ECHO Co-Writer Explains Why Maya's Powers Were Retconned - SPOILERS

ECHO Co-Writer Explains Why Maya's Powers Were Retconned - SPOILERS

In Marvel Studios' Echo series, the title character's powers are very different to her comic book counterpart's, and co-writer Amy Rardin has now explained why these changes were made...

By MarkCassidy - Jan 15, 2024 02:01 PM EST
Filed Under: Echo

Marvel Studios movies and TV shows have made some fairly significant changes to their source material over the years, but when it comes to an individual character's powers, Disney+'s Echo may represent the biggest deviation from page to screen.

Maya Lopez does have some enhanced abilities in the comics, but they are a lot more grounded (like Taskmaster, she's able to replicate any fighting style). In the show, Maya discovers that she can channel the gifts of her Choctaw ancestors, which manifests in super-strength, healing, pinpoint accuracy, and more.

While chatting to Screen Rant, co-writer Amy Rardid explained why the decision was made to give Echo a completely new power-set.

"I think we talked a lot about deviating from the comics somewhat. I know probably the biggest place is her powers, and we talked a lot about her powers in the room and ultimately settled on a storyline where her powers were tied to her emotional story and her emotional growth. I think that's a big place where we deviated from the comics. And I think it's not until Maya has that moment with her mother and heals her heart a little bit that she can fully come into her power, so it's very much tied into her reconciling her past and moving forward emotionally."

Some feel that Maya's abilities and the show's flashbacks were a little shoehorned in, and it didn't help that we never really got to delve into the full extent of her mystical powers and why she was never able to access them before.

What did you make of this major deviation from the comic books? Drop us a comment down below.

All five episodes of Echo are now streaming on Disney+.

Echo is the first project under a new banner known as Marvel Spotlight, which takes its name from an anthology comic book series that debuted back in 1971 and was the origin of beloved Marvel characters like Ghost Rider and Spider-Woman.

“Marvel Spotlight gives us a platform to bring more grounded, character-driven stories to the screen, and in the case of Echo, focusing on street-level stakes over larger MCU continuity," said Head of Streaming Brad Winderbaum. "Just like comics fans didn’t need to read Avengers or Fantastic Four to enjoy a Ghost Rider Spotlight comic, our audience doesn’t need to have seen other Marvel series to understand what’s happening in Maya’s story.”

"Marvel Studios presents Echo in which Maya Lopez (Alaqua Cox) struggles to reconnect with her Native American roots while balancing aspirations tied to a life of crime as successor to the brutal legacy of Wilson Fisk (Vincent D'Onofrio) aka Kingpin," reads the most recent synopsis. "In the first episode, we are introduced to Maya Lopez and her struggles."

In addition to Cox, D'Onofrio and Cox (Charlie), the show will also star Chaske Spencer as Henry, Tantoo Cardinal as Chula, Graham Greene as Skully, Cody Lightning as Cousin Biscuits, Devery Jacobs as Bonnie, and Zahn McClarnon as William Lopez.

The origin story of Echo revisits Maya Lopez (Cox), whose ruthless behaviour in New York City catches up with her in her hometown. She must face her past, reconnect with her Native American roots and embrace the meaning of family and community if she ever hopes to move forward.

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SheepishOne - 1/15/2024, 2:46 PM
I thought the show was mostly decent. Especially the first three episodes or so. But I think giving Maya mystical powers was a mistake and a bit of a cheese fest.

I also felt the show was a bit aimless. What, of consequence, really happened?
Tonic24k - 1/15/2024, 2:53 PM
@SheepishOne - Yeah, the show was good for me. Nothing "absolutely spectacular" but certainly nothing below subpar. The only time I hear people saying the show was bad are the usual overly dramatic types.

At any rate, I personally liked the Native American lore playing into her mystical powers. We need more characters with "mystical" origins.

