A RANT OF SORTS: Why I Think This Whole "Thor Is Now A Woman" Thing Is Stupid And No, It's Not Because They Turned Thor Into A Woman

Found my headline confusing? Then click on my "Rant Of Sorts" to find out the only thing that really irks me about this whole announcement.

Editorial Opinion
By TheManFromMars - Jul 16, 2014 01:07 AM EST
Filed Under: Thor
As I write this article, I already know the knee-jerk reaction some people will have to reading the headline is to think I'm either a sexist misogynist or just another fanboy who just can't accept change at all. I can assure that both of this assumptions are false.

The problem I had (still have) with the announcement that Marvel decided to turn the Thor character into a woman has actually nothing to do with the fact that they turned him into a woman. I'm totally fine with it because:

a) This is not the first time Thor has been a woman;
b) I like Gender-Bending characters. In fact, if I ever made an adaptation of Ghost Rider, I would be very tempted to change him into a girl named Jenny Blaze, earning me the ire of many fanboys;
and c) as shown by point 'b', I really don't mind changes and adaptations.

Oh, and d) They already turned Thor into a frog, so turning him into a woman is no big deal.

Did you see what I just typed there? That "turning him into a woman is no big deal"? That's the problem I have with this announcement! The fact that Marvel and everyone else is acting like this is a big deal when, in fact, it's not!

Granted, this is big news for the title and character and warrants some kind of announcement, but why on the freaking View?! Do they think this is some kind of Suffragettes Renaissance? That it will change forever the way females are portrayed in Comic Books? This. Is. A. Gimmick! This is not gonna revolutionize anything!

Now, I'm not saying that they way females are portrayed in comics will never change. It's already changing. In fact, it's been constantly changing, little by little, since the very inception of comics. And I'm all for more change into that department.

The thing is that we already have plenty of strong female heroes derivative from other male heroes like Supergirl and She-Hulk. Adding another one to the roster is nothing revolutionary. It helps the cause, certainly, but, again, it's nothing new.

Then again, Jason Aaron, the writer, had this to say:

This is not She-Thor. This is not Lady Thor. This is not Thorita. This is THOR. This is the THOR of the Marvel Universe. But it's unlike any Thor we've ever seen before.

Well, that explains it! She's not gonna be like She-Hulk! She's gonna keep the "male" hero name exactly as it is and is gonna star in the hero comics with no change in the title! Now, that's new! Something that warrants this kind of exposition! Truly revolutionary and never done before!

Oh, hey there Hawkeye!

How's it going, Captain Marvel?

You know, maybe if it was the other way around, if it was actually a male character taking up the mantle of a previously female superhero, then maybe then you could actually call it revolu... Oh, look! It's The Wasp!

I could go on a tangent on why whoever the new Thor is inheriting the Thor name makes no sense, because Thor is not a title, it's his freaking given name! Did Beta Ray Bill change his name to "Thor" too? (After a little research, it turns out he did for a brief period. I still think that makes no sense) But I disgress.

Another thing is that, despite of what Jason Aaron may say, that woman will never be Thor for a large part of the audience. She's gonna be She-Thor whether they call her that or not, whether they like it or not. There are still plenty of people who call Kate Bishop "Girl Hawkeye" and refuse to recognize Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel, insisting that she is  and will always be Ms. Marvel.

Remember Lady Loki?

Lady Loki wasn't her name. Her name was just Loki. And differently than Hawkeye, Captain Marvel, The Wasp, and the New Thor, this wasn't just a girl who decided to take Loki's name, this was actually Loki reborn as a woman! So, in many ways, Lady Loki was more worthy of Jason Aaron's quote up there that this New Thor would ever be. And people still called her Lady Loki.

Another reason for this is not being as important as they are trying to make it to be is very simple:

It's not gonna last.

Honestly, how long do you really think this is gonna last? How long do you think it will take for things to return, at least partially, to the status quo?

