The Kick Ass Media Circus Begins!

The Kick Ass Media Circus Begins!

Family groups and news organizations are already slamming Kick Ass, before the movie is even released!

By MarkCassidy - Jan 13, 2010 01:01 PM EST
Filed Under: Kick-Ass

It was bound to happen. From the first time I saw the trailer and heard Hit Girl use the word "C#nt", I knew that some folks wouldn't be too happy about it.

Rich Johnson over at Bleeding Cool is reporting that the Australin Daily Telegraph is running a story about some Aussie family groups being the first to kick up a fuss. Check this out.

My God. "Terrible, disgraceful, and just in case you don't believe us check out the clip for yourself and be very offended!" Anyway, the article has a few comments. Some like this..

"I would like to express my concern for society when a film this morally bankrupt can just open in Australian cinemas with nobody doing anything about it. Seriously if you came into my house and came out with filth like that I would be outraged as certainly all God-fearing Australians should be knowing that Hollywood exerts greater power over our children than we ever can. If the media won’t help then I shall take it upon myself to petition for the film to be banned. We don’t need this garbage and anyone reading this should not be laughing but deeply concerned for the direction a film like this is taking us in."

But mostly..

"HAHAHAHA I think that is brilliant, I can’t wait to see this."

"Sounds hilarious, its on my movie-to-see-list as of now."

"He we go again the minority are at it again, what did it recive 4 complaints? If you dont like it dont watch it."

"It doesn’t offend. If it bothers people simply don’t watch it."

"The movie is MA15+. Family groups don’t have to watch it if they don’t want to but that doesn’t give them the right to stop everyone from watching it. Censorship in this country is going backwards!"

"yes the language is offensive and innapropriat ,but so is parliment,but at least the trailer looked hilarious , like a foul mouthed jacky chan movie with a young girl instead of jacky."

And similar cases of sense. Won't these people ever learn? Winging about a movie and kicking up a storm only ever ENCOURAGES people to see it. So keep it up folks, make Kick Ass a fortune!

An update from Bleeding Cool says that now British tabloids suck as The Metro, The Herald and The Sun have picked up on the story. Watch the sparks fly:)
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LEEE777 - 1/13/2010, 1:40 PM
Now this is a comic book movie!!

This is gonna be a Billion times better than a [frick]ing SPIDEY Reboot!!

Cant wait!
StuckInPanels - 1/13/2010, 1:40 PM
Those Aussies bitch and moan about everything. Yahtzee mentioned it b4.
rsalas - 1/13/2010, 1:45 PM
Yeah there's no way I'm gonna miss this and that's why movies have ratings.
Shaman - 1/13/2010, 1:45 PM
CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT :)) I'll be smuggling my 5 and 3 year old children to see it too...
wade1210 - 1/13/2010, 1:46 PM
wow people are dumb. This is how she is in the comics dont change her for familys
Superheromoviefan - 1/13/2010, 1:46 PM
Family groups are idiots.They cry for every single thing that is realistic.

@LEEE777 - I agree with you.I'm against Spiderman reboot and I think that Kick-ass will be a very enjoyable movie.
Set2Fallfirst - 1/13/2010, 1:47 PM
Cant wait
LEEE777 - 1/13/2010, 1:50 PM
superheromoviefan @ Good man!! ; )

Shaman @ Lol! ; D

Oh yeah @ GUYS @ Go and check out my CAP AMERICA movie casting before it sinks to the bottom in
FAN FIC! >>>>>>>>

Cheers lol.
SHHH - 1/13/2010, 1:51 PM
My 10 yr old is begging me for him to see it! Guess what he is !
Hawksblueyes - 1/13/2010, 1:52 PM
I imagine its our F*&*$%__ fault the little b*@#* curses every other f&%^*$ word!!!!

Someone needs to do A f<>:)%$ article about this sh*# !!!
peterparker420 - 1/13/2010, 1:54 PM

No one care what These PTA parents thinks! :)

on a side note I ACTUALLY sent the trailer of Kick-Ass
to my MOTHER..and her exact words were


Thats my 50 year old mom for ya!

My MOM actually wears my old "MARVEL ZOMBIES" Hoodie!

she is the best!
DogsOfWar - 1/13/2010, 2:01 PM
She's not wearing it when she's with me.

You're right 420, she is the best!
supermarioworldE - 1/13/2010, 2:03 PM
These damn parents and families complaining about rated R films not being child friendly enough for them is ridiculous. Don't they have jobs to go to? Why in the hell are they worrying about simple things like Kick Ass.

Chloe Moretz is an actor after all. If she decides to accept a role like this, so be it. It's her choice. Jesus, they act like she's freaking Jodie foster in taxi driver.

