EDITORIAL: Whose Side are THEY on?

EDITORIAL: Whose Side are THEY on?

Iron Man Vs. Captain America! It's coming in 2016 and now it's time to start picking sides! So, who's on whose side? I go through a rundown of all of the MCU's current players and how they will affect Civil War!

Editorial Opinion
By AquamanIsTheBest - Nov 02, 2014 03:11 PM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Comics

This is how the MCU will change. Civil War may lead to the biggest change thus far to Marvel's cinematic universe. The first non-Avengers movie to REQUIRE just about everyone to be in it. We know it has to be more than just Tony, Steve, and T'Challa. This is an event that will shatter friendships and alliances, and it will ultimately affect all the movies coming up after it. Marvel's first Phase 3 movie will be, arguably, their biggest undertaking since the first Avengers. We seem to understand what the fission will be(should the government be in full control of the heroes or not?), so it makes it a little easier to speculate this next part. Who will take whose side? We know Cap and Tony's feelings, but how about the Hulk? Thor? Widow? Hawkeye? Coulson? Well, I take a look at each of these characters, and I'll try to decide if they'll ultimately side with Tony, Steve, or if they will remain neutral in the conflict. If you disagree, well then let me know in the comments. I'm very interested to see how you guys think it'll play out. 
So with that...let's BEGIN!


Ok, so here are the two biggest wildcards. Why? Well, we haven't met them yet and we have almost NO idea as to what their characters are like and their motivations. In the Age of Ultron trailer they were seen protesting, but we don't know what. Many have said, "Hey, maybe they're protesting the Avengers". If this is true then I'd be willing to say they'd more than likely be team Tony. Why? Well, if they're protesting the Avengers than the chances are they are protesting the thing that Tony wants to change. They are probably protesting an unregulated group of super-humans being able to do whatever they want above the law, acting as an international police-force. But that's all just guesswork. No one knows what they're motivations are, we just know that it's a fact that they aren't buddy-buddy with the Avengers at first. Maybe they see Tony's invention of Ultron as a big enough reason not to trust him. They were part of the *POTENTIAL SPOILER* rumored team that is supposedly formed by Cap after this film *END POSSIBLE SPOILER*. Regardless of what side they are on, it's hard to imagine them not being a part of the clash. Whichever side they choose, whether it's the same or they split, they'll definitely be forces to be reckoned with. 

Whose Side are They On?:


So let's talk Bruce Banner/Hulk. The chances of him showing up in this film are pretty high. Feige said Hulk will show up in multiple Phase 3 films, and Ruffalo certainly has the contract for it. So will Banner side with his science buddy-for-life, Tony? I don't think so. 1) If there is one thing that Bruce Banner would not be for, it's the government having control over him. He spent however many years, pre-Avengers, avoiding the government knowing they wanted to throw him in a cage somewhere and use him as a, or to make, weapons. Now if they become government agents then that puts him dangerously close to people like General Ross. I doubt this gives Banner any confidence in Tony's vision. 2) I heard rumors somewhere that Banner and Stark are on odds in AOU over Ultron's creation and use. If his relationship as BFF's with Tony breaks down here, and he stops trusting him then it would make since that he'd turn to Cap. BUT there's a reason I put Bruce Banner AND the Hulk. Banner will lean to Cap, and I believe that's what could happen, but I don't know if Tony is just going to let the Hulk join his ally. I think, and this may be a stretch here, that Tony will eIther A) Take Banner/Hulk out of commission all together or B) turn the Hulk against Banner. If there's one thing we know about the Hulk...he's REALLY easy to manipulate. Stark could have a handy device up his sleeve to keep the hulk under control if he ever loses it again(a natural progression after his hulk fight in AOU if you think about it. Why fight him if you can control him). That could be a good way to see that we don't see another Iron Man vs Hulk fight like we will in AOU. If the Hulk is on Cap's side, though, you have to be asking yourself, "If Iron Man is fighting Cap at the end...who could take on the Hulk?".
Well I have two answers, one I'll get to later. The other one, is right below. 

