AVENGERS: ENDGAME Writers Seemingly Confirm The Movie's Namor, The Submariner Tease

AVENGERS: ENDGAME Writers Seemingly Confirm The Movie's Namor, The Submariner Tease AVENGERS: ENDGAME Writers Seemingly Confirm The Movie's Namor, The Submariner Tease

There was speculation that an early exchange between Black Widow and Okoye in Avengers: Endgame may have been setting up the eventual debut of Namor, and the movie's writers have seemingly confirmed it...

By MarkCassidy - Apr 28, 2020 06:04 AM EST
Filed Under: Namor: The Submariner

It looks like a much-discussed moment from an early scene in Avengers: Endgame may have been teasing the big-screen debut of Namor, The Submariner after all.

Fans often read way too much into even the most throwaway line of dialogue in superhero movies, so even though there was a lot of speculation that Black Widow and Okoye's exchange about oceanic earthquakes might have been a reference to Marvel's Atlantean antihero, nobody really put that much stock in it.

Well, it looks like those fan-theories may have been on the money!

During last night's quarantine watch of Endgame, writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely were asked about the scene in question, and responded with: "Sometimes, you plant seeds. Sometimes, they grow."

While this is far from confirmation that Namor is definitely going to make his MCU debut, it does seem clear that the screenwriters, at least, fully intended this to be a reference to the character.

There have been all sorts of rumors relating to Namor doing the rounds for years, and the latest claims that he may be introduced in Black Panther 2. That remains to be seen, but one has to believe that Marvel does intend to utilize the volatile Atlantean at some point.

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QUITEMASSIVE - 4/28/2020, 6:17 AM
Lmao, they full of they makin it up as they go . They originally said that line has zero to do with namor it was just what they threw in. Now its a factor ? 🙄🙄🙄
Vigor - 4/28/2020, 6:20 AM
@QUITEMASSIVE - haha look I don't care if they took a fan idea and ran with it. It's a great idea. And marvel has done a great job so far creating a forest from trees, one tree at a time
BillyBatson1000 - 4/28/2020, 6:19 AM
Sometimes, they grow. Sometimes, they're click-bait.
L0RDbuckethead - 4/28/2020, 3:51 PM
@BillyBatson1000 - "That's the CBM.com promise!"
BillyBatson1000 - 4/28/2020, 5:34 PM
@L0RDbuckethead - Hahahaha! man, that's why I drag my sorry ass here - every time. "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!"
TheManWithoutFear - 4/28/2020, 6:25 AM
I don't know whether it was Namor or not (and i don;t much care).

All i know is i love it when established Marvel characters are bought into the MCU.
Skestra - 4/28/2020, 6:25 AM
While having Namor appear in Black Panther would be awesome sauce, I have a gut feeling he's being saved for an eventual Fantastic Four movie. Who but Feige knows?
KWilly - 4/28/2020, 6:33 AM
@Skestra - My dream scenario:

Fantastic 4 post credit scene has Strange, Pym, Hulk, and BP having a meeting to recruit Reed Richards for the "Illuminati initiative".

And at the end, Strange is like, "We're looking to recruit one more member... Unfortunately he lives in a very isolated area..."

Richards: "Which is?"

Strange: "Atlantis"

*and scene*
Doomsday8888 - 4/28/2020, 6:34 AM
Et tu, Bru-errr Mark?

No one stays good in this world...
regularmovieguy - 4/28/2020, 6:48 AM
There are earthquakes in the MCU

Tensorpants - 4/28/2020, 6:57 AM
So are you guys just going to chop up and repurpose another site's article into a dozen of your own "original" articles? And nobody's going to notice?
CWBNGAJEEPGUY85 - 4/28/2020, 7:09 AM
@Tensorpants - is this your first day at CBM.com? This is common practice around here!
Antagonist - 4/28/2020, 5:10 PM
@Tensorpants - I think I will actually stop visiting this site. There is nothing of value anymore in the articles, and the most of the community is just made of toxic brand fanatics arguing with each other.
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