity. He tells the people that together united they will go forth into the universe to fix the broken and heal the worlds from the lingering effects of Darkseid. He promises them a change is occurring in the very laws of the universe. Death is no longer a reigning power. The universe is becoming new Lex explains and we will be a part of an evolution like none other. He ends the speech telling them of Kal-El’s final sacrifice.

As Lex begins to talk about Superman the camera fades back to the Man of Steel’s body lying on the desolate ground with Batman and Lex standing over him with the rest of the JLA and Lex’s guys standing in the background and watching. Lex’s voice still is speaking to the crowd He says that Kal-El sacrificed all, more than anyone could ever know to save them and as his voice speaks Supermans body begins to rise into the air flashes of light shoot out of the body and a light forms, rising out of the broken hero, Lex’s voice fades to Supermans as the Hero utters his last words.

“I am Superman I am earths greatest protector, darkness cannot hold me for I am the light”

With that the light rockets into the sky and the camera catches it again as it zooms in that all familiar arc around the earth. The music builds to a heroic crescendo and the camera catches the light just long enough to glimpse the heroic figure glimmering inside before it races by hurtling towards the sun. as the two meet in a sparkle of light the camera fades to black and the voice of Jor-El softly says

“My son, You have come home”

And Roll credits.

Well thanks for reading this all of you that stuck through until the end, I commend you for enduring my weak writing skills. This is still a rough concept, but the general idea is okay I hope. I would like to work more on Wonder Woman as a love interest and I am not sold on the whole Kandor idea. I felt that this story could work with other superheroes and Super-villains as side characters, but it could easily be adapted to just be a superman thing. So tell me what you all thought of it. I am exited to see the response it could really go either way this could be the worst idea ever of something pretty cool.

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DCwanabe - 3/6/2011, 3:35 PM
^Thanks Much, I am so glad you liked this. It would be great as a comic cause so much more detail and depth can be written into it. Well I am a little disappointed that this is all the response I got cause This is my favorite story idea I have come up with so far. I really wish someone could make a Superman Man of Steel story that would deal with these issues.
DCwanabe - 5/14/2011, 5:59 PM

I would probably change supermans last words at the end to,

I am Kal-El the last son of krypton, and earths greatest protector. Carry my light and even in the darkness of space humanity will never be alone.
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