My only criticism in this regard is in the finale. Does this mean grandma and her sister (and whoever else) has these same powers?? Maybe I missed something or forgetting something that makes Echo unique here.
SonOfAGif - 1/15/2024, 3:03 PM
@SheepishOne - I wish they went with a spiritual approach with Maya having a sort of spiritual guide that only she could see. The bird could have worked and I felt like that was where they were going. It would have been interesting if Maya could sort of Astral Project herself during dreaming to enter the dreams and minds of others to see the demons that haunt and plague them. Similar to Doctor Strange being able to leave his body but not as powerful. Opening the door to Maya becoming a sorcerer one day.
Apophis71 - 1/15/2024, 3:52 PM
@Tonic24k - You didn't miss anything as such with her Gran and Cousin, however that said it was shown her Gran had at least previously had access to the same ancestral powers/assist during childbirth and as the cousin is also the direct lineage from the same Grandmother... although Maya is the one who will likely be able to access to powers in a more on demand way like her Mother did her Gran and Cousin would logicaly be open gateways to more passive access to the powers.

So, yeh, wasn't explained, wasn't put across well in the finale but does sort of make sense that whilst having full access during a crisis to the ancestral powers Maya could open close blood relatives up to having passive access to them too.

As to why it is Maya of any that also goes back to the nature of her Mothers birth and the fact she had unique powers of her own. As in effectively the her mother was a chosen one sort of thing, or destined to be but needed assistance to survive birth but mostly playing on the idea of all those who manifest there own powers are in one direct lineage of women and as Maya is an only child...

...again not explained and need to draw from other unrelated tropes across fiction about how these sort of things are normaly explained to make an assumption as to why Maya and not for instance one of her cousins until if they ever give an actual set lore for them as being only Maya or a more general thing of any of the tribe could be given the ancestral assist and why any exhibit new unique abillities etc.

As @SonOfAGif said, wish they had gone with/kept in a spirit quest thing such that they could keep that ancestor will give assistance only to direct blood relations during times of crisis but in order for Maya to have that level of more enhanced controlled access required visiting the ancestral realm and consulting with her ancestors for that to occur or need a spirit guide like for instance her Mother that allows her to tap into them and/or temp gift access them to others. Instead, and not sure if it was intended came across that instead Echo was controlling her Gran and Cousin using them like Puppets in the fight without ever explaining if that was the case either.
bkmeijer1 - 1/15/2024, 4:44 PM
@SheepishOne - "What, of consequence, really happened?"

Other people probably already pointed it out, but I feel that goes for all shows so far to be honest.
whoknows - 1/15/2024, 6:51 PM
@Tonic24k - I just took it that in the moment, she Echo’d her powers to her Gma and cousin. But that possibly her Gma(who already side) and cousin(possibly) could access the power on their own if in distress, orrrrr that the power passes to the younger generation, like the ancestors aid one of the younger girls and not Gma cuz she’s senior. So like when her mother could access the powers maybe her Gma couldn’t anymore? Idk that’s just speculative.
noahthegrand - 1/15/2024, 2:48 PM
While the power stuff is one of the wonkier aspects for me and should have been better developed I did like they kept the mother scene small. I feel like another Disney + show would have had thundering orchestral music but they kept it lo key and focused on the characters.
Origame - 1/15/2024, 2:51 PM
It's just any power the plot required for her.

And of course it's only female ancestors 🙄
tBHzHomer - 1/15/2024, 3:08 PM
@Origame - well, the Choctaw are a matriarchal society.
WruceBayne - 1/15/2024, 3:12 PM
@Origame - why change the reason most people tuned in for? Why deviate from the comics when you didn’t have to in order to tell her story? That’s crazy to me.
EskimoJ - 1/15/2024, 3:14 PM
@Origame - Do certain genetic conditions not get passed down from one side of the family in real life?

marvel72 - 1/15/2024, 3:19 PM
@Origame - They changed her tribe from the comics to choctaw and Echo in the comics has both legs.
Origame - 1/15/2024, 3:51 PM
@EskimoJ - today I learned one side of the family means only the women 🤣

Dude, your mom's side of the family bare minimum includes one guy, her father and your grandfather. Because otherwise she couldn't exist.
Origame - 1/15/2024, 3:53 PM
@WruceBayne - especially when it's done so lazy. As established there's basically no limit and she can do whatever.

And they tried to claim this show is grounded 🤣
BeNice123 - 1/15/2024, 4:05 PM
@tBHzHomer - almost all Native Tribes are like that. Even my tribe. Women are held at the high priests of culture. Especially bloodline/Clans.
Apophis71 - 1/15/2024, 4:07 PM
@EskimoJ - Yes, some genetic things only present in one gender for logical reasons...

Some RL conditions only occur on the X or Y gene and depending on specifics you have conditions that only or primarily only effect one sex not both.

