EDITORIAL: Five things that needs to be changed in the Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel

EDITORIAL: Five things that needs to be changed in the Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel

Is Spider-Man: Homecoming a great movie? Yes. Is it a great Spider-Man movie? Sadly, no. This is a list of things that should be changed in the sequels to truly capture the essence of the web slinger.

Editorial Opinion
By ChrisRed - Jan 20, 2018 12:01 PM EST
Filed Under: Homecoming

Every Spider-Man fan loves the character for different reasons. Some think the Raimi or Webb version was perfect, others like the animated versions or other adaptions. Last year's Spider-Man: Homecoming was the Spider-Man movie that many people had been waiting and hoping for, ever since the beginning of the MCU. It was praised by both fans and critics alike but for me it wasn't perfect. It's just not ‘my Spider-Man’. I do like the movie but some things keeps me (and I am probably not the only one) from loving it.
Here are my list of ways to improve Spider-Man in future sequels.

Note: This is just my opinion so feel free to comment and let me know what you would do if anything to make the web slinger better in future movies.

  1. Spider-Man as a character

There's no denying that Tom Holland is a great Spider-Man and Peter Parker but the way the character is written is sometimes a bit off.

Peter’s fascination with Tony Stark and constant need to prove himself fills up way to much of the movie. Iron Man is his great role model while Uncle Ben isn't even mentioned but only alluded to once. I don't think Tony should be that important to Peter. In my opinion, Spider-Man always worked best as a solo act guided by the wisdom of Uncle Ben and other important figures in his life. It makes sense that Iron Man has a role in Homecoming after Civil War but it's just too much.

The fact that Tony gives Spidey a high-tech suit takes much away from Peter’s genius. It turns him into a kid playing with father's toys – toys he doesn't understand or know how to handle. To me Spidey was never a high-tech hero but instead relied on his own skills, knowledge and imagination. That's why I loved the Spider-Man we got at end of the movie – just a guy with his homemade costume and web shooters. In my opinion that was the only time in the movie where Spidey really gets to shine.

Also as much as I like Jennifer Connelly the ‘Karen’ AI has got to go. It provides a few laughs but in the end, Peter shouldn't need or depend on an AI sidekick.
In conclusion, I think that Spidey needs to step out of Iron Man's shadow and become a hero in his own right.
  1. Supporting characters

The biggest issue I had with Homecoming were the supporting cast.

Iron Man characters:

I’ve already written about Tony so let's continue there. Happy Hogan needs to go away. He is essentially Peter’s incompetent and clueless babysitter and just plain annoying at times. I have nothing against Jon Faveau but the character doesn't belong in a Spider-Man film. It was nice that Pepper made and cameo appearance after so long but in the future the Spidey movies should focus on Spider-Man characters.

Aunt May:
I like Marisa Tomei’s aunt May. It does annoy of that Peter constantly calls her ‘May’ and not ‘aunt May’ but that's a minor issue. She's younger, more hip and drives a Volvo. It's different than previous incarnations but it works. I would like to know what she does for a living though. Also I can't wait to find out how she reacts to Peter being Spider-Man. Maybe it'll get a mention in ‘Infinity War’.

Peter’s friends and classmates:
First let me get this off my chest – I hate what they did to Flash Thompson in Homecoming. He’s annoying, stupid and shouts penis-jokes. This version of Flash has no reason to “bully” Peter at all unless it's out of jealousy. He (or his family) seems to have money but other than that, Peter is his superior in every way – he is smarter, well liked and a nice person. Before somebody yells ‘racist’ I’d like to point out that it has nothing to with the character not being Caucasian. I don't mind that they change a character’s ethnicity as long as they keep the core traits of the character but in Flash’s case everything was different and it just didn't work. I don't know how Flash could be fixed as he is a bit beyond repair. Like with Happy it has nothing to do with the actor’s talent though I do think that Flash was miscast.

As for Ned it puzzles me why he’s even called Ned at all. Clearly, he is based on Ganke Lee a friend of Miles Morales in Ultimate Spider-Man so why not just keep that name? Ned in the movie is also annoying and not really a very good friend to Peter. He would rather tell people about Peter being Spidey than keep his secret and have Peter dress up as Spidey for a party just to make them look cool. Later he wants to be Spidey’s guy-in-the-chair and that's another thing web slinger doesn't need. It's fine to have help from time to time but the Spider-Man doesn't need his own (more trying) version of Oracle or Felicity Smoke. Hopefully in the sequel Ned will have grown up and realized that he has a responsibility to his friend and act a bit more mature.

