CBM Repeat Offenders: Some actors are just attracted to CBM’s like moths to a flame.

CBM Repeat Offenders:  Some actors are just attracted to CBM’s like moths to a flame.

Here is a compilation of actors who’ve come back to our favorite genre again and again… and again. Geez, AGAIN?! What, does he need to pay for a new boat or what?

Editorial Opinion
By NERO - Sep 15, 2010 05:09 AM EST
Filed Under: Other


It’s no secret that this has been the decade of the Comic Book Movie. CBMs have ruled the summer box office since Blade was released in 1998. Needless to say not all CBMs have been classics, but some actors have become fixtures within the genre appearing in film after film, role after role. This is a tribute to those actors who just can’t seem to get enough of these super powered franchises. As to why they do it? Who knows maybe they just love comics. Maybe they just need to pay for that new Ferrari. Maybe they like how they look in weird clothes. Maybe they just love us. HA! No, seriously, gotta be the car.

Just to set the record straight on my criteria for this list. Each CBM is counted regardless if it is a repeated character. TV appearances such as Smallville or voice work on comic book related animated series or video games are not included as I wanted this to strictly emphasize comic book movie roles. In addition, I only counted actors who have played more than one character; hence no listings like Hugh Jackman or Sir Ian Mckellen who have appeared in several CBMs, but only as a single character.

Chris Evans: 6 CBMs

Fantastic Four 1&2 – Johnny Storm/Human Torch
The Losers – Jake Jensen
Scott Pilgram Vs. The World – Lucas lee
Captain America – Steve Rogers/Captain America
The Avengers - Steve Rogers/Captain America
Evans is tied for the most CBM’s making (or committed to make) a whopping six total play four different characters. Evans has become the got-to-guy for the CBM genre. Having now landed the role of Captain America I have a feeling this will be Evan’s last comic character, but definitely not his last CBM.

Doug Jones: 6CBMs

Batman Returns – Thin Clown
Tank Girl – Ripper
Men in Black II – Joey
HellBoy 1&2 – Abe Sapien
Fantastic Four: RSS – Norrin Radd/Silver Surfer
Doug Jones, the man without a face. Due to always being covered in prosthetic make-up, he may be the least recognized face on this list, but he has played more individual characters than anyone involved with CBMs with a total of five different roles. Even under all that latex and face paint Jones has never failed to wow us.

Hugo Weaving: 5CBMs

V for Vendetta – V
Transformers 1-3 - Megatron
Captain America- Johann Schmidt/Red Skull
Even though Weaving has done many films making him a legend amongst the geek community and his face is well known to the general movie going public, he hasn’t had much luck getting face time in CBMs. Let’s hope he gets the chance to give us the evil eyebrow in Captain America before they bury him under the mask of the Red Skull.

Samuel L. Jackson: 5CBMs

The Spirit – The Octopus
Iron Man 1&2 – Nick Fury
Captain America – Nick Fury
The Avengers – Nick Fury
Perhaps one of the more controversial CBM castings in recent years, SLJ will be a constant figure in the new Marvel Film Universe as the spymaster/superhero camp counselor Nick Fury. I’m just dying to see if they’ll let him say, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I HAVE HAD IT WITH THESE MOTHER[frick]IN' HYDRA ON THIS MOTHER[frick]IN' HELECARRIER!!!"

Tommy Lee Jones: 5CBMs

Batman Forever – Harvey Dent/Two-Face
Men in Black 1-3 – Agent K
Captain America – Chester Phillips
It’s always sad when a great actor plays a crap role in a mediocre CBM. Such was the case with Jones’ Joker based Two-Face. He has nearly made up for that travesty with his soon to be three times behind the wheel as Agent K of MIB. His role in Cap may finally push him over the top in terms of redemption, but he’s get an automatic free pass if he can talk Will Smith out of raping our ears with another rendition of an MIB theme rap.

Ryan Reynolds: 4CBMs

Blade Trinity - Hannibal King
Wolverine - Wade Wilson/”Barakapool”
Green Lantern - Hal Jordan/Green Lantern 2814
Deadpool – Wade Willson/Deadpool
Much like Evans, Reynolds has tried on several comic characters for size, but he is the only actor looking at possibly becoming famous for two major franchises from the big two in Deadpool and Green Lantern.

James Marsden: 4CBMs

X-Men 1-3 – Scott Summers/Cyclops
Superman Returns - Richard White
I have to give Marsden credit; so far he’s gotten the short end of the CBM stick getting minimal screen time, yet making the most of it. His making a memorable Cyclops in some forgettable X films and making Richard White a very likeable character in a role that he could easily have been the guy we were rooting against in Superman Returns.

