Taking A Look Back At Comic Book Movies Produced By FOX

Taking A Look Back At Comic Book Movies Produced By FOX

A look at every Fox CBM, the good, the bad and the flat-out ugly. And why I think we should give some of them another look, and the studio more of chance in their future efforts.

Editorial Opinion
By GuardianDevil - Mar 18, 2014 01:03 PM EST
Filed Under: Other
Source: Brain

20th Century Fox falls victim to a lot of bashing on this website especially. It's due to a number of things, on one hand they have produced around four or five crappy films at least. On the other hand, most of their films stray away from the comic book source material. On the other hand (apparently there's three) now that Marvel Studios is a big success it has become popular and "in" among fans on this site to hate Marvel films that aren't a part of their cinematic universe. Even so, Fox has had their ups and their downs as far as comic book movies go. Today I'm here to compare the various films they've made, and take a look at their worst and best. In order I will rate the Fox comic book films from their absolute worst to their good. Please keep in mind that I do not hate Fox, I hate multiple of their movies but some of them are good. Please of you are going to try to invite a flame war, or start trashing my article than please just don't comment.


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Elektra is a 2004 superhero film directed by Rob Bowman and starring Jennifer Garner. The film received generally negative reviews as well as poor box office performance. Well....well....well. Where do I start? Elektra sucked dick. Plain and simple, but why is the real question. For starters it's just a film that didn't need to be made. There was just no reason for it to exist. No one was asking for an Elektra spinoff. No one really cared to see what was going on. Daredevil did much better the year before, but it's not like it was Spider-Man or anything. Even though the director's cut of Daredevil is quite excellent, that's not the version originally released to the public. Quite frankly the theatrical cut of Daredevil just wasn't good enough to warrant a sequel or spinoff. Elektra herself was the weakest of the entire Daredevil movie so I don't see why they chose her to have a spinoff. Anyhow, the unnecessary existence of the film isn't its only issue. To he honest there is nothing memorable about the movie. The story was uneventful, the action was lame, the acting was mediocre and the film overall feels more like a non-film just a bunch of scenes stranded together. There is a director's cut of this movie as well, but unlike Daredevil it doesn't exactly save the movie. I suppose if you're really hankering for some Elektra (good god, that sounded wrong) than the director's cut is the way to go but it's still not really any good. Those early screenings that stated it was better than Spider-Man have got to be a joke. Spider-Man is like The Godfather compared to this garbage. There is just nothing even remotely interesting, memorable, or even good in Elektra. Elektra is hands down, by far the worst comic book movie Fox has ever released. And that's saying QUITE A BIT!

Rating: 3/10

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
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Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer is a 2007 sequel superhero film directed by Tim Story and starring Ioan Gruffud, Jessica Alba, Michael Chiklis, Chris Evans, Julian McMahon and Lawrence Fishburne. The film was met with negative reviews but very good box office performance. Let's face facts, Rise of the Silver Surfer was bad. And I mean really bad. Now I'm one of those few weirdos who actually likes Tim Story's original Fantastic Four movie. I don't try and make the film sound great because it's not but it is a decent film and it is a lot to me because it was a huge part of my childhood. But it's sequel on the other hand, is inferior in practically every way. Every way except one that is, being action. Which is pretty much the only thing this movie does well. Visuals is where Fox and Story got it right but overall it's no good. The Human Torch and Silver Surfer chase scene is excellent, easily the best part of the film. The Silver Surfer finale is cool to say the least. And Human Torch/Super Skrull thing vs Doctor Doom is pretty sick. But those are not enough to carry this travesty along. For one thing it's just way too short. The story tries, it sure does try to be great but it's rushed and feels incomplete. The "making a choice" had potential but it happened way too fast. Silver Surfer looked cool and Lawrence Fishburne is great but he lacks any character development. The subplot about all of them switching powers and finally Johnny becoming Super Skrull is crazy new levels of PIS. As aforementioned I actually liked the first Fantastic Four, but the only major problem I had with that movie is the portrayal of Doctor Doom. Lets be honest, it was indeed terrible. Doctor Doom isn't a pretty boy and I've never seen him being as hammy as the film made him. Julian McMahon just sucks. End of story. But why, why may I ask did these morons chose to bring him back for the sequel? He was the worst thing about the original film and this sequel doesn't help him any more. Last but most certainly not least, there is the topic of the Fantastic Four's most powerful villain being reduced to a space fart. Galactus is among Marvel's greatest villains and this movie ruined his character in the eyes of millions. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver is not good, but I rate it higher than Elektra for a few reasons. For one thing this movie lasted in my memory at least more than five minutes, I like these characters better, and the action is superior. It's still not a good movie but better than Elektra.

