Why We Need a NEW Batman for the Justice League Universe (and Why Nolan's just won't work anymore)

Why We Need a NEW Batman for the Justice League Universe (and Why Nolan's just won't work anymore)

With the coming Justice League movie, Nolan's Dark Knight does not work in the DC Universe. Nolan took too many liberties and went in too many directions that did irreversible damage to Batman. Batman requires a fresh perspective to be what the Justice League needs...

Editorial Opinion
By TyrantBossMedia - Jul 05, 2013 08:07 PM EST
Filed Under: Justice League

Let's start this. I enjoyed the first two movies of the Nolan Batman Trilogy. The third was a steaming pile of feces.
But....The fanboy love affair that people have with the Nolan Batman Trilogy totally clouds their objective judgement.

Nolan's Batman could never exists, nor should he, in the upcoming DC Justice League universe. Why?
Well, let's dive into this.....

1) Nolan's Dark Knight is too far grounded in reality to make for the Batman that would exist and interact with a Superman from space, an Amazon princess from a remote island, and an Underwater hero that talks to fish. Not to mention Martian Manhunter, Flash, Green Lantern and anybody else they try to put in there.
- We need a Comic Book Batman who is Über smart, Über Rich and Über tough. Not some guy who is beat up with no cartilage in his knees, etc.

Which leads me to point #2

2) Nolan's Batman is BROKEN. He is older, out of shape, physically destroyed, mentally screwed up by the death of Rachel, and even had retired for 8 years. He has had his back broken, his knees are shot, and had to walk with a cane for quite some time. This is NOT the SUPER Batman that we need for the Justice League. Batman needs to be a real guy, but a TRUE superhero that fits with the Comic Books (not the bleak Dark Knight ones either).

3) And thanks to Nolan beating up Batman so badly we have a terrible ending to his trilogy. As I stated earlier, Batman was broken. He was done. He had to even fake his death to get out of the business. And then what.....he hands the mantle off to a Cop?!?!
Some Cop with barely a lick of the ninja, League of Shadows training that Bruce Wayne had?
- There is no way this Cop would be able to do half of what Bruce Wayne did.

a) He does not have the monetary resources...Bruce Wayne was left with nothing but a house, and that was left to the orphans.

b) He does not have the smarts...Bruce Wayne is brilliant....and a DETECTIVE first and foremost. A big part of Batman is that we like to see him solve the crimes. And he is Damn good at it. The cop doesn't have that.

c) As I said above...he does not have the training. Being a guy who can fight well is FAR different from being a person trained in the martial arts, and with a "flair for the theatrical" like Batman.

- That is what made Batman Begins and The Dark Knight so good.

In my opinion "Batman Begins" was far superior to "The Dark Knight" because you actually had a Batman who had that mystical edge....that special power that he learned from the League of Shadows. The scene in the ship yard where he takes out the mod henchmen....brilliant and pure Batman.

- The Arkham Asylum escape scene with Rachel....BRILLIANT. Calling the bats and using them as his distraction....it was Iconic. His tools were grounded in reality, as Batman's tools are....but he had that mystery...that mystique that Batman needed.

- Even Gotham city was better in Batman Begins. It was more iconic as well. It looked dark...it looked bleak....Hell, it looked Gothic. That is how Gotham should look (hence the name). The Batman Begins Gotham City looked closer to the Burton Gotham....but wasn't as over the top. It had a touch of reality with the comic book air of mystery.
What ever happened to "The Narrows" in Dark Knight and DK Rises? Nowhere to be found.

Whatever happened to Arkham Asylum? Nary a mention, and it plays such a HUGE role in the Batman Universe.

- I prefer the Batman Begins Gotham to the Chicago/Pittsburgh Dark Knight/DK Rises Gotham. The city was the perfect home for Batman. That was where the Batman we knew should exist...and could thrive. Then Nolan got too full of himself and had to make Batman just a guy.

4) Back to my original point....Batman is NOT just a guy. Batman is a freak of nature, a wonder, a prodigy of crime fighting. He is one of the best super heroes because...he is just a guy...who had trained himself to be awesome (Athletic, Educated, Strong, Smart and incredibly wealthy).
It is the Comic Book Batman that can battle The Joker, the Riddler, Penguin, Cat Woman, Scarecrow and the other villains...who also possess a bit of that otherworldliness. Yes Ledger did a great job as the Joker.....but Nolan also grounded him a bit too much in reality as well.