Whose Side is He On?:


The Vision is the only character so far that I can give a truly, 100% confident answer to. He is team Iron Man, 100%. Well, maybe not 100%, but I still think it's a rather intelligent guess. Why? He is, presumably, in AOU Tony's VISION. He is JARVIS 2.0. If Tony uses him as a failsafe against Ultron, uploading JARVIS' consciousness into this suit, then the character should remain fairly similar.  JARVIS and Tony have always stuck together and I see no reason why they wouldn't here. It all depends on how much independent thinking Vision exhibits between the movies. He would be a good counterbalance to the Hulk, and if him and Wanda DO start having a thing, then maybe that'll sway her one way or the other. 

Whose Side is He On?:


Here are the next two who I can say with certainty will each go a certain way. Falcon and Cap will stay together because they work like peanut butter and jelly. Rhodey is the same with Tony. Plus Rhodey is with the government and would likely see no problem with registration. He's been Iron Patriot for the government with no incidents...that were completely his superiors fault.  Falcon on the other hand, as said in The Winter Soldier, "Well, the number of people giving me orders is...zero so yeah I'm good".

Whose Side are They On?:


Now that Bucky remembers, at least part of, his past then what's next? Will he take a side in this conflict? Will Cap hunt him down for help? Will Stark recruit him first? Will he take over for Cap if this ends the way it did in the comics? Well, he signed up for seven films so we WILL be seeing him again, and the fact that this is a Captain America titled-story makes me think yes. Whose side is he on? Well, isn't that the question of the day(crap, I just quoted TASM2...don't hate me). He could stay a lone wolf, or he could take his place with his ol teacher. I highly doubt Tony could get him to do anything, especially against Cap. 

Whose Side is He On?:


Now, here is what I think will happen. See this team-up right here ^? Well, enjoy it because they are splitting up. What better way to show just how much division is going on between heroes than seeing this power couple split up? They will probably pick different sides, and to deliver an emotional punch they will probably also 1) break-up and 2) fight each other in the finale. The Civil War comic split Reed and Sue, so they could represent them in this story. So who goes where? I believe Natasha will support the Superhero Registration Act(if it's still called that). Why? She supported it in the comics. Well, I can already hear people, "This isn't the comics! She was so close to Cap in the Winter Soldier!". Another reason it works so well. Her turning against Cap will be unexpected. Her character has been working for SHIELD for a long time, and she was working for governments long before that. Take that as you will, but I think Age of Ultron will make her think, "Hm, we almost killed the world acting on our own, but we saved it when we worked for SHIELD." Vice versa Hawkeye will stay with Cap. Hawkeye respects Cap more than anything else, and I think the Hydra in SHIELD revelation hit him harder than Natasha(Just guesswork here, trying to make this division work). He's seen first hand that when you work for a government, they tell you who the bad-guys are. Think about that cut scene from The Winter Soldier where he was told Cap was a traitor and tasked with hunting him down even though Cap was a good guy. Why would he ever trust a governing body again to tell him who's bad or not? Will the division happen exactly this way? Maybe. Maybe they go the opposite ways that I suggest here. It could happen, but I guarantee the split. The split will happen. 

Whose Side are They On?


I honestly believe that Thor will NOT appear in Civil War. I think that the events of AOU will shake him to his core, and he'll leave Midgard at the end of the film. We saw his fury at Tony in the trailer, so it's not out of the question to believe that he'd leave the planet to get a little bit of a breather after the earth-shattering fight. Plus I don't know how many films Chris has left in his contract so it would make since to save him for Ragnorak and the Infinity War films. IF he is in the film, however, I think he'd either be neutral or on Cap's side. He could be neutral seeing this as a purely Midgard problem that heroes from there need to solve. He wouldn't want to get involved(Think T'Challa from the comics). If he picked a side, he would choose Cap over Tony any day. From their fight in the Avengers to the tension in AOU I don't see Thor assisting him anytime soon.

Whose Side is He On?:


The only hero besides Tony and Steve to be in the film, Black Panther could be a game changer for either side. Too bad he probably won't pick one. I think his path will stay true to his comic counter-part. Plus, Boseman said during the announcement, "Black Panther's his own guy" maybe implying the role in the film. So what will his role be? Your guess is as good as mine. In the comic event he joined Tony's side after the death of a friend. Maybe he'll join Tony, but I'm willing to mark him down as Neutral for now.