Rating: 4/10

X-Men Origins: Wolverine
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X-Men Origins: Wolverine is a 2009 superhero prequel directed by Gavin Hood and starring Hugh Jackman, Liev Schrieber, Ryan Reynolds, Lynn Collins, Danny Huston and Taylor Kitsch. X-Men Origins: Wolverine was with generally negative reviews as well as mediocre to poor box office performance. So what exactly went wrong here? Because the film sure seemed to have great potential, but I think a lot of that is lost in studio interference. I mean just watch the movie it seems to start out great but as the film progresses stuff begins to stop actually making sense as far as the plot and dialogue, etc. You begin to wonder how much the studio interfered, and hue many {frick}ing rewrites they had to get through to get this final product. One of the major problems of this film is overcrowding. Even Hugh Jackman himself said that it was "turning into X4." That's true because think of how many unneeded characters were shoehorned into this. Cyclops, Emma Frost, Deadpool, Gambit, Blob, Wraith, ALL had a part in the origins of WOLVERINE??? Please no, too many characters shoved in by the studio for no other reason than fanservice and potential spinoffs. CGI is another catastrophe in this case, what is odd is that generally through out the film the action and the special effects are top notch until it's Wolverine's claws which look absolutely terrible. The story makes no sense and is incredibly hard to follow. Too many characters and mutants are thrown into the mix with no development or even any relevance to the storyline. Many characters that are used are portrayed poorly. But none of those are the biggest problem with X-Men Origins: Wolverine. X-Men Origins: Wolverine's greatest sin is how it essentially ruined the character of Wolverine. Wolverine simply put, is a mystery. A puzzle slowly being put together, a mystery being unravelled. The previous X-Men trilogy did an excellent job at bringing this to life on the big screen. X-Men showed us the dark, mysterious side of the character. X-Men United gave us just enough insight into his past to get a basic idea of what he has been through. X-Men Origins: Wolverine now horribly overexposes what is hinted at in X-Men United and in my opinion that part of Wolverine's life is better left shrouded in mystery. Also in X-Men United it is hinted at by Stryker that Wolverine used to be some kind of a ferocious killer and a monster. But this film either retcons that, or just proves he was lying. Either way let's just agree that it sucked. There are a handful of redeeming qualities though, in a few places you can catch glimpses of how great this could have been. Like the war montage or the Team X fight...or Wolverine breaking free from Alkalai. Some of the action sequences are good and I love Schreiber but as a whole this movie is just not good, like at all. It's better than Elektra and Fantastic Four 2 because the action and acting is better.

Rating: 4.5/10

X-Men: The Last Stand
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X-Men: The Last Stand is a 2006 superhero sequel directed by Brett Ratner and starring Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Famke Janssen, Kelsey Grammer, Ellen Page, Ian Mckellen and Rebecca Romijn. The movie was met with mixed reviews but great box office performance. Well, things are getting a little bit better. This is the first turning point of the list. This is where we get out of the horrid, unwatchably bad movies and into the mediocrity and/or guilty pleasure material. But before I get into that I have to address everything that was bad about X-Men: The Last Stand. For starters, Bryan Singer left to work on his dream job (Superman Returns) and really you can't blame him. Superman Returns is a really good movie but I can't help but wish he'd stuck around for X-Men: The Last Stand. Because from what I've heard, the stuff he had planned was pretty epic. Probably would have been the best of the trilogy. It was all a Dark Phoenix story and from the Phoenix scenes viewed in the movie it was going to be epic. But Singer left on his dream job and let X-Men: The Last Stand go to the dogs. Brett Ratner came in and they decided to merge the Gift storyline with the cure and the kid and combine it with Singer's planned Phoenix movie. Leaving the finished product a hot convoluted mess and a humongous cluster-{frick}. On top of all that Ratner elects to remove all of the character, heart and emotion of the first two X-Men films and replace it with funny jokes and non-stop action combine it with an incoherent story leaving the finished product as X-Men: The Last Stand. The movie is bad, that's an understatement. But even so, it is a guilty pleasure for me personally. I understand it's packed to the brim with underdeveloped characters. But at the core I like the ones used. My favorite X-Man is and always has been Wolverine, second place is a tie between Storm and Beast. I also love Xavier, Cyclops and Jean. But my three favorites were portrayed very well in this film. Storm takes the reins as the new leader of the X-Men, she's got a sexy new hair cut and has more badass fight scenes than ever before. Beast is finally in an X-Men film and he rocks his heart out, who woulda guessed that Kelsey Grammer could play a superhero but he's the perfect Beast. I wish he would've stuck around for the newer films even though Nick Hoult is good too. As for Wolverine, Hugh Jackman is as brilliant as always and even here we get some badass action from him. Angel's flying scenes were excellent. And the final battle was awesome, especially Iceman's part. Juggernaut vs Shadowcat was awesome and funny. Wolverine and Beast in battle was brilliant. The fight at Jean Grey's house and the death of Xavier scene was excellent. Overall I understand all of the internal problems with X-Men: The Last Stand but it's a guilty pleasure because of the action mostly.

