8 Comic Book Moments We Need To See Adapted In Marvel Studios Rumored WORLD WAR HULK Movie

8 Comic Book Moments We Need To See Adapted In Marvel Studios Rumored WORLD WAR HULK Movie

Following our latest World War Hulk update, we're revisiting our breakdown of the most epic moments from the comic book of the same name which we'd like to see adapted for the big screen. Check it out...

Feature Opinion
By JoshWilding - Jun 12, 2024 10:06 AM EST
Filed Under: Hulk

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law was the first MCU project to introduce the idea that anyone can now be turned into a Hulk, and we've since learned that will be a key plot point in the long-rumoured World War Hulk (or World War Hulks) movie. 

It's highly unlikely that we'll get a faithful adaptation of the five-part event series, and it's likely "World War Hulk" will instead refer to a battle between Earth's many Hulks. However, we may still see Burce break bad or even get a cosmic element to the story which ties into Marvel Studios' wider plans.

In the comics, the Green Goliath is sent into space by The Illuminati and later returns to take revenge after the ship they constructed blew up and killed his wife and unborn child. No matter how much of that Marvel Studios adapts, there are some specific moments we want to see brought to the big screen...and it's those that we're taking a closer look at in this feature.

To see scenes from the comics we think would be an epic addition to World War Hulk (and how they can be adapted for a fresh take on this classic tale), simply click on the "Next"/"View List" buttons below.

8. Hulk Vs. Hulkbuster


The Hulk returns to Earth intent on making those who exiled him pay, and after dealing with Black Bolt, Iron Man is next on the Jade Giant's list. 

Tony Stark dons a massive Hulkbuster armour and takes the fight to The Hulk, ultimately destroying Stark Tower while beating the Armoured Avenger to a bloody pulp. With the MCU's Iron Man dead and gone, an Avengers: Age of Ultron rematch is off the table, but that doesn't mean the Green Goliath - or one of his villainous counterparts like Captain America: Brave New World's Red Hulk - can't face another Hulkbuster!

Whether it's Ironheart or War Machine in the suit (the latter might make the most sense), we'd love to see this epic battle play out in the middle of New York City. It would also drive home the fact that technology is no match for The Hulk and may set things right after his loss to Iron Man in 2015.

7. The Hulk Squares Off With The Thing


This fight only lasts for a couple of pages and The Hulk makes short work of the Fantastic Four member. However, these two have a storied history on the page, and debates have raged for years about which of them is stronger. 

A World War Hulk adaptation would be the perfect opportunity for these two to finally square off in live-action. Way back in 2012, fans were left with their jaws on the floor after seeing Thor fight The Hulk aboard Nick Fury's Helicarrier in The Avengers as it hadn't been included in any trailers and was one of those clashes we could have only dreamed of seeing play out on screen. 

The same can be said for The Hulk vs. The Thing, and assuming this movie comes out after Avengers: Secret Wars, we're sure Marvel's First Family will have made their way to Earth-616 by then.

6. Arena Battle 


In the World War Hulk comic book, The Hulk fits Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Mister Fantastic, and Black Bolt with obedience discs and forces them to fight in an arena he's created in Madison Square Garden. 

There, the Green Goliath sits atop a throne of his own making, and this is a visual we would love to see on screen. The MCU doesn't have an Illuminati for The Hulk to target, but any heroes who dare attempt to stop his attack on Earth could be put in a similar position to this disgraced foursome.

It's always fun seeing our favourite heroes square off with each other in live-action. Regardless of who fills these roles, a twisted Hulk taking pleasure in forcing his former friends to fight would be a really interesting and dark direction to take this character in.

5. The Hulk Shatters Doctor Strange's Hands


Doctor Strange does everything he can in this series to avoid The Hulk's wrath, but his magic can't protect him and he eventually finds himself at the mercy of his former friend. 

When the Jade Giant finally gets to the Sorcerer Supreme, he crushes the hero's hands and takes away his ability to use magic (for the most part). In the MCU, we've seen Strange return to his arrogant ways, with his actions at the end of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness proof of that. How better to humble Stephen than to break him again? 

The Hulk breaking Strange's hands would lead to seismic changes for the character and would hopefully set him on a new path. Of course, the sorcerer isn't down for the count and finds a way to power himself back up...

4. Strange Smash


Allowing himself to be possessed by the powers of an ancient being known as Zom, Strange successfully fights back against The Hulk and has his former teammate beaten. 

However, the darkness begins to consume the Sorcerer Supreme and he loses control in the midst of battle. With innocents watching on, The Hulk steps in to save them, proving he's still a hero...can Strange say the same at this point? It's a powerful moment and one we're sure you'll agree could factor nicely into the character's MCU story arc. 

At the end of the Doctor Strange sequel, a third eye opened on Stephen's head suggesting he might be embracing the darkness within. Whether it's Zom, Dormammu, or simply the power of the Dark Dimension, the hero being similarly misguided here would make a lot of sense...and look very cool. 

3. She-Hulk Stands Up To Her Cousin


Another moment that was far too brief in the World War Hulk comic, She-Hulk stands up to her cousin when he first returns to Earth...and promptly gets beaten down by the Jade Giant. 

