20 Marvel And DC Movies From The Past Decade That Weren't Released (And Why They Didn't Happen)

20 Marvel And DC Movies From The Past Decade That Weren't Released (And Why They Didn't Happen)

The decade is nearing its end, and while it's been an incredible ten years for superhero movies, there are a lot of great - and terrible - Marvel and DC Comics adaptations that never happened. Here's why!

Feature Opinion
By JoshWilding - Dec 04, 2019 08:12 AM EST
Filed Under: Sinister Six
What a decade it's been to be a superhero movie fan! It's hard to believe that back in 2010, the Avengers hadn't yet assembled, The Dark Knight Trilogy was still playing out, and the Spider-Man and X-Men franchises were in disarray thanks to Fox and Sony's efforts to keep up with Marvel Studios. 

Things have changed massively over the past ten years, but as the genre has continued to grow exponentially, there are many movies that have never seen the light the day. 

Some sounded truly terrible, while others could very well have been remembered as being among the best Marvel or DC Comics adaptations of all-time. Here, we take a look at twenty scrapped projects which didn't happen this decade, and delve into why they were ultimately scrapped. 

So, to check out this feature in its entirety, simply hit the "View List" button below! 

X-Men/Fantastic Four/Daredevil/Deadpool Crossover

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Details on this one only recently came to light, but back in 2010, the writing team of Zack Stentz and Ashley Edward Miller were hired by Fox to pen a team-up movie featuring all of Fox's Marvel characters. That means we would have seen the X-Men, Fantastic Four, Deadpool, and Daredevil all sharing the screen at the same time! 

The movie would have beaten Captain America: Civil War to the punch by several years by revolving around the Superhuman Registration Act and a conflict which would have seen these iconic heroes squaring off with each other. 

Comic book writer Warren Ellis took a pass at the script and Bourne director Paul Greengrass was offered the chance to take the helm of this ambitious sounding project. Unfortunately, scheduling issues meant that it didn't happen and, ultimately, it seems this ended up on the backburner.

The Runaways

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The Runaways will end after three seasons on Hulu now that Kevin Feige is taking charge of Marvel's small screen efforts along with the big ones, but it was originally going to be a movie. 

The comic book writer who created the team, Brian K. Vaughan, was initially hired to write the screenplay and in April 2010, Peter Sollett agreed to direct and Iron Man 3 writer Drew Pearce took another crack at that script. However, it was just over a year later that the project was shelved as Marvel Studios instead focused on The Avengers

While a "Phase 3" release sounded possible for a time, Feige clearly wasn't that interested in this young team of heroes, hence why Jeph Loeb ended up bring them to television instead. 

Sinister Six

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Before The Amazing Spider-Man 2 effectively killed that iteration of the wall-cralwer's franchise, the plan was for Drew Goddard to take the helm of a Sinister Six spinoff. The groundwork for that was awkwardly laid in the final few minutes of that divisive sequel, and the spinoff would have seen the hero forced to work with this team of villains. 

A giant-sized Sandman and a returning Norman Osborn were all expected to factor into Sinister Six, but beyond that, we don't really know what it would have entailed. 

With Sony Pictures turning to Marvel Studios for help with Spider-Man, the movie was scrapped, but rumours have persisted that it could end up being resurrected in some way. For a time, it was even rumoured that Goddard was going to take the helm of Spider-Man: Homecoming.

The Batman

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Following The Batman proved to be a frustrating experience for fans as Ben Affleck very much had an on-again, off-again relationship with the project he was once set to direct after penning the screenplay with comic book writer Geoff Johns. 

Firm plot details were never really revealed, but Arkham Asylum was once rumoured to be the primary setting, while Joe Manganiello was later cast as the villainous Deathstroke. It's thought that he was going to target the Caped Crusader while under the employ of a revenge hungry Lex Luthor, but as the DC Extended Universe started to crumble, it's no wonder that didn't happen.

Affleck would ultimately hand over the reigns to Matt Reeves before stepping down as Batman. Now, Robert Pattinson is playing the Dark Knight in a reboot for the franchise. 

Justice League: Part Two

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Fans remain anxious for Warner Bros. to #ReleaseTheSnyderCut of Justice League, but what about the sequel that will now never see the light of day? The movie was originally envisioned as an epic two-parter but when Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice underperformed, the studio decided to scrap plans to shoot the films back to back. 

Based on what little we know, Justice League: Part Two would have taken us to the desolate wasteland we saw in the Caped Crusader's "Knightmare" vision, and time-travel, Darkseid, and an evil Superman would have all come into play. 