Rating: 6/10

Fantastic Four
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Fantastic Four is a 2005 superhero film directed by Tim Story and starring Ioan Gruffud, Jessica Alba, Michael Chiklis, Chris Evans and Julian McMahon. The movie was met with poor reviews but decent box office earnings. Well, as aforementioned. This movie isn't nearly as terrible as Fox haters like to pretend. But I wouldn't call it good, I suppose at best I'd call it decent but not "good". I don't think it's as bad as people say it is, but it isn't exactly great either. For starters I'm not really a huge fan of the Fantastic Four from comics or movies. I like the Thing, I like The Human Torch, and I like Doctor Doom. But I honestly have never cared much for the rest of the Fantastic Four-related characters. So I really base my liking the film on that criteria. The story is bland, but 90% of it is taken directly from the comics so I can't really complain there. Like I said before I really don't care about Invisible Woman or Mister Fantastic, but I thought both Ioan Gruffud and Jessica Alba did good enough but they aren't anything special. But Michael Chiklis and Chris Evans as The Thing and The Human Torch are brilliant. They were both the iconic, definitive versions of their characters and I also liked both of them visually. But it's Doctor Doom that keeps this film from being a true classic. Julian McMahon is a good actor but he's a terrible Doctor Doom. Doctor Doom isn't and should never be a pretty boy. Also not telling his iconic backstory is a borderline crime. Having him being on the ship when the radiation hits is just stupid. He's also just way too hammy to be the real Doctor Doom. I like some of the action in Fantastic Four, particularly Torch fighting the Missile and the climax was creative to say the least. I don't think Fantastic Four was all that great, but it has it's moments and it was among my favorites as a kid so I would consider it to somewhat of a guilty pleasure.

Rating: 6.5/10

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X-Men is a 2000 superhero film directed by Bryan Singer and starring Hugh Jackman, James Marsden, Famke Janssen, Ian Mckellen, Rebecca Romijn, Tyler Mane, Halle Berry and Patrick Stewart. The movie was met with glowing reviews and decent performance at the box office. Good god, finally we can cut the crap. We can finally move on to the films Fox has made that are actually good. This my friends is the next turning point of the list. This is where it changes from mediocre/guilty pleasure material to stuff that is of actual quality. If Spider-Man is to Marvel, what Superman: The Movie is to DC. Then X-Men is to Marvel, what Batman '89 is to DC. Think about it, Batman and Superman: The Movie maybe not be the best films by today's standards (neither are X-Men or Spider-Man) but they are revered because of their influence on the genre and because they are just classic. Superman and Batman are DC's most iconic characters, Batman '89 is dark, thematic and thought provoking. While Superman: The Movie is light, heroic and fun. Spider-Man and X-Men are Marvel's most iconic franchises. Spider-Man is light, heroic and fun while X-Men is dark, thematic and thought provoking. Of course Blade came before both of those and it is a great film but no one knew it was a Marvel movie and it wasn't really iconic of influential in any way. With all that said, X-Men is good for nostalgic value but it's still a pretty good film by today's standards. The story I thought was good enough, the special effects are outdated (it is fourteen years old y'know) but some of the action is good. Wolverine vs Mystique was awesome, and Wolverine vs Sabretooth atop the statue of liberty was pretty cool. But it's the themes of racism, intolerance, etc. that had never been brought up in a comic book film before that made X-Men so iconic. The acting is absolutely superb from every one involved. As a whole X-Men may not be the BEST, but it's a good watch even by today's standards.

Rating: 8/10

X-Men: First Class
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X-Men: First Class is a 2011 superhero film directed by Matthew Vaughn and starring Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, Nick Hoult, Kevin Bacon, Jennifer Lawrence and Lucas Till. X-Men: First Class seriously underperformed at the box office, however it was met with great reviews from critics. X-Men: First Class is a great film, because it was just a real pleasant surprise. I mean no one was expecting that much out of the film especially after the travesties X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men Origins: Wolverine. First Class just didn't seem like it would be any good, especially with none of the iconic X-Men characters outside of the main two making an appearance. X-Men: First Class is really just a breath of fresh air after the last two X-fails. But it's also the same thing in a different way. This was the first truly light hearted X-Men movie, and the comic inspired suits as opposed to the leather made it a new take on a sagging franchise. There are many good things about X-Men: First Class. One thing it does very well is put it's focus on the relationships between the characters. The story itself takes a big seat here as opposed to action scenes. (which seem to be rather lacking I'm afraid) And it is quite good, I love the actors in their roles. Even though I still prefer the other versions in almost every case. It's a great prequel and one of the best Marvel movies to date. Sons fans have their issues with it because it strays quite far from the source material. But I'm one of those who feels when liberties are taken it is alright. It's sort of like an artistic license. Anyhow First Class is a beautiful bond style adventure packed with great acting and a well written story. X-Men: First Class is brilliant. Even though I'm excited for X-Men: Days of Future Past I actually would've preferred a Vaughn helmed sequel to First Class.

