FANTASTIC FOUR or Blandtastic Bore?: the Good and the Bad

FANTASTIC FOUR or Blandtastic Bore?: the Good and the Bad

Josh Trank's upcoming Fantastic Four reboot has sparked outrage around every corner, few jump to defend it, and some claim the film is all an elaborate scam to keep the rights ala Corman's 1994 masterpiece. It is as bad as they say? Is it worth defending? There is one thing I do know, no matter what we will all go see it anyway.

Editorial Opinion
By gamecreatorjj - Aug 28, 2014 08:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Fantastic Four


Let me start this with establishinh my natural bias. I am more inclined to support this film as I tend to have more hope for the little guy. When I see everyone circlejerking around the MCU and blindly bashing FOX, I tend to attemp to veiw things in an opposing way to the masses. This isn't the best way to go about things, but its a natural tendency that I have. That being said, when I see almost everyone bashing this Fantastic Four film, my gut reaction is to look for the good it in it and somewhat ignore the bad, all that said, I am going to attempt to look at this film and give unbiased pros and cons.

If the Tranks Succeed then Victory Follows

Besides the fact that it was going to be a reboot, the first thing we knew about this film definitively was the director. Trank is best known, or only known to be more honest for his only film, Chronicle. Chronicle was a fine film, it wasn't perfect, but it is definitely one of the better found footage movies. I also like to think of it as a kind of spiritual sequel to Unbreakable, which I very much enjoyed. Trank has a perfect track record, but to be fair has little to no track record. Studios seem to have faith in him given he is up to direct this and a Star Wars Spin off. I guess it depends on how much faith you have in this lesser known director. I mean look at Gareth Edwards, he made a fine Godzilla film after only having Monsters. Monsters::Godzilla as Chronicle::Fantastic Four, I think thats a fair comparison. I guess it all depends on how much you trust Disney (which a lot of you do more than you should) and how much you like Chronicle. 


Write or Wrong?

The writing of this film has been passed around the table. First we had Michael Green, then Jeremy Slater, then Seth Graham Smith to polish, and now Kinberg to co write. Now its not uncommon for scripts to get passed around from writer to writer, but what they have written can inform us what Fox is going for. Green wrote for Green Lantern (2011), which isn't good but if Gugenheim can pull out then I'm sure this guy could to, but he is off the project so that point is moot. Slater has written nothing. Grahame-Smith has written a couple good books, but he also has writing credits on Abe Linclon: Vampire Slayer (AL:VH) and Dark Shadows, ouch. Lastly we have Kinberg, the most known out of any of these guys. Last Stand, Jumper, Sherlock Holmes,AL:VH, and Days of Future Past. He has his hits and his misses, but at least it isnt as spotty as David Goyer.

RATING: Not Goyer

Produce This!

Look, I am going to be honest here, I am not entirely sure what producers do, but I know the movies they produce have some consitency in quality, I am no going to pretend like I know what I'm talking about and I'm just going to tell you which ones are probably garbage. We have Kinberg, Matthew Vaughn and Gregory Goodman acting as producers. I've pretty much covered Kinberg, his producer credits are just as hit-and-miss-y. Vaughn on the other hand, is a great director and kind of babysits Fox productions for some reason. I haven't seen Layer Cake, but Stardust,  Harry Brown, Kick-Ass, The Debt were all fine films. Tack on his directing and writing credits on First Class and DOFP and we have someone geuninely, inargueably above-par working on this film. As for Gregory Goodman, its just all bad, except First Class, its all bad.

RATING: Have any of you seen Aeonflux? It's... It's not good.

Slow Down Guys it's Not a(bout) Race

Ugh, thats all you can say in regards to the casting, is that because it's bad? Not really, but it's more due to the flaming element in the room. You hear Johnny Storm say those classic words "Flame On!" He means he is going to burst into flames and fly around, its not an invitation to start a flame war. Obviously the most controversial part of this whole movie is casting Michael B. Jordan as Human Torch. I mean MBJ is from california, how is supposed to accurately represent a character that has been protrayed as a New Yorker for over 50 years. This is all a matter of preferance and personal opinion.  I think it's fair to say that personality wise, he is perfect for the role. That being said I understand some people's issues with the casting. All I am going to say on the matter is that things aren't so "black and white," and you can't assume people are racist for wanting Johnny to be white in the same way people fine with change can still be "true" FF fans. As for the rest of the casting I think most people are okay with Kate Mara as Sue Storm, but Miles Teller and Jaime Bell are two differant stories. Jaime Bell was obviously chosen for his motion capture work? Since seeing that large stand in, I am not entirely sure, but I don't see Ben Grimm realy needing to be a brute as human seeing as that is a rather small part of his story. Also Jaime Bell looks a lot more like a scientist or astronaut than Micheal Chiklis (who was perfect though). Miles Teller, Miles Teller, Miles Teller, you are an actor that's for sure. You look a little like young Reed, and thats about all I can say for you.

