UltimateCookie Presents: The Spectacular Spiderman

UltimateCookie Presents: The Spectacular Spiderman

A fancast for a planned quadrilogy of Spiderman films including a Sinister Six film.

By UltimateCookie - Dec 29, 2015 05:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Spider-Man

Spiderman fancast after another. I know the struggle of seeing the same things over and over. I'm sorry to subject you to it but yeah here goes

So let's get this started and over shall we...

Tom Holland as Peter Parker/Spiderman (already cast)
Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider as a teenager, granting him spider-like powers. After the death of his Uncle Ben, which he could have prevented, Peter learned that "with great power, comes great responsibility." Swearing to always protect the innocent from harm, Peter Parker became the Amazing Spider-Man!

Reasoning: I figure I would take this time to establish where the first Spidey solo film should take place. With no concrete word on whether this would be an origin film or not I figured it's safe to go 50/50. Peter's uncle has already been murdered in cold blood and Parker has already been protecting New York under the alias of Spiderman, attempting to balance school, heroing and his work life all in one while getting grief from his Aunt May and his boss J. Jonah Jameson.

Sasha Pieterse as Gwen Stacy
The current girlfriend of Peter Parker and one of the few people in his life that suspect nerdy Parker of being the heroic Spiderman. She supports Peter in every aspect of his life and tries to also uncover the Peter's secret life. Gwen is Peter's first true love and meets a tragic fate at the hands of Spiderman's nemesis.

Reasoning: Pieterse is a strong up and coming actress that has showcased much talent. Also I went the Gwen route because I feel Peter and MJ's relationship won't be as fleshed out without the presence of Gwen but at the same time not treating the Gwen character as a stepping stone until we get to Mary Jane. I would indeed kill off Gwen in the fourth film but not how one would expect. 

Kelli Berglund as Mary Jane Watson
In this MCU iteration of Mary Jane I would have her be a rising star in the world of science, shadowing Pepper Potts and working closely with her at Stark Industries. A close friend and classmate of Peter Parker, she admires the abilities of Spiderman and tries to talk Pepper into seeking out the Web Slinger for a teammate (granted this all depending on how Civil War goes).

Reasoning: Berglund has had leading roles in television films which leads me to think she has sufficient enough talent to play a strong character in Peter's life. We've previously seen the films' director Jon Watts work with two unknown child actors and turn them into the main stars of the film so no matter how inexperienced an actor may be I trust Watts to pull the best performances out of them.

Kevin Kline as J. Jonah Jameson
J. Jonah Jameson is the former employer of Peter B. Parker and remains an aggravate of Spider-Man. He was once the chief editor and publisher of the Daily Bugle, a New York newspaper, and the mayor of New York before his resignation amidst scandal resulting from Superior Spider Man and the Goblin Nation. He now is a host of a show on the F.A.C.T. News Channel. In this iteration, Jonah would simply be the head of the Daily Bugle and an unlikely father figure to Peter Parker.

Reasoning: This was a tough one considering you usually see the same names float around for who should play this character (most of them being J.K Simmons) but I decided to go a different route. Kevin Kline is a Best Supporting Actor winner (much like J.K) and has proven he can do many things and increasingly different characters. Kline is beyond underrated and is usually considered one of the all time greats among film buffs. Kline could in my opinion play this role in his sleep if he wanted to.

Sarah Hyland as Betty Brant
Betty Brant started as a personal secretary at the Daily Bugle and later became a top reporter. Betty is also one of the many love interests of Peter Parker and ex-girlfriend of Flash Thompson. Betty Brant first met Peter Parker at the Daily Bugle when Peter was employed by J. Jonah Jameson as a photographer, and Betty replaced her infirm mother as secretary. 

Reasoning: Hyland is a proven star, often stealing the show in Modern Family she's shown great comedic timing and a sense of drama when needed. Close in age range to Holland she can play the possible love interest and object of his affection while also being able to play his superior and at times his boss.

Ricardo Hoyos as Flash Thompson
Flash attended the same high school and university as Peter Parker, who would later be known as Spider-Man. He frequently bullied Peter but was actually Spider-Man's greatest fan. In time Flash befriended Peter, becoming a decorated war hero.