Whose Side is He On?:


So SHIELD. Let's cover some smaller heroes and the big heads of SHIELD. Will Coulson back his old friend Cap? Will Hill lead the witch hunt? Will Fury come out of hiding? These are all the important questions. Here are the answers. Will Deathlok reappear during Civil War? It would make sense. He is about as rogue as you could go as super-humans go. If he was to return, then my guess is he'd side with Coulson, a man he trusts. Coulson would most likely side with Fury, who would most likely side with Cap. Fury sides with Cap because he doesn't trust anyone, and he especially doesn't trust them to handle these superheroes. Cap will probably be given the backing of Coulson and his SHIELD. Come on, Coulson going against Cap? yeah, that'll happen. Then there's the problem that is Maria Hill. Think about her position after Winter Soldier. She's working a menial desk job for Stark. Imagine that after AOU the government comes to her, asking her to be a consultant. She's worked with heroes, she's smart about it. She could suggest registration in the first place. This puts her right on track with her(more dick-ish) comic counterpart and it gives Stark something too. Stark and Hill vs Cap and Fury/Coulson. Now, let's stretch once more and assume that Hill and the government make a new organization to police superheroes. SHIELD isn't trusted, so they make their own. Enter the MCU's H.A.M.M.E.R.! Tony is given access to HAMMER and their new "Cape-killers", just like in the comic. Oh, and Mockingbird is still new, but I assume she'll follow Coulson in whatever he does. Also, if SHIELD is still on around this time then it'd give a cool, inside look to the war. The coming of the registration act, the division of heroes, and maybe a division in team members. Maybe half the team thinks registration and HAMMER are in the right, and the other half think Cap is. There is a lot of potential there for the end of SHIELD's season 3.

Whose Side are They On?:


There are no plans for another stand-alone Ant-Man movie in Phase 3, so it would make sense that Marvel's newest star could show up in the movie that comes after. Even more, I think that this could be another big schism made. Lang could side with Captain America, but Pym would side with Tony. He isn't a fan of heroes in the first place, and he could give Tony's side his intellect(and maybe even a little Yellowjacket...you know, if Yellowjacket isn't the villain of Ant-Man). It'd be a war of Mentor vs Student, and maybe it'd be cool to see Douglas suit up to fight against his protégé. If the Wasp shows up in Ant-Man then she could easily be involved, too. 

Whose Side are They On?


If AOU can introduce new characters then this movie can too. They're already introducing Black Panther for his future movie, so maybe we'll see Captain Marvel! It's not that far out of the question with a cameo by Danvers rumored for AOU, and she was a powerhouse for Tony's side. Maybe they could introduce something like the "50 State Intitiative" and introduce new heroes like Wonder Man or Doc Samson. Cloak and Dagger are two characters who, in my opinion, have a lot of potential on the screen and would bring more diversity powers, race, and gender-wise to the screen. The punisher played a small role in the comics, and they do have the rights. Plus, he'd be easy because people already know who he is! He doesn't even require too much explaining! I'll also put these guys down as "New Players" even though we've met some of them before, but don't forget that the Thunderbolts played a part for Tony in the war. What villains would they use? Abomination and The Leader are behind bars, plus Absorbing Man and Blizzard. With Abomination or the Leader there are two more anti-hulks on Tony's side. It is a possibility. I wouldn't hold out much hope for Supernatural characters like Ghost Rider or Blade. They didn't play a large role in the event, if any, and they probably won't show up until the post-Doctor Strange universe. Don't expect Strange either. He isn't Captain Marvel, he's something like the MCU hasn't seen before. A post-credit scene? Yes. There is far too little room in this movie to establish the significance of a Sorcerer Supreme. How about the Netflix Defenders? Is there room for Daredevil in all of this? Feige made it seem like they won't show up, but with an event this big I find that hard to believe. Finally, the ones who start it all, I believe the New Warriors will show up in some function. Speedball has been rumored for SHIELD this season, and just about any young heroes could be on the team. The New Warriors, a team of young and inexperienced heroes, cause a school to be blown up as a result of their recklessness and this is the final straw that forces Superhero Registration out. Would it work? Absolutely! Could they go without it? That depends on how devastating AOU is. If AOU is strong enough to warrant a registration act on its own...then wow that's going to be a very devastating movie. With all this potential for new characters to be brought in then could the film be overblown with characters? No. Not if the movie balances everything perfectly (giving the old characters time to deal with them but not forgetting the new guys and their problems/personalities) then it'll be fine. And, let's be honest, if you want this Civil War to be as big as the comics...we're gonna need a few more people on each side. 

