Apparently it's fairly popular to pitch movies on CBM. Well, I'm here to pitch you on my idea for Guardians of the Galaxy 2! What villains do I utilize? What stories are borrowed? Well, read on to find out!

By Hulksta - Jan 24, 2015 06:01 PM EST
Filed Under: Vol. 2

It's no surprise if you're a regular user on this site that Guardians of the Galaxy is my favourite film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to this point. It blended the comic book genre with the best parts of science fiction to make an enjoyable and engaging film!

The way the film left things, I think there's an almost infinite number of possibilities where things could go. This is just a theory I have which as you'll see, links a lot of the elements of the MCU together from both it's past, and future.



The film opens with alternating images of a missile flying throughout space while we see the Phalanx, a cybernetic species trying to survive. Things aren't going well for the Phalanx. They are uncoordinated, misguided, and lost. We see a Phalanx ship approaching the missile as it travels through space, they bring the missile aboard. As the missile is inspected, it begins to open, with a voice proclaiming:

"It is the moment you've waited for, your salvation"

It's Ultron! he's been sent into space after the events of Age of Ultron and we see a series of shots of him assembling a new chassis. Meanewhile, he learns from the Phalanx, and sees their sense of revelry for him. He is their salvation, their leader. They will no longer suffer, but rather prosper.

We cut to the Guardians, who are aboard a ship belonging to the Mad Titan, Thanos. They are blasting through the ship. We learn that Drax has been tracking down Thanos. During this time, he has learned that his daughter Heather is stil alive and is rumored to be aboard the prison ship. Drax begins to hear a voice in his head, it's Heather. She directs him to her using telepathy.

As they approach the door, Groot (who has since fully regenerated since the end of the original Guardians) has ripped the door off. There stands Heather, who looks upon Drax. Drax is eccstatic to finally find his daughter who he has since thought dead. As the reunite and hug, it's Gamora who sees Chitauri with Thanos in the rear.

"So, you're the Guardians. I expected something a bit more imposing" says Thanos.

Drax loses focus on Heather, and focuses his attention solely on Thanos. He brushes aside his fellow Guardians and rushes towards Thanos; killing all the Chitauri in his path. Thanos puts forth his arms as if to blast Drax, but Drax slides underneath the Mad Titan. From behind he thrusts his hand into Thanos, removing his heart and holding in front. Drax simply says "Mad Titan, you are destroyed" as Thanos slumps to the floor. Rocket remarks, "So can he retire now?"

As they leave for the Milano, we see members of the Chitauri approach Thanos' as he lays on the ground.


As the Guardians board the Milano, there's several urgent alerts that have come in since they boarded Thanos' ship. Its from the Kree. Their leadership is in shambles, and their planet has been aggresively invaded by the Phalanx. Peter remarks that the Phalanx are incapable of gathering such a show of force, but says that they must travel to the Kree homeworld to save them. As they travel, Gamora and Drax sit across a table. They ponder of the effects of Thanos gone from this world, with Drax remarking that for the rest of his life, he will continue to to protect the universe from Thanos, and that "true evil never dies."

As the Guardians approach the Kree homeworld, images appear of Kree being slaughtered by the Phalanx. The Nova Corps have sent a fleet to assist in defending the Kree homeworld, but their efforts are futile. The Phalanx are coordinated, ruthless in their assault.

As the Guardians land, Heather asks to join them but Drax opposes. Saying he's lost her before, he won't lose her again. They begin to fight agains the Phalanx as they attempt to push forward towards the central hub of the Kree. Moondragon mentions from the Millano telepathically that they are all speaking with one, an overlord. Gamora mentions that they must be of a hive mindset. The Guardians make it their goal to seek out the overlord and put an end to the wave of annihilation.

The Guardians begin to show fatique, Peter, who is used to using his tactile nature to escape every situation, cannot keep up with the overwhelming forces of the Phalanx. They are used to outsmarting a handful of enemies, but this is more then that. This is a full fledged armada that is beyond what they've handled before. As the Guardians resist, we see them unable to keep up. Both Gamora and Drax are overwhelmed by the Phalanx. Quill has no choice but to retreat. He looks on as the Phalanx convert Gamora and Drax to their cause via a virus.