Why did Betty Brant appear as a Gwen Stacy look-alike? That is just weird. I like that she’s a school news anchor but why not keep the classic brunette look?


Liz is out which means that Peter needs a new love-interest. There are heavy rumors that Gwen will appear in the next movie. Another popular theory is that Michelle will become Peter’s new main squeeze. Given how much Michelle was teased in both the promotional material and the movie itself, she must be up for a larger role in the future. Many people (including myself) didn’t like the “my friends call me MJ” line and for good reason. Calling her “MJ” makes it difficult for the actual Mary Jane to show up at some point. If Michelle continues to feature in the movies hopefully, the MJ-thing will never be mentioned again. If she’s supposed to be the MCU version of Mary Jane then why change her name to Michelle in the first place?
Whatever the case it seems likely that she’ll be used as an ugly-duckling type of character that’ll get a makeover and take Peter’s breath away at some point.
Creating a new love-interest for the movies is a bold move and give the writers complete freedom without upsetting fans. However, was it really necessary to create a new girl when the comics give them so many great options to choose from? Mary Jane and Gwen have already been portrayed on the big screen and Liz was in Homecoming but that still leaves characters like Felicia Hardy, Betty Brant, Debra Whitman, Carlie Cooper and Cindy Moon. Some of them would have to be changed to fit the high school setting but it could be done.

The Bugle:
Assuming that Tony doesn't help out with the bills shouldn't Peter be getting a job? I know that J. K. Simmons was a great J. Jonah Jameson but he moved on (to the DCEU) so isn't it time that another actor got the chance as the iconic newspaperman? If they want to distance themselves from the previous incarnation, they could always make him a more serious character rather than comic relief. Of course, Robbie Robertson should appear as well. Peter hasn't shown any interest in photography but he could get another job like maybe working on the paper’s website like in the Ultimate comics. Alternatively, maybe Peter shouldn't work there at all, maybe Jameson just appears at other times during the movies like on TV, billboards and social functions – always expressing how the web slinger is a menace.
  1. Villains

Michael Keaton’s Vulture is one of the main highpoints of Homecoming and probably the best part of the movie. He’s well-acted, written and designed. At first, I was not happy that they did the whole parent-of-one-my-friends thing but since they probably won’t use Norman or Harry Osborn anytime soon it doesn’t really matter.

Shocker was fine too but should have worn a mask like the one he had in some early production photos (which rumors say may be fake). If he returns (maybe in an opening action scene), I hope he wears something like it.

It’s been mentioned that they won’t use any villains previously featured in the movies and that’s okay with me. Venom was the one most in need of redemption and hopefully he’ll find it in the Tom Hardy movie later this year (even if Spider-Man isn’t in it).
They have already set up Scorpion and there are plenty of other villains, who deserves a chance in the spotlight: Kraven, Mysterio, Chameleon, Hobgoblin, Jackal and Hydro-Man.
  1. Story

One of the best things about Homecoming was that a small story where it didn’t evolve the fate of the world. I hope that the sequels will follow this trend and keep it small scale. However Homecoming connected to the other MCU movies a little too much (Iron Man characters, Avengers Tower, New York clean-up and chitauri weapons). The next movies should have more self-contained stories like Ant-Man, Doctor Strange or Thor.
Also the next movie shouldn’t be so personal for Peter. In most of the Spider-Man movies, he has known the villains personally as Peter Parker. Sometimes it works for the better but I think it’s time to switch it up. The only villains had he really needs to know as Peter is Green Goblin and Venom and as already mentioned they won’t make appearances any time soon. It would be nice with just a classic Spidey vs villain scenario without Peter having a personal stake in the outcome.

  1. Setting

I like Peter in high school but I do think he should graduate at the end of the second movie. I don't get why people often say that Spider-Man was at his best when he was in high school. He only went there for the first 30 issues in the comics. In issue #31 he started college and met Harry and Gwen. I now these movies take a lot of inspiration from ‘Ultimate Spider-Man’ but still… I for one always liked him in college – more mature yet not an adult, more of a scientist, relationship problems and so on. Empire State University was a big part of Peter's life and the setting of many memorable incidents.