How long did you think Superman would stay dead?
How long did you think Captain America would stay dead?
How long did you think Peter Parker would stay dead while Doc Ock was enjoying his body?
How long do you think Wolverine will stay dead?

How long do you think it will take for the real (in lack of a better word) Thor to become worthy again and this new Thor to either return to whoever she was before or keep going as *insert some new superhero name* and just become another secondary character with a cult following but no selling power to hold a title of her own?


I think the little circus Marvel made for this announcement is pointless because:
a) It's nothing new;
b) Lots of people are still gonna call her She-Thor or Thorette regardless of their intent;
and c) It's not gonna last.

So, this is my "Rant of Sorts" on this subject. I hope I managed to make it brief and enjoyable. Do you agree with me? Disagree? Please, tell me below and keep it respectful.

The Man From Mars, signing out.
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BawbScharf - 7/16/2014, 2:24 AM
Great article ...shitty title. I agree with every point made. I do not get why Marvel is doing this and new person as Cap right now because we are less than a year away from Avengers 2 when they NEED the comics to have male Thor and Steve Rogers under the helmet/mask to get the residual fans that think they are going to begin reading comics ...before stopping. That is my biggest problem with Marvel: they do things to their main characters to garner interest ...even though those changes cannot last longer than two years (less for Cap and Thor ... and formerly Stark) at most due to their heavy hitters ALL being in major motion pictures. Look at 2014 already: Wolverine dies (will be back by Spring 2016 ...probably MUCH sooner), Cap passes on the mantle to someone else (this will have to change back by Feb 2015 at the latest), and a woman holds Mjonir (same issue with Cap).

Now wouldn't it have been smarter to do this to important but not marque characters? Like present time Beast messed with the timeline and is dealing with all kinds consequences because of that ...wouldn't his death been more impactful than Wolverine's due to the fact that his coming back would NOT be guaranteed?

Or hey, how about just developing their characters further with new situations they have not been in or facing new threats in new characters? Or how about just introducing new heroes and villains? I would be more interested in that rather than these publicity stunts that are not guaranteed to last.

Basically, Marvel has the reverse problem of what D.C has right now: they want to change things CONSTANTLY at the drop of a hat that cannot easily be undone while Marvel wants to tease big changes but cannot possibly keep it permanent because they want to do it to their biggest names.
EhMaybeSays - 7/16/2014, 3:05 AM
Lets have a male Hera then.
staypuffed - 7/16/2014, 3:57 AM
^^ That logic doesn't work in this case.
Snotzo - 7/16/2014, 4:11 AM
Gimmicks gotta love them, or wait no you don't.
Pedrito - 7/16/2014, 4:37 AM
It's a gimmick, for sure. Specially announcing it on The View.

But gimmicks are everywhere. For example, Batman "versus" Superman.
People buy into gimmicks, that's why they're so common.
TheManFromMars - 7/16/2014, 4:46 AM
@Doopie and @Pedrito

Again, I have no problem with the change itself or the concept of gimmicks, just the way they went into about announcing it.

I've reflected about it and concluded that there are very good marketeable reasons for they doing what they did. Still, this whole announcing it in The View thing makes it look like they're saying: "Hey, look at how cool and hip we are" which just reeks of sensationalism.

And I really dislike sensationalism.
PAF - 7/16/2014, 4:51 AM
Why you mad tho?

First off Thor is not being gender bent. The original Thor is unworthy at the moment so the hammer chose her right now. As for why she's being called Thor I think it has to do with the hammer and how Odin says "who ever shall be worthy will hold the power of Thor, blah, blah." Idk just my guess. Also, Kate Bishop still goes by Hawkeye, and Captain Marvel, aka Carol Danvers is still Captain Marvel soooo, yeah.

The big two need to keep things fresh. Changes need to happen. So what if goes back to normal in a couple of months, the point is they need to change things up a bit to attract new readers. I ain't even mad at 'em.
PAF - 7/16/2014, 4:54 AM
You're mad because they announced it on the View?