That neutralized all of the villains. So anything Fantastical would not be able to happen in Nolan, Dark Knight Trilogy, Justice League. He just won't mesh....not to mention that he is physically destroyed.


Simply, DC needs to just insert Batman in the universe like he existed all along....show some glimpses of him as a cross over element in the next Superman movie, maybe even let the two cross paths when Superman flies into Batman's gotham.
The PERFECT way to re-introduce Batman would be to have a brief Batman vs Superman act in the next Superman movie. Much like we saw Iron Man vs. Thor vs Captain America..... Batman vs Superman (for the 2nd Act of the three act story) would be PERFECT.

Crime happens, villain shows up, Superman flies to Gotham to stop the crime, Batman is already on it. Superman interferes. Batman gets pissed. A little back and forth...and there you can show how strong the NEW Batman is...how smart...how great his tools are...how well equipped he is to take on Superman....at least for a while.

Don't you think for a second that Bruce Wayne, knowing about Superman, would develop a kryptonite device to help neutralize him, or give himself an edge? Of course he would...and this would show how damn smart he is.

Superman...tasked with protecting the world would stand up to Batman and not understand his motivations totally, but he could be the sensible and moral one. That is Superman. He settles the fight down...they come to terms. They respect one another...and then they team up to beat this villain.

Now you will have introduced Batman...shown how awesome this NEW Batman is (and true to the comic books)....and you can spin off more Batman stand alone movies without having to go through an entire reboot. We already know the Batman origin story. It was just told about 10 years ago. And Batman Begins told it just right.

So you take a bit of Nolan direction (the right direction) and the only time he went in the absolute right direction with Batman Begins.....use a bit of that....that plants in our memories with "oh yeah, that's how he became Batman".... but then you take it in the proper, fantastical, DC Comics direction and give us the Batman we need...

....the only Batman that can serve in The Justice League universe.

Pretty simple actually....if Hollywood writers are up to the challenge.

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Minato - 7/5/2013, 8:36 PM
Justice League and BTAS had the right feel for Batman. I agree 100% with your analysis. I didnt like TDKR also because Bruce Wayne/Batman was not the one Ive read and watched for years. Nolan did a great job of incorporating his mythos and mystique in the first two but dropped the ball on the last one. New Batman is needed and should be everything mentioned in this article, Kudos.
AshleyWilliams - 7/5/2013, 9:12 PM

BTAS and the Arkham series got the tone down just right.
Odin - 7/5/2013, 9:22 PM
I agree completely.
Minato - 7/5/2013, 9:47 PM
The movie is an above average movie if it wasnt about Batman and about Nite Owl or somebody. Ive never heard of Batman quitting ever and especially over some P^$$y. There are plot holes and every movie has them but these make no sense and were put in just for dramatic effect. It followed arguably the best CBM ever to fall short in many areas. I wouldnt say it was some $#!t but it wasnt good either.
ForeverPowerful - 7/5/2013, 9:49 PM
Hurr durr just do the Arkham games and Animated series!!!

Really? You guys can't think of anything else but just to revert to one of the most recent things to be successful concerning Batman?

Be original for [frick] sake. Think outside the box. Don't play it safe. Don't be lazy.
Viltrumite - 7/5/2013, 10:04 PM
How about Batman Begins and The Dark Knight remain canon to the DC movie universe, while The Dark Knight Rises remains an Elseworlds style conclusion to Batman/Bruce Wayne's story. This way, Nolan's trilogy stands alone and no one alters the ending of TDKR, while the first two films serve the duel-role of establishing Batman's first year, as well as the tone, style, and feel of the shared universe. WB can have their cake and eat it, too. It's not like this would make TDKR matter any less; the film still acts as a stand-alone conclusion to just Nolan's movies, it still has it's own internal quality, and I've never seen anyone ever argue that The Dark Knight Returns isn't an important Batman comic simply because it's an alternate universe ending to the Batman story and not canon to the rest of the DCU.
LEVITIKUZ - 7/6/2013, 6:08 AM
Just do Batman Hush.
Transforminator - 7/6/2013, 8:22 AM
@Viltrumite I always wondered if it was possible to set the events of the DCCU in the 8 year gap between TDK and TDKR..
OcciferPing - 7/6/2013, 11:15 AM
Setting JLA before TDKR and having the same Batman would be a huge contradiction. Because then everyone would say, "Where the hell was the Justice League when Gotham was getting held hostage?"