Rating: 8.5/10

Daredevil (Director's Cut)
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Daredevil is a 2003 superhero film directed by Mark Steven Johnson, and starring Ben Affleck, Michael Clarke Duncan, Colin Farrell, Jennifer Garner and Jon Favreau. Daredevil was met with mediocre box office earnings and no hate but no love from critics. I personally feel that Daredevil is a film that was stripped of it's greatness by the studio. Because Mark Steven Johnson's original cut of the film was excellent. It would have gone down in history as a dark classic comic book film akin to a Blade or a Batman '89. But instead the studio decided to doctor it up for more mass appeal. Thank God they kept a copy of the original, because let's be honest the theatrical cut was not all that good. Perhaps it wasn't the atrocious shit-fest that people make it out to be but it wasn't really any good. Daredevil is my favorite Marvel character, so the theatrical cut is a true disappointment to me. With all that said, the director's cut of the film is one of my all time favorite comic book movies. The theatrical version seemed to have multiple plot holes regarding HOW anyone knew who Kingpin was and how they figured it out. This version explains it very well with the Coolio subplot, and the Lisa Tazio case. This version also has an excellent storyline both in the plot and in the character development. All of the characters in the film are well developed and Matt's main character arc is great. The story is about Daredevil, after his father died and he decided to take up arms to find justice. But he is forced to ask himself through out the course of the film. Is it justice he's actually seeking, or revenge for his father? Elektra helps him to learn the difference between vengeance and justice but also instills a love within Matt he hasn't felt since his father died. In the end he chooses justice over revenge as he allows Kingpin to live. The casting may not have been the best, but Affleck isn't bad at all. Jen Garner is OK, Michael Clarke Duncan is an amazing Kingpin and Colin Farrell makes for a pretty badass Bullseye. The action this time around you can actually see and it actually looks cool. I especially love the final fight against Kingpin. It was just so cool to me personally. Daredevil (Director's Cut) is one of my all time favorite films and I'm so glad I can watch this great movie as opposed to the mediocre crap Fox doctored up and released to the public.

Rating: 9/10

X2: X-Men United
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X2: X-Men United is a 2003 superhero sequel film directed by Bryan Singer and starring Hugh Jackman, Ian Mckellen, Patrick Stewart, James Marsden, Famke Janssen, Alan Cumming, Halle Berry, Brian Cox and Kelly Hu. X2: X-Men United was met with decent box office earnings and glowing reviews. The first X-Men was a good start into the series, and returning director Bryan Singer takes it up quite a few notches in his sequel. Effectively delivering one of the best superhero films of our time. X2: X-Men United if not a masterpiece, it's pretty damn close to one. The story takes the main spotlight and it is quite excellent. It is a continuation of the story and themes featured in the first film only this time they are explored much deeper. There are multiple subplots all running at once and all given relatively equal credence to the plot. The first of which is Wolverine's, this is about as close to an origin movie as Wolverine ever should have gotten. In my opinion the details and specifics of Logan's past are better left in mystery as it helps the viewer to connect more to the character as he attempts to unravel the mystery of himself. Another one is the three way friendship between Rogue, Iceman and Pyro. We get to watch as the three of them become close friends but finally are forced to accept their differences and move separate ways. The third subplot is the one that features both Storm and Nightcrawler, as they both develop a friendly relationship (as opposed to a cliche love relationship) and together they learn about fear, anger and faith. Finally, the subplot featuring Jean Grey and Cyclops is a prevalent one as well. This one focuses around the machine that went off in the first film that somehow triggered an evolution in Jean's already mutant body. It managed to break the psychological barriers inside her mind. However this is unknown to her, all she knows is that she's changing and having violent urges within her. She brings these up with her boyfriend Cyclops and she learns who the good person inside of her is. In the end she proves who she really is by sacrificing herself to save her teammates. Finally all of these converge onto the main plot which features Magneto, Stryker and Xavier. Xavier built Cerebro to help him find mutants and protect them, but Stryker plans to use it to kill them all, Magneto plans to do the same thing but to all of humanity. The story and characters are the main reason this film is excellent. But throw in the great action pieces and what you've got is a damn near masterpiece. X2: X-Men United is the second best team up superhero movie behind Watchmen. It is great....

