My Fantastic Four pitch....

My Fantastic Four pitch....

Here is my reimagining of the Fantastic 4. It involves the four with Victor being a part of the intellectual young prodigy group called the "Think Tank" and their professor Dr.Molekevic being the main antagonist exacting revenge on Dr.Franklin Storm by turning Victor into Dr.Doom and creating Mole men/Doom Bots. This how the Fan 4 should be a family, people who actually have chemistry together, a heart. It's a pretty cool reimagining. Let me know what you all think?

By gnosis31 - Aug 10, 2015 06:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Fantastic Four
Miles Teller as Reed Richards
Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm
Olivia Thirlby as Sue Storm
Alex Russell as Ben Grimm
Reg E. Cathey as Dr.Storm
Ray Stevenson as Dr. Arthur Molekevic
Toby Kebell as Victor Von Doom
2008 - A young kid rides his bike adventurously through large dune-like dirt hills; Johnny Storm. He's chasing the thrill, at a young age the true feeling of ADRENALINE. He takes off the largest hill he can find. Johnny is FLYING. Unfortunately his landing isn't too pretty. He hits the ground rough and tumbles over and over. Johnny's body lays there lifeless. Two legs step into the frame where Johnny lays. He hops up and says "Did you get that?!" The camera reveals a young Sue Storm holding a camcorder, she signals Johnny with a thumbs up. Sue presses the stop button and pulls out of her backpack a portable first aid kit. She starts to tend to Johnny's skinned knee. She ask "When are you going to learn how to land." Johnny goes on about the feeling of flying through the air and how it's worth it. Johnny's a reckless kid but smart, he took the pegs off his bike to shed some weight to fly higher. Johnny picks up his bike and takes the pegs out of Sue's bag. She puts them on his bike and gets of, Sue gets on the back with her feet on the pegs. Sue tells Johnny "Don't go too fast." Johnny replies "I won't Sue." The two take off heading home--
Lights shine on a packed football field. Ben Grimm has just scored the winning touchdown for his school. All his family is there to celebrate but someone is missing; Reed. In the bathroom a young poindexter kid is being shoved into the stall by a bully. "Come on Richards fight back!" the kid says. Reed is traumatized, he snaps, and attempts to throw his fist at the bully. A body comes between the two before Reed's fist connects; Ben.
"Reed, this guy bothering you?"-Ben
"Ben? Don't you have a game to win?"-Reed
"I already did, but I could always blow off some extra steam."-Ben
The bully jets before calling Ben the "Grimm Reaper."
Ben and Reed walk home past a particular street sign "Yancy St." Reed ask Ben if he can show him something. The two go to Reed's garage. Reed has built a prototype Quantum Gate. He ask to hold Ben's game winning football. He places it on the telepotation pad.
"Reed what's this?"-Ben
Reed starts to explain in intense detail the Quantum Gate.
"Reed....In english."-Ben
"It's a teleporter. The key to teleportation is shifting matter through adjacent dimensions, located right here within ours. Our world consist of infinite possibilities, we make choices everyday, but what happens to the other possibilities? For every positive there has to be a negative."-Reed
"So Reed you're going to send my game winning football to some 'Negative Zone'?"-Ben
Reed Smiles.
"I promise to bring it back Ben."-Ben
Reed turns it on, lights start to flicker.
"You've done this before right?"-Ben
The football disappears into the light. It's gone. The lights in the whole neighborhood go out. Ben stands there shocked. Reed starts scrambling around the dark garage. He grabs a flashlight and switches it on. Reed slowly walks over to the q-gate. A football is shown, rebuilding itself literally from thin air. It soon stops, Reed examines the football with the flashlight. Something is wrong with it.
"It's discolored."-Reed
Reed sets the flashlight on his desk and grabs a pen and paper and starts writing notes. Ben grabs for the football--
"Ben no!"-Reed
Ben grabs his ball. Nothing...
"Wow you did it Reed..."-Ben
Ben goes to the other side of the garage.
"Go wide"-Ben
The two play catch with the football in Reed's garage.
The flashlight fades out...
Stars fade in. Space. Ben is shown piloting a shuttle. Johnny is onboard doing maintenance work on the hydraulics system. Johnny accidentally overshoots the fueling tank causing Ben to thrust more than wanted. Johnny quickly rushes to the cockpit.
"What did you do Johnny?!"-Ben
"It was an accident."-Johnny
"Hang on."-Ben
Johnny sits down and straps him self in. Ben tries to control the shuttle but it's too much weight.