Aboard the Milano, Quill looks on as Heather, Rocket, and Groot all appear defeated. For once, he doesn't have a plan, or an answer, he can only look onward as his team is in disarray. He mentions that they have to go back for Drax and Gamora, Rocket comments it's near impossible with two of their members out of the equation. Rocket and Quill begin to argue, these once close friends are being divided over the conflict. Amid their conflict, Heather stops them with her telpathy. Once she releases them from her control, she comments that while they were fighting, she made a brief connection with the leader of the Kree, the Supreme Intelligence. The Supreme Intelligence mentioned a being of pure light who would be the key to the conflict. Quill then has a memory of his mother mentioning Peter's father, a being of pure light. He then starts paying more attention. He says 'Heather, we need to find him" but she stops him, "Where I'm from, I'm called Moondragon"

The Guardians, assembled, approach a moon orbiting a small planet. Moondragon says that this moon is where the Supreme Intelligence is. They arrive on the surface and begin approaching a deep chasm. Moondragon stops and says "We should defend ourselves" before any of her team can reply, they are attacked by a large energy sword. Rocket and Groot prepare to attack but Moondragon stops all of them. She explains that this is the Quasar, a descendent of a dynasty of warriors. She explains to the Quasar that they are here for the same reason. Peter, seeing the opportunity, offers the Quasar a truce as they are both there to speak to the Supreme Intelligence. She introduces herself as Phyla-Vell. Mentioning that she prefers to go alone, but immediately feels a connection with Moondragon, and based on this atraction, decides to group with the Guardians. She then states that strength comes from numbers.

Moondragon explains that the chasm looks deep but that there is an entrance below on the other side. Groot extends his arm to create a bridge for the team. As they enter, they find the Supreme Intelligence. He explains that the one with the power to save the Kree is the being of pure light, when Quill asks for more, the Supreme Intelligence says that he is where The Collector once resode: Knowwhere. When Peter demands more information, he's stopped when Phalanx appear to come in from a seperate entrance. They've tracked the Guardians knowing they would lead them to the Supreme Intelligence. They flood the cave and once more overpower the Guardians. They once again retreat. Quill gives a speech that he's tired of running, he's tired of not havving a solution. Rocket replies with a simple question: "How can we stop these guys Peter?" and Peter responds, "By heading to Knowwhere"

The Guardians approach Knowhere, which has since become near empty after The Collector moved out from it. Rocket comments that there's probably so much 'weird crap' down there. As they arrive they see what looks to be The Collectors old building. Partially repaired but nonetheless wearing it's past. They enter, and inside is a gold hued humanoid floating in a sitting like position.

"Quill, Peter. You come to visit me, but why?"

Peter explains the situation, tells the being that he's been told by the Kree's Supreme Intelligence that he's the key to the conflict.

"This is true, I have also foretold my role in the conflict."

Rocket remarks that he's loonier then Thanos, to which the humanoid replies, "The arrogance of your statement hides the naive nature that the one called Thanos will remain dead. My name is Adam Warlock, and my role both present and future, begins now"


Warlock explains to Quill and company aboard the Milano that he is one with the Soul Gem, the item on his forehead. Quill freaks out when he realizes that Warlock has an Infinity Stone. Warlock explains that he believes he can control the power of the gem, to which Quill responds with a "that's what the last guy thought" referring to Ronan.

Quill can't contain himself, he believes that Warlock is his father. So he asks him "You ever been to Earth? Terra?" Warlock responds: "Yes, I met a woman, and she cared for me deeply. She cared for my injuries once I escaped the Enclave. When I was fully ready, I left to pursue my deeper purpose." Quill understands that he may not understand that he's his son, but refrains. He wants to ask, he wants to know. Yet, his commitment to his team means he must set aside his personal feelings. He's beginning to realize that while he grew up wanting to know who his father was, he doesn't need to know. He has a greater purpose, he has to save the galaxy.

As they approach the Kree homeworld, Warlock explains that there is an AI that's controlling the Phalanx, and that destroying the AI will cause the Phalanx to discontinue their invasion and disband. Quill comments to Rocket that they'll need an immense amount of firepower. Warlock comments that his Soul Gem can be powered by the souls of the deceased Kree. Rocket comments on how creepy that is.

Adam says that the Kree will need a leader if the Supreme Leader has been compromised. Quill agrees, to which Warlock asks if he shall return Ronan to the land of the living. Rocket and Groot both react with an immediate disapproval. Saying there is no way they can risk bringing "that lunatic" back. Quill decides there's no other choice. As they land, Warlock returns Ronans soul to the body of a dead Kree. The Kree rises and slowly becomes Ronan. He turns and looks upon the Guardians. He looks as if he's ready to attack, but as he looks around he realizes, this is his homeworld. The Guardians are here, and he can tell, they are here to help. He looks on as Quill says "I know we've had our differences Ronan, but the Phalanx are about to destroy your culture. The Supreme Intelligence is compromised, and we need you to lead the Kree." He looks on the ground and sees a Universal Weapon laying from a slain Accuser. He grabs it, turns to the Phalanx and proclaims, "Phalanx, you stand accused!" and heads into battle.

