
CBM Username: Deonox
Member Since: 5/30/2015
CBM Posts: 5

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Ultron: The Greatest CBM Villain
A lot of people have gone on the record of liking Age of Ultron, but being disappointed about Ultron himself. With 2 small changes in direction Ultron would've been arguably the greatest villain of all time.
Aug 18, 2015 09:08 PM
Jessica Jones Trailer Could be Dropping Soon
With Captain America: Civil War finishing up with principal photography, DareDevil Season 2 shooting right now, and the Secret Warriors on the way, there's still one more Marvel property flying under everyone's radar, and that's Jessica Jones.
Aug 17, 2015 06:08 PM
Fant4stic is the most important CBM of 2015
Because it's the movie we needed right now, but not the one we deserved.
Aug 09, 2015 03:08 PM
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