It's a shame that Zack Snyder was never given the opportunity to deliver this movie, and what many fans fail to realise is that even if the "Snyder Cut" is released in some form, we'll never actually get to see the proper conclusion to his four-movie arc. 


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After Channing Tatum expressed his interest in playing Gambit, longtime X-Men producer Lauren Shuler Donner wasted no time at all in signing up him to play this fan-favourite mutant. 

Unfortunately, there wasn't really a movie in place and after multiple rewrites and the loss of a number of directors due to "creative differences," it quickly began to become clear that Gambit wasn't happening (Tatum even dropped out at one point, but that was believed to be a negotiating tactic so he could earn more money for starring in the movie). 

Just as it finally looked like it could become a reality - Fox even set a 2020 release date - the Disney/Fox merger happened and this one was scrapped once and for all. However, seeing as no one ever seemed to really want it, it's fair to say that fans weren't exactly disappointed. 

The Incredible Hulk 2

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By the time The Incredible Hulk reached theaters, it was clear that Edward Norton would never be convinced to reprise the role of Bruce Banner in the still very young Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

There were once plans for a sequel, though, and Tim Blake Nelson recently revealed that his character would have adopted The Leader mantle in the follow-up. It then sounded like the Jade Giant would return in another solo outing after The Avengers, but Disney's acquisition of Marvel Studios meant that playing nice with Universal Pictures - who hold the distribution rights - was off the table.

As a result, The Hulk has become a supporting player in The Avengers and Thor franchises.


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Inhumans will likely be remembered as one of the worst things Marvel (well, their TV division) has ever done, and while Jeph Loeb dropped the ball with these characters in a huge way, it was actually Kevin Feige who decided against bringing them to the big screen. 

Compared to Game of Thrones, it sounded like it would be every bit as good as the other Marvel Studios movies, but Feige was being pushed into making it because Marvel Entertainment CEO Isaac Perlmutter wanted to replace the X-Men and Fantastic Four with Inhumans in the comic books, a strategy which proved to be a complete and utter failure. 

As we mentioned, the TV show ended up flopping and now rumours are swirling that Feige could reboot the characters for the Ms. Marvel series that's heading to Disney+. 


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Venom was released in 2018 to a mixed response but it was originally going to take on a very different form, and that movie obviously wasn't released. A Venom/Carnage movie went through a number of filmmakers and iterations and eventually became a tie-in to The Amazing Spider-Man series.

Alex Kurtzman was set to direct and produce as part of a "brain trust" which also included Avi Arad, Matt Tolmach, Roberto Orci, and Ed Solomon. However, the wall-crawler's franchise fell apart and Sony Pictures ended up going back to the drawing board, hence why the movie - which had become known as "Venom Carnage" - didn't wind up happening. 

Later, Sony would re-vamp the character the version we ended up seeing last year, but it's hard not to wonder what might have been had this earlier iteration arrived in theaters. 

Fantastic Four 2

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Believe it or not, Fox was so confident in Josh Trank's vision for Fantastic Four that they scheduled a sequel for 2017 before the first movie even came out! The filmmaker's plans were heavily changed by producer Simon Kinberg and he wrote and directed reshoots which turned the reboot into a total mess. Needless to say, that follow-up never happened! 

However, there was a time when Fox considered moving forward with a sequel that would have used the same cast and tone, but the abysmal box office performance and reviews closed the door on that for good (as did the fact that no one involved seemed to want to return). 

Rumour has it that both Galactus and the Silver Surfer were meant to appear in a post-credits scene in order to set the stage for that sequel, but they were removed for budgetary reasons and Fox then scrambled to take the series in a different direction with either a Doctor Doom movie or a Fantastic Four film that would have taken place from the point of view of their kids. 


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When Warner Bros. decided to unveil its full DC Films slate during an investor's call, pretty much everyone was surprised to see that Cyborg was slated for a 2019 release. 

After all, as great as Victor Stone may be as part of the Justice League, he's not exactly a character it's easy to imagine holding his own in a solo outing, and with no writer or director attached, no one was really surprised as the years passed and Cyborg failed to become a reality. 

The hero has since been used on television as part of the Doom Patrol cast, and there don't appear to be any big screen plans for the fan-favourite superhero moving forward.


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Logan was a bold move on Fox's part as it took the commercially successful PG-13 Wolverine and threw him into an R-Rated setting for a movie that ultimately proved to be a critical and financial hit (there was even talk of it being a favourite for "Best Picture" at the Oscars at one point). 