I'm done.
TheManFromMars - 7/16/2014, 4:58 AM

I'm not really mad. Just slightly annoyed. And it's more at how people were reacting over the net, than at Marvel themselves.
TheManFromMars - 7/16/2014, 5:00 AM

Once again, I agree.

I just felt like pointing out why this is not as important as people are making it to be.
PAF - 7/16/2014, 5:03 AM

Understandable, I guess. I think the reaction is warranted. Agree to disagree then.
MightyZeus - 7/16/2014, 5:08 AM
As you said, turning Thor into a woman is not a big deal and that's how i feel. I just don't really understand why it's such a big deal to everyone. I'm not exactly annoyed at the reactions the news is getting i'm thinking as to "why" are people behaving and acting like it's a terrible thing.
NovaCorpsFan - 7/16/2014, 5:30 AM
I decided I'm providing the hot chick pics today, and I think this article could do with a bit of spicing up.

Klone - 7/16/2014, 5:30 AM
Man or woman, whatever. I hate gender bending for the most part.
TheManFromMars - 7/16/2014, 5:32 AM

Thanks for your services, my good man. They're appreciated.
NovaCorpsFan - 7/16/2014, 5:50 AM
Just here to help!
yossarian - 7/16/2014, 6:15 AM
I think you're reading too much into this. Thor is still Thor right? He just can't hold mjolnir. That's how I read it. It seems like Thor will do something causing him to lose his power and some girl is able.

So, if Thor kills Wolverine and loses his power and some lady picks up mjolnir and then Thor has to teach her how to be a true hero and all and earn his shit back...is that not interesting?
PAF - 7/16/2014, 6:52 AM

Thor is still around. He loses his power to wield the hammer, and this mysterious woman gains it. Thor will be back in time for Age of Ultron I bet.
cipher - 7/16/2014, 8:35 AM
I'm just apathetic about the whole thing, honestly.

I don't really keep up with a lot of the newer stuff, so I don't care one way or the other. I dunno, I guess I'm aloof about most things.

I get where you're comin' from, though. Anyway, take it easy, bud.

cipher - 7/16/2014, 8:38 AM
Random shit:

I sung the shit out that one in the shower. I think I'm going to mutilate my fingertips on the guitar later.
JokerFanHAhaHA - 7/16/2014, 8:39 AM
PAF- I for one AM kind of pissed that they chose to announce this on the view.

My reason? The View doesn't know what they're talking about.

They not only talked about this as if it's the first time in history a woman has held the hammer (It's not)

and they went on and on about Thor being a woman. Which technically he isn't. A woman is going to wield the power of Thor, and may or may not be calling herself Thor, but regular Thor is still going to exist.

Also I just don't like getting comic book news from Whoopi Goldberg. Because above reason.
Abary - 7/16/2014, 8:55 AM
You bring up some good points. You got my thumb.
superotherside - 7/16/2014, 1:18 PM
Marvel Executive: It's not about telling great stories. It's about what publicity stunt we can do next! Lets tell everyone that everything is going to change when it really isn't! Lets build up to a person dying only to reveal they really didn't die!

Seriously Marvel Comics has run out of ideas and is just running on fumes and riding the fame of the movies.

They need to start getting new stories and ORIGINAL characters! Seriously nothing is original anymore. Why?

Because they're afraid to do anything actually change anything. See the "changes" they make aren't really changes. They are filler. They are there to say, "Hey we changed stuff." Without telling real story.
Vortigar - 7/16/2014, 11:42 PM
Didn't read...

But I think it's pretty obvious why this is a silly move.

Both from a story as a representation standpoint.
Vortigar - 7/16/2014, 11:45 PM
And I hope Wolverine stays dead for more stories than those that reference Wolverine being dead.

Yeah, fat chance of that.

Steve Rogers should've stayed dead for at least a decade. Keep a book running that fills in stories from his past and have the Avengers reorganize themselves completely and solidify the new relations.

But noooooo...

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