
CBM Username: AquamanIsTheBest
Member Since: 7/23/2012
CBM Posts: 10

Contact AquamanIsTheBest Favorite Characters: DC-Aquaman, Guy Gardner, and Superman. Marvel-Captain Marvel, Star-Lord, Doctor Strange.
Recently, I've seen some debate on the topic of "Who's run was better?" and "Who should Mamoa take inspiration from?". I want to voice my opinion on the matter. Why? Because I'm Freaking Bored.
Jan 29, 2015 06:01 PM
Iron Man Vs. Captain America! It's coming in 2016 and now it's time to start picking sides! So, who's on whose side? I go through a rundown of all of the MCU's current players and how they will affect Civil War!
Nov 02, 2014 03:11 PM
The question we've all asked, "Why wasn't Aquaman in Justice League: WAR?", is finally answered in the wake of JL: WAR's premiere yesterday. Now, how does DC make up to the fans what has been denied for soooooo long!?
Jan 22, 2014 10:01 AM
EDITORIAL: Why no Aquaman in Justice League: War could be a good Thing
Think positive right!? Many are upset and confused with the change(Including myself) but even though we know in our hearts it's a bad thing let's focus on how this could turn out well in the long term.
Nov 03, 2013 02:11 PM
EDITORIAL: Why no Aquaman in Justice League: War is a bad thing
Aquaman has always been a key member of the Justice League and was featured in the story line Justice League: War is based off why did he get the ax when he deserves this more than anyone else?
Oct 28, 2013 04:10 PM
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