Patrick Stewart Says STAR TREK: NEMESIS Co-Star Tom Hardy "Wouldn't Engage With Any Of Us On A Social Level"

Patrick Stewart Says STAR TREK: NEMESIS Co-Star Tom Hardy "Wouldn't Engage With Any Of Us On A Social Level"

In his new memoir, Sir Patrick Stewart looks back on filming one of the less well-received Star Trek movies, and working with his "odd, solitary" co-star, Tom Hardy...

By MarkCassidy - Oct 04, 2023 07:10 AM EST
Filed Under: Star Trek
Source: Via SFF Gazette

Star Trek: Nemesis was released in 2002, and was the last big-screen Trek adventure to feature The Next Generation crew. The movie focused on Captain Jean Luc Picard's encounter with his evil clone, who was initially created by the Romulans for the purpose of replacing the legendary officer with an agent to infiltrate Starfleet.

The movie was not very well-received by fans, and ended up being a critical and commercial failure, but it is notable for being one of the first feature outings for Tom Hardy as Picard's clone, Shinzon.

In his new memoir, “Making It So,” Sir Patrick Stewart shares his blunt thoughts on Nemesis (which he was clearly not overly fond of), as well as his "odd" co-star.

“Nemesis, which came out in 2002, was particularly weak,” Stewart writes. “I didn’t have a single exciting scene to play, and the actor who portrayed the movie’s villain, Shinzon, was an odd, solitary young man from London. His name was Tom Hardy.”

“Tom wouldn’t engage with any of us on a social level,” he added. “Never said, ‘Good morning,’ never said, ‘Goodnight,’ and spent the hours he wasn’t needed on set in his trailer with his girlfriend. He was by no means hostile — it was just challenging to establish any rapport with him.”

“On the evening Tom wrapped his role, he characteristically left without ceremony or niceties, simply walking out of the door,” Stewart continued. “As it closed, I said quietly to Brent [Spiner] and Jonathan [Frakes], ‘And there goes someone I think we shall never hear of again.’ It gives me nothing but pleasure that Tom has proven me so wrong.”

Hardy, of course, went on to become a household name with lead roles in the likes of Bronson, The Dark Knight Rises, and Mad Max: Fury Road, but the actor has spoken in the past about feeling enormous pressure while filming Nemesis, which he had hoped would turn out to be his big break.

When the movie tanked, he sank into depression, turning to drugs and alcohol to cope. Taking his part so seriously and putting himself under such strain could certainly explain why Hardy came across somewhat aloof while shooting Nemesis, but that's just one theory.

It'll be interesting to see if Hardy has any response

"Capt. Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) diverts the starship Enterprise from its scheduled trip to Cmdr. Riker (Jonathan Frakes) and Counselor Troi's (Marina Sirtis) wedding to negotiate a peace treaty with the Romulans. Picard is shocked when Shinzon (Tom Hardy), the new Praetor of the Romulans, admits to being a clone of him. When the crew members discover a break-in on their computer, they are forced into a life-or-death battle to stop Shinzon's Warbird before it can destroy the Earth."

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Origame - 10/4/2023, 7:13 AM
Huh. Weird. Maybe just nervous to be working with legends like Patrick Stewart?

We see in later roles he gets along well with his costars. Even developing a friendship with Tom Holland.
Blergh - 10/4/2023, 7:26 AM
Honestly takes some gut to write this retroactively and admit that he glad that Tom proved him wrong.
It's an interesting piece of a perhaps larger period in Hardy's early career.
bkmeijer1 - 10/4/2023, 8:15 AM
@Blergh - yeah, I agree. Good on Stewart for admitting to it
st1s - 10/4/2023, 7:34 AM
Method Acting? Be miserable all the time?
Godzilla2000Zer - 10/4/2023, 7:36 AM
Yeah kinda sounds like the me that Tom Hardy was kinda nervous and shy around the set at the time.
Feralwookiee - 10/4/2023, 7:59 AM
Hardy has been arrested many times for drugs, automobile theft, fire arms violations, etc.
While he is now apparently sober, there are many fellow actors and people in the industry who claim he is very abrasive, selfish, and difficult to get along with on sets.

I think he's a very good actor, but similar to Christian Bale, among many others, as a person, he seems like someone that would be extremely hard to deal with on a daily basis.

Of course Hollywood is full of prima donnas, but there has to be a limit to the amount of bullshit that people are willing to tolerate to get their jobs done.
bobevanz - 10/4/2023, 11:37 AM
@Feralwookiee - I'm sure you're a [frick]ing normie saint, stop clutching your pearls
Feralwookiee - 10/4/2023, 1:53 PM
@bobevanz - No. I'm not much of a people person, but when I'm at work I have to tolerate others and I'm polite enough.