It's these same complaining parents that destroyed the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles live action sequels. Apparently the first one was too dark for parents because the Ninja turtles were using weapons to fight against their enemies. Ridiculous. Every ninja turtles film after that became too cheesy and cartoony. These damm over protective assholes ruin every thing. I say Frick 'em
superdog - 1/13/2010, 2:08 PM
i agree there will be over reacting but Ror, i recall you making a comment that you couldnt imagine the parents hearing their daughter say c@nt. theres lots of parents who feel that way and i dont blame them. but they shouldnt tell other people not to see it. and if they do, your 100% right that it will only add to the gross.
CorndogBurglar - 1/13/2010, 2:16 PM
its so dumb. its very simple, if its a movie you don't want your kids to see, then don't let them see it. be a goddamn parent, don't make the powers that be do the parenting for you...assholes.

@ supermario

i agree 100%!! its rated R for a reason...BECAUSE ITS NOT FOR KIDS!!! people are so stupid it pisses me off
peterparker420 - 1/13/2010, 2:16 PM
DogsOfWar- THANKS MAN!..I would have to agree!

skidz - 1/13/2010, 2:18 PM
If you don't like the idea or it offends you, you have every right not to see it. Frankly, I learned those infamous four letter words before I was in grade school. Most kids learn them whether parents want them to or not. My family was still smart enough to teach me proper English! Pissing about it only adds the publicity.
StrangerX - 1/13/2010, 2:18 PM
That's because this movie aint for you or your F***n Kids STFU bioooooootch.
StephenStrange - 1/13/2010, 2:28 PM
LOL! Hell's bells! I might have to watch this bad boy TWICE! rofl
Gweedo - 1/13/2010, 2:33 PM
Nice article Ror, this just gets me fired up to see this movie.
StephenStrange - 1/13/2010, 2:36 PM
I love it when people get in an uproar about a movie.

I have heard many times that teaching children profanity or using it around them excessively is considered child abuse by some people.

But in this case seeing that tought little lady do Parkour with guns in her hands and call people filthy names is kind of what makes it funny and different.
Slpstrm - 1/13/2010, 2:37 PM
Sorry to sound like im moaning about this BlackAirs87.
But as a Australian were are not all like this.
For one both my 9 year old son and 12 year old daughter and myself just can't wait for this movie.
One of the comment on the site said it all...

Booza of Jayistan Posted at 3:10 PM January 13, 2010
It is an absolute disgrace that Nicholas Cage has won an Oscar.

MarkCassidy - 1/13/2010, 2:44 PM
No doubt Pooch, I remember the conversation, but I wasn't suggesting they were in the right/wrong, I just said I'm sure her parents would be a bit disturbed by hearing their young daughter say that particular word...but thats their right, I'm sure they realize that she's an actress.
superdog - 1/13/2010, 2:49 PM
yeah and im sure they werent too upset with the paycheck :)
Spock - 1/13/2010, 3:00 PM
As a father I understand about ratings with my stepson whom is 9. His friends & cousins rag on him about not seeing TDK, thou he kept asking when it came out. I havent' let him see it yet. You have to be up on what your kids are watching. V-chips are awesome.
sebz - 1/13/2010, 3:08 PM
Living in Australia, I can say that this country is F#@KED!!! Between video game censorship (no R rating for game here!), Internet Censorship (the government wants to block what we look at - HELLO NAZI GERMANY!), and Family groups WHINGING ABOUT NOTHING, this country has gone down the drain... Anyone wanna offer me a job in the US?? I gotta get outta this place before they burn me at the stake!!!
Spock - 1/13/2010, 3:23 PM
@ telavision, its just not approiate for a 9 yr old, to dark & graphic.
MisterFixit - 1/13/2010, 3:23 PM
LoL i could have bet on it
supermarioworldE - 1/13/2010, 3:26 PM

Exactly. The comics, at times really push the boundaries from PG to PG13.


They probably think that they're still living in 50's or something

MisterFixit - 1/13/2010, 3:39 PM
Ok i'll watch the movie in original language or subtitled. In italy,during translation, they use to change single terms and even full dialogues in order to be "correct". LoL i know,i know it's ridiculous
LEEE777 - 1/13/2010, 3:43 PM
BMANHALL @ Lol!! ; D

Hey talking FAN FIC, go an check out the CAPTAIN AMERICA movie casting i done, its over there >>>>>>

; P
YogiDonnie - 1/13/2010, 3:51 PM
I didn't see it while looking at the other comments so:


Someone had to say it. It is Kick Ass news after all.
MisterFixit - 1/13/2010, 3:53 PM
Lee if you don't stop to blame the spiedey reboot,aint going to see your cast lol
Tobuttica - 1/13/2010, 3:56 PM
I wonder if they know that bashing this movie is going to make more people want to see it. I think it'll rock some socks off of jocks c%$ks! Err, that was inappropriate. Hope they don't try to get me censored or some bullcrap.
MisterFixit - 1/13/2010, 4:00 PM
75% of Kevin smith dialogues in his movies is inappropriate :-D but we all enjoyed them
RockNRollCC - 1/13/2010, 4:06 PM
Those aussies just made me wanna see it even more! THIS MOVIE IS GONNA BE FRIKEN KICK ASS!
InSpace - 1/13/2010, 4:11 PM
Ugh....I guess it's gonna be like Watchmen.:(
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