Rating:I couldn't get a cast like this if I broke my Arm!
An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Toby Kebell, or as I like to call him Koba Tebyll? Kobe Bytall?. Toby Kebell is easily most remembered from this year's tribute to apes riding horses through the streets of san francisco, Planet of the Planet of the Apes. He protrayed the sinistor Koba, an evil kickass ape with a grudge. Toby isnt a specifically well known actor, but he's supposedly good. I have been very interested to see his take on Victor Von Doom, but damn. Now this Doctor Doom costume means nothing. It's pretty creepy, and reminds me of the creepy vibe from the Sentinels in DOFP.  It could easily be a stand in, it could be pre rendered, it could look better in the lighting style, and in the end it's the preformance and writing that count not the costume (see Quick Silver). The proimise of Doombots keeps me holding out hope that this is isn't the Doom we will see, but I wouldn't be suprised either way given it's obviously taking cues from Ultimate Fantastic Four. 

Rating: Dr Whoom?

Final Rating: I Guess we will have to just watch the movie  and find out

In all Reality, does it matter if this film is garbage or not? I mean if it is then so what? Right? I think it'll be good, you think otherwise, but why are we getting so upset over either side. I think we should at least give it a shot instead of condemning it, but we should also remain skeptical. 
Stay tuned for my thesis for a fantastic four universe in which Reed Richards purposefully erases himself from existance

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Dingbat - 8/28/2014, 9:10 PM
I have faith in this movie. One thing is certain however; it will be unlike any CBM we've ever seen. It won't be the usual Marvel film. Film's like this keep the superhero formula fresh when brands like Marvel studios tend not to deviate too much from an established formula. Left field casting is what you want in a movie like this.
batz11 - 8/28/2014, 9:42 PM
Toby should make a great Doom...was awesome in RocknRolla...

gamecreatorjj - 8/28/2014, 10:15 PM
@batz11 I dont know how well he'll pull off comic book Doom, but I am expecting something really special from his performance. I don't think he will be the definitive Doom from the comics, but i think he is going to make Doom something of his own, much like Tom Hardy did for Bane.
SauronsBANE - 8/28/2014, 10:17 PM
Really cool, rational, non-biased article, man! Looking forward to seeing more articles from you, because this is a VERY rare thing to see on CBM these days. Good stuff.

Having said that...I have to agree with Omega on this one (ESPECIALLY in regards to The Incredibles). I mean, and this is no indictment on your article or anything, let's just look at the facts:

1) Your first point boils down to this: Trank MIGHT be good, based on nothing more than another unproven talent (Edwards) doing a great job with another film (Godzilla). That's not exactly a ringing endorsement.

2) Let's be honest here: NOT being David S Goyer is a very low bar to clear. It's like saying "Well, I guess President Obama is no Nixon, at least." A compliment? Sure...but also sort of a backhanded one, at that.

3) There may be some legitimate causes for concern here, but here I have to agree: casting is not an issue, nor ever should have been an issue. And unfortunately, I'm pretty sure the "controversy" boils down to some close-minded, ignorant, racist tendencies from fanboys. Whatever the case may be, I doubt this movie will fail simply because of its cast.

I understand the mentality of going against the popular train of thought and looking for the upside of this situation...but I'm not sure we've really been given anything to hold on to in that regard. I'll approach this movie with an open mind when it finally releases, but like you said: it doesn't hurt to remain a bit skeptical until then.
Dingbat - 8/28/2014, 10:21 PM

Guardians was a great movie and it was a lot of fun. I'd say it was a fresh take on the superhero genre, but in general Marvel's films stick to a formula. The exceptions being Guardians (thanks to James Gunn) and maybe Cap 2 (thanks to the Russos.) These directors had their own style and injected life into phase 2 after a disappointing (for me) year in 2013.
gamecreatorjj - 8/28/2014, 11:23 PM
@sauronsBANE thanks for the words man. about Trank might being good for the job, that's the point I was trying to make. I was going to make a joke about needing to see how he handles the Star Wars spinoff (which is clearly after 2015) before we can decide if he is right for FF, but It was worded too weird. People see Trank as shit or the greatest of them all, when truth be told, he could be either. Lots of directors falter after their first film, like M. Night or Richard Kelly. Same thing with Goyer, we have a mixed bag in the combined writing credits, so it's kind of just a wait and see game. Kinberg could give is another DOFP or another Last Stand.
CherryBomb - 8/29/2014, 1:39 AM
Nothing I have seen from this movie so far suggests it's going to be bad.
It has an amazing cast of hugely talented actors who are certainly the next generation of big stars.
The Doom costume looks pretty scary, like a mangled, disheveled villain from a horror film, Trank even said that Kebbel is scary as Doom, they're going for a darker menacing tone. I'd prefer the look of the Trank costume than a Tin Man.