Rebecca Romijn: 4CBMs

X-Men 1-3 - Raven Darkholme/Mystique
Punisher – Joan
Jerry O’Connel , you lucky bastard. Be it in blue scales or a blue sun dress she is still one of the hottest women to ever grace a CBM.

Halle Berry: 4CBMs

X-Men 1-3 – Ororo Munroe/Storm
Catwoman – Patience Phillips/Imitation Catwoman
Eh, Storm… Eech, Catwoman.

Morgan Freeman: 4CBMs

Batman Begins – Lucius Fox
Wanted - Sloan
The Dark Knight – Lucius Fox
Red – Joe
The voice, the serine dignity, there is only one Morgan Freeman. Whether playing the dutiful Lucius Fox or the evil Sloan Freeman is always class.

Terence Stamp: 4CBMs

Superman 1&2 – General Zod
Elektra- Stick
Wanted - Pekwarsky
The grandfather of CBM baddies. Kneel before Stamp!
Megan Fox: 3CBMs

Transformers 1&2 – Mikaela Barnes
Jonah Hex – Lilah
Is her career over yet? Tell me when it is then it’ll be safe to go back to the cinema. Why is it that a girl that hot makes you think your hand would come back sticky if you touched her?

Ron Perlman: 3CBMs

Blade II – Reinhardt
HellBoy 1&2 – HellBoy
Like Jones he is most famous for roles we probably couldn’t identify him for. As he proved in Blade 2 he don’t need no stinking make-up. He is just so damn bad ass. They have a Ron Perlman Boulevard in Badassville.

Karl Urban: 3CBMs

Red – William Cooper
Priest – Black Hat
Judge Dredd – Judge Joseph Dredd
Urban was a late arrival to CBMs though not to the geeks of the world with roles in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and as Bones in the new Star Trek films, but when he jumped into the ring he came out swinging with a flood of comic roles all at once. I’m still hoping he keeps the helmet on while screaming, “I AM THE LAW!”

Brandon Routh: 3CBMs

Superman Returns – Clark Kent/Superman
Scott Pilgram vs. The World – Todd Ingram
Dead of Night – Dylan Dog
Touted as the Superman for a new generation, apparently not, Routh is still hanging in there by the skin of his teeth, but if Dead of Night ends up being as DOA as Scott Pilgram then we may only be seeing this guy on Chuck from now on.

John Malkovich: 3CBMs

Jonah Hex – Quentin Turnbull
Red - Marvin
Transformers 3 – Sam’s Boss
Like Urban, Malkovich has come guns blazing in CBMs. Unfortunately those Navy Colts were first fired in Jonah Hex, so nobody really saw that. Though I have to think it was better than seeing him flying the skies with Vultress (shudder) in Spider-Man 4 would have been.

Bruce Willis: 3CBMs

Sin City – John Hartigan
Surrogates- Tom Greer
Red – Frank Moses
Willis is still my personal pick for the new Ben Grim so let’s hope we can add another notch to his CBM belt.

Jon Faveau: 3CBMs

Daredevil – Foggy Nelson
Iron Man 1&2 –Happy Hogan
He acts! He directs! He writes! He produces! The only thing he doesn’t do is fly. Still he qualifies as Marvel Studio’s behind the scenes Superman.

Nicholas Cage: 3CBMs

Ghost Rider 1&2 – Johnny Blaze/Ghost Rider
Kick-Ass – Damon Macready/Big Daddy
Flaming skull head: check. Bad Adam West impersonation: check. Black rubber goth Superman costume: nope. Thank God. Keeping my fingers crossed that Ghost Rider 2 is infinitely better than the first one. Still Big Daddy was Kick-Ass. “NOW SWITCH…TO KRYPTONIIIIIIITTTTEEE!!!”

James McAvoy: 3CBMs

Wanted – Wesley Gibson
X-Men: First Class – Charles Xavier
Wanted 2 - Wesley Gibson
The guy behind all the CBMs that make me ask, “Why?”

John Hurt: 3CBMs

Hellboy 1&2 – Professor Broom
V for Vendetta – Adam Sutler
He had me at the chest buster in Alien.

Jeffery Dean Morgan: 3CBMs

Watchmen – The Comedian
Jonah Hex – Jeb Turnbull (Small uncredited role)
The Losers- Franklin Clay
DC’s secret weapon. Okay I won’t go that far, but one out of three…humph. Well, he was a bad ass Comedian.