...for instance the X gene always comes from a mother, the Y always from a father. So if having an abilitity was coded into only X genes (in the human sense not the Marvel mutant one) but required two of them with that genetic code to have full access then it can be those with XX, ie female only trait. Being only a carrier, as in only one X gene with the code could theoreticaly mean that they can have a passive assist (like her Gran) without having full powers theoreticaly speaking.
BeNice123 - 1/15/2024, 4:07 PM
@marvel72 - thats one thing i [frick]in hate! Changing comic book origins. I despise disney for a lot of that.
Tasmaniac - 1/15/2024, 4:14 PM
@WruceBayne - Because they know better than the decades of male writers that created and told her stories in the comics. Duh. What would those pigs know?
marvel72 - 1/15/2024, 4:22 PM
@BeNice123 - I agree, I want it as close to source material as possible, I get you have to change things slightly but Disney Marvel take the piss.
Toonstrack - 1/15/2024, 4:24 PM
@WruceBayne - aren't ysll also claiming no one was tuning in? Now you're claiming echo has fans that are drawn to this show?

Pick an argument and stuck to it.
WruceBayne - 1/15/2024, 5:00 PM
@Toonstrack - I never said that. I never said that about any show/movie. I want ALL comic book media to succeed so that we get more of it. I even that Agatha show to succeed. I never said don’t tune into any show, Marvel/Dc or independent. That’s just not who I am.
whoknows - 1/15/2024, 6:58 PM
@Origame - you realy are nitpicking, not one time did they mention aloud any super feminist stuff, they never hammered in any negative stuff generalizing over men. Visually yes you understand that the powers are transferred down the female line. But there’s no man hate in this show. And there’s nothing propping women above men unfairly, so why are you nitpicking at that topic. Eve it felt more seamless, to me, and not forced. And I, personally, don’t see anything wrong with that. It’s like you just look for something to snap at, and it just makes you seem like a woman hater. Don’t let that shit bother you, especially not enough to complain about.
Origame - 1/15/2024, 7:18 PM
@whoknows - "it's time for a queen"
Origame - 1/15/2024, 7:23 PM
@whoknows - also, literally the whole reason she's evil is because of the men in her life, specifically her father and kingpin. Whereas she literally gains superpowers by being the latest woman in her family whereas all the women are given powers to be superhero beings throughout history.

Ffs, her cowboy ancestor was the most stereotypical feminist sh!t out there. She's specifically told not to be a fighter because she's a woman, then proves to be a better shot than the men with actual experience.

If you genuinely aren't seeing it, then you're going out of your way not to see it. Only way it can be more feminist is if it were she hulk.
Kurban - 1/15/2024, 10:01 PM
@tBHzHomer - Which is the entire reason they changed her native clan to that from what it was in the comics. M-She-U, indeed.
Slotherin - 1/16/2024, 9:11 AM
@BeNice123 - MCU made deviations well before being acquired by Disney
PC04 - 1/15/2024, 3:00 PM
Watched the whole thing yesterday and I found myself enjoying it quite a bit. Loved the DD fight scene! Mya's fight in the roller rink was pretty damn awesome as well. I'd watch a second season.
SonOfAGif - 1/15/2024, 3:05 PM
@PC04 - The Daredevil fight scene reminded me of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. Anytime Nemesis would randomly pop up and had that terrifying music and Jill had no option but to fight.
Tonic24k - 1/15/2024, 3:08 PM
@PC04 - Hell yes! The fight scenes were my favorite part of the show. That and I thought Alaqua's acting was pretty damn phenomenal. To deliver a wide array of emotions with only body language and facial expressions is no easy task...even for an actor with all 5 senses. Having to rely solely on that, hats off to her!

And just to call out the hate the fight scenes got. I have to say it seems like there's a double standard here. It was no different than the Netflix DD material. Seems there's just a trend to hate on anything MCU related right now.

PC04 - 1/15/2024, 3:14 PM
@SonOfAGif - Agreed. Her acting was great. I wasn't sure at first if she could carry a series, but I was so happy with what I saw. She has charisma and I wanted to keep watching.

The fight scenes were good. I don't know what the complains are about. Can they be better? Sure they could. But they were by no means bad.
Rastarapha - 1/15/2024, 3:34 PM
@Tonic24k -

No, the show sucks, but not cause of wokism

It's just another d+ garbage
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