Homecoming took place mostly in Queens and that made sense within the story but I still hope that Spidey will swing through Manhattan sometime soon. The web head fighting bad guys between skyscrapers is just too iconic not to do.
Now there's a rumor that the sequel will take place in Europe. I can't really imagine how that'll work – Spider-Man out of New York is a bit like a fish out of water. Spidey swinging through London, Berlin or Paris just sounds wrong. But if they make a good and plausible story for him being there, then I guess it's okay – just this once. After that, they have better bring him back to NYC.

That's my two cents on the upcoming Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel. Am I right about the changes needed or is Homecoming perfect as it is? What would you like to be changed in the sequels if anything?
As it is, I can't wait for the sequel.

Thanks for reading.
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TheManWithoutFear - 1/21/2018, 4:54 AM
I didn't mind Homecoming, but if they kill off Ned in the first five minutes of the sequel it will already be a million times better.
528491 - 1/21/2018, 3:24 PM
An interesting article, though I was a bit perplexed by your comments about Flash Thompson.

You say he has "no reason to bully Peter at all" but you then offer a fairly compelling reason why he would bully Peter - jealousy of the fact that Peter is smarter, more well liked, and a better person than he.

That said, anyone who has ever met a bully could probably tell you that most of the time they don't really need a particular reason to pick on any one specific person beyond their own emotional issues, but I think what you've said there actually makes sense.

You also say "He’s annoying, stupid and shouts penis-jokes" which again feels like a fairly spot-on set of behaviours for a bully.

I appreciate that in other versions of Spider-Man, Flash Thompson is a much more traditional, physically imposing "high school jock" type of bully, but in terms of staying true to the core essence of what Flash Thompson's role is in the high-school dynamic - i.e. being the bully - I would say they successfully translated that into the modern era with this characterisation.
ChrisRed - 1/23/2018, 3:33 PM
@528491 - first, thanks for your comment.
In popular culture high schools often have a hierarchy or a “food chain”. When it comes to bullying, kids bully others “below” themselves – kids less popular, less rich, less attractive, less smart and so on.

In the comics Flash is a jock and therefore on top of the high school food chain. Peter is a nerd and Flash therefore has the “right” to bully him.

I guess jealousy is the reason for Flash to be after Peter in the movie, probably as a way to make himself feel better, but I still don't like it.

Another thing about Flash is that he’s actually a pretty good guy in the comics. Sure he bullies Peter but when push comes to show he usually stands up for him too and respects him and they end up being great friends.

Later comics explains that Flash comes from a broken home with a father who drinks and beats him. That makes him a much more sympathetic character. He also wants to be good, hence why he idolizes Spider-Man and is his biggest fan – which is really ironic when you consider his relationship to Peter.

When he gets powers through the Venom symbiote he uses it to help people, not like in Homecoming where he prefers to save a trophy. I know he’s young and all but he needs to sort out his priorities if he wants to be a good guy.
PeterPetrelliParker - 1/21/2018, 4:34 PM
Love It! You nailed every problem I had with this movie, well done!
HeavyMetal4Life - 1/21/2018, 10:05 PM
I was a bit disappointed by Homecoming, thought it would be a 9.5/10 or higher film for me and it ended up being an 8.5. So here are my thoughts on what you wrote. There were other issues I had with the film that you didn't mention though.

1) This wasn't really a problem for me. But I think after Avengers 4 (and perhaps if Tony dies) he should switch to making his own suits. The AI was neat though and I think it really helps him out since everything has become high tech.

2) Happy didn't bother me at all. But I doubt Iron Man and anyone associated with him will be in the sequel, so shouldn't be a problem.

I do agree though about Aunt May, I thought Homecoming failed to really flesh her out which was kind of disappointing. I do like this Aunt May though.

I hated Flash, agree with you there. And I did not like Michelle at all. But I did like Ned; he was the only one of Peter's classmates that I liked.

3) I more or less agree.

4) I more or less agree. Though the wider MCU connections didn't bother me. Seemed appropriate for the first Spidey film in the MCU.

5) I more or less agree. Perhaps he's a foreign exchange student for part of the time in the sequel.
ChrisRed - 1/23/2018, 3:39 PM
I think the sequel will flesh out Aunt May more. Her knowing about Peter's secret identity should be very interesting. How she handles that will tell us a lot.

I'm very interested to hear - what issues you have with film that I didn't mention?
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