Jason Flyming: 3CBMs

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen – Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde
Kick-Ass – Doorman
X-Men: First Class – Azazel
Yay, it’s… that guy again. What’s his name? Yay.

Scarlet Johansen: 3CBMs

The Spirit – Silken Floss
Iron Man2 – Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow
The Avengers – Black Widow
I can forgive no Russian accent. I can forgive the debacle that was The Spirit. What I can’t forgive is… Oh, who the hell am I kidding? Just look at her. Damn you Ryan Reynolds and you genetically engineered abs.

Jessica Alba: 3CBMs

Sin City - Nancy
Fantastic Four 1&2 – Sue Storm/The Invisible Woman
Oh, don’t get me started. No boobies in Sin City and no acting in Fantastic Four. Yeah, I said it.

Michael Fassbender: 3CBMs

300 – Stelios
Jonah Hex – Burke
X-Men: First Class – Erik Lensherr/Magneto
I like the guy. No matter how we may speculate about whether XFC is needed or not, at least we already know he looks cool in the helmet. “STELIOS!” Maybe he could jump over the crowd at the XFC premire and spear Brett Ratner for X3.

Brian Cox: 2CBMs

X2 – William Stryker
Red – Ivan Simanov
The original Hannibal Lecter; he’s made a career of playing bureaucrats gone bad, but he does it so damn well.

Eva Mendes: 2CBMs

Ghost Rider – Roxanne Simpson
The Spirit - Sand Saref
How can someone with so much going for her in the looks department have so little going for them in the acting department still get work? What am I talking about? Its Hollywood. You just stand there and look pretty, honey. There ya go. Now pout. Perfect.

Michael Jai White: 2CBMs

Spawn – Al Simmons/Spawn
The Dark Knight – Gamble
If ever there was a guy that can look bad just standing there its White.

James Cromwell: 2CBMs

Spider-Man 3 – Captain Stacy
Surrogates - Dr. Lionel Canter
That’ll do Jim. That’ll do.

Sam Elliot: 2CBMs

Hulk- General “Thunderbolt” Ross
Ghost Rider – Caretaker
My personal pick for Pa Kent in the Superman reboot, Elliot is just the shit. He plays Same Elliot in every role, but he’s just so dame cool doing it. The dude abides.

Donal Logue: 2CBMs

Blade -Quinn
Ghost Rider – Mack
“We’re gonna be naughty. Naughty vampire gods.”

Natalie Portman: 2CBMs

V for Vendetta – Evey Hammond
Thor – Jane Foster
Beauty: yep. Brains: yep. Acting ability: yep. Made me question my own morality in regards to pedophilia after seeing her in The Professional: yep.

William Hurt: 2CBMs

A History of Violence – Richie Cusack
The Incredible Hulk - General “Thunderbolt” Ross
Hair, no hair, he reminds me of the fun coked up uncle I never had in one film and the scary dad I never wanted in another. That is acting. Oh, and The Big Chill is still one of my favorite flicks, and I hate hippies go figure.

Ray Stevenson: 2CBMs

Punisher: War Zone – Frank Castle/The Punisher
Thor – Volstagg
Titus Pullo was the shit. Warzone was shit, but through no fault of Ray’s acting. I can’t wait to see him as the big guy of the Warriors Three.

Idris Elba: 2CBMs

The Losers – William Roque
Thor – Hiemdall
I have been digging this guy in other genres for years, here’s hoping he has a few more CBMs in his future.

Mark Strong: 2CBMs

Kick-Ass - Frank D'Amico
Green Lantern - Sinestro
The modern day Jason Isaacs; the consummate Brit baddie who has yet to play a Brit in a CBM, maybe he’ll get to keep his accent for Sinestro.

Carla Gugino: 2CBMs

Sin City – Lucille
Watchmen – Sally Jupiter/Silk Specter I
Welcome to Cougartown, boys. Ms. Gugino always sends my heart a flutter.

Mickey Rourke: 2CBMs

Sin City – Marv
Iron Man – Ivan Vanko/Whiplash
This guy has come back and proven to a new generation why he was the Hollywood bad boy before Sean Penn, all the talent none of the annoying preachiness and a delightful dash of what the [frick]….?

Jim Carrey: 2CBMs

The Mask – /The Mask
Batman Forever – Edward Nygma/Riddler
Do these really count as CBMs? We’ve got one of the most annoying roles on the planet and a Joel Shumaucher Batman. Not the world’s best resume as far as CBMs go.