Rating: 9.5/10

The Wolverine
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The Wolverine is a 2013 spinoff superhero film directed by James Mangold and starring Hugh Jackman, Famke Janssen, Tao Okamoto and Rilu Fukushima. The film was met with good earnings at the Box Office and mixed to good reviews for the most part. The Wolverine is my favorite film made by 20th Century Fox and the second best Marvel based comic book movie also it's obviously the best X-Men related movie. I'm sure the shoe-ins for the top spot among most fans are obviously X2: X-Men United and X-Men: First Class. But personally I argue that The Wolverine is their best yet. James Mangold manages to capture the heart and soul of the character in a way Singer, Ratner or Hood never could. Mangold captured the side of Logan that is ever living and deep down inside even wishes he could die. The story is also quite excellent as well, it tells of the time when Wolverine had compassion on his Japanese captor and chose to save his life from an atomic explosion. Years later, that same man is dying and is willing to give Logan his chance at death. Wolverine is forced to undergo much trauma as his powers slowly begin to wane. His abilities grow weaker while his warrior spirit only grows stronger with every passing minute. Wolverine has to re-examine himself and ask does he truly want to keep living his endless life? Or is it time to hang up the claws and join his love in the afterlife? In the end he is the one who learns the falsity of the statement "A life with no end can have no meaning." And he himself learns "It is the only one that can." I've heard some complain about the villain of the film, and also the climax fight. The villain(s) weren't anything special, but they were all three well developed. In the end all three of them served their importance to the plot and the story. Silver Samurai's suit was badass. The action is also nothing to scoff at here, as there is tons of it. The Wolverine is arguably the best pure action CBM Fox has ever made. Think about the fight at the funeral, the battle atop the train, the fight against Shingen, the ninja fight at the bottom of the tower and finally the climax against the mighty Silver Samurai. The Wolverine has a lot to offer any comic book, superhero or even action fan. But to the Wolverine fan, this movie is one of the best. The Wolverine is the best film that Fox has ever produced and is among the best comic book films ever made. The Wolverine is pure excellence...

Rating: 10/10

To close out this article, Fox has proven that they can really screw it up bad when it comes to these characters. They have had at least five (probably six counting the theatrical version of Daredevil) horrible failures at making comic book movies. But they've also proven that when they get the right people behind the wheel, and don't interfere. They can really pull their shit together and deliver some badass movies. As far as looking into the future goes, Days of Future Past is right around the corner. And even though I have my doubts, I still hope for the best. I would never wish ill upon a CBM, because CBMs are my home ground. There will never come a day when I hope for a CBM to fail and no REAL fan of comic book movies would hope for them to either. Apocalypse sounds like its going to be really cool, as far as Trank's Fantastic Four goes I hope for the best even though I personally feel that the F4 would thrive most at a different studio. Thanks for reading, and please express your opinion in the comments but I beg you to be civil!

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Pasto - 3/18/2014, 2:00 PM
You gave Daredevil a 9/10? Lmao, your funeral!
Pasto - 3/18/2014, 2:03 PM
One last thing,

GuardianDevil - 3/18/2014, 2:08 PM
Director's cut bro, theatrical is like a 4 or a 5 if I'm feeling nice.
bazinga85 - 3/18/2014, 2:09 PM
GuardianDevil - 3/18/2014, 2:12 PM
Depends on which version you watch, Extended cut Yukio kills the {frick} outta them with a goddamn snowplow!! Other version well he had to get to Mariko rather than spend all his time killing every last ninja. I like the final sequence except for Viper...
Kurne - 3/18/2014, 2:17 PM
I find The Wolverine overrated in some occasions. I know people who spent more time comparing it to the disasters that IM3 and Thor TDW were, so it was a little easy for people push it out of that zone as one of THE best CBM's. It's not IMO.

I rate it on the level of the first Thor. Good, but not noteworthy in my top CBM lists.
Kurne - 3/18/2014, 2:20 PM
Good list btw.

Can't believe I haven't seen the directors cut of DD yet :/
GuardianDevil - 3/18/2014, 2:22 PM
Yeah, but not ALL of their films are mediocre. Many/most are but like I said when they really pull their shit together and get the right people behind the wheel they can deliver some really epic stuff!! Look at X2 for an example...

Agree on the costume thing.

Continuity issues, hey man shit happens. But I still agree...
Doughdzm - 3/18/2014, 3:39 PM
I never realized how much Fox has ruined things. Man most of those movies were awful. I tell anyone this. If you remove the name off the franchise and have it play without saying Wolverine and call it anything else, Would it still be a good film.. NO. That Wolverine wasnt bad, but it wasnt good either. The FF rise of the Silver Surfer was actually a good movie until the whole Galactus thing took it to the Dogs. The X-men franchise was trash that evolved into garbage. Elektra and Daredevil were glorified B movies,they couldve let a college kid direct those. Wolverine the both of em were overhyped. They do have good parts, but no symmetry to the story. Somewhere the real Logan is rolling over in his grave
LEEE777 - 3/18/2014, 4:11 PM
Yeah FOX sucks ;)

HUMAN TARGET TV show was cool tho ;p

THE WOLVERINE was a lot better than the crappy Borigins one, that's what they should have made in the first place, dumb asses :p

