TRAILER: Street Fighter - The Legend of Chun-Li Trailer (English Version)

TRAILER: Street Fighter - The Legend of Chun-Li Trailer (English Version)

The english version of that Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li trailer is now available via IGN. Check it out and hear what they are saying without having to understand Japanese...

By ComicBookMovie - Jan 07, 2009 12:01 PM EST
Filed Under: Street Fighter

STREET FIGHTER Reboot Searches For New Director As TALK TO ME Filmmakers Depart Video Game Adaptation

STREET FIGHTER Reboot Searches For New Director As TALK TO ME Filmmakers Depart Video Game Adaptation

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Shaman - 1/7/2009, 12:25 PM
Oh WOW!!! Now that i hear it in a language that i actually understand, it sounds like the best martial arts movie/video game adaptation ever made!!!

HOW'BOUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Freaky japanese bastards!
CrookedJaw - 1/7/2009, 12:28 PM
sweet man, looks freakin sick. I'm so glad they put Vega in there, he's the best outta the game...still confused as to why it's the legend of Chun-li, and not legend of Ryu or Ken, but looks awesome
MarkCassidy - 1/7/2009, 12:29 PM
i dont know what it is..i just think this may not be a pile of pants...
Shaman - 1/7/2009, 12:40 PM
The mere fact that they are disreguarding Ken and Ryu will be they're downfall...AGAIN! Ken and Ryu versus Bison and Akuma is what sells this game over and over again, not freakin Chun-Li nor Balrog nor Dalsim and especially not Dan!!! Get it straight!!! Oh and that scrawny idiot with the mask on is a discrace to one of the coolest characters in the game, VEGA!!! The best verson of Vega was in Van Damme's movie, all he needed was "wire-fighting" effects and he would have kicked!!! By the way, Vega is "spanish" (you guys didn't see shit LOL) not freakin japanese!!!
IonParallax - 1/7/2009, 1:02 PM
Fail fail fail. All day fail. I thought Vega was Spanish? Anyway. Fail.
talonn2001 - 1/7/2009, 1:10 PM
yeah vega was spanish. u disapoint me Shamen you're usually so on top of these things. I personaly hated the street fighter games when they started to make oall the new charcters that were basically clones of the original ones.
CrookedJaw - 1/7/2009, 1:44 PM
I gotta say it, I enjoyed the old Van Damme version. It sucked balls, but is one of those "you gotta love em" classics. This one looks good, and hopefully it doesn't fail
Shaman - 1/7/2009, 2:19 PM
talonn2001- you are so right, i'm just very disapointed with myself you wouldn't believe. Vega IS spanish, for some reason, in a blind fury af hate, i didn't remember clearly his actuall origin. All i knew is that he wasn't japanese. Sorry, my discrace, i'll go shoot myself now...
MarkCassidy - 1/7/2009, 2:48 PM
For me the best thing about the games and the anime was Ryu vs Sagat..and how he gave him that big scar with a dragon punch.
ryanallen - 1/7/2009, 2:55 PM
Just looks like another typical martial arts movie, won't garner any more success than the dead or alive movie, which happened to suck by the way...
Shaman - 1/7/2009, 3:11 PM
Did it really??? Man i wanted to see that! Devon Aoki, nuff said :)) ...there we go... chubby :)) LOL
CrookedJaw - 1/7/2009, 4:33 PM
what's going on with the site? the comments are getting posted multiple times
thwhtGuardian - 1/7/2009, 4:48 PM
I'm with that guy who posted like six times, other than vega this movie looks so generic you could call it something else and no one would ever guess it was based on street fighter.
Talontd - 1/7/2009, 5:00 PM
Dunno,i'm still hopefull for this one. Besides some questionable wire work, i haven't seen anything that's a dealbreaker for me yet (however, a blonde M.Bison is really pushin it!)


You are correct sir! The Vega in VanDamme's movie was spot on!!!
Cali - 1/7/2009, 5:54 PM
My biggest problem with this movie is the fact that it doesn't look like it is going to stay true to the source material. What's the point of calling it "Street Fighter" or "Dragonball" if you're not even really attempting to keep it true to the original source....
It doesn't look like a bad movie, just another action flick I might watch for mindless entertainment at some point but might as well change the name to Lana Lang kicks butt. It just doesn't look like it's going to have that street fighter feel to it.
Unfortunately I agree with those that say Van Damme's version was much more true to the original story but it had more camp in it than Batman Forever.
saintc - 1/7/2009, 7:11 PM
The question is... Why Chun Li?
TheColonel - 1/7/2009, 7:15 PM
Vega is cool but I agree that Ryu and Ken are what sell this game. Its only Legend of Chun Li because so many freaky Japanese dress up as her every weekend.
MarkCassidy - 1/7/2009, 7:33 PM
yeah i really dont know why they decided to start with she the most popular character in Japan?..surely not more so than Ryu?

