STAR TREK: DISCOVERY Star Sonequa Martin-Green Weighs In On Frequent Fan Complaints About The Series

STAR TREK: DISCOVERY Star Sonequa Martin-Green Weighs In On Frequent Fan Complaints About The Series

Star Trek: Discovery star Sonequa Martin-Green has shared her thoughts on the criticisms often aimed at the Paramount+ series, revealing why she thinks it's okay for fans to weigh in...

By JoshWilding - Jul 15, 2022 11:07 PM EST
Filed Under: Star Trek
Source: Radio Times (via

From the start, Star Trek: Discovery has been somewhat divisive among fans, and not always for the right reasons. The show's progressive approach to the franchise has, unfortunately, resulted in racist abuse aimed at the cast, with many taking issue with the fact that the series features a number of diverse leads. 

Discovery has still been a hit and was recently renewed by Paramount+ for a fifth season. It's also played a huge role in the Star Trek franchise's television expansion, with Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (a spinoff series) renewed for a second season back in January. Throw in Star Trek: Picard and Star Trek: Lower Decks, and it's an exciting time to be a fan of this sci-fi property.

Going back to this show, though, and it definitely has some issues. A formulaic approach to storytelling is among them, and with Trekkers every bit as picky as Star Wars fans, it was always going to be tricky to make everyone happy - particularly when it comes to the portrayal of certain characters and locations. 

Now, The Walking Dead alum Sonequa Martin-Green has shared her response to those criticisms. 

"The fanbase for the franchise as a whole and the fanbase for Discovery in particular is a highly intellectual, loyal crowd," she tells Radio Times. "These are very intelligent people who have such a depth of passion and heart and loyalty to the franchise, so they have an ownership; they’ve carried it with them for years and it's meant a lot to them. So, because of that, their voices deserve to be heard and we appreciate their voices, even if they are in disagreement with us."

"Even if they're criticizing, it's like, 'I get where you’re coming from though -- it's because this means a lot to you.' It’s hard to be different with something like this. It was hard for us to be different, but I think we’ve really found ourselves and I think our fanbase has really found their relationship with us as well at this point," Martin-Green continues. "And there are many people who are like, 'but I love the changes.'"

"There's so many different perspectives and isn't that the whole point? That's the whole part of diversity and inclusion, everybody's got to be represented. I get it. I hear you. But maybe you'll change your mind. And if not, then you're allowed - it's all good."

There's a lot to love about Star Trek: Discovery and it will be interesting to see how the show continues to develop. To dismiss it as not being "real Star Trek" doesn't make much sense, and there is now enough content that fans can surely find something to enjoy. Plus, with no real movement on the big screen, it's hard to not be grateful for the impact the franchise is having on television. 

Let us know your take on Star Trek: Discovery in the comments section!

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dagenspear - 7/15/2022, 11:02 PM
I think that was a fairly neutral response.
dracula - 7/15/2022, 11:10 PM
Don't like the direction her show took the franchise in but

finally an actor from a controversial entry in a well loved franchise, whoa actually acknowledges that its not fans job to give them a pat on the head and a gold star and doesn't take every type of criticism up the ass.
IronGenesis - 7/16/2022, 12:19 AM
Strange New Worlds is phenomenal and Anson Mount has become my favorite Captain.
MrDandy - 7/16/2022, 1:48 AM
@IronGenesis - The show took what people loved about the TOS and Next Generation and married it to some of the best of what worked in Kelvin. A true modern Star Trek to appeal to both fans.
Blahsketcase94 - 7/16/2022, 2:34 AM
@IronGenesis - This is why I truly dislike RLM. They jump at every given opportunity to shit on stuff they know their circlejerking fanbase will agree with but when it's something that's genuinely good, new and popular; they won't talk about it at all.
Kyos - 7/16/2022, 4:06 AM
@IronGenesis - I really wish SNW was something different from what it is. Based on what I've seen it looks like the modern Star Trek show I've been waiting for, but I can't bring myself to watch yet another prequel, now with the third Spock and the third Uhura. Why couldn't they make a show like this, but in the "present", and with an original crew?
vegetaray - 7/16/2022, 4:59 AM
@Kyos - Exact same way I felt……..Until I watched a couple episodes