"She's too heavy we need to shed some weight"-Ben
Johnny starts pressing buttons on the coms. Pieces of the shuttle detach. It soon starts to nosedive, heading for Earth.
"This is so "my bad"-Johnny
The shuttle rockets through the earth's atmosphere and straight to the ocean. The camera is positioned behind Ben and Johnny looking out the cockpit--BLACK everything goes dark. The cock pit windows light up with a dossier of Johnny Storm then a big red "F" comes on the screen. Another dossier of Ben comes up with the letter "B" in green.
This was a simulation exam.
The PA systems cracks in...
"Ben good job figuring out to shed the weight of the shuttle, unfortunately you're partner didn't take the precautions he was supposed to and exulted your fuel. Johnny--"
"Yeah Dad?"-Johnny
"You have to start taking life a bit more serious. You cannot in this world and only look out for yourself. You have to bear in mind your team. What if I had been on that ship?-"
Johnny looks nonchalantly.
"Or Sue?"
He looks a bit more serious.
"Got it dad."-Johnny
Biochemist Dr. Arthur Molekevic is giving a lecture on brain pattern functions. Only a handful of students are there amongst them are Reed Richards, Sue Storm, and Victor Von Doom.
Dr.Molekevic is asking the class a question he's written on the board. Victor is the only one with his head down.
Victor wakes up.
"Do you know the answer to this question?"-Dr.Molekevic
Victor gets up and slowly walks to the board, he examines it. Then looks at Molekevic.
"Molekevic, you've got something on your face."-Victor
Dr.Molekevic's face has distinguishing warts.
Victor writes on the board solving the problem.
"It's the look of embarrassment."-Victor
Victor slowly walks back to his seat looking at Sue.
"Actually Dr.Molekevic, and Victor, your answer is wrong."-Reed
Reed rushes up to the board and fixes Victor's answer.
"Greet observation Richards."-Dr.Molekevic
Sue looks at Reed. So does Victor. Obviously for different reasons.
The bell rings. Class dismissed.
"Ok 'Think Tank' homework this weekend biochemical network via nervous system."-Dr.Molekevic
The class leaves, The camera pans to reveal that they are studying at the Baxter Research Building.
The Think Tank is a group of young extremely intelligent individuals.
Reed is eating lunch by himself. Sue walks up.
"This seat taken?"-Sue
"Uh no, go right ahead."-Reed
"Pretty cool showing up Von Doom in class."-Sue
"I wasn't trying to, but we are the think tank, it's sort of our job to be right."-Reed
"Embarrass me like that again and I personally end you."-Victor
"Victor I wasn't trying to--"-Reed
"I don't care what you were trying to do..."-Victor
"Victor Von Dumbass."-Ben
Ben walks up to help his friend, Johnny is behind him.
"Sounds like things are about to get heated around here."-Johnny
Sue grabs Johnny's arm holding him back.
Victor doesn't take his eye off Reed. Ben doesn't take his eye of Victor.
He walks off. Ben and Johnny sit down with Reed and Sue.
"Can you believe that guy? Inherit a small country and you expect everyone to treat you like royalty."-Johnny
The four joke and laugh as they eat lunch.
Franklin Storm is in his office having a meeting with Dr.Molekevic. He pretty much tells Molekevic how he's been slacking lately and that he has to fire him, also for personal hygiene reasons too. Molekevic threatens Storm. Dr.Storm calls security. A big muscle-bouncer type guy escorts him out the room.
"Thank you Willie."-Dr.Storm
"Today's the big day Reed."-Sue
Sue wakes Reed up from his desk. Reed stands with Dr.Storm Explaining to the Think Tank what they are doing.
"We're here to travel to an adjacent dimension."-Reed
"Yes Johnny?"-Reed
"Have you done this before?"-Johnny
"Yes, once when I was 10. My best friend Ben Grimm can attest."-Reed
"Yes I was there and we teleported my game winning football."-Ben
"Now we will be wearing these impact containment suits. I designed them based off different data I received from objects I've sent to the Negative Zone."
"Negative Zone!"-Johnny
"What Reed meant to say is Positive Zone, today is opposite day. Ha ha Reed you jokester."-Ben
"Don't worry guys it's perfectly safe."-Reed
"Where's Victor?"-Dr.Storm
Reed looks around.
Victor is doing some 'tinkering'.
"What are you doing?"-Reed
"Triple checking your data. Wouldn't want your big science project to blow up in your face, after all this is the Think Tank 'it's sort of our job to be right."-Victor
Reed looks at the screen, it looks normal. He looks at Von Doom.