its probably so they could come up with ther own story instead of following the fairly rigid plot that the other characters are known for..bastards!
jordomac - 1/7/2009, 8:26 PM
just bothers me, the deliberate and blatant disregard for the actual story. The last street fighter did the same thing. Yes lets all use guns and have ken be a little wiener with short hair and, Balrog be a camara man, Chun li be a journalist, T Hawk be part of the UN along with Cammi and Guile whose now French, E Honda be Hawaiian and Sagat be a little Native American guy, Ryu was not terrible, Vega was awesome I didn't even mind that he wasn't blonde, because how many blonde spanish people are there? Zangief wasn't bad either, Dhalsim can be a scientist who works for Bison who is played by Raul Julia (RIP you were awesome Raul its a shame your last movie sucked) and lets have Bison's Psycho power replaced by magnet boots. I am bored with this post so I won't go anywhere with this coming movie since I'm sure others will hate on it enough for me.
Talontd - 1/7/2009, 8:30 PM
The director said in an interview i read that they were hoping for a series, and if that does happen Ken and Ryu will definitely be in it. So..... it if you wanna see Ken and Ryu!!!!!
Talontd - 1/7/2009, 8:34 PM

I read they had to replace his (M.Bison aka Raul Julia's) psycho powers because Raul was getting pretty frail by that point and wasn't able to do what was originally scripted.

...and Ken has always been a little wiener! ;-)
potatosacker71 - 1/7/2009, 9:39 PM
this looks like its going straight to dvd. garbage!
talonn2001 - 1/7/2009, 9:50 PM
don't shoot urself Shamen, that's y I'm here to correct u when needed.

The casting and story line sucked beyond belief for the first one, but I still find myself watching it when i see its on tv. I get y they casted the guy for Ryu because he was suposed to be from Japan but did anyone notice he didn't look like he was from japan in the movie? and how could they have Guile without the hair?
Niem8211 - 1/7/2009, 10:47 PM
DVD movie for sure.....
parascythe - 1/7/2009, 11:23 PM
i Hope zack Snyder can make a video game adaptation into film... but it seems all of he's project was not at first well known to others who's not into comic book which in turns to be great movies after his adaptation...

if snyder directed this, what do you think will happen?
shiverman20 - 1/8/2009, 4:39 AM
looks like ass
vega looks tacky and the fighting is less than spectacular...pfft, it looks so early 90s its painful!
WeaponX - 1/8/2009, 5:14 AM
I believe Chun Li is the actual central plot character in Street Fighter. She's after Bison because her father is missing when he went after Shadow Law. In the 90's OAV "Street Fighter II", she teams with Guile who also had a grudge with Bison. Ken and Ryu happened to fall into the sights of Bison because of their skill. Also, if you haven't see this OAV, do so, it's bad-ass. Best Street Fighter movie ever.

The same in the short anime series "Street Fighter V", her dad is involved with taking down Bison and she gets caught up in it for the sake of her father and Ken and Ryu tag along to protect her. Doing so they get the attention of Bison who focuses on them and their skill.

So in the jumbled collection of each character's story, Chun Li is usually the anchor that holds the main story line together. That's probably why it's a Chun Li movie and not Ken and Ryu's.
GUNSMITH - 1/8/2009, 7:43 AM
GUNSMITH - 1/8/2009, 7:46 AM
Shaman - 1/8/2009, 9:18 AM
Well gunsmith, the best "game" adaptation movie i find is Mortal Kombat. Actually, i think it's the only good game adaptation ever made. They had great actors, the best actor possible for Shang Tsung, they had all the best characters in it with their abilities plus a kick ass sound track. The only thing that sucked about that movie is the ending, giving us a tie-in for the sequel which blew the biggest chunks possible!!! The only thing good about the sequel was the soundtrack. I really can't think of a better game adaptation for the moment, maybe someone else has one? But i really have monumentaly high hopes for the upcoming CASTLEVANIA adaptation!!! I'm a huge fan!
Inohaku - 1/8/2009, 10:19 AM
Oh, I didn't know about Castlevania, cool!