I can see the future and the new FF movie is gonna make the last two Oscar worthy

Make mine MARVEL....

gamecreatorjj - 3/18/2014, 4:42 PM
I agree with you mostly, except The Wolverine, I like it, but not as much as X2 or first Class. And boy does Fox get all out shit. They have made some stinkers, but most comic book movies were stinkers before 2008. No one really had anything to go off of, or a way to model their films, all that existed was Burton and Reeves, and later Raimi. The fact that they could make X-Men and X2 as good as they did was a miracle. If they had the foresight to let Daredevil be released how it was made, then I guarantee we'd already have had a Daredevil 2 by now. 5 for 5 isn't bad, especially when 4 of the 5 good ones, are more than exceptional, but top tier. Which is more than can be said for Marvel, they are on 8 right now, and only 2 have been really good and different, the rest are pretty generic and follow the Ironman 2 formula.

I'd rather get a few diamonds in a pile of turds, than have a big pile of hay, but that's just me.
GuardianDevil - 3/18/2014, 5:11 PM
Hit the nail on the head man...

When Fox and Sony first started out with CBMs, literally all they had to go off of was Burton's Batman (amazing) and Donner's Superman (OK). Sure Blade came out first, but A) no one even knew he was a Marvel comic character and B) he's not exactly the most iconic character.

Bug like you say it's literally a miracle that X-Men, Spider-Man and the REAL Daredevil came out as great as they did. Those films along with Nolan are now the template for the modern superhero flick.

What I find funny is that MS fanboys hate X-Men to death but Feige himself had a hand in all of them. Guess who else played a part in the writing of the original X-Men?? Almighty God himself, Joss Whedon.
Lhornbk - 3/18/2014, 7:58 PM
Ok, don't really care about your rankings. I've liked most of the X-Men movies (I don't give a rat's butt about being "true" to source material, and the comic uniforms would've have looked just as dumb in the movies as the do in the comics, soI liked the black suits). I thought the first Fantastic 4 was ok, and Daredevil was ok. But I have to very strongly disagree with one thing you wrote. You said that Singer's Superman Returns was a "really good movie." That, quite frankly, makes me seriously question your taste in movies. Superman Returns was, at best, merely decent. It doesn't get anywhere near "really good." It has 1-2 good action scenes. Otherwise, it kinda sucked. The plot (Lex creating a new continent, Superman having a son) was even dumber than the "I wanna nuke the San Andreas Fault and drop California into the ocean so I can make money off real estate" plot of the first Superman. Which makes sense, since it was basically a love letter to the Donner films anyway. The best thing I can say about it is that it wasn't as bad as Superman 3 or 4.
Wolf38 - 3/18/2014, 9:32 PM
I haven't got to see The Wolverine Unleashed/Extended yet. I'm looking forward to it.

Daredevil, even the Director's Cut, does not do much for me personally. But that may be more a matter of taste than anything else.

Generally, I agree with these rankings. Basically, I like X1/X2/First Class/The Wolverine among the Fox films.
Wolf38 - 3/18/2014, 9:35 PM
@Lhornbk, I did not mind the lack of action in Superman Returns. I actually think that it was close to being a really good melancholy romance. But the whole Lex Luthor plot/portrayal complex (including, for me, Spacey) just brought it down.

I love what Singer has done with the X-Men, but am pretty meh on Superman Returns. Not horrible, but not great. Missed opportunity, I would say.
nibs - 3/19/2014, 5:28 AM
LOL 9/10 DD?? 10/10 for the wolverine???

Ok, can't say I agree, but good effort!
Vortigar - 3/19/2014, 7:05 AM
Well written explanations for your choices. Tip: break those blocks of text up a little.

Looks a lot like my list, only the top movies wouldn't get ratings that high and I would swap the two FF movies. (Also I haven't seen Wolverine yet. Yes, whoever remembers me saying this before, I'm dead serious when I say I have a lot of patience and don't care about the character, like, at all. I was out of the country when my friends went and saw it and I never really bothered after that.)

I really like Rise of the Silver Surfer, mostly because it showed they were moving toward the right track. Doom gets scarred, which was necessary and he was growing toward the character he should be but still not entirely there. Surfer was perfect. A bucket load of excellent scenes. I don't own the first film on disc but did buy the second one.
Highflyer - 3/19/2014, 11:42 AM
Daredevil Director's cut is one of my favorite ever! It rocked.
CorndogBurglar - 3/19/2014, 1:37 PM
The opening credits scene in XO:W is one of the best scenes I've seen in a movie. Wolverine and Sabretooth fighting through all those different wars was just awesome, and done very well.

Too bad the rest of the movie was absolute garbage.
MuscleManZemo - 3/19/2014, 1:40 PM
My list would look a little different than yours.
10. Elektra (2/10)
The Good: Um,nothing. The Bad: Everything! Right next to Catwoman and Batman & Robin as worst CBM ever.

