How I would have changed Thor The Dark World

How I would have changed Thor The Dark World

Hit the jump to see how Kinghulk would have changed Thor the Dark World.

Editorial Opinion
By kinghulk - Mar 23, 2015 03:03 PM EST
Filed Under: Thor: The Dark World

Hey everyone lately I’ve been thinking a lot about Thor due to the info we got from Hemsworth and then in the comments section constant mentioning of the Thor movies. For the record I enjoyed Thor TDW but I think it could have been much better and the talk about what they could do Thor Ragnarok has got me thinking what they could have done better in Thor TDW.
I think the films concept art shows the potential for this film when you look at the alternate designs for Malekith, Kurse, Marauders and unused Valkyrie concept art. For some reason when I look at the Concept art for marvels phase 2 films I can’t help but feel like they were better than what we got in the movie so I’m curious do you guys feel the same way?

Now the film opens in a similar manner to the 1st film with an ancient battle and a narration by Odin. Perhaps rather than attempting to simply restore the Universe to darkness Malekith wishes to destroy Asgard and sever the connection between the 9 realms by using the Aether to sever Svartalheim’s connection to Yggsdrasil. In this version rather than needing the Convergence to return the universe to darkness Malekith needs the convergence so that the aether can attack Asgard directly. I imagine this scene playing out in a similar manner to the film but with Malekith and Algrim joined by a third elf Malekith’s wife they watch as king Bor leads the Asgardians into battle and the Kursed are released. As Malekith prepares the aether the Bifrost portal smashes in front of him and Bor and his men appear before him, Malekith battles Bor as Algrim fight the soldiers. Bor begins to gain the upper hand but is then attacked by Malekith’s wife, Malekith attempt to reach the Aether but the Bifrost transports it away as he turns round he sees Bor kill her. In a rage he charges towards Bor and is blasted in the face giving the scar which in the film was given to him by Thor. Algrim retrieves Malekith as the Kursed distract Bor Malekeith orders that all those they can gather are o go into hibernation and for the rest to be scarified so that they might survive.
After the opening scene we go through the film as usual with perhaps a little more action for the warriors 3 and a bit less Screen time for those on earth. Jane and Selvig could be researching the convergence (Selvig’s still not entirely himself but not as bad as in the film) and they go to investigate an anomaly Jane is hoping its Thor. Just like in the film she finds the Aether before eventually getting picked up by Thor. Then out in space somewhere Malekith awakens but is surprised to have been awoken as he intended to be awoken when the darkness grew and Ragnarok began. So I thought they were awoken early due to the return of the aether and perhaps Odin messing with dark magic to get Thor back to earth in Avengers (just an idea to tie in the avengers into it). Malekith decides to attack Asgard but he has more forces than he did in the film (not just one big ship, but let’s say a dozen making the threat to Asgard much bigger). With the threat bigger we could perhaps see the warriors 3 and Thor have a bit more action and have Valkyrie and the Asgardian ships be given a quick scene battling the Dark elves Outside of the Palace. 


Malekith eventually finds Frigga protecting Jane just like in the film but he isant a push over like in the film. Malekith orders her to step aside not wishing to kill her but Frigga slashes at him catching him off guard and cutting the one side of his face which has already been scarred by Bor. Malekith immediately draws his sword and remarks that she has impressive skills before adding for a woman and kills her. Thor then charges in and launches a bolt of lightning at him which Malekith partially blocks with some dark Magic he summons from his sword. Kurse then appears and Charges into Thor giving Malekith a chance to escape. As in the film Thor disagrees with Odin and takes Loki and Jane in an attempt to divert Malekith’s attention and give Odin and Heimdall a chance to repair their defences.
Malekith senses the Aether has moved and takes 2 ship’s to the dark world to retrieve the Aether. This time I was imagining a battle between Malekith and Loki while Thor battles against Kurse (skill and cunning vs skill and cunning and brute force vs brute force). While they battle Loki continues to hide Jane from Malekith which distracts Malekith who is desperate to grab the Aether giving Loki the temporary advantage. Eventually Kurse starts to gain the upper hand against Thor while Loki continues to distract Malekith Loki slips away and fakes his death in the same way as in the film. While Loki saves Thor Malekith gets closer to Jane and extracts the aether. He taunts Thor and reassures him that he has no intentions of killing her stating that he once loved someone. He says that Thor will be given the honour of watching Asgard burn stating that now with the aether nothing can stand in his way before blasting him and knocking him unconscious.