Reasoning: I can't say much on this casting considering I don't have huge plans for the Flash character despite being a really compelling character in the comics. He's really just here to make Peter's high school seem real and I genuinely don't plan on turning him into Agent Venom. 

Charlie Rowe as Harry Osborn
Harry Osborn is the best friend of Peter Parker, the Amazing Spider-Man. His father is Norman Osborn, a global industrialist and billionaire. Harry Osborn enrolled in Empire State University with his friend Gwen Stacy. They rapidly became friends with Flash Thompson. Flash was a star football player and tried to introduce Peter Parker to Gwen and Harry.

Reasoning: Rowe was on the shortlist for the role of Peter Parker himself so I feel it would be a waste of a good actor to simply not cast him. His characters in the past and disposition make me feel he would be a great Harry Osborn, the son of the evil billionaire Norman who constantly makes Harry feel like less of a son and more of a successor. This treatment from his father draws him to Peter, who he views as a genuine person with no ulterior motives for him.

Phillip Brooks/CM Punk as Crusher Hogan
Crusher Hogan was the champion of a wrestling league that was losing it's battle to the bigger, slicker rival Global Wrestling promotion. Instead of taking a bigger money offer to leave his employer and finish out his career with Global (as his wife had implored him to do), Hogan concocted a plan to capitalize on his natural wrestling ability and get people coming to the arenas to watch him.

Reasoning: One thing I really missed about the Raimi trilogy was that it had a fun element to it. That's definitely something I would like to bring back to this MCU version of the character and one of the ways I would do that was bring back Crusher Hogan (Macho Man's Bonesaw character in the first film). Seeing Peter try to truly master his abilities would be a cool thing to see. In the narrative, Crusher would definitely have to be a wrestler and I doubt Punk wouldn't do it as he's a huge comic book fan.

Aiden Gillen as Hammerhead
Originally the son of a Russian mechanic he lies to a young school girl claiming to be Italian (both are school age at this time) and a bully interrupts and pummels him. The girl and the bully leave and go see a movie. Hammerhead follows, and when he believes there is no one to witness his acts, he bashes the couple’s skulls in. Rather than leaving the cinema right away he sits and watches the movie, a gangster film about Al Capone. Hammerhead was not the only person left in the theater. The murders had been witnessed by a member of the local Mafia who recruits him for work. Next we see the gang torturing his father, who had refused to pay extortion money. Hammerhead steps up and delivers the kill shot after telling his father he was denying him, claiming his father was from Sicily and had died in the war.

Reasoning: Hammerhead is a villain that borders on cartoony and frightening so well that I would love to see him in a film. Obviously having his head shaped like it is in the comics would be overboard but I think Gillen could play a really convincing crime boss that in the narrative is in close talks with a certain character in Marvel's Netflix universe...

Terry Crews as Robbie Robertson
Joseph “Robbie” Robertson was born in Harlem, New York. His passion for journalism began in high school. One of his more ambitious articles at the time featured Lonnie Thompson Lincoln, who would later become the brutal hit man Tombstone. However Lonnie threatened Robbie and he was forced to not publish his article. Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Bugle, and perhaps the best friend to J. Jonah Jameson.

Reasoning: With the first film really focusing on Spiderman and his issues balancing his lifestyle I think Crews would be a good fit for Robertson. He's not a big name actor that wouldn't agree to this type of role and even though he's comedic he's still an actor and it's not like Crews is just unable to say a line dramatically.

Nat Wolff as John Jameson
John Jameson is the son of newspaper tyrant J. Jonah Jameson. The first time John Jameson met Spider-Man was during one of his first space travels. Indeed, his space ship deviated from his trajectory and it was Spider-Man who succeeded to bring back the command control. Then John Jameson could engage the parachute. John owed his life to Spider-Man. These events made it so that John and Spider-Man got a special friendship in witch the two tried to help one another whenever the could, much to the dislike of John's father J. Jonah Jameson.