This movie looks average, we'll see...
Hyson - 1/8/2009, 4:58 PM
When it comes down to it, movies are made for the mass. More mass brings in more money. The mass does not want to see a Japanese guy just walking around with just the purpose of getting stronger. Is Ryu a cool character? No doubt. I can't see him entertaining for an hour and a half or more doing his normal routine. I'm not sure why everyone has a Vega fetish. Maybe, I am the odd one since I am more fascinated with the off-beat characters... Dhalsim, Zangief, Sagat, E. Honda - though they may not be in the movie. The selection of Chun Li (the character, not the actress) is not so bad. If it were to become a series, it would make the most sense. The troubles with her father, Chun Li's employment at Interpol (believe that's who she works for), and backstory or the creation of Shadaloo. Very movie-able. Kreuk would not have been my choice. Could it be that fighting genre video games will for the most part fail because there are just too many options for fights? What I mean is that everyone has their own taste in characteras as seen in the comments and would want select fights. Of course, they wouldn't be able to fit them all. Alas, Street Fighter will continue to fail until the characters are played by well-trained actors or martial artists who are from the country of origin (or at least have the look of it). It is part of what makes them so interesting, I think, because it also has an effect on the fighting style they choose.
Shaman - 1/8/2009, 7:08 PM
What sells to the masses is "initiation". So yes the concept of Ryu and Ken's beginning would very much sell! they'd be students at this private school lost in the bamboos of Japan and their master would get killed by Akuma just as he killed his master and it would be on! Both of them would hunt down akuma to defeat him. And in Street fighter two, Bison wants to "suck" other people's "fighting spirits" and hosts a tournement ending with Ryu winning, dude am i the only one here with an ounce of logic??? RYU and KEN would sell 10 times as more as Chun-Li. I get your point though, the hole concept of the lone fighter walking the earth fighting every day to better his skills doesn't sell but there's more to Ryu's character than that!
Hyson - 1/8/2009, 8:57 PM
As far as I remember, Ken settles down in America and just pwns it up in martial arts tournaments. Ryu continues to wander the world to further his training. Nothing about tracking down Akuma. Maybe, I am wrong? It is sad that you only have an ounce of logic. Ryu and Ken would sell more to nerds without a doubt, yeah. Why sell to nerds only when you can sell to all teenage boys with Chun-Li? You cover their penchant for violence and lust for boobs. Are you sure that there is more to Ryu's character? I always thought that was the point of Ryu. The simplicity. Walk around, fight to train, train, walk, walk, train, fight, walk, etc. Plus, there is also lack of squid.
Juskool2000 - 1/9/2009, 2:09 AM
I agree with you Shaman, Mortal Kombat was the best game adaptation movie. The second one sucked storywise but the fight scenes and costumes were pretty good.
TylerDayspring - 1/9/2009, 2:40 AM
im predicting about 8 million the opening weekend. and sadly, i will be contributing to that :)

im just stoked for balrog
WeaponX - 1/9/2009, 8:09 AM
In Defense of having Ryu as a full feature story; Ryu's depth could be explored in his quest to find his limits. Like in the "Street Fighter Alpha" OAV, Ryu has reached a point with his training and fighting using Hado where it begins to threaten his very control of it. Resulting in the appearance of the Dark Hado within him that tries to pull at him and tempt him to go down that evil path, just as Akuma gave into the Dark Hado years before him and became a murderer.
So then it soon becomes a question of what price is one willing to pay to become the absolute greatest. In the OAV they also hinted at the possibility that Akuma could be Ryu's father. Which brings up another story arc, his family. Who was his mother? Why did she send him to be raised by his master? And who is his father, is it Akuma?
On the surface Ryu is simple. But if you dig deeper into the character you could do a pretty good story on him. For the boobs you could always toss in Chun Li as a co-star, maybe Rose, like in Alpha who acts as a sage guiding him to his inevitable confrontation with himself and Akuma. But like Shaman has mentioned, he could sell a lot of tickets.

I'd like to see a well done live action take on the elements used in "Street Fighter Alpha" OAV. Ryu's internal battle with the Hado and his inevitable battle with Akuma (hence why I keep bringing up the possible Akuma link). As well as explore his family. Just sprinkle chicks along the way for a boob quota as well as some series favorites like Ken, Guile, Sagat, Fei Long etc. and that could sell big time. Well, as big as martial art themed movies sell these days.

Just keep Uwe Boll away from it.
Shaman - 1/9/2009, 8:28 AM
Hyson, dude, there is more to Ryu than the stupid version you saw of him. The Street Fighter 2 OVA you saw had a really bad view of Ryu. The better one would be in Street Fighter Alpha like Weapon X mentionned but even there, his character wasn't explored as it should have. It was angled towards the kid being his brother that he never knew. It's as if japanese people don't even WANT to explore their own favorite character! They could have made a kick ass story about Ryu needing to train to avenge his master with the help of Ken. But no, instead they just focused on his quest to better himself which sucks. So don't come in here Hyson talking like you know what you're talking about when all you've seen is just the first OVA. That's called talking out of your ass! So my comment is true, you don't have an ounce of logic or knowledge for that matter.
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