Just like with IM3 where none of the Avengers appear. Just start over and have Batman already established as a hero. We don't need to re-live any more origin stories from him.
Forthas - 7/6/2013, 12:18 PM
“ I enjoyed the first two movies of the Nolan Batman Trilogy. The third was a steaming pile of feces. But....The fanboy love affair that people have with the Nolan Batman Trilogy totally clouds their objective judgement.”

COMMENT: You do understand that you are in the extreme minority. According to Rotten tomatoes 87% of critics and 92% of the audience (a sample size of 450,505 reviewers) like the Dark Knight Rises.

“Nolan's Dark Knight is too far grounded in reality to make for the Batman that would exist and interact with a Superman from space, an Amazon princess from a remote island, and an Underwater hero that talks to fish. Not to mention Martian Manhunter, Flash, Green Lantern and anybody else they try to put in there.
- We need a Comic Book Batman who is Über smart, Über Rich and Über tough. Not some guy who is beat up with no cartilage in his knees, etc.”

COMMENT: So if you don’t want a hero that is grounded in reality…then what you want an UNREALISTIC hero…like in cartoons? If that is the case why don’t you just watch cartoons which Warner Brother’s already makes? We have seen movies that were more like cartoons…Green Lantern, Catwoman, and Ghost Rider and they failed. So you would like for studios to keep losing money on cartoonish live action films?

“This is NOT the SUPER Batman that we need for the Justice League.”

COMMENT: Who is Super Batman?

“Batman needs to be a real guy…”

COMMENT: But “real” guys get older, get hurt and have emotional issues they need to work through from time to time. If they don’t and they have super human abilities, then what about them makes them “real?”

“Batman was broken. He was done.”

COMMENT: Didn’t he just beat up Bane at the end of the movie?

“He had to even fake his death to get out of the business. And then what.....he hands the mantle off to a Cop?!?! “

COMMENT: Actually the movie is an open ended conclusion. Bruce Wayne NEVER says he has retired at the end of the film. It is implied, but he could be just taking a vacation for all anyone knows. The point is that there is nothing final about the end of the film.

“He does not have the monetary resources...Bruce Wayne was left with nothing but a house, and that was left to the orphans.”

COMMENT: This is a silly distinction. He left everything to Alfred. That is EXACTLY what he had done when he first went away prior to becoming Batman. So like he did in the past, ANY time he wanted he could return to claim his wealth.

“- Even Gotham city was better in Batman Begins. It was more iconic as well. It looked dark...it looked bleak....Hell, it looked Gothic. That is how Gotham should look (hence the name).”

COMMENT: The name has nothing to do with the city being “Gothic”. It was named by Bill Finger after changing Batman's home city from New York City to a fictional city. He stated that "Originally I was going to call Gotham City 'Civic City.' Then I tried 'Capital City,' then 'Coast City.' Then I flipped through the New York City phone book and spotted the name 'Gotham Jewelers' and said, 'That's it,' Gotham City. We didn't call it New York because we wanted anybody in any city to identify with it.”

“Back to my original point....Batman is NOT just a guy. Batman is a freak of nature, a wonder, a prodigy of crime fighting. He is one of the best super heroes because...he is just a guy...who had trained himself to be awesome (Athletic, Educated, Strong, Smart and incredibly wealthy).”

COMMENT: So a “freak of nature” is somehow also “just a guy”? That is not a contradiction?

“That neutralized all of the villains. So anything Fantastical would not be able to happen in Nolan, Dark Knight Trilogy, Justice League. He just won't mesh....not to mention that he is physically destroyed.”

COMMENT: So a sonar device that maps essentially the entire world around him using everyone else’s cell phones is in NO WAY fantastic. I guess you use one all the time? I am sure all those people who study Bats have a handy dandy (not at all fantastic) instrument that can call them (to the point that the Bats will break through windows). There is absolutely NOTHING fantastic about that? How about jumping a miniature tank across rooftops? I suppose you see that every day? Also HOW is Bruce Wayne physically destroyed? He seemed in pretty good shape when he beat down Bane and his goons at the end of the movie.

“A little back and forth...and there you can show how strong the NEW Batman is...how smart...how great his tools are...how well equipped he is to take on Superman....at least for a while.”

COMMENT: Let’s play a game of pretend. Let’s say we give Batman the same level of strength and speed as say Captain America. So instead of Superman being 1000 times stronger and faster than Batman, he is only 100 times stronger and faster. WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES THAT MAKE? Superman is still stronger and faster. It has not changed any part of the equation. Batman loses in a straight on fight. This obsession that you have that he be “more like the comics”…for what? Gadgets….just add them in the already existing Dark Knight universe. Detective skills?...just write them in the already existing Dark Knight universe.