You pay me MILLIONS of dollars to play pretend and I sure as shit could pretend to be social on the set! 🤣
MarkCassidy - 10/4/2023, 8:23 AM
Hardy is, by all accounts, a very nice guy (generous, loves animals, etc) who doesn't always play very well with others. You'll notice Stewart made a point of noting that he was never hostile. Maybe he just disappears into his roles a bit. Also, yes, he was dealing with some serious issues early in his career.
ManDeth - 10/4/2023, 8:24 AM
They were so butthurt that Hardy didn't want to mingle with the Star Trek TNG gang.
Asterisk - 10/4/2023, 12:56 PM
@ManDeth - I mean, wouldn’t you want to?
elgaz - 10/4/2023, 8:25 AM
Not hugely surprised by this. Hardy seems to have mellowed in recent years and there's plenty of pics of him smiling with fans in the street and so on, but earlier on in his career (maybe when he was feeling the pressure more) there were plenty of tales of him being a tad difficult to work with and generally being a bit prickly.

It probably didn't help also that the Next Gen cast have a famously close relationship and are all long-time friends with each other in real life also, meeting up for dinners and so on - so maybe they had an expectation that he would join in, in some shape or form.

Amuro - 10/4/2023, 8:32 AM
Having seen the movie, maybe Tom Hardy was method-acting at the time and deliberately avoiding his co-stars so the feeling of isolation of his character and the alienation between them and him would feel more authentic on screen.

That being said, he should have at least tried to connect socially a little with them at the end of the production, grab a few beers, something like that.
Reeds2Much - 10/4/2023, 8:51 AM
Guess he resisted assimilating.
JacobKarr - 10/4/2023, 10:21 AM
@Reeds2Much - I actually logged in to like this. Well done 👏👏👏👏👏
SauronthePower - 10/4/2023, 10:14 PM
@JacobKarr - I as well. Phenomenally well played, Good Sir!
BobGarlen - 10/4/2023, 9:15 AM
Honestly, in a lot of ways it's better than being a Diva, demanding attention and making it all about them. I'd like to see Tom and Sir Pat work together these days and see how it goes now. I like Nemesis, but it certainly isn't the best.
BillyBatson1000 - 10/4/2023, 9:19 AM
The thing is - I actually enjoyed this movie.

And good on Patrick Stewart for being so honest.
SauronthePower - 10/4/2023, 10:15 PM
@BillyBatson1000 - killing Data, even if only to placate Spiner, was a mistake of colossally HUGE proportions
BillyBatson1000 - 10/5/2023, 10:27 AM
@SauronthePower - True - can't argue - that stank. Left the finale down-beat and loose-ended. But Trek being Trek, a franchise that had already killed off a classic era character; Spock (and brought him back), I always expected Data's return. Or some ersatz rebooted version of him via 'B4'. At least he "Picard" series managed some closure on that. But it was a hole that didn't need to exist.
SauronthePower - 10/13/2023, 2:44 AM
@BillyBatson1000 - absolutely agree
Urubrodi - 10/4/2023, 9:27 AM
Guy is clearly just introverted and likes his privacy. What's wrong with that? He was there to do a job not to make friends.
theBlackSquare - 10/4/2023, 9:58 AM
@Urubrodi - Definitely sounds like an introverted and shy dude who probably internalised a shitload of what he was feeling. That said, doing a job and making friends needn't be mutually exclusive.
Origame - 10/4/2023, 11:14 AM
@Urubrodi - ...I mean, Stewart us being very respectful about the situation. He makes it clear he wasn't hostile, and admits to being glad he was wrong about that comment about never hearing about him again.
Urubrodi - 10/5/2023, 6:02 AM
@Origame - Yeah, he wasn't disrespectful I agree on that, but at the same time why is this even a topic for discussion though, weird thing to bring up to light. He wasn't being asked about it, it was for a memoir. Won't be surprised if later someone goes up to Hardy to get his "thoughts" on a thing that shouldn't be anyone's concern.
Urubrodi - 10/5/2023, 6:03 AM
@theBlackSquare - I mean yeah, if he wanted to make friends nothing wrong with that, but if he wasn't interested then that's nobody's problem.
Origame - 10/5/2023, 6:33 AM
@Urubrodi - I mean, it's a memoir. Anyone reading a memoir about Patrick Stewart is gonna want to read about star trek stuff. And this is an interesting story about star trek. Nothing much deeper than that.

And don't give me any of that "leave introverts alone" nonsense. I'm an introvert. And I don't choose jobs that has my work shown for millions of people around the world. You do weird things in a public space, expect people to talk about it.
JacobKarr - 10/4/2023, 10:24 AM
The film itself is bad. That said, Stewart and Hardy are a delight to watch play off each other as adversaries and I'll occasionally look up the scenes with them together to watch these two powerhouse thespians. Both legends in thier own right and good on P Stew for admitting he was wrong. Would love to see them work together again
Matador - 10/4/2023, 10:32 AM
I enjoyed Star Trek: Nemesis thought it was fun movie but then again I'm not a huge Star Trek fan.
dragon316 - 10/4/2023, 10:58 AM
2002 we hear this now
KaioKen - 10/4/2023, 11:38 AM
@dragon316 - “In his new memoir, “Making It So,”

Do you want him to go back in time and write is memoir earlier? It’s not like this is a scandal, he’s just writing about his experiences on a movie
bobevanz - 10/4/2023, 11:37 AM
Maybe he was full on mehod actor, or he knew it was the worst ST movie ever and it almost killed the franchise, until the non Star Trek fan Jar Jar Abrams decided to revive the corpse, which lasted one good movie... then Khan... AHHH. But it was redeemed with ST Beyond
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