By the time the credits rolled, Hugh Jackman's time as Wolverine had reached its end, but the door had been left open for a spinoff revolving around Dafne Keen's Laura/X-23. 

Director James Mangold was expected to start work on that shortly after finishing Ford v Ferrari, but while he was hard at work on that biopic, the Disney/Fox merger happened and it quickly became clear that exploring this version of the character wouldn't be happening once the X-Men franchise was rebooted by Marvel Studios. 

Green Lantern Corps

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It was recently revealed that a Green Lantern TV series is coming to the HBO Max streaming service and a later report claimed that the Green Lantern Corps movie remains a priority for Warner Bros. Time will tell on that front, but as time passed, it became clear that it was never going to be released before 2020. 

Green Lantern wasn't even included in Justice League despite being a founding member of the team during "The New 52" reboot, and as much as that infuriated fans, it was likely down to Warner Bros. wanting to create as much distance between the disastrous 2011 movie and whatever is going to come next for the hero. 

It would have been great to see this one happen but, for now, it remains stuck in limbo. 

The Flash

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Following The Flash's journey has been almost as frustrating as The Batman, as the movie has been through multiple directors, writers, and storylines over the past few years. 

Once set to be a big screen adaptation of Flashpoint, it later transformed into a team-up with Cyborg and, at one point, star Ezra Miller even enlisted comic book scribe Grant Morrison to come up with a darker version he hoped Warner Bros. would embrace (they rejected that in favour of a movie with a lighter, more comedic tone). 

The Flash missed its 2018 release date, and IT helmer Andy Muschietti is attached to direct...for now! We'll clearly have to just wait and see whether it ever becomes a reality. 

The Amazing Spider-Man 3/4

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Clearly confident that The Amazing Spider-Man 2 would be a huge success, Sony Pictures ended up spending way too much money on the sequel and their profit margin was pretty much "Nil" as a result. 

Before that flopped and Andrew Garfield offended Sony bosses by failing to attend a dinner in Japan, two more movies in the franchise were dated and while Sinister Six changed plans somewhat, it's clear that there were big plans for the wall-crawler on the big screen moving forward. 

The Amazing Spider-Man 3 was going to deal with some sort of magical resurrection potion that woukd have brought the likes of Gwen Stacy, Norman Osborn, and Captain Stacy back from the dead, and, honestly, it would have been worth watching just to see how much worse things could get!

The New Mutants

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The saga of The New Mutants is currently ongoing and we're all now just forced to wait and see whether it meets that April 2020 release date (there's also still no word on whether those reshoots happened). 

It seems unlikely considering the fact that Kevin Feige wants to reboot the X-Men and mutants for Marvel Studios, but there were problems with this one long before it became a casualty of the Disney/Fox merger. Fox brass weren't happy with the tone or story and so additional photography was ordered to increase the horror elements and add more comic book characters. 

Those reshoots never happened, and after multiple delays, The New Mutants is in Disney's hands...and more than likely heading for a (very) quiet release on the Disney+ streaming service! 


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Yes, Ant-Man was released in 2015 and if you include Ant-Man and The Wasp, there have, in fact, been two movies starring this pint-sized superhero in a leading role over the past decade (he's also appeared in both the Captain America and Avengers franchises). So, why is the film included on this list? 

Well, it's because we never got to see Edgar Wright's Ant-Man! He first became attached to the project in 2006 but left it in 2014 as "I wanted to make a Marvel movie but I don’t think they really wanted to make an Edgar Wright movie" according to the filmmaker. He never revealed plot details, but it's thought that Scott Lang would have battled Hank Pym's villainous Black Ant. 

Things fell apart between Wright and Marvel Studios when they used in-house writers to add more links to the wider MCU, and it seems that's not something the director was invested in. 

Doctor Doom

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With interest in the Fantastic Four at an all-time low thanks to that abysmal 2015 reboot, Fox decided to enlist Legion showrunner Noah Hawley to take charge of an origin story for Doctor Doom.

On paper, it sounded like a great idea (even if Doom is at his best when he's battling the team of heroes) and it's been revealed that the action would have kicked off with the dictator putting a dome over Latveria before inviting a female journalist to be his voice in the world. Despite not having superpowers, it's likely she would have worked to take Doom down from the inside. '

Hawley met with Kevin Feige after the Disney/Fox merger killed the project, but it doesn't sound like this movie featuring the iconic villain is going to become a reality despite rumours of a Disney+ series. 