Simon Kinberg wrote the screenplay, he's had some misses in the past but oh my god, DOFP was amazing. Matthew Vaughn producing, he breathed new life into the X-Men franchise with First Class.

Josh Trank, although unexperienced, undoubtedly did a great first time effort with Chronicle, and the Star Wars producers definitely will have seen some of his work on Fantastic Four before selecting him for a spin-off.

I've yet to see an argument for this film that will make me go "oh yeah, this could be really bad".
kong - 8/29/2014, 3:31 AM
Nothing that has been officially released abut this movie makes me think that it will be bad. I think the cast is great, including Kebbel who did wonders with Koba in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

I think Thing will look different from the Thing we saw in that picture. Not by a lot, but color won't be a problem and he'll probably look a little more like Bell in the face.

The Doom costume is dope!!! He looks scary and menacing and I think this Doom will be be much more badass than the one found in the other F4 films.

Kinberg made DOFP SOOOOO awesome and I have faith in him making this film awesome. And then with Vaughn producing it makes it even better.

Josh Trank is an awesome director and what makes me excited for this film is that he got the Star Wars job. That probably means that Disney "spies" or just people from Disney had been asking around Hollywood trying to see if Trank was doing good with F4 before they started him on Star Wars. They probably got a yes and decided that based off of Chronicle and how he's supposedly doing on F4 to hire him.

As @CherryBomb said, I've yet to seen an argument for this film that will make me go "Oh yeah, this could be really bad."
MightyZeus - 8/29/2014, 4:49 AM
This was actually a really good article. You know i'm trying to be optimistic and i'm trying to conjure up good things to say about this upcoming film but i feel as if it's too difficult for me. We don't know a whole lot about the film like we do about Age of Ultron, Ant-Man, Batman v Superman and not forgetting this reboot comes out next year. What we do know about the film does not sound all that exciting.

It just seem's sad that people have been kept in the dark about this film. I'm not excited about the director, he's only done one average film. Watching "Chronicle" once was good for me and to be honest audience's like myself are getting tired of the found footage formula so i really hope The F4 is not filmed in the style of a found footage film.

The only person that i do like from the cast is "Toby Kebbel", i loved his work in Dawn of the Apes, his portayal of the villain Koba was amazing. Other than that i don't think comic book fans or audience's are going to be thrilled about this Fantastic Four, in the end i just think this film will become a tragedy.

At least we have the real Fantastic Four to look forward too and by that i mean "Brad Birds" The Incredibles 2.
sikwon - 8/29/2014, 6:03 AM
Wesley Al Snipe says he's doing Blade again. It came across my msn news feed at work, he's apparently getting paid 3mil to do it.
CherryBomb - 8/29/2014, 6:17 AM

This movie is NOT found footage, Trank said himself on a recent Q&A, granted the account isn't verified, BUT there has been nothing to suggest that it's found footage.
yossarian - 8/29/2014, 7:05 AM
This movie is going to be like TMNT. Everyone just thinks it will be awful, and when it turns out only to be bad, people think it's good.
NovaCorpsFan - 8/29/2014, 7:09 AM
Why ain't this on main yet? Get this shit to main.
Tainted87 - 8/29/2014, 8:08 AM
I think Fox just wants to keep the rights. Feige's probably game, considering they'd really only need the Fantastic Four for the Skrulls, and then the big crossovers like Civil War and Planet Hulk.... and those could be easily fixed to have other characters fit the bill. They're not even part of the Infinity Gauntlet.

That's not to belittle the Fantastic Four of the comics, but at the same time - there's no demand for them right now, and while the renditions were so far off the mark, the 2005 and 2007 movies left a bad taste for people.

This will probably be about half as interesting to non-fans as TASM2, which wasn't exactly a box office dud, but was the lowest grossing Spider-man movie yet. The only draw I can see so far is Michael B Jordan as Human Torch. Everything else is just "meh."
Tainted87 - 8/29/2014, 8:09 AM
Nope, best F4 movie ever made is celebrating its 30 year anniversary this weekend.
SauronsBANE - 8/29/2014, 9:51 AM
People actually thought TMNT was good, simply because it wasn't as awful as they expected it to be?? Yikes.
marvel72 - 8/29/2014, 3:56 PM
i only like one thing about this movie.....

1.motion capture suit for the thing.

everything else is f*ckin shit!
BobbyDrakeApproaches - 9/1/2014, 10:07 AM
"In the end it's the preformance and writing that count not the costume (see Quick Silver)."

This is very true. When I first saw the on-set pictures of the new Doctor Doom, I was horrified. I am hoping it will probably look significantly better onscreen than in a bad set photo. But you make an excellent point, even if a character looks bad, they can still be written well.

The reverse is also true, as I think that Doctor Doom looked great in Rise of the Silver Surfer, but he was still a horrible villain. No matter what, I think that this new Doom will be significantly better than the previous version.
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