Reasoning: Wolff was another front runner for the role of Spidey and even got Wilson Fisk himself to sign off on it. Again I think it would just be a waste of an actor to put him nowhere in the franchise. Granted the role would be very small similar to the Raimi trilogy.

Kevin McKidd as Captain George Stacy
George Stacy is the father of Peter Parker's love interest Gwendolyn Stacy. He was retired from the New York Police Department and was well respected by his fellow officers. He was eventually brought out of retirement to serve in the retrieval of the Nullifier device. George liked Peter Parker and very much approved of his relationship with his daughter. He was also a strong proponent of Spider-Man, even going as far to try and create a stronger and more positive public opinion of him. Eventually George put together that Peter Parker and Spider-Man were one in the same.

Reasoning: McKidd is grossly underrated and I think he would make an amazing George Stacy, with the character being younger than some of the other film counterparts.

Drake Bell as Dennis Carradine/The Burglar
After Peter Parker first gained his powers, he used them for profit as a professional wrestler, before going into showbiz on television. While leaving the studio one day, a burglar ran past. Peter could have easily stopped him, but chose not to viewing it not to be his problem. Upon returning home Peter was horrified to discover his Uncle Ben had been murdered by a burglar hiding from the police, and upon cornering the criminal in a warehouse, was shocked to find it to be the same man he had allowed to escape earlier that night.

Reasoning: The epitome of Spidey fan service comes into play here. We won't retread Uncle Ben's murder but with my ideal time placement of the first film, Peter still feels guilty about it. At most we would see Bell playing the character in a flashback or nightmare in which we wouldn't even see Uncle Ben. Bell voiced the Spiderman character in the animated series and I think he would be cool enough to do this quasi-cameo.

Vincent D'Onofrio as Wilson Fisk/Kingpin
The self-proclaimed kingpin of crime, Wilson Fisk is one of the most prominent figures of organized crime in the United States. He is the king of mobsters, controlling organized crime on the East Coast with an iron fist. Disgruntled with the nuisance that was the devil of Hell's Kitchen, Fisk decides to put an end to this Spider hero before it even starts.

Reasoning: We've all seen Daredevil and we all know D'Onofrio was amazing as Fisk and one of the things I wish Marvel did more was crossover the movie and Netflix universe so I decided to have Kingpin as the big bad in the first Spiderman film, paying the mobster Hammerhead to take him out.

Danielle Campbell as Carlie Cooper
Carlie's father was a respected officer for the New York Police Department before he died. Carlie took after her father and began to work in the medical examiner's office as a forensic expert. She was best friend to Lily Hollister. The two of them grew up together and Carlie considered Lily's father, councilman Bill Hollister, as her second father. Carlie Cooper has been known to examine crime scenes involving super human activity.

Reasoning: A side character I think would benefit in fleshing out Peter Parker's life and friends in and around New York. She's had a role in a few episodes of Prison Break and has shown much promise. Under the right direction I think Campbell could be an exceptional talent in the near future. Ideally appearing as a key supporting character in the second stand-alone Spiderman film.

Chloe Bridges as Felicia Hardy/Black Cat
Former cat burglar Felicia Hardy became a crime fighter when she became romantically attracted to and involved with Spider-Man. Felicia has the ability to instill "bad luck" around others - this comes in handy when fighting crime!

Reasoning: No Spidey movie yet has had an idea on what to do with Black Cat. In the second solo Spidey film I would have her be the ally and romantic interest of Peter, complicating his feelings for Gwen but brushing it off as nothing more than physical attraction. Hardy would aid Spidey in taking on my ideal villain for the second film. Bridges has made several noteworthy appearances in shows such as Rizzoli & Isles and Pretty Little Liars.

Bryan Cranston as Dr. Otto Octavius/Doc Ock
A former nuclear physicist and atomic researcher, Otto Octavius' life changed forever when one of his experiments went horribly wrong. From that day forward, he has set out to prove his superior intellect in a number of ways, but these plans are usually thwarted by Spider-Man.

