SDCC '13: Jeff Wadlow Talks 'X-FORCE', Says He's 20 Pgs Into First Draft

SDCC '13: Jeff Wadlow Talks 'X-FORCE', Says He's 20 Pgs Into First Draft

Jeff Wadlow talks X-Force ahead of today's SDCC panel for 20th Century Fox. Says he's a fan of classic X-Force tales and the more current Uncanny X-Force run. Who should be included on the team's roster?

By MarkJulian - Jul 20, 2013 12:07 PM EST
Filed Under: X-Force
Source: CinemaBlend

"Kick-Ass 2 director Jeff Wadlow is currently writing the script for an "X-Force" adaptation and confirms that he hopes to direct the film when he finishes the screenplay. Said Wadlow, “I’m pretty deep into it,” Wadlow told me during an exclusive interview. “I have the whole story completely worked out. I’m about 20 pages into my draft. If I wasn’t promoting Kick-Ass, I would probably have a draft [already], but Kick-Ass is going to slow me down just a little.”

Wadlow refused to reveal who would be included on the team's roster (at times, both Wolverine, Cyclops, Cable and others have led the squad) but did tease, "Here’s the thing, I love the current run of Uncanny X-Force. I love the classic run. Part of my take was addressing this idea that X-Force can be many different things, and that’s what got the studio excited. I think the fans will be excited, too.”

Would you want to see the old Rob Liefeld era team, the more recent Wolverine led squad or a mixture of both?

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DeadPoolLax - 7/20/2013, 12:38 PM
Cable!!! and Deadpool!! and Domino!!! and Warpath!!!! and Shatterstar!!!!

original team with Deadpool as the villain
Brokensteel1228 - 7/20/2013, 12:40 PM
Cable, Deadpool, Wolverine, Domino, and Warpath
Saga - 7/20/2013, 12:40 PM
Psylocke pleasee
TelaVizion - 7/20/2013, 12:41 PM
It won't be the original team or Wolvie's team.... It's clearly gonna be mixed from what he said.
DudeGuy - 7/20/2013, 12:47 PM
20 pages? That's all? It's only a first draft throw all your ideas on that shit and clean it up on the second and third draft
HULK2099 - 7/20/2013, 12:48 PM
Deadpool please
Galaxy - 7/20/2013, 12:48 PM
As long as Deadpool and Wolverine are in it and its rated R, then im in
RyGoR - 7/20/2013, 12:49 PM
This movie is really happening...holy crap that's purty cool!! I got high hopes for this movie :)
BlackPhillip - 7/20/2013, 12:51 PM
It should be Cable, Deadpool, Nightcrawler, Domino, Psylocke, and...Wolverine!
LucasMend - 7/20/2013, 12:51 PM
Cable, Deadpool, Warpath, Psylocke and Domino! :D
Bread - 7/20/2013, 12:51 PM
Deadpool better be in this movie. That character deserves so much more attention.
Jackraow21 - 7/20/2013, 12:52 PM
Go with Brokensteel1228's roster, plus Psylocke.
RJ4651 - 7/20/2013, 12:52 PM
I loved the Liefeld team, but I'm betting they'll do a mixture of both. As long as cable is in it with deadpool and domino and psylocke it should kick some ass! Can't wait for this!
CaptainAmerica31 - 7/20/2013, 12:55 PM
I don't know what X force is but it sounds cool. And the wolverine is climbing up on RT (Knock on wood)
malekithdude - 7/20/2013, 12:55 PM
Deadpool, Domino, Cable, Psylocke are the main ones I'd like to see, and since Nightcrawler seems to have been criminally under-used in X-Men, he should be in too.
TelaVizion - 7/20/2013, 12:56 PM
Yall keep asking for Warpath, but look at who is currently playing him. You don't want him on X-Force
WeaponX93 - 7/20/2013, 12:56 PM
Cable and/or Bishop
Possibly Wolverine
Minato - 7/20/2013, 12:57 PM
Cable, Domino, Fantomex, Psyloke, Deadpool
TMW1987ProudProWrestlingFan - 7/20/2013, 12:58 PM
Anything that gives us Deadpool, Cable & a Psylocke that looks like her look from the comics & not that thing in X3 The Last Stand, I'm in.

