CBM Username: CFL
Member Since: 10/7/2015
CBM Posts: 9

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Sony's Marvel Universe: what the timeline could be!
My predictions for Sony and their Marvel characters! Here I discuss what I think and hope Columbia Pictures is planning. As long as Spider-Man and the Marvel Cinematic Universe aren't involved, I'm happy!
May 15, 2018 01:05 AM
Ever wonder what Sony's planned superhero cinematic universe minus Spider-Man would look like? Wonder no more! #SonyMarvelUniverse #MCUsucks
Jul 09, 2017 04:07 PM
As a fan of Tobey and Andrew's five SPIDER-MAN movies and a disliker of all things DC, there's something that doesn't sound right!
Feb 23, 2016 05:02 PM
Okay, let's just pretend that the MCU never got Spidey back! We would all have an exciting SPIDER-MAN Cinematic Universe courtesy of Columbia Pictures. Here's my vision for the future of Spidey in film!
Nov 15, 2015 09:11 PM
What THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN Cinematic Universe Would've Looked Liked!
Since the announcement of Sony sharing the Spidey rights with the fucking Marvel Cinematic Universe, my life fell apart and made me more angry, clinically depressed, and suicidal! Here's what I think THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN Cinematic Universe would've looked like!
Oct 19, 2015 09:10 PM
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