Reasoning: Who doesn't love Bryan Cranston? He's reached tremendous highs in his career winning numerous awards and I've seen his name tossed around for multiple comic book characters. That being said the role I think would suit him best is the Spiderman villain Doc Ock, my ideal villain for the second Spidey stand-alone. Cranston impressed in films such as Trumbo, Saving Private Ryan and Argo.

Timothy Olyphant as Norman Osborn/Green Goblin
Norman Osborn was the son of the wealthy business man Amberson Osborn. He had a decent childhood until Amberson lost most of the family fortune after the failure of his invention company, which had Amberson becoming alcoholic and violent. Norman is the father of Peter's best friend Harry Osborn and the owner of Oscorp, a business only seemingly rivaled my Stark Technology.

Reasoning: Olyphant is a great actor and I want the Norman character to be treated somewhat differently in this franchise as opposed to the last two. I would describe Norman as an "evil Coulson". Appearing whenever he can to appear as a shady businessman with something to hide. I want the films to make audiences (general audiences really) guess if Norman is truly Green Goblin or if he's just a corrupt tycoon. He eventually aids and even funds the Sinister Six in taking down Spiderman.

Dylan Sprayberry as Eddie Brock
Edward Allen "Eddie" Brock is raised in a Roman Catholic household in San Francisco. In his childhood, he helps a young girl look for her missing cat. What no one knows was that Eddie had the cat in his basement. He returned the cat to an overjoyed young girl, everyone in the neighborhood see him as the hero. When they ask him how he did it he says, "It was easy". This is first time in a list of many where Eddie shows himself to be a compulsive liar with a hero complex. Eddie Brock bonded to the alien symbiote after it was discarded by Spider-Man, becoming the first Venom. 

Reasoning: Sprayberry has been a favorite for many heroes after his stints on Teen Wolf and even playing kid Superman in Man of Steel. I don't plan on using Venom in the third film because I want to do what Spiderman 3 didn't and that's introduce the Eddie Brock character ahead of time so we can see what he's like and how he behaves and why this may make him a foil to Peter. The third would focus around Eddie and Peter's relationship and be more character rooted similar to Iron Man 3 and would give us breathing room for the next blockbuster of a Spidey-centric film.

Luke Evans as Flint Marko/Sandman
Former enemy of Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four, Sandman reformed after realizing he was unhappy with his life. He joined the Avengers and later Silver Sable's Wild Pack. Sandman eventually returned to crime after being brainwashed by the Wizard, but sometimes still displays desire to better himself.

Reasoning: Entering the Sinister Six film now, Sandman would get his introduction in this film, leaving minimum room for rehash and things we don't need to know. Evans is a really good actor and can play a convincing villain as we've seen in Fast and Furious 6 so him being Sandman would be an awesome sell and he could without a doubt own the role.

Joseph Gilgun as Chameleon
Dmitri Smerdyakov, AKA Chameleon, was first member of an inexperienced Spider-Man's rogue's gallery. The Chameleon is an elite spy and a master of disguise, using a variety of masks, technology, and other inventive techniques to flawless mimic the appearance and mannerisms of virtually anyone.Although he has been revealed to be the half-brother of Kraven The Hunter, the face behind his trade-mark white mask – worn even beneath his other masks – has never been seen.

Reasoning: Gilgun is a tremendous actor and Chameleon is a villain I've been wanting to see on the big screen for a long time. The character to me would be the best way of assembling the Sinister Six through mutual hatred and love of anarchy. I see the films' very start being Chameleon breaking Doc Ock and Sandman out of prison to kill Spiderman and then recruiting Vulture and Electro through coercion.

Kevin Bacon as Adrian Toomes/Vulture
Swindled by his business partner out of his equal share of the profits from their company, Adrian Toomes set out for revenge by using a flying harness of his own design. He has however, met defeat several times at the hands of his arch-nemesis, The Amazing Spider-Man.

Reasoning: Kevin can play a damn good villain as we've seen in X-Men:First Class and even Jon Watts' film Cop Car. Him as the villainous Vulture trying to kill Spiderman along with his teammates would be a sight to see especially with Kevin Bacon in the mechanical (yes, mechanical) wings.