I hate I have to rely on Fox to do something good!

This all sounds promising in theory, but it's all about the final execution.
TheJester187 - 7/20/2013, 12:58 PM
As long as cable and domino are in it and warpath
gambgel - 7/20/2013, 12:58 PM
NO WOLVERINE please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

enough is enough.

Bring Cable, Deadpool, Domino, Warpath, Sunspot, Psylocke... ANY of them except Logan.
ATrueHero1987 - 7/20/2013, 12:59 PM
@Nomis I know you're a happy man right now. :P
Gamester76 - 7/20/2013, 1:00 PM
I don't give a flying [frick] who's leading the team, so long as Deadpool is in it! Don't care if he's hero, villain, or even a waitress at the [frick]ing diner (in female-Deadpool outfit, I can TOTALLY picture him doing that).

It would be nice, however, to see Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in this. Make him the only person to appear in ALL X-Men movies.
xinstituto - 7/20/2013, 1:01 PM
TelaVizion.. I agree probably it will be the ones w/ not much atention, but are cameos in DOFP like Bishop, Blink, Warpath and Sunspot.. even Quicksilver may joy this "X-Force"
TheAbomination - 7/20/2013, 1:01 PM
Deadpool or get the fvck out.
wookiefit - 7/20/2013, 1:02 PM
Sounds like he's allready done the pitch and treatment where he throws all the ideas and characters in nand get a ruff idea of how movie will go. 20 pages is about 1/4 of the way thru it for dialogue. Once he's done with the 1st draft the studio and producers will change things up. Swap out characters, ask to add something, kill a big scene or add one. 2nd draft and then they'll start looking at a budget and say yes or no to ideas.

I have a feeling after what Hugh said about being excited again to be doing Logan, that it will most likely be his team (with roster changes) and he'll have the Jean Grey School with the New Mutants in it. This series will pick up the mantel for being X-men in the present day with 1st Class being in the past.

I wouldn't expect Deadpool. It sounds like Ryan is done with the superhero comic book movies.
AgentRuppert - 7/20/2013, 1:03 PM
Yes, we all want Deadpool. Though I hate the gray suit, hopefully they go with the classic red. Wolvie needs his mask. They need to bring Joe Kelly for DP bits on the script. Ray Liotta for Cable! He has the Rob Liefeld lips!
PeterDarker - 7/20/2013, 1:10 PM
Mark my words: This will indeed blow.
RancidBane - 7/20/2013, 1:10 PM
Cable, deadpool, mentored by cyclops please
ThatOneDude - 7/20/2013, 1:11 PM
Cable and Deadpool are musts.

Throw Wolvie in.

Also make sure Psylocke is in it as well (treat her with respect this time!)

It'd be interested to see Jackman act as an R-rated Wolverine.
superotherside - 7/20/2013, 1:18 PM
Someone cares about Fox-men? That's a new one...

TheWolverine08 - 7/20/2013, 1:21 PM
Use Rick Remender's X Force roster.
gambgel - 7/20/2013, 1:21 PM
a Cyclops cameo would be prety cool, to connect X-Force with main team.

A scene like... Cyclops talking to the new mutants, or just to Cable about them and giving cable an order or advice. you know, to show Cyclops acting as the leader finally!
wookiefit - 7/20/2013, 1:22 PM
It will never be R-rated. They want the money. And before anyone says Blade or Punisher were R-rated, it was because Blade was a charater no one really knew and all 3 Punisher films are considered flops by movie studio standards.
wookiefit - 7/20/2013, 1:23 PM
I really have to spell check before I hit "Post Comment".
wookiefit - 7/20/2013, 1:28 PM
@superotherside - It's not Fox-men we care about, it's X-men. That's why we get so heated about the movies and characters. I think Singer is a great director, just don't let him write anything or have EP duties where he can butcher the characters and change things to much.

It's okay to change the movies from the comics within a degree. To much and the fans get ticked off. Changing the costumes in X-Men was okay. Making 1st Class different characters makes some sense because of the movie time lines. Having Frost in 1st Class and Origins was a WTF moment. Changing Deadpool was stupid.
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