Ultimately, this movie has a LOT of potential as long as it's done right. Will it be? I believe in Marvel. They just need to be smart in what they do, and who they put on each side. I honestly can't wait. Please let me know what you guys think, do you agree or disagree, and thanks for reading! Oh, and let me know...

^That, let me know that.

I'm Team Cap, but I see the shades of grey. There are problems with free-roam heroes...but registration isn't the way. 
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AquamanIsTheBest - 11/2/2014, 4:07 PM
Did you read it? The only ones who say "both" are the ones I bunched two heroes or more into one paragraph, like widow and Hawkeye. One will be pro and one will be against, therefore both. Instead of writing who every single person is I simplified it. I'm not going to go through the list of every single shield agent and list every side. I did it to conserve time. Shouldn't have been an issue if read.
AquamanIsTheBest - 11/2/2014, 4:12 PM
What was the point? Analyzing where heroes might drift during this movie. Yes, some can't be answered but the movie is two years away and I did the best I could guessing with what we have at this point in time. Some are honestly too Unknown(like quicksilver), some are obvious(war machine), some are more obscure but can be given a reasonable guess(like widow and Hawkeye) and some could easily go either way(hulk). Just pointing out what the possible sides could be like. Not a good enough point? I did it for fun. That's probably the true-er reason I wrote it.
AquamanIsTheBest - 11/2/2014, 4:24 PM
Well good, I guess I'll just defend it then. I did exactly what I set out to do. If you don't like it I could care less. If you would offer up valid points for argument I'll cone back to offer a retort. But I andwers all your previous accusations in the previous text. Want a list that doesn't say both?
Tony: Vision, Hank Pym, War Machine, Maria Hill, Hawkeye or Widow, Potentially HAMMER/parts of shield gone rogue/cape-killers/new heroes(like captain marvel)/and thunderbolts
Cap: Falcon, Bucky, Coulson and offiicial SHIELD support, black widow or Hawkeye, Scott Lang, new heroes
Could go either way: hulk, the twins
Neutral: Thor and Black Panther
Simple enough for you? See, had you read you'd know that technically only three characters could go either way.

Ps, yes I put widow and Hawkeye as bothered because I know one will go one way and the other tee opposite way...I just can't tell who goes where. If you read it though I do believe I suggested Hawkeye going with cap and widow with stark was my more likely scenario.

ToxicCap - 11/2/2014, 4:41 PM
This is why Aquaman should stay with DC…
AquamanIsTheBest - 11/2/2014, 4:44 PM
If you're going to voice disdain please at least just tell me why so I can improve my writing style instead of just being rude.
AquamanIsTheBest - 11/2/2014, 4:44 PM
Or at least so I can argue a point.
TheManFromMars - 11/2/2014, 4:47 PM
I would actually like if Coulson went against Cap. It would have a very nice "Broken Pedestal" feeling from Coulson who maybe heartbroken/disappointed/angry with his idol picking what he believes to be the wrong choice.
AquamanIsTheBest - 11/2/2014, 4:52 PM
^I was actually thinking about that. It would be very interesting to see Coulson in that position. It's just so hard to imagine Cpulson not backing Cap or Fury, you know? Oh and whether or not you liked the article thank you for just bringing up your own thoughts on the matter instead of simply just saying how much you disliked the editorial. Discussion/different opinions of who could be on which side was more towards what I wanted from this XD
Dingbat - 11/2/2014, 5:09 PM
So everyone is neutral?
AquamanIsTheBest - 11/2/2014, 5:19 PM
Was I really that unclear or did everyone just skim through?
Everyone was assigned a side except for The twins and the hulk who could go either way. The only two neutral ones are Thor and panther.
WYLEEJAY - 11/2/2014, 5:37 PM
Sooooooooo.............what your saying here is............everyone will fight for both?