Taylor Kitsch as Max Dillon/Electro
One of Spider-Man's most dangerous enemies, the electric human dynamo known as Electro has constantly been a major threat for the Amazing Spider-Man. Developing a personality that was both selfish and arrogant, others had trouble requesting Maxwell's services or favors without him demanding something in return. When a fellow line repairman was knocked unconscious and stuck on a high pole with dangerous wires loose, Maxwell was requested by his employer to save the lineman’s life. Easily saving the unconscious lineman and bringing him to safety, a bolt of lightning struck Maxwell knocking him off the pole seemingly killing him. However, Maxwell later discovered that he gained some form of electric powers.

Reasoning: Kitsch is an overlooked and underrated actor. He hasn't really had that big breakout role yet despite several great performances in films like Lone Survivor and X-Men Origins Wolverine. His role as Gambit is mainly why I chose him since I feel he could bring the charming personality and also a sense of evil to the role of Electro.

Logan Marshall Green as Dr. Curt Connors
During an experiment Dr. Curtis Connors accidentally turned into a ferocious reptilian monster who seeks to turn humans into lizards like himself. The Lizard is one of Spider-Man’s oldest and deadliest foes while ironically, his alter ego is a close friend and former teacher of Spidey’s alter ego Peter Parker.

Reasoning: Logan Marshall Green is a good actor with roles in movies like The Invitation and Prometheus. He could definitely play the role of Curt Connors and possibly Lizard if I choose to make him the villain of my (as of yet unplanned) fifth Spiderman movie. I definitely plan on simply using him as the doctor in Spiderman 4: The Quest for Peace the fourth Spiderman film in which we see Venom be the main villain. 

Dylan Sprayberry as Venom
The Venom Symbiote bonded with Spider-Man during his adventure on Battleworld. Initially he thought the symbiote was just a costume, however upon his discovery that it was sentient, he rejected it. Since then, the Venom symbiote has bonded with several different hosts.

Reasoning: I guess I decided to put Sprayberry's character twice in a way because I really want it to get across that we're not seeing Venom the first time we see Eddie Brock. Eddie will appear as himself in each subsequent film until the fourth one in which he transforms into Venom. 

Lame note to end on I know but I hope you enjoyed this fancast and whatever the next one I have in the pipe is. See you next time.


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WinterOstritch - 12/19/2015, 5:22 PM
Not bad, villain casting feels kinda safe and done before, but I still enjoy it. I like the idea of Robbie Robertson played by Terry Crews!
DiegoMD - 6/22/2017, 11:31 AM
@WinterOstritch - I know that this is totally off topic (well not really) and I know that it might seem impossible, but if Samurai Jack and Young Justice could come back then there's a slight possibility that this could come back too. So if you're a fan of this show sign this because if it doesn't come back we lose nothing but if Marvel hears us and realizes that there is a demand for this product we might end up with a new season of the best Spider-Man cartoon.
this is a fresh / just made petition so lets make this a thing, lets make marvel hear our crave for a new seaason, lets bring spectacular spider-man back!
MCUMSpiderman - 12/19/2015, 6:22 PM
I don't like any of these choices except for Harry, Peter and Kingpin..
Not trying to troll, but just giving my opinion
UltimateCookie - 12/19/2015, 6:59 PM
@dethpillow I went through a period of trying to figure out who would be on my Sinister Six and Scorpion definitely came up. I think the only choice I ever actually put to print was Karl Urban but that's not saying a lot since I somewhat tossed the character to the side.
FlyntCoal - 12/19/2015, 7:30 PM
Love the cast! In my personal opinion, you should switch GG to Cranston(with C. Waltz as Ock maybe), but it works that way too.

Love Gilgun as Chameleon! Thumbed!
UltimateLegend - 1/2/2016, 3:54 PM
I like the fact that you have Gwen and Mary Jane in there, but I don't think Peter should have a girlfriend by the first film. Like the Spectacular Spider-Man animated series, I think Peter should stay single for a while.
deathangel - 1/4/2016, 10:37 AM
I really like you Doc Ock & Green Goblin choices and overall a pretty unique cast... Nice !
How do you post pics in articles ?
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