At first, no one is sure whether Jen can be trusted because she is, of course, also a Hulk. That would be interesting to explore here, while we'd love a rematch from She-Hulk: Attorney at Law to play out on a much grander scale. A brawl between these two has the potential to be epic on screen, and could even see She-Hulk go "Savage."

It all depends on how the storyline is adapted, of course, but if anyone is going to stand up to an unhinged Bruce Banner (or any Hulk, for that matter), it should be Jennifer Walters. 

2. Battle With The Sentry


The Sentry has yet to make his MCU debut, but we now know it will happen when Lewis Pullman suits up in Thunderbolts*. For those of you unfamiliar with the character, Robert Reynolds was an agoraphobic schizophrenic with the power of a million exploding suns and a dark side that came in the form of a demonic being known as The Void.

With Earth's Mightiest Heroes soundly defeated by The Hulk, The Sentry was the world's last hope. Absorbing the Jade Giant's blows, Robert became even more powerful and started losing control, though the two were so evenly matched that they eventually returned to their respective human forms (resulting in a "draw" of sorts). 

If not The Sentry, Wonder Man could fill this role. Either way, The Hulk will need to find some measure of redemption, so having him go down fighting valiantly would be no bad thing. Of course, that's not quite where the fallen hero's story ends...

1. Hulk Powers Up...And Down


After reverting to his Bruce Banner form, The Hulk learns that one of his Warbound betrayed him and set the bomb off that killed his wife and unborn child. Hulking out after Rick Jones is attacked, The Hulk is so overwhelmed by rage that just a few more steps will lay waste to the entire planet. 

Thankfully, Iron Man steps in and harnesses the power of the world's satellites to take his old ally out. With that, Bruce is left comatose, but this seems like a good place to end the MCU Hulk's story. We're sure he could go out a little more heroically, of course, perhaps sacrificing himself and absorbing those Gamma Rays one final time to destroy himself rather than the Earth. 

Either way, a Hulk fuelled by this much rage would be a sight to behold on screen. World War Hulk will inevitably undergo some significant changes when it's adapted, but this is one moment we'd very much like to see and one we believe would work well on screen. 

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Origame - 6/12/2024, 10:08 AM
Thank you, me. We really needed a list about a rumor, now didn't we.
grouch - 6/12/2024, 10:46 AM
@Origame - first time?
Origame - 6/12/2024, 10:47 AM
@grouch - oh no. I've come across Josh quite a few times. In fact, people are starting to call me a Josh alt.
grouch - 6/12/2024, 10:49 AM
@Origame - you are josh, from the Swift universe.
Origame - 6/12/2024, 10:56 AM
@grouch - I thought we all lived in the swift universe.

Please don't tell me I fell into the grande universe?
HashTagSwagg - 6/12/2024, 11:03 AM
@Origame - Bit of an odd coincidence that we have yet to see you and Josh in the same room together.
User Comment Image
Vigor - 6/12/2024, 10:17 AM
I'll take whatever we can get. Civil war didn't play out like either civil war from the comics and it was still amazing to witness
harryba11zack - 6/12/2024, 10:36 AM
number 8? been there done that. after that sh1t show she-hulk I doubt anyone wants to see number 3 except maybe you.
Origame - 6/12/2024, 10:40 AM
@DravenCorvis - my God. He's not even trying. This is literally point for point, word for word.
TheVisionary25 - 6/12/2024, 10:48 AM
@DravenCorvis - LOL, didn’t even change anything

Dude must need to make rent and it’s a slow news day so far.
marvel72 - 6/12/2024, 10:49 AM
@DravenCorvis -

User Comment Image
DravenCorvis - 6/12/2024, 10:50 AM
@TheVisionary25 - Even for him this is lazy.
Evansly - 6/12/2024, 10:57 AM
@DravenCorvis - User Comment Image
MrKayDeeBee - 6/12/2024, 1:14 PM
@DravenCorvis - Very clear he's using ChatGPT nowadays, lol Most of these articles are just rehashes of previous content.
grouch - 6/12/2024, 10:45 AM
will taylor swift be in any of them?
marvel72 - 6/12/2024, 10:48 AM
As much as I want to see a World War Hulk movie,can we trust Marvel to deliver. Seeing the current batch of Marvel Heroes apart from the likes of Doctor Strange,Thor, Scarlet Witch,Black Widow,Captain Marvel, Vision and Spider-Man the new heroes are not very appealing to see facing off against the Hulk.
KaptainKhaos - 6/12/2024, 10:49 AM
You guys actually believe they're making a World War Hulk Movie?...oh wait I just realized where I am, of course you guys believe this

TheVisionary25 - 6/12/2024, 10:54 AM
A listicle for a movie/project that may or may not be happening…

User Comment Image

Anyway , I could see certain moments like Sentry or She Hulk happening but not the majority of this honestly.

If the take on World War Hulk they are going for is him & Jen vs Red Hulk and/or other gamma powered individuals then I think he’ll remain the hero of the story.

Given the situation and how bad it gets , I can see Bruce voluntarily giving control back to the Hulk rather then having a breakdown etc.
WhateverItTakes - 6/12/2024, 1:03 PM
We've hardly seen any classic hulk moments

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