"Victor, are you ready to crack interdenominational travel?"-Reed
"I was born ready."-Victor
The 5 members of the Think Tank stand goggles ready as they gate starts to light the Nevada night's sky.
Johnny's eyes light up.
Ben looks over at Reed.
Reed and Sue's hand touch for a moment.
Victor Smiles. But for a different reason than everone else.
Reed squints his eyes. Something's wrong.
"Wait a--"-Reed
The Think Tank is gone.
Military men scramble around the area looking for survivors of the accident. Dust kicks up around a snake almost the size of an anaconda except, there are no scales but human skin.
Reed is laid out on the desert ground 20 feet long
Reed picks up his hand but gravity weighs it down. He struggles to get up.
"Movement ahead!"
Army guards shoot.
"Please stop!"-Reed
"Dr.Storm help me, I can't--"-Reed
Reed's body falls to the ground. The Army layers his body up on a stretcher and carry him to a helecopter.
Johnny lays passed out on a hospital bed.
Insert: Sue tells Johnny "Don't go too fast." Johnny replies "I won't Sue."
Johnny wakes up and combust into flames.
"SUE!" He can't stop the flames "SUEEEE!!!"
The doctors speak in native french as Dr.Storm rushes into the hospital and see's Johnny behind a glass window.
"Dad?...Where's Sue? Is she ok?!"-Johnny
"I don't know yet son but you have to calm down."-Dr.Storm
"I can't!"-Johnny
The flames are infinite but soon start to simmer.
Dr.Storm brings in an extinguisher and douses Johnny, he's out for a moment.
"Put this on son."-Dr.Storm
He hands Johnny a blue Impact suit. Johnny flames up again but the suit dials him down, lowering oxygen intake from his body.
"Where's Sue?"-Johnny
A cluster of rocks start to vibrate. Turning. Standing. It's Ben his body is composed of full rock. He looks at his hands. It startles him--HONK! A car smashes into Ben, barely moving him.
A helicopter soon swarms in.
"Dr.Storm? What happened?"-Ben
"We don't know."-Dr.Storm
"Where's Reed?"-Ben
Eyes start to visually materialize, looking similar to Ben's football in the beginning. It's Sue. She wakes up and light bends around her.
She's in the smelly sewers where rats and other things dwell.
She wanders deeper where she finds bodies, hyperventilating around a single source, a man, a familiar man. The bodies stop. They all turn to Sue. She's invisible but they can still smell her clean. The bodies shift to reveal the source. Sue turns visible.
"Dr. Molekevic?"-Sue
"Susan, have you done your homework?"-Dr.Molekevic
Reed lays trying to reconfigure his body. He makes his hand normal. Reed soon pics up a pen and starts writing a formula.
The door bust open. It's Johnny.
"Where's Sue!?"-Johnny
Johnny grabs Reed by the collar, the rest of his body sinks. Johnny is startled and drops Reed on the ground.
"Johnny I'm going to do everything I can to find her."-Reed
Thump. Thump. Thump. Ben enters the room. He looks at the ground.
Reed composes himself.
"What the hell is that?!"-Johnny
"Reed what happen?!"
"I don't know."-Reed
"Reed I've protected you our whole lives, be straight with me, what happened?!"-Ben
Reed start to explain in intimate details.
"Reed, English."-Ben
"A miscalculation"-Reed
Ben charges at Reed, Johnny jumps out the way.
"A miscalculation! A miscalculation! I protected your scrawny ass and this is how you repay me!? This new miscalculation turn me into this-this thing!"
Ben wrestles with Reed but Reed layers himself over Ben.
"Ben I'm sorry."-Reed
Everyone halts. Reed layers off Ben.
"We need to find Sue"-Dr.Storm
BROOOOON! An explosion outside the Baxter Building sends a skyscraper falling. A giant sinkhole caves in and a hideous creature comes out unearth like. The creature shifts between visibility and invisibility.
"Dad, I think we found Sue."-Johnny
Johnny put his hands on the glass trying to see through the dust outside. The glass melts and Johnny falls through.
Johnny falls through the sky.
"Flames flames flames flames flames. Flame on!"
Johnny ignites and takes on in the sky, flying. He flies right up to the face of the creature.
Ben jumps through the hole Johnny made in the window. BOOM!
Dust and rubble kick up.
"Look Sue, I know Reed messed up, he messed up real good, but we're gonna fix you, I promise."-Johnny
The creature looks confused. It vomits all over Johnny putting him out and sending him to the ground next to Ben.