As Malekeith leaves Thor and Jane would find another Portal to earth like in the film but this time Thor would leave for Asgard. When Thor arrives the battle has already begun as the dark elf forces battle the Asgardians, Malekith returns and simply scoffs at the Asgardian attempts and the Aether begins to warp his personality making him more blood thirsty and unstable. Heimdall against Odin’s orders with the warriors 3 manage to get to the Bifrost and bring Thor back. As Malekith himself gets involved in the battle the Dark elfs begin to make huge progress into Asgard as Convergence nears. As the battle rages on we have a quick look at Jane and Selvig in London as the convergence begins and the realms align. Thor charges into battle and confronts Malekeith, he blasts Malekeith through the Asgardian throne room and into the outside and shoves him into one of the Elvan ships. When this happens the ship is knocked closer to the portal above Asgard and Malekith, Thor and the Ship are pulled through and then crash land in Greenwich with the ship landing in the Thames.

Thor battles Malekith as the warriors 3, Heimdall and Valkyrie continue to struggle against the Dark elves. Thor and Malekith fall through portal after portal across several of the 9 realms. Eventually they are separated and Malekith continues his offensive while Thor attempt to return to Asgard by flying through the Portals. During the battle at some point Loki would replace Odin just like in the film. Thor goes to the Yggasril room to wait for Malekeith who slaughters countless Asgardians before smashing through the door into the room more manic than ever. The 2 clash again this time both grab on to each other desperately attempting to defeat the other, Malekith grows angry his eyes begin to glow red and he begins laughing. Suddenly Portals begin ripping apart parts of the room before a red portal engulfs the 2. Both of them are thrown once again to the Dark world where they land in the spot where Malekith and Bor had their confrontation 10,000 years ago. Malekith grows angry and talks about this being the spot where Bor ended the dreams of his people and the spot where he will now Triumph over Asgards prince.
Now the final fight begins with both using every ounce of their powers to destroy the other. Eventually Malekith gains the upper hand, Thor sends Mjolnir into space, Malekith taunt him saying that even his beloved hammer has abandoned him as he holds Thor by the throat savouring ever moment of his pain. Then Mjolnir returns and with a thunderous bang goes straight through Malekith’s stomach, as he falls to the floor the Aether burst out and continues to hover in the air as Malekith draw’s his last breath cursing Asgard. So after that the film would end the way it did with this awesome reveal.

So that is how I would have done the film differently, do you guys like this idea, di you prefer the original film or would you have done something different if so let me know below. 
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Wannabe - 3/23/2015, 4:19 PM
Haven't read yet, but I hope the gist of it is "No Migard".
kinghulk - 3/23/2015, 4:26 PM
Wannabe- well there is still some but there would be drastically less, basically no darcy a tiny bit of selvig and some jane but less than in the film.
kinghulk - 3/23/2015, 4:28 PM
TheAmbassador- i take it you disagree with this or no? yeah i considered not using jane at all but i thought it would be silly to leave the lose thread from Thor dangling so i included her like the film did.
grif - 3/23/2015, 4:29 PM
trainwreck of a movie that makes the first one look good
Wannabe - 3/23/2015, 4:36 PM