Michael Clarke Duncan: 2CBMs

Daredevil – Wilson Fisk/The Kingpin
Sin City – Manute
The man mountain with the voice of a bull frog. I can’t decide if I most enjoy watching this guy or listening to him.

Rutger Hauer: 2CBMs

Sin City – Cardinal Patrick Henry Roark
Batman Begins – William Earle
I still say his best work was Blind Fury… I kid, I kid.

Luke Goss: 2 CBMs

Blade 2 – Jared Nomak
Hell Boy 2 – Prince Nuada
Decent actor, damn good looking guy according to Mrs. Nero, maybe one day he’ll get to act in a CBM without looking…um…dead.

Ray Park: 2CBMs

X-Men – Toad
GI Joe: The rise of Cobra – Snake Eyes
What happens when a toad makes a God awful GI Joe movie? He gets a sequel with everyone else. BUT WHY I ASK?! WHY?!!

So there you have it. I’m sure I didn’t catch every actor that’s played multiple CBM roles, but that is what I have you good people for. If you think of any others throw them in. Was there really a point to me doing this? No, I just thought it’d be a good laugh and discussion piece while I suffer from total writer’s block on my Superman FanFic: Sons of Krypton. Hope you guys enjoy.

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ager - 9/15/2010, 6:50 AM
very cool. to the piont. but cromwell unless im wrong, possible, was in teenage mutant ninja turtles secret of the use and thats sad that i new that if im correct so quickly also you should a voice cast one
Stumblin - 9/15/2010, 7:15 AM
Must have taken a lot of time to put this together! Well done, I think the main reason for seeing a lot of actors reaching for CBMs is because for one, it's probably fun acting in a CBM. After doing one movie other productions recognize that they'll probably be willing to do other comic related movies, easier to hire than say someone who was never in a CBM. I could be wrong though.
selinakyle - 9/15/2010, 8:38 AM
Wow...this is an awesome list. I want to see more of Fassbender and Sam Elliott.
AshleyWilliams - 9/15/2010, 11:03 AM
Awesomeness article.

"They have a Ron Perlman Boulevard in Badassville."

So VERY true.
LEEE777 - 9/15/2010, 12:04 PM
NERO @ Gr8 article man!

MAIN worthy! ; )

Damn man awesome list... it saddens me tho HOLLYWOOD can't use actors that haven't been in CBM's B4!?

Btw you forgot REYNOLDS is gonna be in the new DARK HORSE movie too!

Thumbs up man! :)
Ryden - 9/15/2010, 12:33 PM
Great article, but the Mask is AWESOME!
JayTopStix - 9/15/2010, 12:53 PM
Chris Evans was also leading role in PUSH. Good article
BrotherQStark - 9/15/2010, 1:03 PM
I have to give Evans his props even though all of his CBM's(except Scott Pligrim)were horrible he was still a good actor, haven't seen Losers
NERO - 9/15/2010, 1:14 PM
@ JAY: I left Push off of Evan's list(same with Jumper and Unbreakable for Sam Jackson) because I was only using movies based on pre-existing comic books; Push is a "Superhero Movie," but like Jumper, was not based on a comic book. So I had to differentiate a little between "Superhero Movies" and true "Comic Book Movies."

Thanks guys, I'm glad you like this thing.
skidz - 9/15/2010, 1:36 PM
StarWars 1-3 didn't do her career any favors, but Natalie Porman is one hell of a scrappy actress and always gets back on her feet with a role that works. Chris Hemsworth is one lucky actor. Any girl who can make a god-like character fall all over himself is HOT. Meggan Fox, Jessica Alba: You're both hot, but find some inspiration or go back to acting school! 'Leaving Las Vegas' proved that Cage can act, but he's had a hell of a hard time breaking away from the action star stereotype. C'mon, find something to sink your teeth into and bitch slap Mark Steven Johnson if Ghost Rider 2 doesn't work!!!
SHAZAM171 - 9/15/2010, 4:17 PM
NERO - 9/15/2010, 5:06 PM
@ SHAZAM: See my post above about Push. The comic was released WITH the movie to serve as a prequel for it. The Movie was realized first the comic came along as an after thought to hype the film, so Push falls under the catagory of "Superhero Movie," but not strictly speaking a CBM.
mk - 9/15/2010, 6:17 PM
wow haha.. i didnt know ray park played the toad :))
ironknight - 9/15/2010, 6:59 PM
If G.I. Joe is getting a sequel, why doesn't Ray have 3, since you included stuff like Avengers and TF3?
Vital - 9/15/2010, 7:00 PM
Your comment about Scott Pilgrim puzzled me, considering from what I've gathered (I haven't watched it yet) it was a good film. Sooo? But then you praise James Marsden? (He's a good actor) who played a "I'm a complete douche bag" role instead of playing the actual Cyclops character lol.
NERO - 9/15/2010, 7:05 PM
@ Ironknight, good point about Ray, I goofed there. I just wish GI Joe wasn't getting a sequel, lol.