I don’t see any case that you made for a “new Batman” In fact, it is this kind of logic (or lack of it) that leads to Green Lantern, Catowman, and Ghost Rider movies being greenlit, the studios losing money and then becoming hesitant to continue doing more super hero films. What you are talking about only appeals to a tiny segment of the population, the ones that read comic books. If studios listen to what you are suggesting then that will pretty much mean the death of comic book inspired films.
GetsugaTensho22 - 7/7/2013, 3:09 AM
I don't get why i can't enjoy TDKR without being labelled some sort of blind fanboy. I really don't understand what makes people think that.
Dumegg - 7/7/2013, 7:10 AM
Reguardless of opinions... Nolans Batman is NOT, i repeat NOT
Going to be in any more films. Some of you just cant let it go.
Bale is DONE! Nolan is DONE! Its over. Time for a new
Besides, who wants John Blake as Batman? Bruce Wayne is
Batman, no one else. You guys really want a 50 year old broken
Down semi retired Batman? FRICK THAT.
Tainted87 - 7/7/2013, 7:46 AM
Nolan's Batman is something of a moron. It's not about the dogs, it's not about giving his identity away to just about everyone - but it's the way he's given this informed intelligence and supplies that really make little sense in context, and only exist to ATTEMPT to prove that he can figure things out.

It's like my dog. She sits at the table waiting for someone to drop food from their plate, begging, expecting. And as if to be rewarded, she'll make a big fuss of eating her own food - now it must be treat time.

It feels like it's some token scene to justify Batman being in the movie, and then it's forgotten.
relentless1 - 7/7/2013, 11:14 PM
i loved the dark knight trilogy but the character that chris bale played wasnt the formidable batman that we all love, he had no exceptional fighting skills... I was just watching TDKR today and got to the rooftop fight with batman catwoman vs the goons and it struck me that the real batman wouldve dropped smoke bombs or thrown batarangs at the guys that started shooting at them, he certainly would be flat footed like all the fight scenes throughout this trilogy were... he had no exceptional detective skills....this man is the worlds greatest detective and he went through the three movies not really solving anything, he had 2 moments that showed off his detective skills; one in TDK and one in TDKR and both werent really all that spectacular. The Batman in the next series needs to be that world greatest fighter, worlds greatest detective, top mind on the planet type guy.... id love a scene where he meets somebody and totally blows their mind by knowing something about them just by noticing some bizarre minute detail on their jacket or some shit
WingDingaLing - 7/8/2013, 2:21 AM
Batman IS the most realistic out of all the superheroes. He's a man who is almost perfect at anything and disciplines himself to his highest human potential. Literally. It's not fantastical. It's just never been done before. He is the PERFECT human. Skill-wise. I never believed Bruce would EVER leave Gotham for whatever reason. I grew up with the Batman that would protect Gotham until his death. So I am looking forward to a psychotic Batman that uses his psychopathic urges for the sake of good.
Batarangmandan - 7/8/2013, 2:32 AM
As much as I love Nolan's Batman, this, just this

SpunGun405 - 7/10/2013, 4:35 PM
I am not sure you have really seen the Dark Knight Trilogy. Your points are Mostly invalid. I love how Nolan haters talk about this mythical Batman that is able to do superhuman things or think the guy is a Stephen Hawking. Stop trying to come up with fabricated reasons Nolans Batman cant exist in a shared DC universe. It makes you look like you havent seen the movies. I can find points in the Dark Knight Trilogy to answer every one of those bogus reasons. Unreal man.
BlackManta - 7/11/2013, 12:20 PM
Mostly I agree with the original post. I enjoyed the Nolan films... Even the last one although it was more of a popcorner and less of a great film than the other two. Batman needs to be first and foremost a detective. Sherlock Holmes' abilities in observation added to with huge amounts of computer technology skills. He needs to know ALL the secrets. Knowledge is power and too much knowledge gets sorta creepy, which fits. He needs to be steps ahead of everyone and have multiple backup plans. In any JL movie he needs to be creepy and give cause to worry even the god-likes.
"How does he know that??!!!"
relentless1 - 7/15/2013, 11:28 AM
@spungun, i dont know what movies you were watching but the nolan trilogy wasnt even half of what the batman in the comics is, batman is physically and skill wise the perfect human, i saw a bit of the real batman in batman begins but the two dark knights there was none of that at all, id like to hear your arguments on how nolans batman could run with the JLA
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