9. X-Men Origins (4/10)
Admitting I loved this movie when I first saw it 5 years ago, but after watching since getting into comics and pretty much studying CMB, this movie was a travesty. The Good: Hugh Jackman and Liev Schreiber were both amazing with what they had.

8. Fantastic Four (5/10)
The Good: The casting of Mr. Fantastic, Thing, Human Torch were all spot on. The bad: Invisible Woman and Dr. Doom were both terrible casting decisions.

7. X-Men: The Last Stand (5.5/10)
The Good: Beast was absolutely amazing!Also Magneto was fantastic, and I mean he lifted a freaking bridge! The Bad: Killing off both Cyclops and Professor X. Also trying two great X-Men storylines into one movie was a terrible decision. To much was trying to happen plot wise that it became convoluted.

6. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (6/10)
The Good: Silver Surfer looked great and imposed a great threat himself. Also the action in this film was far superior to that of the first F4. The Bad: Again Invisible Woman and Dr. Doom. Also Galactus as a freaking space cloud, wtf?! And that "amazing" dance scene by Mr. Fantastic

5. X-Men (6/10)
The Good: Overall excellent story and it really brought all the X-Men to life. The Bad: Lack of great action truly hurt this movie. Also I will always hate the casting of Halle Berry as Storm.

4. Daredevil (6.5/10)
The Good: Michael Clarke Duncan was a great Kingpin even though I didn't think so at first. I love Colin Farrell as Bullseye. Just wish he woulda got his bloody costume.

3. X2 (8.5/10)
The Good: Um, nearly everything. The story is possibly the best of any CBM, no lie. I also love when the heroes must join forces with villains against a common threat. The Bad: Cyclops is my favorite X-Men and he absolutely gets the shaft in this movie.
2. The Wolverine (9/10)
The Good: I don't consider this an X-Men film, but as a stand-alone Wolverine film. I had always heard about the Wolverine in Japan storyline and had always wondered what it would turn out to be on film. The Bad: The last third of the film really loses the grounded theme that it had established. I didn't like the Silver Samurai as a Transformer with swords either.

1. X-Men First Class (9.5/10)
The Good: My favorite X-Men film by far. It was finally a X-Men film that didn't center around Wolverine, but had a great cameo by him. I love how the X-Men suits looked like. Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy were perfect playing young Ian McKellan and Patrick Stewart. Also Kevin Bacon was a great villain. (I love Kevin Bacon!) The Bad: This movie hurt the already established continuity of the rest of the XMen films.
Mashpataters - 3/19/2014, 1:54 PM
Good list, some of the scores are a bit inflated in my opinion but I agree for the most part.
Here's mine:

X-Men: First Class: 9/10 - Honestly never saw this movie coming, it knocked me on my ass, hands-down best Fox superhero film, and the biggest surprise of the year.

X-2: X-Men United: 8/10 - A sequel that improved on the original, nightcrawler was a stand-out along with the twisted villain Stryker, but I feel this movie still gets a little too much praise, it's great but not THAT great.

The Wolverine: 8/10 - great character study, but nothing revolutionary, I never know what to say to other people about it other than it's fun and if you want a lot of Wolverine, you'll get a lot of Wolverine.

X-Men: 7.5/10: A really good introduction to all of the characters, the story moves along nicely but I didn't care all that much for the finale. Overall a good X-Men film. And if Fox deserves credit for one thing, it's lighting the fuse on all of the comic book movies to come, so at least give 'em that.

Daredevil-Director's Cut: 7/10 - A Really solid and dark take on Daredevil, much better than the Director's Cut (seriously, it feels like a completely different film than the theatrical cut)...BUT...I would have given it an 8.5 if they had cut that damn playground scene, I can't tell you how much that stupid scene drags down the movie.

X-Men: The Last Stand: 5.5/10 - Alright, I really don't think this one is as bad as some say, I think people saw it, thought it was mediocre and from there it snow-balled over time from "meh" then "I didn't like it" and finally to "that movie sucked d*ck". I do maintain that this is a mediocre film though, it really is, the effects were cool for there time and it made some ballsy plot decisions throughout. Some of the ideas were neat, but most of them were block-headed ones. It was a movie that had a lot of cool ideas but didn't really deliver on any of them fully. kinda like a little trilogy-capper that involved a certain arachnid hero.

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer: 4.5/10. When I saw this film I couldn't believe that the dialogue was even worse than the first one, except for Johnny Storm, for some reason Chris Evans always gets a pass in my book. So I went along thinking: well if I can get through the talky parts at least there will be a cool action sequence. That's the one thing this movie had on-point that I could say was an improvement over the first one, and the look of the Silver Surfer was spot-on, he was pretty damn cool. Also Dr. Doom was a smidgen better than he was in the first, although they were totally ripping of Darth Sidious. Then we get to the finale, the action took a turn and became extremely ridiculous, the cg was obvious and the horrible dialogue was still going full-throttle and the movie ended as a literal and figurative pile of rubble.

