EDITORIAL: Why we are all being ridiculous.

EDITORIAL: Why we are all being ridiculous.

I have come to realize that Nolanites and Whedonites(did I get that right?) are wrong. Continue reading for more.

Editorial Opinion
By Altair - Dec 30, 2011 03:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Other

As most of you now, I used to have a strong disliking for Nolan and his batman movies. I kinda grew up though and realized they are great movies, though not perfect, and am eagerly anticating a certain Dark Knight's Rise.

On the other hand, I did grow up with Marvel and Spiderman and I think Avengers will be one of the best movies of all time.

But, after seeing a recent article, I have come to a stunning revelation: we are why nerds get picked on. We, the very people who claim to be so smart, are fighting and splitting ourselves apart.

For Nolanites: Yes, The Dark Knight was amazing. Yes, it provided an accurate yet realistic portrayal of all it's characters. But was it perfect? No. Does its greatness slate Rises for the same thing? No. It looks great. Totally. Great cast, great filmography, and Bane's Gotham in ashes line is one of the best things I've heard IN MY LIFE. But stop acting like Nolan's God. Please. You come off as jerks.

For Whedonites: All the lead up films have been great. Great FX, casting villains, you know, the sort. But, Avengers will be EXTREMELY hard to pull off. Am I saying it will be bad? No. But they have hit a few hitches. Cap's makes being one, the lame toys(though not indicating anything about the movie's quality) being another. Stop acting like everything we've seen is EPIC OMG ITS AMAZING EXPLOSIONS PEW-PEW LASERS JIZZ IN MY PANTS. You come off as jerks.

If I have any point at all, it's this: Guys, we are getting Tom fricking Hardy as Bane. We are getting a Batwing, bad guy Tumblers, mercenaries prepared to take down Gotham, Catwoman, and maybe Ra's Al Ghul IN THE SAME FILM. Directed by one of the greatest directors of ALL TIME.

On the other hand, we are getting Captain America. Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man. The best Thor EVER. Super FX Hulk. The lovely(and I do mean that) Scarlett Johansson, Samuel Jackson, Jeremy Renner, and unknown Aliens IN THE SAME FILM. Directed by cult classic and God to many fans out there Joss fricking Whedon.

Do we have to worry about which one has better trailers?

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OptimusBurgundyMaximus - 12/30/2011, 4:17 PM

lol i like this part the most

that trailer Looked like Micheal Bays wet dream

great article
Altair - 12/30/2011, 4:17 PM
For the record, I support all the CBMs coming out next year and will see them all opening day.
Altair - 12/30/2011, 4:18 PM
blueballs - 12/30/2011, 4:35 PM
Your article is to mature for this crowd of spoiled fanboys fighting over who's a marvel and who's a dc lol. But I certainly agree with being excited that there's two quality comic book movies coming out next year, one them being omg the freaking Avengers a movie with not one superhero but a whole team of them never in my geek fantasy dreams did I ever think this would happen as putting batman and superman into the same movie seemed apparently impossible to do. And not to take away from TDKR as I'm super stoked about that as well but in a different way, batman is my all time favorite character and Nolan is the first director to do him justice and with respect, when I see a movie I want to be taken into the story and if the movie can draw me in for it run time and not make me pick apart it's flaws on it's first viewing then it's a good movie I love quality comic books and I love quality comic book movies I hope both do well and don't care which one makes more than the other as I don't profit from it money wise I profit as a fan who gets to see his favorite characters in good movies for years to come yay us haters are just insecure children who think they're better then everyone else but in reality have no friends or life for that matter because they think they're better but whatever I see nothing but win coming this summer
Irons - 12/30/2011, 4:50 PM
Well put.
superotherside - 12/30/2011, 5:50 PM
Very well said sir. We all need to applaud you.

Bring on 2012 the epic of summer of CBMs!
superotherside - 12/30/2011, 5:55 PM
BTW this should be on the main so everyone give him a BIG thumbs up!

MercMatt - 12/30/2011, 7:27 PM
Great write up, man. And I agree with OBM... "EXPLOSIONS PEW-PEW LASERS JIZZ IN MY PANTS." cracked me up. Cheers!
bgharcourt - 12/30/2011, 9:52 PM
A very well thought out and written article. This does deserve to be on main.

Kudos sir,kudos.
Jefferys - 12/31/2011, 2:06 AM
Dude, you should know by now that everything will and always have been EPIC OMG ITS AMAZING EXPLOSIONS PEW-PEW LASERS JIZZ IN MY PANTS.

Oh, and brilliant write up. This should be on main.
MovieMaster - 12/31/2011, 4:29 AM


No but seriously great write-up, this should be on main. CBMers, thumbs up this article!
PaulRom - 12/31/2011, 5:10 AM
Couldn't have said it better myself. Excellent write up.
An for the record, Whedonites are also commonly called 'Marvel Surpremacists'. :P
darknlight - 12/31/2011, 7:18 AM
the best editorial ever written in CBM,i support you completely,everyone have their favorites but that doesn't give you the right to bitch about other fans fav,.
Supes17 - 12/31/2011, 9:30 AM
@PaulRom: Thank you, someone gets it. It's Marvel Supremacists:p lmao

