Jeff Wadlow Hints At X-FORCE Lineup & Place In The X-MEN Cinematic Universe

Jeff Wadlow Hints At X-FORCE Lineup & Place In The X-MEN Cinematic Universe

A little more from the Kick-Ass 2 helmer on his planned X-Force adaptation here. Wadlow still isn't revealing too much about which character we'll see make up the team, but he does drop a pretty big hint.

By MarkCassidy - Aug 19, 2013 05:08 AM EST
Filed Under: X-Force
Source: Den Of Geek

Director Jeff Wadlow has been happy to chat about his planned X-Force movie while promoting Kick-Ass 2, but he's been pretty good at avoiding specifics. That continues in an interview with Den Of Geek - although when asked which team members we might possibly see, he does hint that the team will be made up of characters from the very first incarnation, and the Wolverine led Uncanny X-Force.

"All I can say is this: I bought X-Force #1 when I was a kid, I've read the recent run of Uncanny X-Force which I thought was fantastic, but other than that I just can't comment on the line-up or anything yet". Between this and some of the things he's said previously, I think it's a safe enough bet that we'll see classic team staples such as Cable, Domino and maybe Sunspot (since he'll be appearing in X-Men: Days Of Future Past) combined with some of the hard cases from Rick Remender's run -- but which ones?

Wadlow also comments on the movie's place Fox's X-universe. "Oooh, let's see, what can I say? Let me put it like this. It will seamlessly exist in the X-Men cinematic universe, but it's not a sequel." Interesting! What do you guys think? Sound off below.

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Skeletor - 8/19/2013, 5:42 AM
So, the exact same things we've always heard about the roster.
AmazingFantasy - 8/19/2013, 5:45 AM
yes please
PsyGuy - 8/19/2013, 5:47 AM
Psylocke pleeeeaaasssee!
capcyclopsftw - 8/19/2013, 5:53 AM
I'm surprised Ror didn't say CONFIRMED?!
MightyZeus - 8/19/2013, 5:55 AM
He should go with the Uncanny X force team. Just like how the Guardians of the Galaxy are using the main team from the 2008 run.
BizarroGrif - 8/19/2013, 5:58 AM
Sounds to me like the time travel aspect of DOFP might open up an opportunity for alternate realities which would allow X-Force to completely disregard anything that has come before it *ahem* Deadpool *ahem*

Could be a good idea, could be a massive cop out. Could just be an excuse to ram Wolverine into the lead role in yet another sub-franchise.
gambgel - 8/19/2013, 5:58 AM
Wanda no more
Scuzz - 8/19/2013, 5:59 AM
The reviews fir Kick Ass 2 don't give me high hopes for this.

Why does Vaughn have to be sooo goddamn unreliable. Now we get shitty Singer and this guy.
CherryBomb - 8/19/2013, 6:01 AM

Psylocke, Domino and Deadpool NEED to be in it.
Also, I'd love Boom Boom to be in the line-up too, I think she'd be great.
CherryBomb - 8/19/2013, 6:03 AM

ekrolo2 - 8/19/2013, 6:04 AM

Yea shitty Singer the guy who made 3 good X-Men movies, what a [frick]ing hack! BRING BACK RATNER THE GUY WHO MADE THE WORST X-MEN MOVIE!/sarcasm.
gambgel - 8/19/2013, 6:05 AM
and another new character.
CherryBomb - 8/19/2013, 6:06 AM

ManDeth - 8/19/2013, 6:10 AM
Jeff Wadlow just wrecked the hell out of Kick-Ass. He should be dropped from any film he's attached to at this point.

Unfortunately Hollywood doesn't work that way. As we've seen with Brett Rattner and Zak Penn.

Kick-Ass 2 is bombing so bad Kick-Ass 3 may be a straight to DVD cheapie with a different cast if its even made.

We need this guy the hell away from CBMs!

We really need a CBM/SCI-FI fan group that has a voice studios might listen to. As it is now we all have varied opinions in a mess of opinions that no one is going to sift through to read.

And when someone like Rattner or Wadlow takes a dump on fans, fans can take a dump back and let studios know they won't support any CBM theyre attached to.
Sullstar - 8/19/2013, 6:11 AM
From past comments, I think and hope it will be Cable, Deadpool, Domino, Colossus and Psylocke
Ruffus - 8/19/2013, 6:13 AM
I don't who else is in this as long as one of them is deadpool.
gambgel - 8/19/2013, 6:14 AM
Colossus appearing on X-Force would be awesome, since that would give hin more time to shine. Something that cant happen in the X-Men movies, with Wolverine stealing most screentime.
ManDeth - 8/19/2013, 6:25 AM
@ekrolo2 Singer didn't make 3 great X-films. He made 2 passable, average and somewhat mediocre Wolverine And The X-Men films.

You can look at how Whedon handled the characters in Avengers to see how Singer should've handled the X-Men. Instead they were Wolvie films co-starring the X-Men. And Singers X-films really didn't tell the mutant story very well.

