STAR TREK: STARFLEET ACADEMY To Begin Filming In Late Summer With Possible 2026 Premiere Date

STAR TREK: STARFLEET ACADEMY To Begin Filming In Late Summer With Possible 2026 Premiere Date

Star Trek: Starfleet Academy executive producer Alex Kurtzman has provided a timeline for when filming on the series may begin along with a potential date for when it will air.

By MattIsForReal - Mar 13, 2024 09:03 PM EST
Filed Under: Star Trek

It may be a while before we are introduced to the new group of cadets in Star Trek: Starfleet Academy. The all-new original series, which was announced by Paramount+ nearly one year ago, may not air until 2026, according to executive producer Alex Kurtzman.

Speaking to Collider at SXSW, Kurtzman revealed that the series won't begin shooting until late summer. With six months of shooting, and then another six to eight months of post-production, Kurtzman figures the series won't premiere until 2026.

"It could end up not airing until 2026. We don’t know. But by starting [shooting in late summer], just building the sets alone is a massive endeavor, then six months of shooting, then six to eight months of post. If you recall, there was all this noise around Season 1 and Season 2 of Discovery because the streaming service, they were like, 'Oh, it’s like a turnaround on a cop show.' I’m like, 'No, you don’t understand. It’s eight months of visual effects turnaround, and we’re not gonna rush that.' So, it’ll come out, but it’ll come out when it’s done."

Star Trek: Starfleet Academy will introduce a new generation of Starfleet officers in training as it follows a group of young cadets through the rigors of the Academy as they "come together to pursue a common dream of hope and optimism."

"Under the watchful and demanding eyes of their instructors, they will discover what it takes to become Starfleet officers as they navigate blossoming friendships, explosive rivalries, first loves and a new enemy that threatens both the Academy and the Federation itself," the synopsis teases.

While specific casting and plot details remain under wraps, we can expect to see a diverse group of characters.

"There's a lot of different kids from a lot of different places. Some of them want to be there, some of them don’t want to be there. It’s gonna be a fundamental reinforcement of all the things we love about Starfleet, in general," Kurtzman added.

In some ways, it sounds like the new series will touch on subjects that today's generation of teens and young adults can relate to.

Kurtzman elaborated: "You always want to ask yourself, 'Why this show now?' I think that one of the big things that certainly my 17-year-old son is facing, which is kind of a fundamental 'Star Trek' question, is, 'How did we get here? How has this generation inherited the mistakes from previous generations? And what are we gonna do to fix it, to build that optimistic future that is Roddenberry’s essential vision?' That is very much going to be at the heart of Starfleet Academy."

While Star trek: Starfleet Academy represents an opportunity to expand the franchise to a new audience of older teens and young adults — a demographic that Star Trek isn't typically directed at — Kurtzman was sure to point out that this will also be a series for original, longtime fans.

"You have to make sure that you are also pleasing people who have been around and are die-hard 'TOS' fans, die-hard ' Next Gen' fans, whatever iteration of 'Trek' is yours. You cannot alienate those people. You actually also have to invite them to the tent. So the challenge is how do you do that while also bringing 'Trek' to a new generation of fans that have no experience with those shows, has never watched those shows? So you need to make a show that you can drop into if you don’t know anything about 'Star Trek,' but also a show that you can get a tremendous amount out of if you have all of that canonical history."

The first season of Star Trek: Starfleet Academy will consist of ten episodes. Given that filming won't begin until late summer, it will probably be some time before we learn of any specific details.

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MuadDib - 3/13/2024, 9:42 PM
I’m both a SW’s fan and a Trekkie, so I’m down.

Hate that all this new content is behind the streaming pay wall.

I get 2 month trials off Amazon Prime every so often for other streaming networks, binge and then unsub.
OriginalGusto1 - 3/13/2024, 9:49 PM
@MuadDib - I steal cigarrette butts from the gas station! Save that skrilla!
marvel72 - 3/13/2024, 9:59 PM
I don't trust them to get Star Trek right,Discovery and Picard were bad.
vectorsigma - 3/13/2024, 11:53 PM
@marvel72 - the last season of Picard was great. And SNW too
McMurdo - 3/14/2024, 1:55 AM
@marvel72 - picsrd season 3 was great. Literally everything else has been bad though. S3 essentially had a brand new team in control of the writing so it stands far apart from the pack.
McMurdo - 3/14/2024, 1:55 AM
@marvel72 - because of Terry Matalas essentially
Sabre81 - 3/14/2024, 2:10 AM
@vectorsigma - Really enjoying Strange New Worlds and certainly last season of Picard was great. I think I got a few episodes into Discovery season 3 and gave up there as I just didn't connect with story or the characters. And that animated one Lower Decks? Didn't get past episode 3! Wasn't for me.
The1st - 3/14/2024, 6:38 PM
@marvel72 - Discovery I'm indifferent on. It's not bad, I could see what they were going for, but the execution wasn't always the problem for me. I think it was the same thing w/the sequel trilogy. Fans didn't get what they were expecting, some anyway, and the show suffered for it. Picard was funny just to see them apply STO physics to the Enterprise D. I was nostalgia served at an endless buffet, and too much of anything isn't good.
BillyBatson1000 - 3/13/2024, 10:01 PM
Want to be positive ..

But imagining 10 x Harry Kim's, Wesley Crusher's in a room - out-nerding each other with technobabble.
dracula - 3/13/2024, 10:05 PM
Get new people to run things
bobevanz - 3/13/2024, 10:10 PM
Hell no, Kurtzman is a clown and this showrunner doesn't negate the feelings I have. Terry Matalas should be in charge of everything, picard season three was the best trek in decades and it was because of him. [frick] Kurtzman
OriginalGusto1 - 3/13/2024, 10:14 PM
@bobevanz - are you nuts? the last 4 seasons of The Walking Dead were hypnotic, enthralling...
OriginalGusto1 - 3/13/2024, 10:14 PM
I'm kidding, they chugged balls.
GeneralZod - 3/13/2024, 10:14 PM
As long as Paramount executives continue to remain beholden to the political commissars that they installed in 2020/2021 to control and regulate all new content with Communist Party-style content rules ... Star Trek will continue to suck. And for those who are in denial:
OriginalGusto1 - 3/13/2024, 10:16 PM
@GeneralZod - I identify as [frick]ing awesome.
OriginalGusto1 - 3/13/2024, 10:16 PM
slightly impaired.
HashTagSwagg - 3/13/2024, 10:39 PM
If Kurtzman is involved then it's not Star Trek.
TiberiousOmega - 3/13/2024, 11:09 PM
I wonder what century this will take place in? I hope it’s post Picard, which I believe is the early 25th century.
McMurdo - 3/14/2024, 1:56 AM
@TiberiousOmega - probably post Picard
WarMonkey - 3/14/2024, 7:03 AM
I hate Kurtzman and Paramount. I'll never sub to their service for the crap they have done to ST, and I'll take every opportunity I can to persuade others to not do so to. Picard season 3 really showed just how terrible Kurtzman and his team are.

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