Fantastic Four: 4/10 - On a drunken night I might enjoy this, but there are very few good qualities about this film. I honestly don't want to talk about it because the paragraph would be too long. The action was alright, I guess, but it really has not aged well (I saw part of this film recently, don't know why and it does not look good at all anymore). I guess the one positive thing is the pacing, it's never dull exactly, it just simply exists and if you don't have any connection to the comics you might not be heartbroken by it.

Elektra: 2/10 - Yeah, well, at least Jennifer Garner's pretty easy on the eyes. Other than that I don't remember anything about this movie other than it being horrible but not in the way that stands out like Catwoman, which was just laughably bad. This one's just dull and in some ways that's worse.
WakeOfMagellen - 3/19/2014, 2:50 PM
The ONLY movie listed here for me that leave a good taste in my mouth was X-Men First Class ;-)
The acting was better, there was a sense of STYLE that actually FIT with the movie also :-)
The others? Meh :-/

darkraven - 3/19/2014, 2:52 PM
Great article, I I think you ratings a pretty accurate. Like you, I love comic books and their movies and I don't truly feel that any CBM is that shit that it wasn't worth the attempt. I loved daredevil (please don't kill me but I enjoyed both versions). I say this because when I saw it at the pictures it felt in some way what a Batman movie should have been. It was dark less comedic, and had good tension. Mind you this was released before Batman Begins.
siggisuperman - 3/19/2014, 2:59 PM
I thought first class was way overrated. Fassbender is great in it, but I think all the other mutants in the movie are badly portrayed. I Mean beast has nothing weird about him except for his strange feet which he can cover up with shoes and Mystique can look like anyone, but still they keep whining about looking different. Havok is pretty lame, That chick that flies and spits acid or something was terrible, poor Darwin got killed off right away, probably because he is black, and don't get me started on the bad guys. Kevin Bacon did a good job but besides him and fassbender I thought that movie was a mess.
siggisuperman - 3/19/2014, 3:00 PM
Love Daredevil the directors cut though and X men 2
spectre88 - 3/19/2014, 3:10 PM
Don't just look at the pretty pictures, read the article. "Daredevil: Directors Cut"
Bloodraven - 3/19/2014, 4:15 PM
X-Men: First Class is my favourite Marvel movie. If you have a problem with that, tough!
MightyZeus - 3/19/2014, 6:36 PM
I remember when X-men was so huge until the MCU came along and then The Avengers.

I did enjoy X2. I liked Daredevil the directors cut. I really enjoyed First Class and The Wolverine was good.
Pheezmatic - 3/19/2014, 7:17 PM
Sorry but over time I now can't place any Fox movie over a 7.5...and the only ones that reached that level were First Class and X2...The wolverine gets a 7..maybe...and 6.5's go out to X-Men and Daredevil and the rest of the fox movies fall somewhere lower on the line..

...Gotta say, in the early 00's I loved these movies because they were characters i loved on screen... Wolverine could have had orate hair and 12 feet tall and I would have felt some sort of love for these movies...but since them, Sony with SM franchise, WB with Nolan trilogy, and MCU have blown these movies out of the water quality wise.

...I respect the attempt these years later...I just don't respect that they haven't at least shown us the respect to try harder and give it a fresh go with the X-Men franchise at least...i also feel like they have no choice but to try again with Fan Four but they have always been way over their head with that franchise and they know it but they are trying to pass something off as good enough..again lack of respect.

it disgusts me...
BenjiWest - 3/20/2014, 2:25 AM
Daredevil Directors cut? Did the cut remove the scenes of young Matt Murdock and the playground fight? Does it fix the awful CGI?
nibs - 3/20/2014, 5:21 AM
Thank you! the playground fight is probably the corniest scene out of any CBM to date, including the supermans and all the 90s garbage. I'd give DD 3/10 and Elektra 4/10. Elektra was bad but it wasn't near as corny as DD.
also, the wolverine [frick]ing sucked.
RobGrizzly - 3/20/2014, 9:24 AM
I like this! I appreciate your stance on Fantastic Four, because I also don't think its that bad. (I don't think Rise of the Silver Surfer is bad either, but I can't argue with the faults) And high five for Daredevil!

Mine would go:

1. X2
2. X1
3. Daredevil
4. The Wolverine
5. X-Men First Class

mawilli4 - 3/21/2014, 11:35 PM
I agree with you.
DD: Director's Cut is fantastic. I don't give a [frick] what people say. and to those asking what it changes, it gets rid of a lot the corny romance. and they also added a whole murder subplot that show Matt Murdoch as a lawyer.
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