"This has to be payback for all those times I used to wet the bed."-Johnny
Reed sets himself up...
"Dr.Storm I don't think that's Sue."-Reed
"Richards what are you doing?"-Dr.Storm
He slingshots out the Baxter Building. Landing on the back of the monster. Reed finds a amniotic sack on it's back with someone inside.
He takes Sue out. The monster is fully visible now. Reed jumps off the monster with Sue in his arms. The monster reacts and grabs Sue.
"It's Clobbering time!"-Ben
Ben charges the beast, knocking it off its balance. It drops Sue.
"FLAME ON!"-Johnny
Johnny takes off after his sister in the air. Johnny controls his flames to where his arms are normal. He catches Sue.
"I gotchya."-Johnny
Bam Johnny and Sue are taken out by the monster's tale.
Sue extends her arms creating a force field to catch an unconscious Johnny and herself..The two are on the round. Reed rushes to them.
"Sue are you--"-Reed
"Reed what happened?"-Sue
"I don't know, but I know someone who does."-Reed
BOOM Ben is thrown into a building.
"The Yancy Street gang hits harder than that."-Ben
"Ben aim for it's head, the main ventricle of the nervous system!"-Sue
"Sue how did you know-"-Reed
"Dr.Molekevic was holding me hostage down there, he's using biometrics to make these these "things".
"The Mole man?"-Johnny
"Ben take out that monster then were going down there."-Reed
"I'm working on it."-Ben
Ben is tussling with the beast in the background while Reed Sue and Johnny come up with a plan.
"Johnny take Sue get her to the Baxter building."-Reed
"We've spent too much time worried about you, especially your father, if anything happens to you..."-Reed
Ben punches the monster in the hole.
"Sue maybe you should sit this one out."-Johnny
Ben jumps in the hole after the monster.
Sue turns invisible.
"Can't get what you can't see."-Sue
Sue runs to the whole and jumps in after Ben.
Johnny flames up and takes off into the hole too.
Reed looks up at the Baxter Building he see's Dr.Storm. He then takes off after his friends.
Ben has beaten the beast. The four investigate the Mole man's lair.
"Reed earlier you said you know someone who knows about what happen to us. Who?"-Sue
"Von Dick?"-Ben
"He was tampering with something before the accident but I check the screens they looked normal."-Reed
"Oh I can't wait to see what he is."-Ben
A screen comes on it has Dr.Molekevic on it.
"Aww The Think Tank, your missing one aren't you?"-Dr.Molekevic
"Where's Victor?!"-Reed
"Aww right here."-Dr.Molekevic
Molekevic reveals to have Victor strapped to a slab like Frankienstien's monster. He's electrocuting him with voltage. Victor is now made up of mostly metal. Reed sees a computer station.
Sue goes invisible while Molekevic goes on about his hatred for Dr.Storm an how he want the Think Tank to join him.
Sue starts hacking the computer and gets the IP address of Molekevic.
"Maybe this time the think tank is wrong!"-Dr.Molekevic.
An explosion triggers setting off fire everywhere.
Sue runs to Reed covering both of them in a force field. Ben stand, impervious to it all. Fire is everywhere as Johnny ABSORBS it.(Bad ass shot moment here)(Like Avengers vs Chitauri 360 shot).
The four come out of the sewers.
"Suzie did you get an IP address?"-Ben
"Yes. Ben I know exactly where they are."-Sue
Victor screams as electricity runs through his body. Dr.Molekevic's biochemical men help him operate on Victor's body.
"Molekevic! What the hell are you doing to me?!"-Victor
"It's time Victor Von Doom evolved. Victor You have something on your face."-Dr.Molekevic
A mole man places a metal mask on Victor's face, iconic Dr.Doom mask.
"It's the look of embarrassment."-Dr.Molekevic
Molekevic laughs as he continues to work on Victor. The camera pulls back to see that the mole men army are equipping themselves with metal armor, more resembling "Doombots".
Molekevic puts an implant in Victor's head and a receiver in his staff.
Mole Man now controls Doom. He turns Doom on, and Dr.Doom starts working on something....A Quantum Gate.
En Route
The Fantastic 4 are on a flight to Latveria.
Ben is flying. Reed comes up to the cockpit. The have a moment where Reed apologies, but Ben is ok he's gung ho on stopping Molekevic and bringing Vic back so they can reverse this whole thing.