Silver & Black

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Despite teaming up with Marvel Studios for the critically acclaimed Spider-Man: Homecoming, Sony Pictures was still determined to launch a number of spinoffs, including a female-led movie revolving around popular supporting characters Black Cat and Silver Sable.

Gina Prince-Bythewood signed up to helm the tentatively titled Silver & Black, and while production was going to kick off in March 2018, scripting issue resulted in an "indefinite" delay. 

That led to it losing its February 8th, 2019 release date, and it was later revealed that the movie had been cancelled and that the two heroes would instead receive their own solo outings. Prince-Bythewood will reportedly produce both of those, but there have been no updates for a long time now so they've either been scrapped or simply aren't a priority for Sony Pictures right now. 

Gotham City Sirens

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When critics and moviegoers rejected Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice's dark tone, Warner Bros. panicked and ordered Suicide Squad reshoots which completely changed the feel of the movie. 

While it would go on to be a box office success, the DC Comics adaptation received a mauling and so it was no real surprise when plans for David Ayer to take the helm of Gotham City Sirens fell by the wayside. We don't really know how far along this one got, but it was set to put the spotlight on Catwoman, Poison Ivy, and Harley Quinn. 

With Ayer moving on from the DC Extended Universe, a female-focused (both behind and in front of the camera) Birds of Prey movie became a priority and this project is more than likely dead. 
Are there any movies here you wish had been released this decade or was it for the best that they fell apart? As always, be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
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GhostDog - 12/4/2019, 8:56 AM

knocturnalzen10 - 12/4/2019, 9:05 AM
@BlackBeltJones - felt bad for him cause he got in massive shape to be completely CGI'D :/
GhostDog - 12/4/2019, 9:14 AM
@knocturnalzen10 - Zack told him: you still got your gains and that's all that matters

KWilly - 12/4/2019, 9:29 AM
@knocturnalzen10 - I'm still pissed on how awful Cyborg looked in JL. They should've just taken out their wallet and bought some top of the line prosthetics to make him look big.

Not twig.
knocturnalzen10 - 12/4/2019, 10:03 AM
@KWilly - exactly ! why not have him look like the comics or at least teen titans for pete sake smh ....
knocturnalzen10 - 12/4/2019, 10:10 AM
@BlackBeltJones - dead lifts are terrible for working out
TunkyBoy52 - 12/4/2019, 9:00 AM
Well riddance. Most of these are just cash grabs, so I really hope they stay dead and gone.
GhostDog - 12/4/2019, 9:00 AM
I always felt like Edgar Wright could make a great Spidey film. Wouldn't be surprised if he returned to do something with Marvel down the line.
Mrcool210 - 12/4/2019, 9:27 AM
@BlackBeltJones - I was always hoping deep down Matthew Vaughn would do Spider-Man after seeing Kick Ass. He did such a good job giving that an adult yet still spider-man type tone in Kick Ass. Would have loved to see that with Spidey, less violent though for obvious reasons. And Henry Jackman composing a full on Spider-Man Score?

Chewtoy - 12/4/2019, 9:59 AM
The thing with putting New Mutants on Disney+ is that they’ve really sold the idea of it being a family-friendly streaming service, and so there’s not much there with any kind of horror vibe. If the New Mutants has such a vibe, I doubt it’d be something that they’d want to push to their subscribers.

Maybe it’ll land on Hulu or something.
pclark - 12/4/2019, 10:04 AM
"...what many fans fail to realize is that even if the "Snyder Cut" is released in some form, we'll never actually get to see the proper conclusion to his four-movie arc."

More fundamentally than that, even a Snyder Cut of Justice League will not be what he had planned at the beginning because the studio demanded changes before they ever started shooting JL. Snyder has said as much himself. They NEVER shot a frame of his original vision.
tugboy - 12/4/2019, 10:08 AM
KingGrimlock - 12/4/2019, 10:57 AM
Black Cat is one of my favourite characters of all time so I hope she makes it to the screen someday. Silver And Black was not the opportunity though.

And it’s a shame about Gotham City Sirens. I’m still salty about the book getting cancelled though. It was good. The art was amazing.
Tufasrox - 12/4/2019, 1:16 PM
Josh!! These are the type of articles you need to stick too. This is a good column and some good opinions thrown in for commentary. This is your strength stuff. Stay away from the click bait bs unsourced stuff. You’re terrible at those. Stay with this stuff you do a good job here.
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