Liked the editorial, I pretty much agree. They both have a stromg chance of making it past $850 million and maybe a billion $ at the B.O. I mean if Transgenders 3 and Alice in Blunderland made it, Im sure that The Dark [frick]ing Kinght Rises and Samuel L Jackson's "Mother[frick]ing Avengers" will make it lol
comiccow6 - 12/31/2011, 6:52 PM
I agree with you on every point. The Avengers and TDKR, I sadly say, will suck. So many fanboys will cry themselves to sleep because they found everything they thought would happen didn't happen and the aliens sucked to them and Loki wasn't as good and they didn't understand Bane and Catwoman's suit is crap. Dumb stuff like that. And so I'm one of the few guys who's sticking with The Amazing Spider-Man. Lizard FTW!!!
delete - 12/31/2011, 7:33 PM
Masterfully done. I am one of those who always supports each CBM, regardless. I am not so young I don't remember when movies like these didn't get made, or didn't get made well (remember the Marvel CBS TV-movies?) The perfect should not be made an enemy of the good.
Having said that, I await the usual suspects to show up and show their ass.
Altair - 12/31/2011, 7:50 PM
Thanks everyone for the support. Really appreciate it.

@Emros Me too. They'll try and justify themselves by bashing another man. And another flame war fought in their mother's basements. Alas, i regress...

"He who increaseth knowledge, increaseth sorrow."
Altair - 12/31/2011, 7:51 PM
Or is the word Degress? lol
RealDCGuy - 12/31/2011, 8:00 PM
Great Article. The most mature thing I have seen on CBM for almost a month. A lot more people should think like this and not "You sux cox cause you no agree with me".
antonio - 12/31/2011, 8:30 PM
Intruder will be trolling this thread any moment now.

As for the article itself, great write up.
antonio - 12/31/2011, 8:30 PM
*article I meant.
Altair - 12/31/2011, 9:42 PM
I'm sure Trudy's not too upset about this. I didn't really bag on any film, technically. But thanks for the kind words @Antonio and PenguinLover
AsianVersionOfET - 12/31/2011, 10:59 PM
Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is good and all, but you messed up on just ONE THING...Nolan IS god.
Supes17 - 1/1/2012, 12:44 AM
Nolan isn't God. He's a cinematic prophetic messaiah sent to us to save humanity from the shitfest that Satan(Joel Shumacher) made us endure with his batman films.
He was sent to Earth(more specificaly, WB studios) to redeem Batman's soul on the big screen.

lol :p
TheHitchhikingGhost - 1/1/2012, 1:32 AM
I wish people who posted editorials here could actually write.
loki668 - 1/1/2012, 1:36 AM
The only sad thing about this article is how many "supposed" cbm fans will completely disregard it. Root for the entire genre, not just your own personal little film. The success of the genre means that more projects that you like may make it to the screen. If you don't like a particular topic, don't see it. It's that simple.

Lord Loki has spoken
bbarber2323 - 1/1/2012, 1:40 AM
@Machine...reshoots means it sucks? Wow ur a moron. Great article. I've been saying that for years!! The fact we even have CBMs is awesome!!! Appreciate it,enjoy the movies for what they are intended to be. Enjoy your popcorn,cherry coke,and skittles...then stfu. These movies are a gift to us!!!
Coachella - 1/1/2012, 3:07 AM
I hate the whole DC vs Marvel thing its so pointless. We should stop fighting and enjoy these great movies.
sarahsatire - 1/1/2012, 7:23 AM
The lovely Samuel L. Jackson is more appropriate. And I do mean that.
SpideyQuad - 1/1/2012, 7:53 AM
Hush, “never been done before”?

Haven't you ever heard of, “Frankenstein meets Wolfman”, “House of Dracula”, “House of Frankenstein”, & “Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein”

The above, all universal movies that had a collection of their horror superstars, not unlike what Marvel is doing right now.

Not to mention, Toho, and their 1960s “destroy all monsters”. Which was a movie collection equivalent of an All-Star game.

I'm sure there's more examples of franchises meeting, but I only know the geek, nerd, examples :-)

Don't get me wrong, I'm a Marvel through and through, and I think what Marvel is doing is awesome, great, and epic. I suppose my point is, there is nothing truly original left in this world. Music, movies, you name it., It's all been done in one form or another. As far fan boys go, to me they are the pinnacle of hypocrisy and denial! Don't ever try to talk logic with this group. They will take the facts, twist and turn everything upside down, and then claim “quality over quantity”??? In the meanwhile Warner Bros. can't do anything right. From Catwoman to Priest and just about anything not Batman in between. Pure garbage. Still, they argue.

Batman defeats Spiderman? Come on man! Ridiculous, but certainly makes my point. LOL!
manthingnitsuj - 1/1/2012, 8:16 AM
Good for you. Agree. I'm going to see both as soon as they come out, and am rooting for both to be hits.
Mrmoviemaker09 - 1/1/2012, 8:38 AM
you, sir, have restored my faith in humanity and in this website i applaud you
Jolt17 - 1/1/2012, 10:24 AM
All hail the neutralites.
BassMan - 1/1/2012, 10:54 AM
agreed. good article, a few grammar errors... words of wisdom
DCnerd46 - 1/1/2012, 11:22 AM
Well said. I am neither a Nolanite or a Whedonite (I'm not too keen on either of them), & arguing over them is useless. It's evolved from DC vs. Marvel (another unnecessary feud) to Nolan vs. Whedon. Fans need to unite over mutual appreciation for the comic book characters that have kept us entertained throughout the years, not argue over a couple of fricking movies & their directors.
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