The Guardians are fighting back, they are fighting smarter and with a better sense of purpose. They are now truly a team. They have adapted. Quill receives a message from a fleet of Kree and Xandarian fighters who are prepared to storm a shielded stronghold. They cannot find a way past the shield, and are asking Quill if him and his team can find a way in. Moondragon remarks that she can sense that they can enter the shield if they have phalanx tech. The Guardians then each remove the head of a Phalanx and approach the shield, they are able to enter.

Once inside, we see Ultron, who finally unveils himself as the mastermind. He reveals that the Phalanx were merely puppets, and that once the Kree homeworld has been conquered, he will spread the influence of the Phalanx throughout the galaxy, and then the universe. He remarks "I will return to earth nearly unstoppable." As he  levitates in the air, Phalanx all scuttle around him. The Guardians all fire upon him but he is shielded by the thousands of Phalanx. He becomes a large mechanical assortment of Phalanx forming a larger whole. He comments that the time has come to quell the resistance.  He goes to attack the group when Groot grows exponentially and blocks the attacks, he is keeping Ultron pre-occupied. Gamora and Drax arrive and both Moondragon and Rocket keep them preoccupied.

Warlock comments that his Soul Gem holds a link with the gems in Phyla-Vell's Quantum Bands. Saying that he can share the energy between the Soul Gem and her bands. Rocket asks, "What would that do?" Phyla-Vell responds that it will power her energy projection to an extrordinary measure. She then projects four large chains and chain the Ultron-beast to the ground while four large swords hack off the limbs, before thrusting themselves into Ultrons body. The Phalanx that composed his body all fall apart, and the head of Ultron rolls towards Rocket who puts the head in a pouch. Quill looks at him and he says "What? Call me curious"

Because Ultron has been defeated, the Phalanx disband, and Gamora and Drax both return to normal conciousness. The Kree thank the Guardians. Warlock responds that something like this needs a force that can be proactive in preventing these events from happening, not responding to them. Quill says, "You're right...Dad." Warlock looks on, and realizes finally, Quill is his son. Warlock then moves in and says "You have your mothers compassion."

Back on board the Milano, Rocket hooks up Ultrons head to the computer. Looking through Ultron's memory banks he realizes that the Mind Stone (Loki's Sceptor) is on Earth still. Warlock and Peter look on. Rocket says that there's no way Earthlings are smart enough to handle the Mind Stone. Warlock says "Shall we visit Earth and retrieve the Mind Stone?" Quill thinks about it, and replies with "Well, I'd trust Rocket here over a bunch of Earthlings any day!" He heads to the cockpit and remarks to the team that it will be a long trip. Warlock explains that they can use Knowhere as a platform from  whick to teleport, as The Collector had teleporting technology that he's since abandoned. Gamora remarks, it would be nice to be able to call a place home, even if it's inside the head of an ancient Celestial.


The post-credits scene shows a coccon being visited by a vile looking creature. A member of the Chitauri tells the creature that the cocoon is close to hatching. As it starts to crack, out comes Thanos. Who after being killed by Drax, was revived by the cocoon. The creature approaches Thanos and says "Plan has fallen into place Thanos, the Gauntlet is near assembled."

Thanos looks upon the creature and replies, "Excellent Mephisto. Soon Death will see what I'm truly capable of"

That's it! This is obviously just one mans theory as to how Guardians 2 could shape up. There's a good chance I'm wrong. What do you think? Sound off below, let me know what you'd like to see in the sequel. Please do me a favour and press that red thumb button and like this article if you'd like it. Shows the site that you dig my stuff! Till next time. ADIOS!

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kong - 1/24/2015, 7:55 PM
Holy shit...
Abary - 1/25/2015, 5:11 AM
Not too shabby. I'm sure than James Gunn would be opposed to having Ultron in it though.
kinghulk - 1/25/2015, 8:17 AM
overall good idea but i think killing thanos at the beginning is a bad idea. killing thanos the 1st time he isant seen just sitting in his chair is a bad move that undermines how big a threat he is.
MileHighRonin - 1/26/2015, 9:55 AM
Really fun read.
Missy - 1/26/2015, 9:55 AM
Pros: New characters nicely introduced, Warlock is Star-Lord's father, clever way to revive Ronan

Cons: Thanos killed, no Yondu, no Collector, Ultron as the main villain again, Thanos and Mephisto team-up...

Missy - 1/26/2015, 9:56 AM
Regardless, overall good story! I just don't see it completely working as a movie.
Missy - 1/26/2015, 9:59 AM
Gunn also said Nebula is going to have a major role in the sequel.
codsterh - 2/1/2015, 8:04 PM
Pretty cool synopsis. Ever thought that Galan is Quill's father? From what I've read Galan turned into Galactus after the Phoenix force endowed him with the embodiments of Death and Eternity and he was sent away from his home area/planet Taa that was filled with radiation to am unknown planet. Perhaps this was earth in Gunn's thoughts and since he had all this galactic energy he may have glowed...don't know but I like your take.
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