In the back Johnny and Sue have a rekindling moment. Johnny goes on to explain how he's such a hot head/daredevil because he feels a bit inferior to Sue, so its a lot for attention. He has a line where he says. "They had me, but they chose you." Sue reassures him that no matter what she's always going to have his back.
Dr.Doom Starts up the Gate.
Reed appears.
"Victor, shut it down!"-Reed
"Richards? This will be interesting, like old times."-Dr.Doom
Sue turns herself Johnny, and Ben visible.
"Just like old times Von Douchebag."-Ben
"Ha ha ha Ben is that you? My god are you ugly."-Dr.Doom
Ben charges at Doom. Mole Doom bots invade the scene. The Fantastic 4 engage in battle. Doom goes back to working on the gate,
"We need to find Molekevic!"-Sue
Reed punches 10 bots at once. Ben takes out 20.
Reed retreats behind Sue She makes a forcefield.
"FLAME ON!"-The Human Torch
Johnny sets the WHOLE LAIR ablaze.
Ben charges at Doom. Doom and Ben have a really intense battle. Reed tries to shut down the Gate. Molekevic appears.
"Johnny go help Ben."-Reed
2 on one. The Thing, and Human Torch vs Dr.Doom. FULL ON.
Sue subdues Molekevic and breaks his staff, short circuiting his implant in Dr.Doom.
Ben Punches him down But Doom gets back up. He looks over and see Reed. He's angered all over again. Doom energy blast Ben into Johnny.
He jumps to the gate.
"Victor we need to shut the gate down."-Reed
Dr.Doom kicks Reed into the quantum gate sending him to the Negative Zone.
"Sue, Join him."-Dr.Doom
Doom kicks Sue into the Negative Zone too.
Johnny flies at Doom, he dodges and Johnny goes to the Negative Zone too.
"Ben Grimm? Room for one more!"-Dr.Doom
"Vic....It's Clobbering time!"-Dr.Doom
The Thing punches Doom into the Negative Zone following him.
Negative Zone
The Fantastic 4 take on Dr.Doom as a team.
Molekevic starts to shut down the gate, causing it to collapse.
"So long Think Tank!"-Mole Man
"Victor I know you messed with my data. But I need to know why?"-Reed
"Reed you are the smartest man in the world anymore, not when there are worlds like this."-Dr.Doom
"Victor this is you last chance!"-Johnny
"Johnny Flame off."-Victor
Dr.Doom somehow turns Johnny flames off and he falls to the ground unconscious.
Sue traps Doom in a force bubble, Reed and Ben Slingshot him further into the Negative Zone.
"Guys We have to head back!"-Reed
Sue grabs Johnny and start walking Then something happens. Ben starts shedding his weight, the rock like skin. Ben looks normal again.
"Reed. What's happening?"-Ben
"Ben I don't know but we can't stay here."-Reed
"If I go back I'll be a monster."-Ben
"Ben I swear on my life that I am going to fix you. You won't be a monster, you'll be my best friend. And if I'm lucky even my best man."-Reed(Looking at Sue and Johnny ahead).
The Gate crashes.
The Fantastic 4 start to ionize and build themselves back together, much like the football before. Ben is fully rock again. He looks at the rusted gate shard.
They stand over Dr.Molekevic.
"I think it's time for some extra credit."-Reed
Johnny smiles and flames up.
Wrap up beats:
A damaged force bubble disappears the camera pans up to see Dr.Doom walking the baron Negative Zone. He comes across a couple of natives.
the first one with wings(Annihilus)
and the other with a circuit board for a body and golden face(Pyshco Man)
Annihilus says something in his native language.
"Who the [frick] are you?"-Annihilus
Doom's eye light up green, you can tell he's smiling with out even seeing his mouth....
                                                   F A N T A S T I C 4
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kong - 8/11/2015, 5:25 AM
This is bad
CherryBomb - 8/11/2015, 3:23 PM
It's sad you replaced Kate Mara,
For me she's an ideal Barbara Gordon but she had good chemistry with the others.
gnosis31 - 8/11/2015, 8:54 PM
@Kong Thanx

@CherryBomb Kate Mara is an amazing actress but honestly no one had chemistry in this film, Ben and Reed a bit, but there def was no "Fantastic 4" chemistry. Her and Johnny barely acknowledged that they were siblings.

@RedRobinDC Yeah. I think there was a missed opportunity to play up the adoption thing Trank introduced. It could have a real play on the "family" aspect that the Fantastic 4 is primarily known for.
2013venjix - 8/12/2015, 11:30 AM
@gnosis31 NOT BAD!!!! NOT BAD AT ALL!!!!
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