@ Chad: I agree Pilgrim was a good film, I saw it recently. The DOA remark wasn't a shot at the film's quality, just at its poor box office.
acxel - 9/15/2010, 7:54 PM
WTF No Christopher Reeves? That Would Be All Four Superman Movies! Duh
NERO - 9/15/2010, 8:07 PM
“WTF No Christopher Reeves? That Would Be All Four Superman Movies! Duh”

@ Luc: No offense, but, “Duh” yourself. Read the article. The criteria only apply to multiple characters. Hence, no Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman, or Chris Reeve (Not Reeves, George Reeves played Superman on the 50's TV show. Chris Reeve was the star of the films) because they have played the same character in multiple movies. All of these actors have played more than one comic book character. The one actor/multiple characters was kiiiinda the whole point of the article.
SlaughterHouse - 9/15/2010, 8:30 PM
What about Hugh Jackman in The Fountain?
NERO - 9/15/2010, 8:38 PM
@ Slaughter: The Fountain was an original story for film written by Daren Aronofsky in 2000, The Fountain graphic novel illustrated by Kent Williams published in 2005 by Vertigo Comics was based on the original script of Darren Aronofsky's film The Fountain. Comic came from the movie not vice versa.

A true CBM is a movie based on a comic book, not a movie that they make a graphic novel of, or a companion comic to hype the film as was the case for Push.

Now films like Road to Perdition, From Hell, A History of Violence fall under the CBM definition because the book came first and the film was made based on it.

Here’s a quick reference to clear some things up:

List of Comics based on films (Mostly “Superhero Movies”)

List of Films based on comics (These are true CBMs)
rushx5 - 9/15/2010, 9:54 PM
I love Road To perdition. One of my pick for the best CBM movie of all time.
NERO - 9/15/2010, 9:57 PM
@Rush: I know, man. Perdition was a great flick, Hanks, Newman, Law all of them brought their A-game to that movie.
NERO - 9/15/2010, 10:12 PM
Got some New Ones

Stephen McHattie: 3CBMs
A History of violence - Leland
300 - Loyalist
Watchmen - Hollis Mason/Nite Owl I

Rosario Dawson: 2CBMs
Men In Black 2 - Laura Vasquez
Sin City - Gail

Daniel Craig: 2CBMs
The Road to Perdition - Connor Rooney
Cowboys and Aliens - Jack Lonergan

Sam Rockwell- 2CBMs
Iron Man 2 - Justin Hammer
Cowboys and Aliens - Doc

Stanley Tucci: 2CBMs
The Road to Perdition - Frank Nitti
Captain America - Dr. Erskine
Vital - 9/16/2010, 12:57 AM
It's cool man, I was just clarifyin :P
StrangerX - 9/16/2010, 6:59 AM
Sweet article
ElBicho - 9/16/2010, 7:06 AM

Good artcle, and congrats on sneaking in a pic of Carla Gugino's nip!
BIGBMH - 9/16/2010, 7:09 AM
Great job! I was expecting you to do about 3-5 people, but you reallly put some work into this. I'm not sure I agree with you calling MIB a CBM, though.
NERO - 9/16/2010, 7:43 AM
@ ElBicho: lol, No I cropped the pic as best I could and then air brushed the nip out... very lovingly, gently brushed it away on very high magnification. It took a very looong time, much longer than it should have lol.

@ BIGBMH: Actually, MIB was released as a comic way back in 1990 by Aircel Comics, then Malibu in 1991, and then finally Marvel bought the property and produced the one shots that followed the first film. So yep, it was a comic first then a film, though there were only like six issues total published before the film released, three by Aircel, and three by Malibu.
BrotherQStark - 9/19/2010, 3:05 PM
You forgot the only person to be in more CBM's then anybody, STAN"THE MAN"LEE
NERO - 9/19/2010, 10:16 PM
Too true.
jordomac - 10/4/2010, 10:00 PM
Parker Posey was in Blade and Superman Returns
Meegsie - 4/17/2013, 9:10 PM
Wasn't Van Helsing originally a comic? Does that mean Jackman qualifies as Van Helsing and Wolverine?
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