Just kidding man. Just kidding. Interesting write up. Thanks.
WYLEEJAY - 11/2/2014, 6:00 PM
I cant see Banner putting the Hulk in a situation where he could hurt his friends. Nope. Hulk takes off to avoid the conflict altogether. Yeah.....they did say Hulk will show up in a couple of Phase Three films, but not necessarily this one. I definitely agree with you on Thor.
WYLEEJAY - 11/2/2014, 6:02 PM
I think....if all the super heroes just got together........for a super powered jerk circle........this could all be avoided.
SnapperCarr - 11/2/2014, 6:57 PM
I'm pretty sure Thor and Hulk won't be involved in the conflict just like in the comics. Same with Doctor Strange.
MileHighRonin - 11/2/2014, 7:03 PM
They should all be Anti-Registration. Not because of friendship or whatever happens in the film, but because of The Winter Solder. T'Challa, in the comics, saw only two things that can come from the Registration. It will cause useless battle between friends and will make it easier for villains to discover information on heroes. He knew the governments would not be able to protect the heroes' secrets. The Winter Solder film
proved secrets kept on any form of computer will be discovered.
MrBlackJack - 11/2/2014, 7:14 PM
Oh shit, I forgot about Ant-Man showing up in Civil War.

MrBlackJack - 11/2/2014, 7:15 PM
Or the possibility at least.
MisterBatfleck - 11/2/2014, 7:23 PM
We better see some Giant-Man action then.
WYLEEJAY - 11/2/2014, 7:43 PM
@MisterBatfleck. In the jerk circle right? Guess size does matter....
Lhornbk - 11/2/2014, 9:13 PM
Ok, has everyone else been watching the same Marvel movies that I've been watching? Yes, I know that in the comic Civil War Stark is pro-registration and Cap is anti-registration. But this isn't the comics, and secret identities are not an issue. And so far, Iron Man has been pretty consistent about NOT trusting the government. He refused to give his suit to the army, he didn't trust Fury or Shield, he wanted to take on the Mandarin on his own, and is evidently privatizing world security in the runup to AoU. So why would he suddenly decide to support a government takeover of super heroes. Meamwhile Cap has been a soldier, a Shield agent. He believes in following orders. Yes, he took down Shield, but only because the government had lost control of it. So don't be surprised if their views are reversed from what happened in the comics. (Now, if it turns out that it's the UN trying to control super heroes and not the U.S. government, then I could see Cap being against it and Stark being for it, especially if he was gonna be in charge.)
PewPewMcgee - 11/2/2014, 10:33 PM
I thought that maybe Thor would leave after AOU and Tony or SHIELD will build the Ragnorak clone during the Civil War
Kurne - 11/3/2014, 5:23 AM
It's gonna be interesting to see where majority of these guys stand. In the comics half of 'em weren't even around during CW. Scarlet Witch and Hawkeye were hiding, Quicksilver was doing his own sh*t, Thor was dead, Hulk was off-planet, Bucky didn't show up until after Cap was shot... It's a good thing really. More freedom, less predictable.
CorndogBurglar - 11/3/2014, 5:27 AM
This is what happens when you try to place people on sides before you even know the details of the split.

Literally all we know is a version of Civil War is happening. You can't pick sides before you even know what happened to cause it.
CorndogBurglar - 11/3/2014, 5:36 AM
@ LHornbk

You make a good point abiut Iron Man, but after creating Ultron and almost destroying the world he's going to have some serious guilt issues, and he might realize that giving himself all this power is a bad idea. So he might join the government because of that. Thats just a guess.

Also, in Winter Soldier, Cap was already questioning the government and their plans. Pushing through a registration act might be all it takes to push him over the edge. I dont think their roles will be reversed.
Fekkius - 11/3/2014, 7:49 AM
I think it's safe to say that any SHIELD peeps (aside from Hill, and possibly either Widow or Hawkeye) will side with Cap. That being said, I doubt anyone from Agents of SHIELD will appear. Also would Thor even apply to the SHRA, since he's not even from Midgard? Even if he did, his absence would probably be similar to Diana's in The Dark Knight Returns.
Pheezmatic - 11/3/2014, 8:35 AM


These characters will be evolving and I think its really awesome how a lot of them started on one side of the fence and have now been slowly drifting to the other side. Both are seeing the errors and negatives of the beliefs that they held dear for most of their lives. Drama at its finest.
Spock0Clock - 11/3/2014, 9:59 PM
Why group characters together just to muddy the final assessment? If War Machine and Falcon are on different sides, then give them different paragraphs... The way you've done this just makes most of the "Whose Side are They On?"'s meaningless.

For articles this long, expect skimming. And assishness aside, Scorpion was right about it being a big exercise in waffling.

I know there is an impulse to be protective of something you worked on, but try not to take the criticism personally.
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