SNW is absolutely the best Star Trek anything since TNG…Absolutely Star Trek at it’s best…
Dredd97 - 7/16/2022, 12:23 PM
@Blahsketcase94 - idk, they're far more neutral on some of this stuff than their fan base is lol
CassianAndor - 7/16/2022, 12:23 PM
@Blahsketcase94 - It’s kinda hard to fault them not wanting to jump straight into another Trek show after how much they hated Picard. Give it some time though, I’m sure they’ll get around to it.
TheSuperMex - 7/16/2022, 12:21 AM
The only thing of Star Trek I’ve watched is the Kelvin films so can’t really judge the quality of the shows, but I do know the shows have always been progressive. Weird that fans would bitch about that aspect of the series, then again trolls will claim to be fans to just spread hate. Same way a guy on Twitter bitched about Rage Against the Machine becoming political when they always have been. A true fan would know.
Reginator - 7/16/2022, 12:36 AM
I had watched ST from the original series through Enterprise. I really don’t care for the jj abrams reboot after seeing the first movie. I’ve got no interest in watching any series that continues that timeline, but really don’t care if they exist and other people do watch it. Its just a tv show, is that really something worth getting pissed off about?
CassianAndor - 7/16/2022, 12:28 PM
@Reginator - The new Trek shows actually don’t take place in the new Kelvin timeline from the movies, they’re all in the original Prime timeline. Yes, I know, it doesn’t make any sense.
SpaceParanoids - 7/16/2022, 12:47 AM
So she didn’t address that the writing was trash.
- The characters were unlikable
- She’s a bad actress
- Michael Burnham (her character) is always miserable
- her character is also made out to be the resolution to list every problem
- They screw up the Star Trek timeline because this show is supposed to take place in the TOS timeline not Kelvin.
- The technology is far too advanced for the TOS timeline.
- Spock never had an adopted sister and the plot contrivance they use to never mention her was dumb as hell.
- the rest of the cast swore just for the sake of swearing and were not at all like the Roddenberry vision,
- They went out of their way to obviously force diversity to the point of pandering ….which sadly is the norm now.

It was just a terrible show and could have been much better,
IAmIronGland - 7/16/2022, 1:04 AM
@SpaceParanoids - I have problems with the show that you touch upon but I still like it more than I don't. Still like it better than Enterprise. That being said, I truly believe if Roddenberry was alive today, this would be the type of crew he would cast. People forget he was pretty damn "woke" for his time. Even the first 2 seasons of TNG he was more involved in show these tendencies.
NGFB - 7/16/2022, 2:01 AM
@SpaceParanoids - Agreed. Discovery is a pile of hot garbage for many reasons. Strange New Worlds is so much better.
DarthAbraxas - 7/16/2022, 5:12 AM
@SpaceParanoids - couldn't agree with you more on all those points... always felt like they forced the diversity rather than just being diverse like the original shows.

The story lines are terrible. And I just don't get the need to swear all the time
SpaceParanoids - 7/16/2022, 7:07 AM
@IAmIronGland - Enterprise had potential but they went about it the wrong way. It should have been more grounded. “Enterprise” should have had a double meaning and referred not only on the first ship but the actual enterprise that they were undertaking starting the program.
It should have shown more of the beuracracy and politics of the time getting the program started and the earth people’s problems with the Vulcans and their involvement.
They turned it into just another Star Trek too quickly.
That being said I enjoyed Enterprise far more than the garbage dump Discovery,
But you know it’s bad when the only way you can praise Doscovery is to compare it to perhaps the worst of the Star Trek series.

Roddenberry was not “woke”. Woke is forcing diversity with little to no context and also consciously ensuring that straight white males are either represented as bumbling fools, inept or evil.
Every straight white male on Discovery has either been a bad guy or useless. The funny thing is that is season 2 Jason Isaacs was perhaps the best character even though he was the bad guy.
Roddenberry was inclusive but with purpose not to simply check a box to the detriment of others. Clearly not what woke is today,
SpaceParanoids - 7/16/2022, 7:08 AM
@NGFB - I’ve been reluctant to watch that show after the embarrassment that was Picard and the Discovery mess.
TheSuperMex - 7/16/2022, 8:47 AM
@SpaceParanoids - lol explain your last point further. Star Trek has always been about about diversity and progress. Is there an amount of minorities you only want to see on screen? For people who say “you always makes it about race” always make it about race. No wonder why conservatives politicians you voted for voted against a bill that would remove Nazis and white supremacists from the military and police. I bet you defend them with “different think”
SpaceParanoids - 7/16/2022, 10:12 AM
@TheSuperMex - Oh look, The overt racist on this site has dropped his buzz words “Conservative”, “Nazi”, I’m waiting for you to call me an “incel”.

Why are you always so angry? Is your life that unfulfilling?
IAmIronGland - 7/16/2022, 12:16 PM
@SpaceParanoids - We are looking at this from a 2022 perspective. When I say "woke for his time", I do feel he was that equivalent for back then. When he tried to make a woman second in command on the original pilot he got laughed out of the room. The show had the first interracial kiss on tv. That was very progressive, if you don't want to use the (now) politically charged term "woke". So I stick by my original statement there. I agree with some of your points and disagree with others. Live and let live. You think it's terrible and I think it's adequate. Regardless, the show is going into season 5, so hopefully it has created new fans who are now watching the older and better shows.
TheSuperMex - 7/16/2022, 1:04 PM
@SpaceParanoids - lol the dude who complained about to many minorities wants to call others racist. How many minorities can you accept on screen? Did I call you nazi? I said the people you voted for block the bill that would keep them out. It’s makes sense with voters like you who go on rampages when you don’t get what you want. Star Trek has always been woke. Fake fan.
TheSuperMex - 7/16/2022, 1:04 PM
@SpaceParanoids - interesting that you didn’t further explain your last point. It’s because I’m right.
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