It wasn't until 1st Class that the Mutant story was really told.

Then Singer takes over as director and his "X-Men" film is again a Wolverine film co starring the X-Men.

Before you claim Singer had to do that because of Wolverine's popularity, keep in mind Iron Man was nothing before 2008. And even with RDJs popularity as Iron Man, Whedon abandoned the initial "Iron Man and The Avengers" script and idea he and Marvel had been working on.

We've had 4 X-films and not one X-Character is more popular today than before the 1st film hit other than Wolverine. And that's because only Wolverine gets real story and development.

Even Green Arrow is now more popular in live action than every X-Man except Wolverine. What does that say?
CherryBomb - 8/19/2013, 6:25 AM

Jena Malon would make a pretty good Domino,
She's quite dark and edgy and is a total bad-ass.

kong - 8/19/2013, 6:29 AM
put Deadpool on the team!
Jackraow21 - 8/19/2013, 6:30 AM
Nothing really new here, but I think by repeatedly making this same statement re: which version of X-Force will appear he's definitely telling us it will be a mix of classic XF and UXF. So I'm predicting Cable, Domino and Deadpool plus Psylocke and probably Wolverine too. I doubt Fantomex (too much Grant Morrison weirdness to explain) but would be cool to see them somehow set up Archangel in this (i.e., have Angel become the Horseman of Death). Then they could use him in the sequel. Maybe one or two others like Sunspot or Warpath too.
JatevinM - 8/19/2013, 6:32 AM
Uma Thurman is my Domino
MightyZeus - 8/19/2013, 6:36 AM
Idris Elba for Fantomex!!!
idris elba photo:  Idris_Elba_002.jpg
Fantomex photo: Fantomex Fantomex.jpg
gambgel - 8/19/2013, 6:39 AM
great choice, Cherrybomb! never thought of her as Domino, but with her being on Hunger Games, she will become a bit more known after the sequel, so... its a good suggestion.
19001560 - 8/19/2013, 6:40 AM
@grif Who give a [frick] about you?
sameoldthing - 8/19/2013, 6:40 AM
He bought the first X-Force comic?
The one with shitty Rob Liefeld "artwork"?
Why pay money for that garbage..only good for wiping asses.

Jackraow21 - 8/19/2013, 6:57 AM
Ooh, I actually like the idea of Idris Elba as Fantomex quite a lot @raccoonwithrockets. Would add some diversity to the line-up and could definitely be cool, especially if they decide to make this a franchise without Wolverine that can stand on its own.

Cable = Gerard Butler
Deadpool = Ryan Reynolds
Domino = Olivia Wilde
Fantomex = Idris Elba
Psylocke = Maggie Q

That's a pretty sick cast and line-up right there. Would likely do great even without Hugh Jackman propping it up.

If Jackman is in this, though, I don't see Fantomex making the cut. And they'd likely skew older for Cable in that case. Someone like Stephen Lang (61).
actionmoviefanatix - 8/19/2013, 6:57 AM
I can get behind a mixture of rosters but Cable needs to be the leader and Wolverine shouldn't be there at all. I love Wolverine but they should really be looking to make new stars at this point. I would also leave Deadpool off the team. He's cool and all but he's really more of a bad guy traditionally. I guess I am more partial to the old roster but here is who I would put on the team...

Cable, Domino, Warpath, Sunspot, Colossus, Psylocke

I'd like to see more of the classic members of the team but most don't have "name value". Maybe it'd be cool to see Deadpool in the first X-Force movie then have him paid more by someone else so he leaves. Then, since they've sorta hinted at it, have a New Mutants movie after which some of the New Mutants end up on X-Force for a sequel. That is, if they ever make it that far.
Jackraow21 - 8/19/2013, 7:10 AM
@Doopie Yeah, the only problem is his age. He's 61 so, if you assume they want to make X-Force a new franchise, he'd be approaching 70 by the time they got to the third one. I think it all depends on what they want out of Cable and XF. If they want to use it as another Wolverine vehicle where he co-stars with Cable, then I think someone like Lang (i.e., an older Cable) works fine. However, if they are trying to establish something that can stand independent of Jackman's Wolverine and they want Cable to be a franchise star (like Hugh) then they need to skew younger. Someone like Gerard Butler or, at oldest, Ray Stevenson.

That's how I see it anyway.
TheWolverine08 - 8/19/2013, 7:21 AM
Excited for this. Hope they use Rick Remender's line up, and base the movie off of one of his storylines.
CherryBomb - 8/19/2013, 7:24 AM
Stephen Lang is great, but to be realistic, he's 61. By the time this gets off the ground he'll be a couple of years older and probably couldn't commit to a strenuous action franchise.

So yeah, Gerard Butler would be my ideal choice too.
He has the longevity factor and can still pull off some great action scenes.

CherryBomb - 8/19/2013, 7:25 AM

Ha! didn't see @Jackarow's comment, but yeah, I agree!
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