I found Midgard took away focus from the threat of Malekith and the overall world building for Asgard. I'm hoping that Ragnarok will have little to no mention of Earth for the duration of the film as it is a very Asgard focused storyline.
WinterOstritch - 3/23/2015, 4:39 PM
Not the best grammar or spacing, but I love your tinkering with Malekith's character and tying it in closer to Asgard, especially using The whole symbology between Bor and Thor. The only things I would change? Valkerye doesn't really have a purpose in your write up, other than to just... Be there? i would use her to clean up after the countless battles Asgard takes in the film and to help when they can, deciding which to bring to Valahala or Hel, two places we haven't seen yet and would really add to the loss of the loved ones in your life in the movie, possibly Malekith's wife being deemed to Hel by the original Valkeryes and Frigga to Valhala. Also, what happened to Sif?! The original female badass! She needs some love too, man :P
Past those gripes, I like your thinking, from the convergence having an actual purpose and the villains having an ultimate goal that isn't completely ridiculous and stupid.
kinghulk - 3/23/2015, 4:40 PM
Wannabe- agreed Ragnarok should be all nine realms no midgard, this to me wold be the middle groudn it would have more of the Nine realms than thor but would still spend a small amount of time on earth. but no big final battle in midgard this time.
WinterOstritch - 3/23/2015, 4:42 PM
seriously, why have we gotten only 5 realms? We haven't even seen all of Asgard yet -.-
kinghulk - 3/23/2015, 4:43 PM
WinterOstrich- sorry about the grammer im not very good at all with that stuff, plus i did this in the last half hour. and yeah i only included Valkyrie because i loved the concept art they had for her for i thought i would work her into a few scenes introduce her then give her a bigger role in a future film perhaps. oops i just noticed i missed out sif i meant to include her with the warriors 3 my bad lol but she would be given more scenes along with the warriors 3.
kinghulk - 3/23/2015, 4:45 PM
just assume that if the warriors 3 are involved she will most likely be as well. and yeah i agree 5 out of 9 (10 if you include heaven recently introduced in the comics) is bad.
kinghulk - 3/23/2015, 5:17 PM
SoulofWakanda- i like that idea i mainly included jane because of the ending of thor to me it made sense to have thor eventually come back, although i did consider having Malekith kill her making him suffer the way bor made him suffer.
WinterOstritch - 3/23/2015, 5:27 PM
@kinghulk no problem man! Just got worried that you may have left her out all together haha ^

Maybe for Ragnarok, we can start off with maybe the home of the Dwarves or the Vanir Gods' homes being destroyed, just to demonstrate the sheer destruction of Surtur, or even just Beta Ray Bill's ship of his home planet if they go that route.

So many possibilities once thor ends... You can have BRB, Angela, Umu (I think that's the metal of Thor's hammer), some asgardian creatures and criminals showing up on earth...

What if for more magic based villains, once Asgard and the realms get wrecked and everything is reborn, that the monsters and criminals and wizards start using the earth as a new home. You can have asgardian Magic soaking in the earth, ancient beings sensing the God's powers, and more.

Asgard dying can be the best thing for Earth since Magic Hammers became the norm
kinghulk - 3/23/2015, 5:35 PM
WinterOstritch- the metal in thor's hammer is uru i believe. but yeah after Ragnarok there is so much potencial, personally if they make another Thor film after Ragnarok i would love to see gorr the god butcher he was so cool and it would be awesome to see a character with Umbrakinesis (control of darkness/shadows). maybe since we now have norman osborn we could have asgard on earth and siege or maybe fear itself (mainly because of the heroes upgraded by asgardian weapons like iron man)
WinterOstritch - 3/23/2015, 6:18 PM
@kinghulk YES.
Siege with Dark Reign and a dash of Fear Itself would be a wonderful way to get the Avengers to "re assemble" for a phase 4 film, ala New Avengers
LehnsienZad - 3/23/2015, 6:21 PM
would have shot the director...

more realistically though, i would have changed the shitty setting of inside a warehouse featuring Natalie Dickman and the ever enchanting but annoying Katt Dickings and her dick sidekick, actually, i would have ELIMINATED ALL OF THOSE THINGS and stayed within the nine realms minus dick earth and focused on a cohesive story, not the lame shitty shit we had to watch
WinterOstritch - 3/23/2015, 6:30 PM
Everyone seems to be hating the idea of Thor on earth... is it really just because we saw so much of it in the first one and had Darcy and Selvig?

you guys know the thing that makes Thor special is his interaction with all the realms, and the strangest (to him) being Midgard, you know, the charm comes from.

