
CBM Username: MoonDoggyX
Member Since: 2/1/2009
CBM Posts: 6

Contact MoonDoggyX
My list of the 5 superheroes I think are most responsible for taking us from Bat-nipples and bad one-liners, to the mind-blowing awesomeness coming our way over the next 2 summers.
Jan 02, 2014 10:01 AM
Who doesn't enjoy a good flame war? Its fun. However, both sides are getting more bold and outlandish every day. The whole thing has become sillier than West Side Story. Everyone just needs to chill, keep it real... then insult eachother's mothers!
Oct 15, 2013 05:10 PM
Zach Snyder and company keep talking about making Superman "relevant" again. Does Superman as a mythos really need to be updated to make to make it resonate better with a modern movie audience?
Jun 06, 2013 10:06 AM
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