Thor 2's problem wasn't the fact the earth was in the movie, it was the fact that it served NO purpose. London has nothing to do with Thor nor a bigger universs, and from the stupid teleporting fight scenes and just really mopey and drab makeover, it was just uninteresting.
Alan Taylor's Asgard was very Ditko and colorful, and it's earth scenes being a beautiful contrast set in sunny New Mexico. THAT, my friends, is why Thor has a more aesthetically pleasing feel to it than TDW.
SauronsBANE - 3/23/2015, 6:52 PM
In terms of being aesthetically pleasing, I think The Dark World has the first Thor beat. By a lot, too. Asgard actually looks and feels lived-in, not like some piece of generic CGI located way off in the distance. The London scenes actually feel like they were on location, not in some random little town in New Mexico...which was obviously just a set. Plus, no [frick]ing Dutch angles in The Dark World too. That by itself almost makes the entire movie better than the 1st one haha.

Seriously though, I like these suggestions. Malekith definitely needed stronger motivation besides "darkness". He probably needed a stronger connection with Thor, too. And yeah, Jane and Selvig and Darcy and her intern got WAY too much screen-time and focus. There's a genuinely great version of Thor 2 somewhere in the footage they's just too bad it got edited to hell and back.

Still, I feel like I'm in the minority who liked The Dark World MUCH better than the first one.
Wannabe - 3/23/2015, 7:19 PM

I'm with you, man. Dark World wins out against its predecessor by far.
SauronsBANE - 3/23/2015, 8:06 PM
@SoulofWakanda I'll come right on and admit I don't particularly care for the character of Thor, so it's certainly possible I glossed over a lot of the character-building moments from the first movie. That probably goes a long way towards explaining my stance here haha.

You make great points though. Especially with Thor's arc of getting over his own arrogance and sacrificing himself with the Loki-controlled Destroyer...even I get a little emotionally wrecked whenever I see that scene haha.

But I would agree there's really no connection with Thor's arc from the 1st movie to the sequel. It kind of turned into the Thor and Loki show, even though I LOVED that aspect of it. Like I said earlier though, there's definitely a genuinely great cut of the movie somewhere out there, and that probably would've saved Thor's entire arc too. Thor 2 really deserves an unedited director's cut.
kinghulk - 3/24/2015, 1:40 AM
Soulofwakanda- ". That's the thing about all the MCU movies for me though, they're ALL enjoyable even if they aren't the best movie."

well said
NightWatcher - 3/24/2015, 7:16 AM
This article...I like it...

kong - 3/24/2015, 7:42 AM
How I'd Do Thor: The Dark World

In that first scene where Jane gets teleported and shit and comes in to contact with the aether, she [frick]ing dies.

Then Thor goes batshit crazy and actually fights a formidable villain.

Also him and Sif get it the [frick] ON after they've been drinking barrels and shit, but then they wake up the next morning and he's all like "But wrong this is and shit norse people didn't speak like, but since it's fantasy we speak like old british people" and then leaves and she awkwardly joins him on the mission.

Then the final battle is [frick]ing n-sane and he kills Malekith. Then Thor realizes he's right for Sif and shit and right before he goes hammer time on her ass (literally...kinda) Valkyrie rides up and is like "Yo" and him and Sif are like:

Also NO [frick]ING HUMOR! Go straight up Man of Steel in this bitch.
kinghulk - 3/24/2015, 9:39 AM
Kong- lol that was pretty good, but i saw nothing wrong with the humor that didnt involve jane, darcy, intern and selvig.

Nightwatcher- you want another, which one would you like?
VictorMancha - 3/25/2015, 2:47 AM
The main problem is the plot was just plain stupid/boring. This was by far the worst MCU movie. Even fricking Iron Man 3 was better.

They have a (demi)god as the main character and they managed to make him duller than Hawk-Eye, that is something though.

Ragnarok needs an other Director and writer. I really hoped they hired David Ayer for that or even Josh Trank but they were signed to the other studios.
They better find a good director
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